Showing posts with label philosophies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label philosophies. Show all posts

Monday, 4 September 2017

Infinite and Finite Ideologies /Philosophies

Written by Mathew Naismith

Before considering following an ideology and or philosophy consider this, which one's are limiting and which one aren't. A good example of this is the ego limiting or liberating  physically and through it's ideologies and /or philosophies. Is one set of ideologies and /or philosophies stifling/limiting to all other ideologies and /or philosophies within an ideology/philosophy?

Can an ideology/philosophy be infinite in nature if it has limits within it's ideologies and philosophies? The answer of course is no as all limitations are of the finite and not of the infinite, infinite simply refers to which that is limitless where's finite refers to which that is limited. Do we want to be governed by what is finite or infinite in nature? Considering that human consciousness is limited and that divine consciousness is limitless, we need to make a choice which one we want or even need to be governed by.

Is it wise to be governed entirely by an ideology/philosophy that is infinite in nature while existing in an existence that is governed by finite consciousness?

Infinite consciousness simply means there are no limitations within the expressions of this consciousness; this consciousness therefore is able to be expressed in a finite existence. However, finite consciousness is unable to be expressed within an infinite consciousness because of it's limitations. You simply can't limit yourself to human perspectives within divine consciousness because divine consciousness is divine because it's unlimited (infinite) nature.

I should say when I talk about a divine consciousness, I am talking about a consciousness that is unlimited and infinite in nature, in actuality, divine consciousness is able to create anything and everything because it's not limited.

The following are my replies to other people on a forum, life can be limiting or limitless, this is our choice.


I don't faze you do I I Spirit 3, I respect this; you simply just go with the flow within the present, in my mind quite commendable.

Yes, I suppose so, is love and light a creation from it's opposite making the opposite just as worthy as love and light or visa-versa.  I suppose motion works like this, action reaction, push and pull, cause and effect. I was speaking with a Malaysian bloke for some time on and off, he often mentioned the natural flow of the  push and pull effect of motion, my western mind had a hard time comprehending where he was coming from at times but in all it made sense to me.  He basically said all we need to do is get off the treadmill for all motion creates delusions to one extent or another. 

I simply concur, everything is of and comes from spirit/consciousness.

You know how I bag/acknowledge the ways of a black and white mentality, I too express this because how is the ego suppose to become aware if it's not put in a way that the ego can comprehend and understand?  Motion is often of black and white for instance, light and dark dominating each other, however, to get off the treadmill one has to learn the ways of the black and white mentality of the ego, the paradox is, the ego needs a black and white comprehension to do this, to start with, but know when to let go of this black and white mentality as well.

It's indeed all natural but I can see that it might not seem that way as well.


Do we need to plan therefore control?  I think the ego needs to plan where our divine self doesn't, what is there to plan when you are everything and are aware of everything?

In my mind, we need to be caring thoughtful of the ego without being controlling, I often think of the ego as my child that needs my loving attention to become aware and adult in it's motions, otherwise it's going to be and act in a self-cantered way like a spoilt brat. I think our present reality shows this.

You don't have to be controlling towards your child, just simply guiding the child through simple awareness. Guiding isn't controlling, it's leading by example, going with the flow of awareness rather than going against the flow of awareness. Control is set to certain specifics of awareness, it's only of the awareness of what can be controlled by the ego, all else is usually discarded or ignored.

The thing with love and light is it's apart of the process that was created by the process itself, the process of the ego being in control. Think of it as a treadmill, the control of the treadmill keeps us in motion but when we get off the treadmill; are we still controlled by the treadmill? We simply got off the process of control. Getting off from one life process creating another life process is the same as getting off from the control of the treadmill; we simply stopped the ego controlling us thus creating yet another process and on it goes.

I think treating the process of love and light as a be and end all is a huge mistake as it's still apart of the process of control. I have spoken to a number of Eastern minded people on this, they all say all we need to do is release ourselves from this control, from this process, to be our whole self. Let's be honest, love and light is still about taking control rather than releasing it. I think the Western mind has a huge problem in comprehending this; it's probably why so many Western minded people are upset with me in what I write, I'm simply seen as a threat to the process of control. 

My stepdaughter Karla has won three world titles in a row now; it's a world record in women's IPSC shooting. We guided Karla rather than controlled Karla.       

