Written by Mathew Naismith
The following is another attempt of a poem
by me, this poem basically tells of why peace is so hard to obtain and keep.
This poem was actually inspired by a Google community based primarily on
The antiquity of peace
as ancient as it is
is still within us all
being so hard to keep
in these days
you wonder
of it's presence
it's still
it's quiet
it's harmonious
it's tranquil
we wonder
is it still their
as it is
and we still wonder
of it's presence
as it should be
as peace is
this is
as it is
and we still wonder
the presence of peace
is as it should be
anything else
is not peace
~Mathew G~
Peace: Peace seems to represent everything that
motionlessness or timelessness represents, it's still within it's
motionlessness, it's quiet within it's motionlessness, it's harmonious within
it's motionlessness and it's tranquil within it's motionlessness. So is peace based
on this motionlessness instead of perceived love?
Love is full of motions because of the
emotions behind love, you can't experience love without emotion, try expressing
love without causing motion, it's just not going to occur because love is based
on emotions which are primarily of motion. Now try expressing a true sense of
peace, it's absolutely motionless because this is what peace is primarily based
on. Now try finding this peace within a chaotic highly motional dimension,
peace seems to not exist anymore because it's motionless, there is so much
motion out there that this motionlessness is overwhelmed by excessive extreme
Because we are so desperate to override
this highly motional chaos, we will use anything that seems to quell all this
motion that is overwhelming peace. We are at present using love, which is
highly motional, to quell another highly motional state of existence, basically
fighting fire with fire. Fighting fire with fire can be very volatile,
especially when the wind turns. What actually occurs when you fight fire with
fire? Destruction to save even worse destruction, well, hopefully. Sometimes
this is the only way to fight fire but in the end it's the quietness of the
fire that actually quells the fire, not fire itself.
does this mean we shouldn't use love even in conjunction with peace?
Not at all, it's not the use of love that
is giving us problems, it's the way we are using love that is the problem even
when used in conjunction with peace.
Creates Love: We first think that peace is created
from love when it's the other way around. A good internet friend of mine
expressed that inner peace has to be established before a true sense of love
can be expressed. It's true, try expressing love when you have no inner peace
to start with, any love expressed in this way, can't be possibly true, most
often it's proved to be so in the end. Basically, this kind of love is euphoric
as it's based on the finite, it's transitory especially when pressed or tested.
Now what about using love in conjunction
with peace, even after we have established that it's peace that brings forth
love, not the other way around.
Let's firstly look at love and peace, love
represents motion, peace represents motionlessness. Considering that all motion
is time based, love is of time which means peace is of timelessness as it's of
motionlessness. This also means love is of three dimensional aspects while
peace is of anything but a three dimensional aspect. We basically have a
representation of yin and yang, love and peace.
Love = motion + time + three dimensional + finite
+ yin
Peace = motionlessness + timelessness +
non-third dimensional + infinite + yang
Yes, they represent opposite values to each
other, however, they are only opposing opposites when we use them in an
imbalanced way. Used in a balanced way, one becomes the other, for this to
occur though, we must realise it's peace that creates love, not the other way
around. It's obvious many of us are nowhere near realising this, pushing for
peace in this way, isn't going to bring peace, this is evident in our present
what if we used love and peace in a balanced way, will this automatically bring
peace and love to the world?
Family: No, not when we try to bring love back into
a situation that is not peaceful in the first place. Try perceiving the human
consciousness (race) as a family unit, this is your family with the
surname(last name) of human. Now this family unit is obvious within it's
discord, basically, a non-peaceful family unit, as of our own selves that are
not at peace. Can we instil love before this family unit is at peace? The
answer is no, now consider this, human consciousness is nowhere near at peace
but we are still trying to instil love!!
Try instilling love within a family that is
in discord, the collective human consciousness as a whole is no different.
Certain family members will rebel against such brash actions and justifiably so
as is the same with certain members of the human race. Using love and peace in
conjunction, doesn't mean we use them at the exact same time either, it means
using them in balance overall. We must remember here, it's peace that
automatically brings the love back into a family unit, used in unison by the
family itself, love and peace within the family becomes infinite.
we need to do is focus on peace, and love is sure to follow.......Mathew G