Showing posts with label enlightened. Show all posts
Showing posts with label enlightened. Show all posts

Friday, 7 June 2019

The Infinite Present Consciousness

Written by Mathew Naismith

In the midst of mayhem, demure and dauntless provocations, a wise and aware soul is able to make the most of the present; this is instead of trying the make the present something the ego simply desires. Of course what the ego desires often has nothing to do with the present. The ego in control will often separate itself from what it doesn't desire, thus only leaving what the ego in control desires, which is anything but of the present collective consciousness. Simply, an extraction of parts of the present desired consciousness from the undesired parts of a consciousness is implemented. To a lot of people, this extraction or division of a consciousness is living in the present, when in all honesty all this is, is living for the ego in control.

To a wise and aware soul, an enlightened consciousness, whatever the present is, is embraced no matter how of mayhem, demure and dauntless provocations it is. Think of the worst life experience a soul can experience. To an enlightened consciousness, this finite experience is nothing compared to the infinite, a state often referred to as God's consciousness or a state of pure awareness and motionless. Why do people react differently to the same trauma experienced? Often, a person who has gone through far worse trauma, will experience less trauma in the present than a person who has gone through very little trauma in comparison.

Too often people will think the present is of trauma, or of mayhem, demure and dauntless provocations collectively consciously. As an enlightened consciousness thinks no more of a life lived, no matter how good or bad it was, what occurs collectively over time in a finite reality, has no further bearing or relevance, for what a soul experiences is always of the finite. You don't actually experience the infinite like you do the finite, you simply are aware of what the finite represents. Only the ego in control makes any more of this, thus taking a consciousness back into a finite conscious state, in turn creating trauma, often through mayhem, demure and dauntless provocative experiences. As I have stated before, only the ego part of us can be in trauma or become hurt because the ego is only of the finite. The ego, either in control or not, cannot exist within an infinite reality or an infinite state of consciousness, for a consciousness to be aware of everything all at once, is in the absence of the ego in control. The infinite isn't of the absence of the ego, only the ego in control. Of course a consciousness of pure ego is only experienced in the absence of infinite wisdom and awareness.

To an enlightened consciousness, everything is of the present. Only the ego sees an extraction of the undesired for the desired as not being of their personal present, even though the collective present is often something quite different to what the ego in control desires.

So what do many of us do? Try to extract ourselves from the ego as much as possible, thus only being of the infinite. If in any sense you are trying to separate consciousness into parts to serve your ego's desires in this way, you are being more expressive of the finite, as the infinite is of the whole, not only parts of the whole a consciousness only desires to be of within the present. Only the ego in control desires or even needs to extricate itself from the ego. An enlightened consciousness simply desists in the extraction of consciousness, thus allowing one to simply become aware of everything in the absence of the ego's desires. 

Try to remember this. If your ego takes control at times, only the ego in control will make a big deal of this. While experiencing the ego, just be aware, especially aware that the ego in control is not about awareness but ignorance. 

Supplement: "Oh my God, my life has gone, it's all in the past to never be apart of me again!!"

This is of a finite consciousness, when in all honesty to an infinite consciousness, nothing is lost or gained, everything really does become of the present. Within this state, there are no perceptions of loss or gain, even while one is experiencing finite consciousness. Why do most people meet up with dead relatives after their own demise? Consciousness never dies or no longer exists. There is simply no sense of loss, or gain for that matter. To experience gain or loss is of finite consciousness, not of infinite consciousness. Not an easy view to condition an ego to, this is why certain people will always seem more enlightened than most other people.         

Monday, 27 May 2019

Consciousness of an Enlightened One

Written by Mathew Naismith

An enlightened one (person) is confronted with a positive loving person and a negative hateful person, according to the ego, within their own immediate environment. Neither person is treated any different to the other. So wouldn't the enlightened one feel negative vibrations from the person who is negative and hateful, and positive vibrations from the person who is positive and loving?

