Written by Mathew Naismith
This is an interesting little exchange between me another
person called Katie on Google community pertaining to using desire within spiritual
growth. One must realise, like Katie, that when using desire as a method towards
spiritually awareness that desire can be influenced, unbeknownst to us, by the
controlling ego however it is a powerful tool if used correctly.
I personally believe we shouldn’t inquire at all however seen
as we have been conditioned to inquire for many centuries now we should continue
this process until we realise we no longer need the ego or even the need to
inquire. If we were brought up from the start to rely totally on our inner knowing
we wouldn’t need to inquire because all we would need to know would be known
through the inner self however we weren’t that lucky so we do need to continue the
process of human inquiry but being aware at the same time of how controlling
the ego can secretly be. Katie’s a good example
of this awareness I believe.
Hello Dear Mathew,
at this Time in Our Human Evolution
Inquiry mixed with Inner-standing is a key element to us waking up to, who we
truly are spiritually. For so long most people (not all) have been following
the Status Quo: "My family is christian, Jewish, Muslim.... ". Never
really taking the time to Inquire or Question whether that particular path was
a good fit for them or not.
This New Global
Inquire is occurring because our Source Spirit Self is able to connect at
deeper levels through the Energetic Changes going on Universally. This Inner
Desire is a Deep driving Passion for us all to branch out and reassess and
Expand Our Horizons.
The Ego while
currently distorted and not functioning as originally design has twisted up the
True Meaning of Desire with fear of lack and being in opposition or competition
with itself/All life Everywhere. In actuality, desire or passion is what can
take us out of seeing and being the Little Human Us and bring us into the Big
God Source First Eternal Us.
We as Source had the
Desire to Create Manifest Expression with all its nuances of Being.
It is what continually
drives me to question why "me do what me do". What is the Program or
Belief running the Me instead of "I" running the Show.
I would like to say in
many ways I am at a Happy medium but I really do not want to stop where I am
at. I do not want to say that I have figured it all out and I do not need to
inquire anymore. I want to inquire with every skill I have available (
intuition, Being Awareness, logic, listening....) to stretch my horizons to
Live Huge Now.
G'day Katie
I feel the human trait
desire is a very complicated trait to have while becoming spiritually aware
because it can be so easily controlled by the ego however our needs are a
different matter. If we were brought up from the start to only inquire for our
needs you will probably find you will actually get to know more than if you
inquired by desire.
Spiritualists in India
inquire to start the process for a need but then they sit within their own
silence sometimes for years on end & when they find enlightenment they
realised they needn’t have inquired at all from the start. At the human level
we think we need to inquire using desire but that’s not totally true however to
get past certain human blockages we need to humanly inquire. The trick is, from the beginning, not to
humanly inquire but rely completely on one’s inner knowing from the start
however anyone who is already attached to inquiring through human means will
have to continue to go through the human process of inquiry but for one’s needs
not desire I believe because desire can be too easily controlled by the ego
without us knowing. Just imagine for one moment if we from the very start were
taught to rely on our inner selves knowing, it’s extremely far more powerful
than acquiring knowledge through human inquiry & of course it would produce
a much better world because you haven’t got the ego trying to control us
through our desires or even needs.
When you fall within
your own complete quietness all what one needs to know just flows without any
inquiry, it’s as if it comes by magic out of thin air which is strange even to
me because I’m always in physical pain, I must love it somehow!!!!!!
Don’t get me wrong here
Katie I’m quite ignorant however I am at this point quite content with my own
ignorance, I have no needs or desires at this point.
I should also say we
don’t always, like yourself, inquire for our own needs or desires but inquire
for the needs & desires of others, we think it’s for us but it’s not
especially for a truly spiritually aware person as yourself I believe. It’s funny; we express the ego so that others
may gain!!
Love you girl, keep up
the good work.
PS Do you mind if I used our little exchange here for a post
for my blog, I will even add the link to your site as I feel you will use
desire in the right context to help others.
If you are interested the following link will send you to Katie’s
blog titled Alignment In Spirit.
These Teachings about Bio Spiritual Self Help Healing are
neither a New or Old Religion, rather they are just keys to Re-Awakening the
Organic Inner You, to what you have forgotten about your True Being. With this
Re-newed knowledge you will be able to see and know clearly, why you perform
certain acts and believe certain things in just the way you do. Please keep an
open Mind as you get the first little *aha* moments of Re-membering and then
you will rapidly begin to un-ravel the mystery to all the questions that seem
to be always Lurking just out of Perceptual Range in your Conscious Mind. These
questions are not out of Conscious Perceptual Range by chance, we are running
so many programs (like a Computer) that we are totally un-aware of most times.