Showing posts with label visualise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label visualise. Show all posts

Sunday, 12 October 2014

The Healing Process

Written by Mathew Naismith

I should point out, I’m not a healer as such in this life, this is indicated by my own mentality which is fixated to the negatives and/or positives in life to some extent like most people. In my life in ancient Egypt though, it would seem I didn’t have this problem, this made me a very proficient healer.  Once anyone stops being this fixated to the negatives and/or positives in life, anyone at this stage can become a healer. Actually once this occurs, everyone automatically becomes a healer in some sense.

Instead of racking my brain in determining and judging what is negative and what is positive, I just kept the mind quiet by focusing on constructive thinking. It was a simple learnt thought pattern that gave me a constructive mentality instead of a destructive mentality. Not realising this or being aware of this, today most of us are conditioned to a destructive mentality, this is bread into us and can be quite hard to shake off, rid ourselves of such a mentality.  This is due to being also conditioned at the subconscious level.

How do we get around this? Study our dreams and meditate. Meditation and dream interpreting can bring forth the subconscious making the subconscious conscious to our conscious selves, in other words we become aware of our inner subconscious thoughts. Yes this can be spooky at first but one away around this is to visualise the subconscious as a bright light, a bright healing light instead of something negative as opposed to positive.   

Now, we can mistaken the white bright light of life energy forces for the white bright lights of healing for they are both of a white bright light.  To me the difference is as follow.

The white bright light of life energy forces = no indication of the light being of heat or cold and it should be of a soft bright white light.

The white bright lights of healing = this is usually of a warm light to a very warm light and it’s not a soft light, it’s a bright piercing light.

Each life force gives off a different soft glow of light, this depends on their mental and/or physical condition, some are bright some are dull within the intensity of their glow. This also depends on how well someone is connected to Gaia and/or the inner self.
The bright light of healing also varies in intensity depending in what condition of what needs to be healed, for example, if a joint is highly inflamed the healer will sense and possibly visualise a lot of heat and bright light.  When a joint isn’t as inflamed, the light density will be dimmer and you want notice as much heat either. This will also occur during the healing process, you know when you are healing when the heat isn’t as intensive as before and the light has dimmed. Eventually, if the healing process has been successful, you won't sense any heat or visualise or feel any light, at this stage you have successfully brought everything back into it’s natural order, the way it’s supposed to be.

Also in my case, I visualise hearing an electrical bussing sound when the light is intensive but as the light becomes duller, this electrical buzzing sound becomes less and less until there is no sound at all. When I say the light becomes duller I mean it becomes more of a glow than a bright piercing light, this is where we can confuse the light of life forces with healing light. One way to tell is through the heat signature of the healing process of the light, you will always sense heat when healing where the light of a life force doesn’t exude heat or cold, it’s just a comfortable comforting soft bright glow.

When we visualise the Earth, when not in a healing mode, the light from Earth is a soft bright white glow of light with no heat or cold sensed, at times however we will sense a heat signature and maybe a bright piercing light, this is an indication of what needs to be healed.  With a constructive mentality you can see how easy it is to get the light of life forces confused with the light of healing, everything is of light but not everything is of heat or sound.  To me there is no heat/cold or sound in relation to the life force of things, there is no action reaction, push and pull within this light itself until we start reacting in life. As soon as we start reacting, that is when the healing glow of light begins to appear but only if we have a constructive mentality. A destructive mentality separates this light into dark and light, negative and positive.  Instead of healing with light, we are healing with dark; this explains why we are still in conflict with each other and of Gaia (nature).   

There is only light, yes this light varies in intensity in life but it’s still light no matter what. When we are healing, we are actually using the light of the life force to heal but for this life force to heal, it needs to be intensified which gives off a sense of heat. Yes it’s the same light but it’s advisable to become aware of the difference when the light of the life force is intensified for healing purposes. The reason for being aware of this is, to heal properly, one must be aware of the heat difference and light intensity from the light of the light force; if you’re not aware of this the healing process might not work or work proficiently. It all just comes down to being aware.

I should point out, this is only what I visualise and experience, this doesn’t necessarily have to be anyone else’s visualisations and experiences in relation to healing.      

