Showing posts with label happiness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label happiness. Show all posts

Monday, 26 August 2019

Inner Happiness

Written by Mathew Naismith

Mother Teresa and Florence Nightingale helped a lot of people, often in the worse environments. There happiness wasn't reliant on their external environment, at the same time not judging their environment to be negative or positive, just an environment that needed assistance. A more neutral consciousness seemed to have been expressed here.  

Often today, people will judge the environment around them negative or positive. Of course today if the environment is negative or toxic, we avoid assisting the people in need it would seem to retain our own externally acquired happiness and positiveness. Yemen and Palestine are prime examples. The consciousness of people like Mother Teresa and Florence Nightingale seems to be absent in the present human consciousness!!

In my last post titled, A True Malevolent Menace, I wrote about a dream I had recently, where a malevolent force was too entrenched in a consciousness for me to assist anyone on the receiving end of this malicious menace. This is after trying to expose a social site run, operated and supported by a hate group. Of course hate groups are often inline with radicalism; the process of only accepting desired truths that are in favour of the group's intentions, while hating/opposing any honest truth that doesn't support a group's intention. For an example of this, extremist religious groups but in this case I am talking about an extremist atheist hate group.

At present, these hate groups are trying a new deceptive tactic on purpose, to deceive everyone in how nice they are, while their true intentions are obviously malicious in intent. I know because my dreams like this don't lie.

This radical hate group and the groups social site is also supported by the EU it would seem. Also, it would seem any blog I write to do with this social site and its initial supporting members is now being hampered by Google. Of course this hate group maybe hacking my blogs either through Google and/ or externally. As my dream portrayed, this malevolent menace/consciousness is well entrenched in today's human consciousness.

However, as my dream portrayed, quite a large number of people are untouchable to this malicious menace. Our material being maybe at risk but our immaterial being, the soul, is not at risk if we stay true. Staying true is simply to do with honest truth, while one's consciousness is in the absence of desired truths. By judging everything around you as being negative and positive, instead of staying neutral to this environment, is a sign that one is seeking external happiness, not internal happiness. Judge what is negative and stay away from the negative to stay happy/positive yourself!!

My own internal happiness has nothing to do with a material environment, but an immaterial environment. Yes, my material being and ego could search for external happiness by judging what is and isn't negative if I allowed it, but my material being/ego is too aware of my immaterial/spiritual being for that to occur it would seem. And it would seem in accordance with my dream, so are a lot of other people.

In relation to my material being, my immaterial being has precedence, for if my soul is menaced and infiltrated by malevolent malicious menace, internal happiness will no longer exist. In this case, the only happiness one can then find would be external. Ask yourselves, what kind of force has control over the present external happiness? It is a hate group trying to outlaw any group that opposes true hate groups. 

As my dream also portrayed, I must now withdraw into an environment that is untouchable to this malevolent malicious menace. It is now going to do no good in exposing this malevolent malicious menace to a people who don't want to know. A people tricked in being only interested in finding and keeping personal external/material happiness. However, my journey is just beginning with the people who have stayed true to themselves and the people around them.

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make the horse drink from the water unless there is a need by the horse to do so. The need hasn't arrived yet it would seem, to be truly internally and eternally happy.........!!           

Sunday, 16 September 2018

Experiencing the Zone

Written by Mathew Naismith

Being in the zone, to me, refers to an enlightened state where your focus allows you to perform physical and mental tasks way beyond your normal boundaries. Simply, your awareness has focus in this state on a particular task, not on many tasks at the same time. Boundaries by the way are a creation of the controlling ego, a separation of energy into negatives and positive, good and bad, wrong and right. How often are these separation thought of when in the zone? There simply not for all energy within this state becomes neutral, as if you are one with all the energy around you without separation. Imagine being at one with all the energy of the universe or even all of creation as a whole, this is the zone.

Focus on your awareness has focus, meaning that your awareness has focus on one thing instead of being partially focused on many things. Too often our awareness, when controlled by a controlling ego, will only partially focus on one thing, or, focus all energy, for example, on materialism or of what we desire. How many people put all their focus on their income and their job to fulfil their desires? When people focus like this, this is not the zone for energy used in this way is simply being abused. Often this kind of focus will create a destructive reality, not a constructive reality. If you feel at one with the energy around you, this is the zone, a state where you work in unison with energy without abusing energy. The zone isn't about fulfilling a desire; it's simply about working in unison with energy.

Do the people who experience the zone focus at anytime on their desires while experiencing the zone? Your focus isn't on positives and negatives, rights and wrongs, bad and good; your focus is simply on energy as a whole, there is simply no perception of separation of energy within this state. Be aware though, the ego in control will most often use this state to serve its own desires. This is often the case when the zone is perceived to be of a positive or is only obtained through positive thinking. Let's be honest here, this is the same mentality in that white people are more of a positive entity than black people. Never perceive that the zone is of and only gained through positive thinking, all this is a sign of is the abuse of energy, usually created by ignorance than awareness!!      

Consider this, perceptions of negatives and positives, wrong and rights, bad and good, black and white, are simply perceptions where the zone is an actual state of consciousness and oneness. This is where energy is used harmoniously. You at no time have to be of a positive mind to experience this state; just don't be negative or even positive. Imagine not having to be positive because there were no perceived negatives!! Remember, positives and negatives are simply perceptions. How often is an occurrence perceived to be negative but then turns out to be a positive? Also, what is positive or negative to one person isn't to another.

I have had to do a lot of focusing in my life because of my predicament, at times outperforming people with no disabling abilities. I always remember a time when working at a National Park, barrowing wet gravel stone up a steep narrow hillside. A semi-professional footballer had a hard time keeping up with me. He never knew that I had a fully dislocated elbow and that my shoulder was weaker than my dislocated elbow.  Simply, my ego never took control of me because of my focus. Yes, pain can also teach us to focus but only if the ego in control is not in control of you.

