Written by Mathew Naismith
I seem to be doing this a fair bit, I will be writing about
a certain topic and all of a sudden I can't write any more, the flow just stops
dead. You could call this writers block, it is in a sense but I've stopped
writing for a very good reason, usually that reason has something to do with
synchronicity and this is no different.
Transitory States of
Consciousness: What do we most often fixate ourselves to, in other words
what expression do we express the most? This seems like a strange question to
ask but the answer is even stranger in my view. What do we traumatise over and
allow to distract us from knowing our eternal selves?
Transitory states of consciousness rings a bell, we most
often traumatise ourselves over states of existence that are very fleeting, in
our case this is referring to the human physical self. I find it quite unusual
that we to day still allow a transitory state of consciousness to rule us in
various ways, sometimes completely.
The following will heighten this understanding, it's quite a
tragic story of a girl who was viciously raped some years ago, she is no longer
that girl today but what she still caries with her still to this day keeps the
tragedy of that girl within side of her.
First synchronistic moment. I've known this girl for some
years now, when a bloke (man) is walking towards her on a footpath, she still
today crosses the road to avoid such a person, she avoids men period. I
recently saw her which instantly reminded me of the differences between our
eternal and transitory selves, the transitory self being human and the eternal
self being the soul or spirit.
Second synchronistic moment. A recent discussion on
releasing ourselves gave me an insight
of going into the light after our so called demise (death), I remembered
releasing myself from all known human attachments, in other word all human
transitory states of consciousness. This however doesn't mean we no longer
relate to human states of consciousness, it just means we no longer relate to
transitory states of human consciousness but to a state of consciousness that
is eternal, this is our eternal selves.
Eternal States of
Consciousness: Releasing ourselves of traumas is like going into the light,
we no longer see or even feel transitory states of consciousness as being
anything more than just transitory, a fleeting moment in one's entire eternal
life. Anything remotely transitory no longer has any influences on us within
this light. This is also due to the feeling that this light is our natural
state, not some transitory state of human consciousness we make up as we go
along. Now it's very difficult to see ourselves, after going through
traumatizing experiences, as just seeing these experiences as transitory therefore
meaningless, the human psyche I'm afraid doesn't work like this, it holds onto
these moments only because it doesn't realise these traumatising moments are very
fleeting, they are not of our truer selves.
The trick is to reprogram your mind to accept that our truer
selves are not of this transitory states of consciousness, but a consciousness
that is eternal in every sense of the word and the best way to do this is to
imagine going into the light after our so called demise. Could you imagine
being in a state of consciousness and knowing this is my truer state of
consciousness, it's like coming back home after a long time away or awakening
out of an extended dream state, it's our natural state totally void of anything
remotely transitory or traumatising. In other words everything you experienced
in a transitory state becomes null and void, it no longer has any traumatising effects
on us.
This light feels comfortably worm and serene and natural,
this is why it's easy for a lot of us to transform ourselves back into our
natural truer selves. I remember looking back while in the light and thinking,
"I'm releasing myself of everything I thought I knew to be me". It's truly not a scary moment mainly because
this state feels a lot more natural than the transitory state of consciousness
we awaken out of. The point is, we can all use this light to release ourselves
from our present transitory traumas of life by just being aware of going into
the light, you just might yourself remember the exact same thing as I have.
Talk about this light with others, preferably someone close to you if you can,
as such discussions just might remind you of your own experiences while going
into and becoming the light itself.
Transitional Stage:
Recent events brought to mind about a person I knew who killed herself by just
going into the light, funny enough she was married to a spiritual healer. There
were two autopsies performed on her, there was no reason for her demise.
Anyone who is aware can so call kill themselves, this isn't saying this
lass wanted to kill herself but at times
it can be too easy to release yourself and go into the light at will, it is indeed that easy. To do this however you
need to be calm within yourself, within your mind, I certainly won't teach
anyone to do this, for obvious reasons, but this light can make it a lot easier
to release ourselves from our transitory traumas if we want too.
Death after all is of course only a transitional stage from
transitory states of consciousness to eternal states of consciousness, actually,
what we call life is more like death because we are asleep or unaware of our
truer eternal selves. The human perception is certainly quite interesting I
must say!!
I should also point out I don't try to remember anything,
there are no intentions or desires on my part to remember such things, what I
remember or have insights of is meant to be naturally without force. If anyone
gets anything out of what I right about, that is meant to be. I just love going
with the flow of life instead of against it, that's what I'm supposed to do but
if you're meant to do something else, go with that not against it.
Light always represents a transitional stage, it is
certainly nothing to fear.