Showing posts with label truer being. Show all posts
Showing posts with label truer being. Show all posts

Saturday, 5 November 2016

Being Your True Being

Written by Mathew Naismith

I wrote the following to try to help other people understand why they feel so miserable at times. We seem to have become aware that the present environment isn't who we are, in actuality, our present environment reflects anything other than who we truly are. The reason for this lies in what created this reality in the first place, lies, deception and manipulation/backstabbing.

We cannot truly be what lies have created in the first place, of course lies create deception and manipulation, basically, a true depiction of an illusion. We of course can't be an illusion but many of us today are very much apart of this illusion, otherwise the world would be a very different place to what it is today. Many of us have become aware of this illusion and beckon to become expressive of our truer being again.

For starters, we have been made to believe that time and space is all we are, it's a part of who we are but it's not all of what we are, in actuality, time and space is but a tiny portion of our whole being. Within the limitations of time and space, we have created lies upon lies upon lies. It's like a snowball rolling down a snowy hill, it accumulates more of what has initially created it. The further the snowball goes on, the larger the snowball becomes. Our present reality was created from lies, this has accumulated even more of the same as it's allowed to continue. The lies, deception and manipulation isn't lessening, it's growing, however, once you become an observer instead of a participator of the snowball effect, it becomes apparent to the observer it's not of the snowball, it's but an observer of the snowball.

Once you start to become the observer rather than a participator, you become more aware of your truer being, this is quite a natural phenomena to occur when a participant  becomes an observer. Some people are having a hard time of this only because they are between being an observer and a participator, no transition period is easy to circumnavigate when in this transition period. It's like circumnavigating the globe void of instrumentation or mapping of any kind, it would be daunting to say the least to do this.

When you have no mapping or instrumentation to guide you from a participator to an observer, basically meaning no sound and true guidance, it's obvious that such a voyage will we harrowing at times. Try to remember that there is a huge difference between a participator and an observer. A participator is usually apart of the lies and deception, where's the observer is no longer of this kind of reality being that the observer is our truer being, not the participator.                   

I hope the following puts a better perspective on this.


I've become a grumpy old man

The reason lies within my unacceptance

An unacceptance of deceit, lies and backstabbing

Life is too short and precious I feel

I no longer choose to live and accept this kind of environment

For this, I have become a grumpy old man to others

And so be it

Better this than the alternative

An alternative too accepted by too many in my mind

I am not this kind of environment

I am something quite different

A difference that is known to some to be grumpy

And again so be it as the alternative isn't who I truly am  

I will never go back this kind of environment

Life is too precious to do so

In actuality

My own true being is precious

More precious than this kind of environment is by far

Indeed, our environment dictates who we are

We are our environment

But our environment isn't necessarily who we are

Wisdom learnt through life teaches us this

It's obvious

Once you become grumpy towards this kind of environment

You then realise you are indeed apart of a different environment

An environment a lot more constructive towards being your true being

An environment of deceit, lies and backstabbing isn't who anyone is

This isn't our truer being

This however only becomes apparent when you extricate yourself

An extrication from a created environment to your true environment

An environment conductive to being your true being


~Mathew G~