Showing posts with label scourge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scourge. Show all posts

Thursday, 21 March 2019

The Scourge of Honesty

What is ugly to the sufferer,
is often beauty to the learner

Written by Mathew Naismith

As it has come about once again in human history, honesty is a scourge upon humanity, a humanity conditioned to dishonesty especially self-dishonesty. Within such a reality, a creation of fear looms, a fear of actually becoming aware of our own preconditioned dishonest disposition. We are indeed born into this......Mathew G

It is a real pleasure observing more and more people becoming aware, in other words instead of suffering from human history, many have learnt to learn from human history. It is very important at this stage in human history to know the difference, the difference between learning from history to suffering from history. Of course to do this, one must not ignore, for one's own pleasure or gratification, what history has to teach us. Yes, live within the present for what it is, not what we desire it to be. The present is simply saying how we are still suffering from human history, for we are still suffering from the past. If to stay positive is of the absence of negatives, we are still suffering from human history in that we are still reflective of dishonesty. Ignore the negatives to be and stay positive when the collective consciousness is still suffering from it's past. Simply, in all honesty, the past is still well and truly within the present, especially if we are still reflective of dishonesty to simply fulfil our present desires and pleasures.

Yes, many people are living within the present these days, a present in ignorance to human history, thus creating a reality even more based on dishonesty. When you think of the past or the future, this is still within the present, in all honesty, only the present exists. Living within the present is not in the absence of a future or past, it is not of the present separate from a past or future but a culmination of past and future being of the present, not separate to the present!!

To people like me, it is so obvious why we are still suffering from our history (past), we simply still have not learnt to honestly face human history for what it is and what it was. "It's in the past so ignore it", even though we are still so obviously suffering from the past!!

We desire to separate the present from the past and future so we can live within the present only, a present of self-gratification and desires. This is while we dishonestly ignore that we are still suffering from our past!! In doing so, we are unknowingly expressing a past human history over and over again. In all honesty, this is due to us not learning from our history as we ignore the past to be within the present separate to a past and future!!

In all honesty, is the past and future separate to the present, not of the present? This is while we are still too obviously suffering from the past human history, not learning from past human history!! Have we truly become this dishonest thus expressive of past human history?  So indeed live within the present separate from a past and future while ignoring that we still haven't learnt from human history, but are still suffering from human history through simply being this dishonest with ourselves. This is while honesty, especially self-honesty, is a scourge upon a reality conditioned to dishonesty!!

I have a very good internet friend, Mike Hopkins, who I often interact with. We don't always agree with each others views so we often simply agree to disagree without forcing our own views in each other. However, our views on the present world in relation to human history is often the same, this includes past lives lived (reincarnation). I recently wrote the following to Mike.                     

This is funny because I was a priest of high stature torturing people to death, you could imagine how this would have floored me when I recalled this life. By recalling this life I know exactly what I am dealing with in this life, it is the same exact mentality with slightly different tactics used. I also recalled a time in the 4th dynasty Egypt, where I was a healer but a healer who didn't put the high ranking officials before the commoners. I also wanted to free the slaves but if this couldn't be accomplished, I wanted the slaves to be treated a lot better than they were being treated.

In relation to my time in Egypt and medieval Europe, the whole of human existence was built upon plain simple dishonesty especially self-dishonesty. Look at how most people today react towards honesty, it is as if you're a leper or worse. I couldn't stay a member of youme as they don't just ignore abuse, they openly endorsed it, especially on our humanity group. I then told them a few home truths knowing exactly how they would react. They reacted exactly how people of dishonesty would react which was simple plain conformation for me.

Is being put up against a wall and shot or being tortured to death a deterrent for me? It is nothing to what I have already experienced. I also know this life is but a grain of sand upon a beach considering my whole existence so go for it boys. I am one person who doesn't suffer from my experiences but have instead learnt from my experiences.

Mike is like me, you tell it how it is, not how other people desire to hear it to gain popularity. At no point is honesty popular as it is often scorned as being negative, but you never know what will occur once we learn from human history!! Mike often reflects his own honesty through his poems as below.