If you understand this kind of enlightened consciousness, you will be aware that this kind of consciousness is unable to feel negative or positive vibrations, for all separation of negatives and positives are determined and created by the ego. The only way that any consciousness can feel negative and positive vibrations, is to separate consciousness into parts. Of course the only part of us that does this is the ego. Make no mistake though, only the ego can determine if the ego is negative because of it's separation of consciousness. The main natural attribute of the ego is to separate thus create motion, therefore all that is motion is ego.

Take speeding along in a car, the ego has separated its immediate environment, the vehicle, from the rest of the environment. The perception of speed can only be determined through the separation of one environment from another.   

We might then think to get from one point to another we need motion which relates to distance/space therefore time.

Motion is not time but can be determined or influenced by time, however, ego directly relates to motion but motion is not always related to time. Why? I remember hearing about a traveller who stopped in one town in outback Australia, who saw the same exact aboriginal boy in one town than in another hundreds of kilometres away in the same day. Consciousness, even being of time, isn't always determined by the factors of distance therefore time, but motion is always determined or created by the ego. The ego determined to be in one place one minute and in another place in another minute.  

For the enlightened one, a consciousness that is not determined or influenced by time, motion or ego, therefore not of separation, will understandably treat each person as being simply expressive of motion therefore ego.

Is one vibration or motion more pleasant or unpleasant than another? To an enlightened one, all that one is aware of is that one existence is of the ego (motion), and the other of egoless (motionless), all else is simply a perception created by the ego. In saying this, there is still no separation of the ego or egoless consciousness.

How many people today think we all came from a starting point, being it love and light, a state absent of the ego or of some higher state of being? Considering this higher state not to be determined by time/motion, when did the starting point of a lower consciousness begin in a timeless motionless state? As of the egoless self, the ego self has always existed, it's just that the ego can seem more in motion within time. Make no mistake, the ego always desires to be of some kind of higher state of being, and to have only started off from this higher state.

In all honesty, the ego can just as much if not more so be expressional of motion in the absence of time. As what we call physical is not really all that physical compared to other existences, just denser within its motion, within its physicality. When a consciousness is determined by time, the consciousness in this kind of motion naturally becomes denser; giving the experiencer an incorrect perception of what represents a physical existence. All of what is physical within the universe is simply a reflection of what is truly physical, of the ego. Time doesn't determine what is more physical, but motion/ego does. Time simply makes a consciousness denser in motion, not more physical.

Think on this. A mathematician will often visualise a mathematical formula to then express this visualisation in a denser format which is then determined by time, space and distance. An architect or inventor will do the same, thus creating what seemed non-physical into something physical, something that takes up space therefore is determined to be more physical, not just simply denser!!

So why doesn't an enlightened one treat or see a difference in a negative hatful person compared to a positive loving person? As of myself, a very difficult conscious state to truly comprehend to any great extent, probably because of our conscious conditioning to motions determined by time. 

Saturday, 1 December 2018

No One is Unenlightened!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

This post is not about the age of enlightenment or reason, an age of reason and individualism, but about spiritual enlightenment where one advocates egolessness over ego. Spiritual enlightenment is a state of the absence of ego. It is often a state most egos fear to tread, usually in fear of the egos demise and all that the ego creates. In an enlightened state, all that the ego creates is simply becomes awareness, this is why this state is often referred to as a state of pure awareness and even wisdom or if you like, a state of God.

Don't mistaken spiritual enlightenment with the egos expressions of wisdom either, where wisdom is often associated with knowledge and learning. In a true enlightened state, knowledge and learning give way to a pure state of awareness and wisdom. Yes, we even have to give up our accumulated knowledge and learning, for in an enlightened state nothing can be owned or accumulated. This also means giving up the teachings of ideologies and isms, for spiritual ideologies are only of existence to serve and teach the ego about its egoless self or being. This by the way is most important if conducted in a non-abusive manner.