Friday, 12 February 2016

Perceiving Beyond All Our Fixations

Written by Mathew Naismith

To evolve, everything has to move on, at times this also means the demise of an animal, like the dinosaurs, or the way we physically interact in life like the way we shop or travel. We no longer use a horse a cart like we used to for a very good reason. Trust me, when the horse and cart were being phased out, certain people kept on trying to use the horse and cart over and above motorised vehicles when it was no longer viable or sustainable to do so.

The magic word here is viable because when something obviously becomes unviable,  it becomes redundant and non-progressive towards evolving and if we have too much of an attachment to such practices, stagnation sets in and then most often a reversal of our situation occurs. 

Before I go on, I think we need to look at the definition of fixation to get a better understanding of how our own fixation most often hinders us from evolving.        

- An abnormal state in which development has stopped prematurely

- An unhealthy and compulsive preoccupation with something or someone

- The activity of fastening something firmly in position

To move on just isn't to do with the way we physically conduct ourselves in life, it's also includes to mentally and spiritually evolve from our present situation. This at times also means letting go of our present fixations to what ever ideology, religion, philosophy, path, or what ever we have become fixated to. Have many of us actually taken notice of how nature evolves?  Nature doesn't fixate itself to anything and try to hold onto it no matter what, unless it's still viable and sustainable within the present environment. Everything of nature either adapts to the present environment or becomes redundant to the present environment thus dies out.

We however still today have crocodiles and alligators that have not yet evolved mainly because they are still viable and sustainable to their present environment. This also means that not all our ideologies, religions, philosophies or  paths we are presently following, are unviable and unsustainable.

How do we know when to move on to evolve or not?  Like the alligator and the crocodile, are our fixations still viable to our present environment?

Lets look at our present environment, it's quite noticeably chaotic and destructive, would not anything we have presently fixated ourselves to, conductive and viable to this present environment? In actuality, human history is full of chaos and destruction, this has created our present fixations, in other words, our present fixations were created from and due to this chaos and destruction, isn't it time to let all these fixation go? It would obviously seem not, like the dinosaur, anything trying to hang on till the bitter end, will perish in the end anyway if it no longer fits within the present environment.

I've recently been writing about perceiving beyond our present ideologies and philosophies, this hasn't gone down to well with a lot of people, it wasn't well received at all. A particular group of people stood out in particular, to my amazement, the ideology/philosophy they follow, obviously religiously, was the be and end all, it was better than Christianity and Islam for various reasons to start with but again in whose perception?  Just because an ideology/philosophy is the be and end all for us, this shouldn't mean it the same for everybody else but it would seem it is according to certain groups of people.

I had five different people, from the same belief system, state that their ideologies/philosophies wasn't a religion or an ideology for starters, I of course proved otherwise, only one of these people could see my view however, that's not a good percentage. Being this fixated to an ideology/philosophy isn't healthy, in actually, you can see how such ideologies/philosophies have been created by a reality of chaos and destruction. To create chaos and destruction, you need a consciousness that won't evolve, this means such consciousness won't become aware and wise beyond it's present environment, in this case chaos and destruction. It is obvious fixation are the cause of this chaos and destruction in the first place, this will of course create ideologies and philosophies that fit within this environment!!

We don't realise we no longer need these ideologies and philosophies that were created from such reality, we can move on from this and evolve, OR, yes, we can also stagnate and eventually deteriorate, one way takes wisdom to accomplish, the other a pure absence of wisdom!! 

In a true sense , we never really needed ideologies and philosophies in the first place, all what ideologies and philosophies represent is a desire, a desire to fixate ourselves to something rather than to nothing. As I have always stated in my writing, there is a big difference between living for a need and living for  a desire, one will create the reality we are presently experiencing, the other a reality few of us can imagine.  

Monday, 8 February 2016

Ideologies and Philosophies and Beyond

Written by Mathew Naismith

I was recently asked what is my point I'm trying to make when making reverence to perceiving beyond present day ideologies and philosophies. My point certainly isn't that ideologies and philosophies should have no further part in our lives, so what is my point? I think the following should explain this in some way to some extent, I gave this in reply to someone asking me what is my point.

