Written by Mathew Naismith
I should firstly point out that this post
isn't about the clinical representation of immunising but a spiritual one and
yes, without us even knowing it, we do indeed immunise ourselves. So what are
we unknowingly immunising ourselves against?
We, as humans, clinically immunise
ourselves against the effects of viruses that affect us, spiritual immunising
is the same, any excessive motion creates destruction, just like a virus.
Spiritually aware people basically immunise themselves against excessive motion
that is obvious within it's destructiveness. Just like a virus, excessive
extreme motion often inundates less motionless motions, this is because this
kind of motion is more active. It's like our own immune system, if our immune
system is less active than a virus, the virus will most likely inundate the
immune system and everything else attached to the immune system. In extreme
circumstances, this can indeed cause the demise of a person or a motion. Excessive
motion can indeed destroy everything human.
Basically, any excessive motion, especially
if it's extreme within it's motion, is a virus or acts just like a virus.
Excessive motion = virus
Don't prejudge me as being negative here,
viruses have been around since micro-organisms, they are a natural part of
creation, I therefore don't judge viruses as being negative. Yes, as any
excessive motion can become, active viruses can indeed be highly destructive.
Liken this to Syria at present, the multinationals, with the aid of Israel, is
pilfering Syria's oil and gas reserves, this action is highly motional and will
only create destruction instead of peace. Like a virus, it's main concern is
what it can get out of it's environment for itself. Highly active viruses are
anything but peaceful, does this non-peacefulness make these people negative?
Not at all because they are a natural
part of creation, this would be like going up to a volcano and stating to the
volcano, it's bad and negative because it's highly destructive within it's
We are now coming to the main point of the
post. There are people who are still immunising themselves against excessive
motion and there are people who have already immunised themselves against
excessive motion. There are also people who are of this excessive motion that
spiritually aware people often immunise themselves against the infection of
excessive motions. Also, as of clinical immunising, spiritual immunisation
doesn't always work, in serious circumstances, the immunisation can be as
deadly or harmful as the viruses, human history reflects this quite well.
question is, how do you know if you are truly immunised or not infected by excessive motion?
Firstly, you try not to judge through a
black and white mentality, meaning, you don't judge what is or isn't negative
or positive for an example, you instead observe what is and isn't destructive
while remembering not everything that is destructive is negative or bad.
Secondly, you immerse yourself in a true
sense of love, this means loving and accepting what is and isn't destructive.
Basically, you don't ignore everything you have judged as being negative or
bad. Spiritual awareness is about being aware even of excessive extreme motions
that are often highly destructive.
Thirdly, you don't participate in extremes,
especially when in retaliation to another opposing extreme. This kind of action
denotes a virus mentality, a mentality of black and white. It's natural for a
truly immunised person to not express this kind of mentality, in actually
it's impossible for them to do so.
how do you now you are still in the immunisation process, meaning, you are
still being immunised against excessive motion/virus?
Point one, you will judge what is and isn't
positive even though you are of a self-judged positive person. Even judging
yourself positive, especially on a regular basis, denotes a black and white
Point two, you will most often stay away
from what you have judged as negative vibrations. Anyone immune to these highly
motional motions, won't be affected by the feelings of excessive motion. Anyone
who is truly immunised, will feel a difference but won't judge a difference as
negative or positive, this is all due to being immunised against excessive
motion because they are seen to be no threat to them. We usually judge a
negative or a positive in fear for example. A person in the process of being
immunised, will often refer to themselves, and others like themselves, as being
positive, being truthful here, this is in fear of being negative.
about the people who are of excessive motion, how do you know you are of this
excessive motion?
Any excessive motion, especially extreme
motions, denote a person who is of excessive motion, for example, a person who
is predominant within their materialistic motions/expressions void of any
attribute that balances out materialism, is obvious within their own motions of
being excessive. Spiritually aware people can also be caught up in expressing
excessiveness, especially when in counteraction to something opposing them like
any judged negative for example.
question is, are people like me fully immunised?
Absolutely not as people like myself are
obvious within their participation in motion. There might not be any expression
of excessive motion or counteractive motion, but a high degree of motion is till being
In all, try to realise that there is
nothing wrong in being expressive of a virus, it's a natural part of creation,
there is also nothing wrong or right in being immunised against
excessive motions either. Yes, we are aware of how excessive motion (virus) can
destroy for it's own purpose, there is a better more constructive way to exist,
but this doesn't make excessive motions negative or bad in some way. I do know
one of these multinationals was a pauper in his previous life, all he is doing
now is experiencing the opposite, all be it to an extreme. Before judging, try
to look at the big picture.
Don't get me wrong here, I am by no way for excessive motion in any
sense, be it spiritually or materialistically, but what is meant to be will be
while knowing we do indeed have a choice in the way we exist.
Until human consciousness can evolve from excessive motions, he will keep on experiencing a virus like reality, this is inevitable.........
Until human consciousness can evolve from excessive motions, he will keep on experiencing a virus like reality, this is inevitable.........