Friday, 24 May 2013

The World of True Spiritual Acceptance pt.11


Written by Mathew Naismith

Meditation-Mindless Thought: I don’t mediate a lot but when I do there is no form of myself or anything else it just is, I’m just floating around but at the same time I am aware of everything. Most people who mediate see different environments & most often it’s in a serene peaceful surroundings but where does this visionary environment come from?  In actual fact you shouldn’t really see anything if you are completely switched off from the mind & the life you are presently living.

While in a meditative state we feel a lot but for us to acknowledge these feeling we turn them into something we can relate too so in actual fact we are still in thought.  Try to be accepting that you don’t have to visualise anything within your meditative state just be accepting of the feeling for what they are pure energy. Once one does this it usually blows your mind away but of course not literally. I will by will visualise what I want to visualise while in a meditative state but I also know it doesn’t have to have form for me to acknowledge its existence in actuals fact it’s a lot better if I didn’t try to put anything into form because it feels a lot more natural in a formless form than it does in a some visual form.

Our minds need to be reprogramed to accept this formless environment because our minds are conditioned through life to only accept what our five senses can detect which is form, instead of looking at everything as form look at it as pure energy.

Our desires give us form & as explained in previous posts desires can be quite conflictive so it seems strange to say while in a meditative state we can be conflictive but we are as we desire to visualise what we experience in meditation. This kind of conflict isn’t anything like hating or desiring lustfully for our own pleasure in some way but this conflict can stop someone experiencing the full effect one can obtain from meditation.  This comes back to the mind & our present life again coming through our desires as visions, we need to reprogram our minds to just accept these feeling for what they are not what we desire them to be.  I know a lot of spiritually aware people are going to say the mind has nothing to do with meditation but it does because if the mind was completely switched off you wouldn’t visualise anything it would just be without question. Yes I know it’s wonderful & beautiful to visualise in meditation which helps us to acknowledge what we are experiencing but the less we visualise the more connected & the more accepting we become & the more powerful the feeling of serene oneness  one experience’s.

sereneloveSerene, harmony & Love: This goes on from what I have already discussed here in this post as it’s what can be achieved when one completely switches off from our daily lives & our mind through meditation & other techniques however these feelings aren’t what it seems as I will explain

For an example of what I mean I will use what most of us do to relax in pour daily lives, sitting down for a cup of coffee or tea. What do we feel after a stressful time sitting down to a cuppa? It feels relaxing & exhilarating at the same time which is quite different to our stressful life style & the reason it feels so good is it’s a different feeling to stressing out which enhances the effect that the cuppa is having on us. When we are in this state while drinking our cuppa we don’t want to go back to the stress most of the time because it’s exhilarating to our senses for the main reason it feels good, anything that makes us feel good we usually want more of.

We are in this chaotic life with a lot of hate going on in the world but we want a break from this chaotic life style & love seems like a good way to do this & when we find this love the effects are overwhelming for the main reason we have an opposite reaction to chaos & hate, these effects enhance the effect of love many times over basically to the same apposing degree of chaos & hate. When we go into a meditative state any adversities that are going on in our lives enhance the effects from meditation just like with the cuppa which of course isn’t a bad thing but it’s still being enhanced by our living conditions at the time.

We feel serene, harmonious & love to such an extent it can be quite overwhelming only because of our present living conditions, yes there is sereneness & harmony & yes one can feel that love is everything but it’s only driven by our present living conditions. In actual fact the state of being fully at one is natural & taken as it just is because there is no chaos or hate within this state to enhance positive feelings. I’m not saying here that feeling overwhelmingly loving isn’t right because if you didn’t at first feel this you’re doing something wrong but what I am saying in this spirit state there are no overwhelming emotions it just is & there is nothing that comes anywhere near to the feeling of just accepting it for what it truly is.

To get to this stage one has to be accepting of everything around you in & out of meditation as this helps with relating everything into one & once this is done conflicts & desires fade away which help in the process of accepting that everything is just a vibrative energy source which really has no form except through our mode of thoughts. In other words if we see hate as apposing love that is our mode of thought which dictates our living standards but if one was to see no apposing modes of thought but pure vibrative energy our visions & outlook upon the world & ourselves become somewhat different, yes it will feel serene, harmonious & loving but that is only the start of it as there is much more to us than our modes of thought.