There are a number of spiritual practices that condition us to focus better as well, meditation, singing hymns, chanting, praying and many other practices teach us to condition our mind to focus without abusing energy. Yes, playing a musical instrument or singing can also help us to focus in this way, often have performers gone into the zone. In actuality, anywhere where we are focusing, while working at one with energy around us, can lead us to experience this state called the zone. How many people have experienced enlightening experiences while going through some kind of trauma? What is no doubt perceived to be a negative experience by some people, can be one of our most enlightening experiences in our lives.                                                   

You will find the following actually refers to being in the zone to our alter ego, an alternate personality to your normal everyday self.  It would certainly seem that being in the zone can be used by the controlling ego to gain more control and self-satisfaction, even though while being in the zone itself isn't about a controlling ego. The zone is simply neutral and a natural state of existence. I don't actually concur with the findings of the following two inserted articles but some people might find them interesting.           

Even though I rely on psychology to give me some of the answers to life, in the case of the zone, psychology for me really doesn't have the answers or the answers that are true to me. I instead agree with the following.

Happiness (enlightenment) isn't something you seek. You instead allow happiness to seek you, however, the act of seeking happiness (enlightenment) creates motion that leads one to the light when of the perception of being of the dark. The ego, when detaching itself from the control of the ego, will need to seek to then find out it must no longer seek what the ego seeks. You are simply seeking not to seek happiness, a state where the zone (enlightenment) is common place......           

Sunday, 31 August 2014

Ephemeral or Eternal Happiness!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

We do indeed have a huge choice in the way we want to be happy, this of course is defined by the difference between in what kind of happiness we live by especially considering the difference between ephemeral and eternal happiness.  What are their differences and how do they impact on our being?

Ephemeral means fleeting, a happiness that doesn’t last and eternal means everlasting, a happiness that lasts. Take watching a TV show that makes us happy to watch and that we watch without missing an episode, when we do miss an episode, we are no longer happy, this is ephemeral happiness.  When a loved one or a loved pet dies, we become unhappy, again this is another indication of ephemeral happiness brought on by an external source of happiness.  This doesn’t mean we no longer love them but it just means they are no longer a source of happiness unless we remember fond thoughts of them.   

Eternal happiness doesn’t take an external source to make us happy; when we are eternally happy, missing a show or two wouldn’t disappoint us so we wouldn’t become unhappy  missing a show or two.  Does this also apply to the other things in life we love dearly like a love one or a pet?  This might seem course but it’s exactly the same, some people love certain TV shows just as much as their pets and in certain cases probably more than their loved ones.  Love itself doesn’t define our happiness but in the way we love does.

Love is defined by loving something or someone for external happiness, or loving something or someone for the sake of just simply loving them without relying on them for our happiness. When we start to rely on any external source for our happiness, we are really only talking about ephemeral happiness not eternal happiness. We have, especially in the west, been brought up to rely on external sources to make us happy, it’s everywhere around us which is mainly brought about by consumerism.

If my wife died tomorrow would I be unhappy? Yes because I have been brought up to rely on external sources to make me happy, my wife is a source of external happiness to me as I am to her.  I would have many fond memories of my passing wife but I’m not really happy until I meet someone else, this is a very good indication I have relied on an external source to make me happy.  We can also replace one source of happiness we with something else, if my wife died, I could replace that form of external sought happiness in something else like drugs/alcohol or sport but it would still be of an ephemeral external happiness. You would think there is no other way around this but there is!!

The quote above says it all but this seems to still rely on an external source to make us happy, goals are external from our inner being are they not?  Not if you make such goals eternal as opposed to ephemeral.  When we have a goal to get married to someone we dearly love, we are giving them a stamp stating they are ours now and we own them.  Any indication of ours is a form of ownership and of course with any ownership it’s ephemeral not eternal.  

Let’s look at a goal of getting married in a different way, what if the stamp didn’t state they are ours now and we own them, is this of ephemeral or eternal love?  There is no such thing of ownership being of eternity, ownership is a fleeting occurrence not eternal. The stamp now states you’re not mine to own but to cherish while you are with me. Can you now see the difference between the mentalities of ownership compared to just cherishing.  If we are just cherishing someone without ownership, we are not wholly relying on them for our happiness, they give us happiness but we are not relying on them for our happiness because we don’t own them.

This might seem cold to some people, once one passes on we are no longer relying on them for our happiness but this doesn’t mean we no longer love them; there is a huge difference here.  Once one passes on, we don’t own them anymore, they belong to the afterlife but we still have love for them.  The trick is to feel happy that you were able to be a part of their lives for however long that was.

I don’t own my wife and that’s not my TV show that I watch with passion so often, it’s all an ephemeral experience not an eternal physical experience, nothing in this physical reality is eternal so why rely on these physical none eternal possessions and people to make us happy?  It’s funny to me to rely on something that we don’t really own and isn’t eternal to make us happy, our true happiness comes always from within. 

If a goal doesn’t turn out for us and we become unhappy because of this, this is a good indication that the said goal was ephemeral not eternal.  A goal that doesn’t work out for us that doesn’t make us unhappy is eternal,  it’s eternally not our goal any longer and we go onto the next goal as Einstein did, if a formula doesn’t work out, go onto the next one.  If Einstein ever thought he owned a formula that didn’t work out, he would have indeed became unhappy.  

If we change our mentality from ownership to cherishing a moment, we would indeed be only relying on our inner happiness to make us happy because we realise we can’t own anything in a physical reality as it’s all ephemeral.  This is changing our mentality from an ephemeral mentality to an eternal mentality giving us eternal happiness.  True eternal happiness is all to do with our mentality.