Make no mistake, the ego is unable to experience a true enlightened state, for an enlightened state is of the absence of ego, a state not accessible to the ego. However, this doesn't mean that the ego can't feel enlightenment as opposed to becoming enlightenment. Yes, the ego can experience enlightenment but only through feelings, not through an actual state of being enlightened, be aware though, the ego in control will try to convince you otherwise. Yes, these feelings can become a physical and mental reality, be wary though, feelings are of the ego and can become very controlling to the extent of a desire to feel good all the time. All else not fuelling these desired feelings are often critically judged as being negative or even toxic in some way.

Also, to the dislike of the ego, unconditional love is not experienced or felt in an enlightened state, for all feelings of love are of the ego. If you can feel instead of being love, it is of the ego. Yes, you can experience an enlightened state and get a feeling of unconditional love but it is your ego that is feeling love, not the egoless part of yourself. Of course feeling a true sense of unconditional love is most constructive to what the ego creates, this is instead of being destructive. Be aware, a true expression of unconditional love will embrace the negatives in the same way this state embraces the positives. In all, the ego beautifies unconditional love but only when being of this love as opposed to simply feeling this love.    

Make no mistake, no one is unenlightened. I will put it this way, which a lot of people's egos won't like, once of God, always of God, or, once of energy, always of energy. Remember, you can't destroy energy but you can transform energy. Our enlightened being is simply transformed into another energy form or expression by the ego, this is all. Most often in the process, only that which serves the ego is acknowledged, all else is denounced by the ego to serve only the ego part of our whole being. I cannot express this strongly enough, no one is truly unenlightened.

Please note; most of what I have written here comes from my own experiences, at no time take what is written here to be gospel or of an unequivocal truth for all.      

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

A Quietened Mind to Being Enlightened

Written by Mathew Naismith

Three consecutive quotes came to me recently which impact on each other, it's like a three step description on how to become the observer, a more enlightened (awake) consciousness from an unenlightened state of consciousness. The trick is, is not to try to become enlightened but to release yourself from an unenlightened state of consciousness without intentions or taking action.       

Step 1: Obtain a quiet mind through being aware that every time we react to another conscious source, we create more ripples within this consciousness which only feeds the controlling ego to become even more controlling. The ripples within consciousness represent a chaotic effect which the ego feeds from.  

You might think it's not easy to quieten the mind but it is, all you need to do is realise every time you react, you are feeding the ego which causes more ripples within consciousness itself.  It's all about being aware of the effects of what our actions and intentions have on consciousness. All actions and intentions are ego driven, be aware of how controlling the ego is when being expressive of such actions and intentions. 

Step 2: This should be an automatic response from quietening the mind, once we learn to quieten the mind, we automatically express more inactions, this in turn quells the chaos within consciousness. Harmony is an expression of inactions and is counter productive to creating chaos.     

Step 3: Once step 1 and 2 are accomplished, we again automatically become the observer and once we become the observer, we begin to release ourselves quite automatically from an unenlightened state of consciousness. This takes no actions or intentions at all to reach this state. You might think you have intentions of quietening the mind but all you are doing is releasing yourself from an unenlightened state, all this takes is to let go of the controlling factors of the ego. This is being your true self which has always existed, this takes no actions or intentions except just being the truer you.    

To get a better picture of this, look at consciousness as a body of water that is being influenced by chaos, a movement that creates ripples, now stop all movement (actions and reactions of the ego, you will now notice the body of water is calm and tranquil once again, this body of water now represents your truer self. You are not taking actions through intentions but are now being inactive through releasing yourself from the controlling factors of the ego.

If you have intention of quietening the mind, you might experience a bit of step 2 but you won't go on and experience step three. The trick is to just let go of actions and intentions and be your truer self again, a calm tranquil body of water (consciousness).

I should point out that all unenlightened states of consciousness express ego traits, this is perfectly natural, it's even natural to express a totally controlling ego, nothing of consciousness is unnatural even though the controlling ego tries to convince us otherwise. If we truly want, or more precisely need, to change a conscious reality, all we need to do is become aware of how consciousness behaves when stimulated or influenced by movement (actions and intentions). Yes, it is this simple!!