Showing posts with label egoless. Show all posts
Showing posts with label egoless. Show all posts

Monday, 24 December 2018

The Serenity of Oneness

Written by Mathew Naismith

Oneness simply means to be united as one, where all different motions of energy are seen as energy, no more, no less, even though there are infinite forms of energy in motion. Sounds strange doesn't it? Add to this that the more aware we become, the less of motion we become, it is then quite understandable why the ego at times is unable to even comprehend a state of oneness. This is strange to some one like me, even a true state of serenity can be incomprehensible to the ego.

Of course the more of oneness we become, the less of the ego we are expressive of. This doesn't mean that the ego becomes less worthy to the egoless self, it simply means that the ego isn't the be and end all, where the ego is the primary source of existence. In a state of oneness, there is no ultimate state, even a state of oneness isn't seen as an ultimate state. You can probably understand why I headed this post the serenity of oneness, where there is no ultimate state therefore there is no desire to be of some kind of ultimate state, just serenity or stillness/motionlessness. Yes, that's correct, the more of motionlessness we become, the more of the egoless self we become but the more we will go with the flow of what is, for only the ego desires not to be expressive of the ego, motion, time, separation.

Oneness, as of enlightenment, unconditional love, a pure state of awareness or being one with God, etc, can't be desired. It is a state that simply occurs through seeking but seeking without a desired outcome. You even come to a point in awareness where you no longer seek; this is often experienced as a state of serenity.

The ego may think that to be more aware, the more we are thinking therefore the more of motion we become, not less.

Awareness is not like knowledge, in that knowledge has to be sought out through a desire. Awareness simply occurs without effort, the only effort needed is by the ego to let go of desires therefore a perceived outcome. Sounds like a lot of effort but it's truly not, effort expended is simply a perception the ego has to become aware that we as a whole are not just of the ego. Of course you cannot be of oneness without the ego or egoless self, in other words desiring to be of one in the absence of the other. Oneness, the egoless self, desires not to be of one over and above the other for there is no other. All this means is that motion and motionless, ego and agelessness, time and timelessness, etc, is seen as one organism, even though each part of the organism is different to the other, it is still a depiction of a singular organism. Yes, everything is depicted as a singular organism, even, like cancer of the body, can work against the organism itself, for only the ego desires to separate itself from what is not desired. Yes, even while becoming aware, our egos will try to desire being just of the egoless self and not the ego, denouncing the ego as being negative or simply an illusion.

Indeed, a lot of people can experience serenity through a perception of God, for the perception of God gives the ego a depiction of oneness. Even to an ex-atheist and non-religious person, the perception of God has value. Make no mistake, just because certain religious groups and churches have abused religious ideologies for their own desires, doesn't mean that religion has no value. Like any ideology or ism, if used in harmony with energy as a whole, all that can come from this is serenity and a sense of oneness with all.

We don't only abuse religious ideologies either; we have abused science and philosophy and used them to fulfil our desires as well on a huge scale. Yes, even philosophical ideologies are being abused. I recently had an interaction with a person interested in philosophy. Philosophy to them was primarily about truth, of course with further studies, I showed this person that philosophy is simply about forever seeking truth, not of truth. Considering that philosophy is as quoted from a dictionary, "A belief (or system of beliefs) accepted as authoritative by some group or school", you wonder where philosophy is primary about truth, full stop. Yes, we so often abuse energy like this to fulfil our desires, make no mistake, isms and ideologies are an energy form that we can either abuse or work in unison with.

If we worked in unison with energy, energy in motion or not, serenity would just occur without effort. Yes, even energy in motion can create a sense of serenity if this energy is not abused to simply appease the desires of the ego. What occurs, and quite naturally, the less we abuse energy as a whole, the more of oneness, or if you like, God, we become. Indeed, the more abusive a religious sect or church is, the less of God they become. The more we abuse energy, the less of oneness and the sense of serenity we become of.

My ego would like to see in the new year that we disdain from abusing energy, but my egoless self says, "What will be will be, just go with the flow of what is." I am both my ego and egoless self so I will go with the flow of what is, only if my ego is unable to influence our abuse of energy. I suppose like Confucius, I will try to influence energy to work in unison with itself instead of against itself till my days end. In the end though, what will be, will be..........                                     

Have a blessed and blissful new year, I really hope all goes well for you on a global scale.


