Written by Mathew Naismith
OK people, please don't take my writings as being gospel or
of utter truth, it's plainly not, how could it be when consciousness itself is
infinite and varied to the degree it is? Too many people have taken my writing
way too seriously, as I have always stipulated, it's only my perception of
things, OK , it comes through me a lot of times but it's still comes down to my
perception of what is coming through me!!
You must ask of yourselves why of what I write is upsetting
you in anyway, is it your fixations to your own ideologies and perceptions that
is causing this? All I am stating is sit back and observe yourselves and
express a little more balance if you really want to make a difference. Whatever
the human collective consciousness desires to do is fine with people like
myself, it's just if you really want to make a difference, desist in being so extreme
and fixated to your own ideologies and perceptions. Try understanding other
perceptions and see where these perspectives are coming from, you will be
surprised in what comes out of this. Try dropping some of the self-labels as
The following post, I think, is an extension of my already extended
perceptions and perspectives. If you took offence to my previous writings, you
will certainly take offence to the following.
My topics at the moment seem to be based on balance, only
because for change to occur, it is wise that any change made is enacted in a
balance way. Of course the reason for this is obvious, any kind of implemented
imbalance will only cause destruction and further chaos. We might think a
predominant positive approach is the way to go but where is the balance when
the positive is predominant? A true positive approach isn't destructive in any
sense, this also means it's not destructive towards the negative either. A true
positive isn't destructive towards the negatives as it will see the benefits within the
negatives, meaning, it will see the positives within the negatives.
Aware Consciousness: This is the
same with consciousness's of light, a consciousness that is observed as being
aware. A true consciousness of light is unable to destroy the dark in any sense,
any truly aware consciousness is unable to be destructive. What this kind of
consciousness will do is balance out the negative with positives while knowing
that negatives are as worthy as positives. This however is different with the
negatives, the consciousness's that are observed as being unaware will be
destructive for only in ignorance can a consciousness destroy. It's important
here to realise that only in ignorance can we destroy, or, only in darkness,
which denotes an unawareness, can we destroy, now how many positives are trying
to destroy the negatives in the world? There is a very good reason for This
approach from aware people, people of the light so to speak.
Let's first look at the amount of labels I've used already,
we must be aware that the more labels we use, the harder life will be to
balance, however, how is an unaware consciousness able to become aware without
labels while existing in an unaware conscious state? How is an aware
consciousness to know it's aware without the a comparison like an unaware, dark
or negative. Consciousness can only become conscious of it's awareness if there
is a comparison. You see the negative aren't really as dark as we presume. We
label dark as negative, light as positive but that is not entirely correct, the
yin needs the yang to exist, It's of course a lot less destructive if the yin
and yang coexist in balance, of course any coexistence takes a balanced
approach, not an imbalanced approach!!
Human consciousness is primarily naturally destructive, for
human consciousness to become more constructive, it needs to be nurtured and
reconditioned to exist in a more constructive way, this won't occur if we go
out to destroy all judged or observed labelled negatives or dark
consciousness's. Once again, a true aware consciousness is unable to destroy
anything, including the labelled negatives and this is the point. A truly aware
consciousness is also unable to label one one thing and another something else,
meaning, just because the yin is judged as being yin, doesn't mean it's not
also of yang. Also, what is positive to one person doesn't mean it's positive
to another person and visa-versa.
Balance or Balancer!!: It's obvious
that a more balanced approach is wiser but are we the balance itself or the
creators of this balance?
Now you might notice in the figure above that the word
balance is on the shaft and the cross member, this is to depict that we are of
the balance itself and the creators of balance, basically, the balancer of yin
and yang's labels. Let's now look at this in a different way.
You will notice I have replaced balance with God's
consciousness or creative consciousness. Please do not presume I am talking
about a biblical representation of God here, basically, this kind of
consciousness is void of labels and is of pure wisdom, awareness and balance. You
could say labels un-purify's
consciousness, in other words a controlling ego influences a
consciousness to be of what it's not. This pure untainted consciousness is what
we often deem a God.
Looking at the scales above, we have what is called God's
consciousness and then we have the soul. We then have the scales themselves
which hold the many labels we use and under these labels we have yin and yang.
Yin and yang represent the human self, in actuality, yin and yang represent
everything that has been created, this means everything that has been created,
is influenced by yin and yang.
Now if we were to take away what supports these scales, is
the scales any longer scales? No, now take away the scales, the labels and yin
and yang, is God's consciousness still God's consciousness? Yes, now take away
the soul, is God's consciousness still God's consciousness? I myself find this
perception quite interesting, we are the balance but in creation we also become
the balancer, the creations being the soul and all the labels we ourselves
Counter-reaction: Chaotic
existences can only be created by some kind of an imbalance, it's obvious we
exist in a chaotic destructive existence. How would a consciousness, that isn't
pleased with this kind of existence, going to react? It's going to react with
the opposite, an opposing opposite, basically, to an extreme to block out or
destroy the perceived darkness of such a reality. Even blocking out this
perceived darkness (negative), we are purposely destroying this darkness,
and in actuality, we are still enacting
out the darkness because we are still destructive. Any true sense of love and
light lives within the dark without destroying it, it will instead find the
positives (light) within the dark without becoming the dark itself. This is
what a true sense of unconditional love is about, it's not about
unconditionally loving what we desire to love but loving everything void of any
conditions what so ever.
Because this reality is as chaotic as it is, any love and
light void of a true sense of unconditional love existing in this reality, has
conditions. This is brought about by existing in such a reality. Only in
ignorance can a consciousness destroy, what are so many people of love and
light tying to do to an extreme? Basically, they are still enacting out the
attributes of darkness, the very thing they are trying to destroy. This
reaction however is normal for a still unaware consciousness to do, no truly
aware conscious will react in counteraction to any situation, it will instead
try to find balance within such a situation/reality without becoming destructive
within itself in anyway.
The dark is not just of dark either as the light is just not
of light, if everything was of light, the existence of dark would still exist
within the darker shades of light. This is because conscious itself is not
limited to certain boundaries, only our own consciousness has these boundaries
and is limited by these boundaries. We label something dark therefore negative
and bad and something else positive therefore positive and good. The reaction
between these perceptions/boundaries is going to be opposing until they find
common ground, the yin within the yang as in the yang within the yin, in other
words balance.......
We are the balance, a conscious void of labels but we are
also the balancer, the creator of balance within any reality of labels, the
light and dark of life. A truly harmonious existence can only be obtained
through balance, not the destruction of the other, it's this simple. Also, a
balance between a consciousness void of labels and a consciousness of labels
will also help bring harmony into a consciousness, basically, a balance between
the spiritual and the physical, not one or the other.