Thursday, 24 May 2018

Nothing is Singularly Personal

Written by Mathew Naismith

Every thought therefore every action of ours is determined by the environment we are in, this includes our deepest personal thoughts. To someone like me, this is comforting, to others who think they personally own their own thoughts, this couldn't be any more discomforting.

Try having thoughts void of the influence of known and unknown environments, it's impossible to have a thought process, personal or not, without an environmental influence.

Environments are simply a variation of various and numerous influences; there is nothing personal about environments, even environments created by an individual or individual groups. The reason for this is their own created environments were influenced by other environments to start with, for example, the Nazi party was created through other environmental influences of the time. The universe as a whole was created from other environmental influences of the time, everything, including our personal thoughts, were created by other environmental influences that were created by other environmental influences themselves.

Nothing can exist without the influence of another, cut out the yin in favour of the yang, what do you have? This is the same with awareness and unawareness. What determines awareness void of the awareness of unawareness? To be truly aware takes a huge amount of awareness of unawareness; a true state of awareness is never without the existence of unawareness. Being unaware is a huge part of truly being aware.......

In recent times, my dreams are telling me I have reached my limitations; this simply means that my personal experiences are limited to my present environment. Do I have a problem with this? Well, yes, I wished to assist more, this of course would entail me to experience more, to become more aware. In one of my dreams I wanted to observe more of the environment so I floated up higher to become more observant, I was stopped by a solid white obstruction covering the sky.

Am I personally limiting myself or am I limited by my present environment? One of the environments is being human to start with; it is obvious I am being limited by the present environment but for a very good reason.

Being consciously limited by a 3rd dimensional environment is but one form of influence. Environmental influences upon us are not just limited to 3rd dimensional environments; however being unaware of this has no bearing of the effects of non-3rd dimensional influences upon us. My whole life has been determined by other forms not of a 3rd dimensional aspect, my personal life is not my own as of anyone's.

There are of course many people who are far less consciously limited, their environment is less restricted. For example, some people can astral travel at will experiencing different worlds and dimensions, other people are able to enter into another reality while in trauma, a trauma brought about by their present existence. On the other hand, there are people like me who are consciously limited to fit within the present environment. Does it worry me being this consciously limited? Only to an ego in control would this be worrying, also, being unaware has a lot to do with being truly aware.

From an early age I was restricted to how I became aware, I was strongly influenced not to read certain human knowledge based literature. Because my life was never my own personally, as of anyone's, I was influenced not to restrict/limit my human consciousness to certain human aspects. My mind had to be free in thinking while at the same time being consciously limited to certain other human aspects.

I am aware that at no time have I existed for myself. I simply have no problem in thinking my life was never my own.......

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