Thursday, 29 November 2018

The Soul and Nirvana/Heaven

Written by Mathew Naismith

It is often said that the soul is having a human experience; this is instead of the soul having a soul experience. The human experience becomes primary to the soul having an experience. When everything we humanly experience and express is reflective upon the soul, I think it doesn't matter what our soul is experiencing, it is still primarily to do with the soul having the experience. Also, the soul itself doesn't separate one experience from another, it's still an experience. It is like the soul doesn't observe or experience each life lived as a separate entity or life; it is one life lives with different experiences experienced.

If you can't remember experiencing your own soul and other souls, projecting from the soul is going to be hard to do humanly; this is why a lot of ideologies make reference to the soul. "If you are not righteous in human life, this will reflect on your soul." This isn't scaremongering, it is the obvious truth observed and experienced by the soul. It is a soul projection trying to guide the human self to refrain from abusing energy as a whole. How often is, for example, Christianity and Hinduism these days shown disdain because they state what is obvious to the soul? "Refrain from abuse of energy in human life or suffer the consequences", is simply a guide for the human self otherwise the soul will suffer. Yes, the soul can become dark, in other words become ignorant to serve the ego in control.

Can a soul in deliberate ignorance (dark) only observe that we live separate lives, unlike how the soul projects it as one life lived with different experiences to be experienced? Yes, the soul itself can become this unaware through serving the ego for only through the ego can separation and abuse of energy occur. However, the only way the ego is going to comprehend anything beyond its own self, is to relate to each soul experience as being a separate entity to start with, for only the ego comprehends separate entities. This is the same as saying that the soul is having a human experience, when the soul sees it as the soul simply having a soul experience. Of course a soul that is conditioned to separating everything, will only desire to see it as many lives lived, however, as you can condition the soul to become dark (ignorant), you can also condition the soul to become light (aware). To do this one must separate energy, for the egos sake, to once again unite energy as many spiritual ideologies guide us to do.

Yes, the human self has to first see that we live many lives separate to each other to be able to then observe through a souls perspective, that there is only one life lived. It is a big deal to start with when the ego comprehends the soul, an entity not separate to the ego but often more aware than the ego. For the ego to go beyond its own awareness is astonishing, especially when you consider the abusive environment the ego has to cope with. Think on this, would not an ego in control deliberately condition the soul to primarily serve the ego, to only be of a controlling ego? I have personally experienced souls just like this; they simply didn't want to know anymore than their egos allowed them to.

As an aware soul is able to comprehend mortal egoistic existences, an aware soul is also able to comprehend immortal egoless states of being. A state, as opposed to states, where everything is just is which is the same state as pure awareness, oneness, nirvana/heaven or a state of God. I often myself touch on this state as the ego can only do. Yes, to the ego this state, what ever your ideology calls it, is an utterly beautiful state of being. This egoless state doesn't see or feel its own beauty for only through the ego is love and beauty appreciated. The problem of the ego expressing appreciation in this way is the ego in control often distorts and fragments this energy of appreciation. The appreciation of having to feel good takes over from the simple appreciation of the beauty of this state, this state then often becomes to the service of the controlling ego, to primarily feel good as much as possible no matter what. The separation of what is real and what is an illusion, what is negative and what is positive, what is wrong and what is right and so forth, becomes a priority to the ego in control to feel good as much as possible. All else from feeling good then becomes negative or even toxic.

Make no mistake, empathic people, people who are sensitive to other vibrations, often feel uneasy around vibrations not of their own. Just because it's not of our own vibration doesn't mean its negative just because it doesn't make us feel good. Yes, life has become all about us feeling good making all else some kind of negative. Of course in this state we will feel bad vibrations, vibrations that don't make us feel good. Did Jesus or Buddha, for example, avoid and ostracise every other vibration not of their own? They in actuality embraced all vibrations as of their own. You see in this state of nirvana/heaven, there is no feeling of bad or good vibrations; it is in actuality impossible to do so in this state. In a state of the absence of ego everything simply becomes just is. Of course in a state of the presence of ego we have individual souls and separate individual expressions of energy. Is a state of nirvana more worthy to be in and real than states of suffering/hell? The ego in control would state most definitely but the egoless state states there is no separation therefore no nirvana or suffering, heaven or hell, for to perceive this would be of the controlling ego.

However, to the ego there is an obvious nirvana and suffering, heaven and hell, the ego feels it and experiences it so they must exist but only to and through the ego. There is simply no separation of energy in a state of nirvana. I suppose one needs to experience this state in some way or become aware of this state through an ideology to realise this.

