Written by Mathew Naismith
While having dinner at a restaurant last night, my wife at
one stage stated I was deep in thought as I had that look of being deep in
thought, I replied, "No, not at all, I'm feeling my feelings". We so
often mistaken our inner feelings as a train of thought when there more like a
gut instinct, intuition or simply feelings with a deeper meaning.
The physical or even the non-physical mind can be
conditioned to the extent it can no longer feel these deeper inner feelings,
the mind can totally take over any influence these deeper inner feelings can
have on us. In this case, the reality we create will be primarily based on
thought processes which can totally negate our inner feelings. I couldn't think
of anything worse, my whole life evolves around my inner feelings but I suppose
what you don't have, you don't miss!!
Well....this isn't exactly true, what you don't have, you
don't miss isn't true because before the mind was influenced by thought processes,
our reality was primarily based on inner feelings. Just because our present
state of mind isn't aware of this, doesn't mean we didn't have the ability to
create realties primarily based on these inner feelings. However, it's quite
understandable why the present unaware mind doesn't miss creating realities
from inner feelings, it's become ignorant to such creations, how can you miss
what you are unaware of?
Another reason why we miss creating realities from inner
feelings is to do with our present reality, how many aware people know that if
we expressed a more feeling reality, the present reality just wouldn't exist,
it would be purely unable to exist within such a feeling reality.
It's very possible I could be full of my self here, I could
be totally delusional in thinking there is anything like an inner feeling, a
feeling that can create realities beyond our present scope of mind, however,
there is something within this reality that tells us quite plainly of these
inner feelings.
While in discussion with a lecturer, I mentioned that art
was more of feelings, basically, these feelings where more important than what
an artist observes or even imagines. The lecturer seemed surprised that I
understood the inner qualities of an artist, he of course confirmed my feelings
and yes, they were just feelings not deductions. Artistry confirms that our
inner feelings exist without a doubt, art, to me, clearly shows there is
something beyond the five senses, beyond the thinking mind.
Now this brings us to meditation where you are supposed to
think as little as you can. I would advice anyone not to try to not think, the
act of trying to not think negates a non-thinking process to start with.
Basically, we are trying to not think by the thing we are trying to not think
with, the mind. A good art teacher will tell their students to not think but to
feel what they are going to create, a successful meditation is performed in the
same manner. To create a successful meditation takes feelings, first you have a
feeling to meditate, then you feel you are mediating and everything that is
experienced in a successful meditation is feelings. These feelings will of
course at times materialise as an imagery, unless you are happy with this, try
to avoid any imagery. It's like focusing on art, go past the image that the art
is displaying by feeling the art through your inner senses, only in this way
will you get the truer meaning of art, meditation works the same way.
We are well and truly conditioned to the processes of
thought, thinking we need these processes to exist and create, any feelings we
have are always attributed to thought processes thus negating our inner
feelings. Could you imagine artistry being confined only to a thought process,
what would be created would be minimal to what artists create today, artistry
would be confined to certain fixed perceptions. As of artists creating their
own reality in art form, we to could create our own unbound reality on a
collective scale if we could only condition ourselves to feel again.
We have obviously fixated ourselves to live and create by
the mind, as of anything created by the mind, it is limited to it's own
perceptions. Inner feelings go way beyond these limited perceptions. These
inner feelings have no limitation as art form shows us today but thought
processed obviously do, how long have humans been warring for? Human existence
seems to primarily evolve around conflicts, considering that all conflicts are
brought about by a thinking process of one kind or another, it is obvious that
thinking processes have there limitation but inner feeling don't.
As art clearly shows us, we don't have to be limited by a
limiting thought process, set yourself free and feel.
I should also mention that thought processes are mostly
about taking control in one sense or another. Inner feelings however have
nothing to do with control or taking control, a good artist will never confine
themselves to certain perceptions, they will in fact let go of any confining
perceptions. Yes, we are artists one and all, we are creating an art form by
creating the reality we wish to exist by, do we won't to be confined to a
certain reality or do we want to just
set our confinements free. As an artist creating their own reality in art form
void of these controlling confinements, we too can do the same, just let go and
let your inner feeling go free of these confinements of the mind.