Showing posts with label glow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label glow. Show all posts

Saturday, 29 March 2014

Spirituality-Feeling the Rush

Written by Mathew Naismith

Becoming spiritually aware can be totally electrifying exciting our emotions to emotions that we never thought existed or could never possibly experience in such a reality.  We can feel utter bliss where’s before we felt despair so of course we are going to protect these feelings against anything that remotely threatens such emotions.

What would be the point in becoming spiritually aware through many trials and tribulations to have it squandered away by yet more negativity. At the human level of understanding we are going to avoid this and rightfully so but have you ever asked yourself, “Why are my emotions so electrified?”  Most of us will say it’s because of our newly found awareness but that I feel is only partially so. What if we had always lived with these electrifying emotional feelings, would the effects of such occurrences be as compelling and electrifying?

If we didn’t have such a contrasting reality to these electrifying feelings would these feelings be as electrifying?  I believe divine beings don’t get such a rush as we do as their emotions are more controlled by being consistently in this state of physical omission. It’s the norm for the divine to feel this electrifying ecstasy so until they come in contact with less aware beings this rush doesn’t seem to exist for them in the same way it does for us. What I feel gives them this rush is less aware people’s reaction to such spiritually induced emotions; they can feel our electrifying reactions to these emotions.

The big question is now, who is really divine to whom and is spiritual awareness all about feeling this electrifying ecstasy? I feel it’s all about feeling this electrifying feelings, that is what makes us aware of the light within in the first place, after this it becomes the norm like a lot of actual spiritualists have obtained to one extent or another.  The question is now is, where do these electrifying feelings and this light come from in the first place?

That’s an easy question to answer, from the divine within.

Actual spiritualists don’t get this rush mainly because it’s of the ego unless it has a purpose beyond their desires.  They still feel extremely enlightened but it’s different to the actual rush that a less aware person experiences, it’s very similar to a divine entity as it’s a far more controlled emotion mainly because their emotions aren’t driven by the ego. 

So what is the difference between an enlightened person and a divine entity? 

One still has an issue with the ego and the other hasn’t.  A spiritualist knows the ego is always present; it’s all around them for starters however a divine entity doesn’t have this problem, that is what makes them divine I suppose.  The divine are able to experience and enjoy these emotional rushes through less aware beings without the threat of the ego becoming controlling again. Yes spiritualists can do this but only to a certain extent, they are quite aware they are not divine or should be aware of such things.

This comes back to the question, who is divine to whom, really? Is it what gives the divine these rushes or is it the divine that gives rushes of electrifying emotions to less aware beings? To answer this clearly we should remember these rushes create pure light that is why they are so emotionally electrifying to us.  What gives a light bulb it’s glow, electrifying an element of course, what is above is also below, same principle believe it or not!!

The paradox is, if we didn’t have the divine within we wouldn’t glow however I feel if we didn’t have the lesser aware self the divine wouldn’t glow as it does through lesser aware beings as ourselves.  The divine is the electricity and we are the glow, a balance made in heaven believe it or not as they both serve each other. 

Please don’t take what I have written here as gospel, it’s not.