My point is perceiving beyond these obvious limited ideologies/philosophies, especially when people of one ideology/philosophy think their ideologies/philosophies are in anyway somehow above other people's ideologies/philosophies.

In one sense Buddhism is, but in another sense so is Hinduism and Christianity but only to a person who looks beyond these belief systems and isms.

I will explain this further using the sciences as an example.

General science is limited to logics, if it doesn't make logical sense or can be logically proven at a particular point in time, it can't exist. Logics in this case is used as an ideology in a sense that logics is fixated to one point of reasoning, any other reasoning process other than logical is disregarded. The problem with this kind of reasoning or perception is that it is limited to logics, in this case logics within general science has become a doctrine, a belief that if it isn't logically proven, it can't exist.

Like with religions/ideologies, there are different sciences and philosophies that use  different reasoning processes, metaphysics is one and quantum physics is another.  These science techniques perceive beyond the normal practice of general science, does it make these science techniques more superior than general sciences? At first we would say most definitely yes, however, this isn't the case. For example, people into Buddhism or Christianity seem to perceive that their religion/philosophies are superior in some way but the question is to whom?

I recently received the following reply from a good internet friend of mine. 

In discussion once, I mentioned that I see the Creator as a single source; I did, however, acknowledge that much is perspective, illustrating by saying "what appears to be a star from a distance, can become a galaxy on closer inspection.

This is a prime example of someone perceiving beyond a fixated perception that the creator is of a single source, even though the perception at that point in time tells us that the creator is of a single source.

In this case you could perceive that a philosophy, not influenced by ideological concepts, is being used here as a true sense of philosophy never fixates itself to a particular concept or idea. I know this person perceives beyond the thinking mind and uses the inner mind, in other words this person uses a mind not influenced by the five senses. This person still uses the mind influenced by the five sense, but, they obviously, to me, also use what I call the inner mind.  We of course all use the mind influenced by the five senses and logics at times in one way or another. 

If anyone is interested, this person also has their own Google community titled World Peace. 

To whom is a particular ideology/philosophy more superior or more of the absolute truth than other ideologies and philosophies?

If I met Buddha, for example, and he started telling me how he's perceptions are the be and end all, they are supreme to all other perceptions, I would just simply laugh at him for the simple reason no ones perception is supreme over and above another.  For example, are the sciences or Hinduism the answer to all of what is? The answer to this is simply no, consciousness itself is infinite, this means it's forever changing and is  endless within it's possibilities and creations. This also means consciousness isn't fixated to one perceptions or group of perceptions, it's basically boundless and unlimited within it's perceptions.

Lets say my perceptions were actually the be and end all, they were supreme over all other perceptions, in this case I would be able to become aware of the worthiness of all other perceptions, as within the present, each perception has it's place within consciousness as a whole.

OK,  lets put it another way, if I was a devout Christian, would it be wise for me to go into an environment destructive towards such perceptions? Within that present moment, Christianity is more harmful to me, it basically has no value in such an environment, however, if I was to perceive and adjust to my present environment, my experiences would be a lot different. 

What would happen to Buddha and Jesus, for example,  if they returned? They wouldn't last long even though their perceptions go way beyond normal human perceptions. This means their perceptions have no substance or creed within such a reality, there perceptions are seemingly worthless even though their perceptions are more aware and wise.

It matters not how aware or supreme a perception is, either it be an  ideology, philosophy or science, if such perceptions don't belong within a certain reality, they are meaningless. Indeed, a lot of what I write about is meaningless within this reality, it just doesn't fit within the main stream of things, so why do people like me still express themselves? 

Simple, if I wasn't supposed to be able to perceive the way I do, I wouldn't be able to. No matter how you perceive,  it's worthy, maybe not too worthy within the reality we are presently experiencing but it's still worthy no matter what perception you express and follow. This means what ever ideology, philosophy or science you perceive through, it's still worthy no matter what environment you are in, however, just because the ideology, philosophy or science you perceive through is your be and end all, doesn't mean it's everybody else's!!  

The question is now, have people like me adjusted to our present environment?  Absolutely, but not at the total expense of our own perceptions, its wise to adjust to the conditions of our environment for only in this can we still express our own perceptions to some degree.

The controlling ego doesn't like to adjust or compromise for within this, it loses control, it's this simple!!