Written by Mathew Naismith
There are some really interesting topics and conversations
on http://www.spiritualladies.com/at the moment; one of them is about how forgiving gives us happiness. This discussion
has led us to wrong and rights, black and white and how these opposing
polarities assist us in being unforgiving and that this reality we have created
is of this perception of black and white. We are
in turn dominated by opposing polarities of black and white however we don’t
have to be.
Also on this site are various other topics and images depicting
love and enlightenment, most of these images are, funny enough, drawn in technicolour.
This to me obviously has a purpose to
why we portray love and enlightenment in technicolour images and perceptions;
it’s to give us a message that life doesn’t have to be of a perception of black
and white especially of black and white dominance.
We are conditioned from birth to perceive in black and
white, what is bad as opposed to good, what is wrong as opposed to right and so
on, this of course denotes logical thinking and a perception that there can’t
be existence without a black and white dominance. This I believe is why we can’t perceive past what
we consciously perceive, we just can’t perceive past a perception of black and
white. Anything beyond this point of conscious understanding can’t possibly exist;
to me it makes absolute sense to why some people can’t perceive anything beyond
this kind of black and white conscious understanding. We just don’t perceive in black and white or
technicolour by chance, it’s an indication of how we perceive the world as
either as opposing polarities or adjoining convergences.
The hippy era was of adjoining convergences while a perception
of black and white (opposing polarities) was dominating the world. If you look
back in the hippy era, you will see a lot of colour which went right on through
to the disco era to some extent, why such a splash of colour? The hippy era was
about love not war, war is brought about by a black and white perception, good against
evil, democracy against dictatorship etc. however love on the other hand is of
technicolour perception with no opposing polarities. This is brought about by
ridding ourselves of black and white perceptions which the hippy era tried to
The use of colour in our expressionism isn’t by chance, I
believe it defines our breaking away from black and white logical perceptions of
the world and seeing the world in a new light, a technicolour light of no
opposing sides. So many images of love
and entitlement today are drawn in technicolour in western thinking countries
but of course in eastern thinking countries drawing love and enlightenment in
colour has seemingly always been the norm.
Everything has a reason to exist, depicting love and enlightenment
in colour has a purpose and that purpose, I believe, is to teach us to live in
colour instead of black and white, to perceive past a black and white image to
a much colourful conscious expansive existence beyond what we perceive now!!