So is it really a human experience the soul is experiencing or is it the soul experiencing a soul experience? It really has to do with the way the existence or state a soul is conditioned to. For the ego, the soul is having a human experience. To the egoless state, it is all to do with the soul having an experience or being in a certain state. Try to remember, the ego is unable to experience a state of nirvana, a state of the absence of ego. All the ego can do is feel what this state is like, but so often it's these feel good feelings that take over us, often to the root of our soul. We then primarily focus on feeling good, in accordance with our desires, and then all else often becomes a negative as we are seeing so often today.

In truth, it is all about the soul so try not to avoid abusing energy as much as you can. Remember though, you may not always be able to avoid this, try not to allow the ego to make a big deal of this for it is what it is, end of story. Also, in a state of ego, especially a state controlled by the ego, never expect, demand or desire to feel good all the time, this is highly impractical, however, touching on a state of true nirvana/heaven can make a life experience a lot less about suffering/hell thus conditioning your soul to Nirvana/Heaven.      

Monday, 16 July 2018

The Organism as a Whole

"Everything in the universe is within you.
Ask all from yourself." 

Written by Mathew Naismith

Organism: A living thing that has (or can develop) the ability to act or function independently.

When talking about the organism as a whole, I am making reference to the whole of existence. The whole of existence includes both ego created existences (participation/motion) and an existence not of the ego (observation/motionless. There is no perception of separation of this singular organism as a whole.

The independence of this organism as a whole is independent of the perceptions of separation of this whole organism. While of the ego and by the ego, the whole organism is perceived to be of separate individualistic entities or organisms, however, while not of the ego and by the ego, all is observed as one organism. There is no perception here, just clear observation through the absence of bias. You see, the ego existence, therefore participation, creates biases simply by separating one from the other. This process of separation also creates, for example, racialism and hate; you of course could go on from this and say evil and demonic tendencies.

This is odd for me to think like this as I was brought up as an atheist, of a limited consciousness to certain specifics of existence as whole. I observed that atheism wasn't just limiting my consciousness; I also looked at the whole existence as a singular organism, not of a separated organism trying to control all other organism not of itself.

Having researched in the way the Eastern and Western mind thinks in all of us, it would seem that my Eastern mind observed one organism even while my Western mind was focused on the individualistic side of existence. Yes, we are individuals but individuals existing in a holistic existence, an existence of observation of participation of the ego. Ego simply means to individualise existence into separate parts.

A lot of people perceive this individualising, the separation of a singular organism or consciousness, as an illusion. Illusion refers to something that is fake, not of a real existence. So, what is the observer observing? Why would the observer of ego existences observe anything that was an illusion? To do this would be of the ego; this is not the observer, considering the observer is egoless, only the ego would bother to perceive and observe an illusion!!

What is being observed are ego existences, a part of the organism in motion. It's important here not to perceive everything as just being of materialism where matter is the only reality. The observer is not of matter for matter takes motion, the observer is simply motionless therefore not of matter.

The ego often separates one from the other; thereby individualising its existence separate to other existences. Seen as the Western mind is of individualising, you could easily perceive that the Western mind is of the ego and the Eastern mind is of egolessness. I don't think this is far from the truth considering that the Western and Eastern mind is within everyone. What becomes more predominant reflects our thoughts and feelings, either that be of the ego or egolessness/selflessness.

What the ego seems to do on a regular basis is to perceive that ego existences are separate to the egoless existence; this is while the observer observes only one organism in motion. It's still of one organism even when the observer is observing itself in observation, it's all one organism either in motion or not. Look at this way. Yin and yang can often act as one organism when in harmony to each other. When one is asleep and the other is awake, are they still not of one organism?

It's advisable and wise to be aware how our egos behave; separating a singular organism into numerous individualistic organisms to serve its own self-worth.......

It is really good to see that science is looking at everything being of one organism, of non-duality. However, it is sad for people like me observing new age spirituality doing the opposite, trying to separate itself from something it doesn't desire to be a part of. When you are a part of the whole organism, no amount of perceived separation will separate you from this organism. You can become as perceived evil or saintly as much as you like, you are still a part of the whole organism as a whole.

So how do you create a more constructive existence/reality? By simply being aware that you are a part of the whole organism without exception, within this, the destructive ways of the organism become insignificant in comparison to the whole organism. Yes I know, this is hard to comprehend for the Western mind and understandably so.       

Alan Wilson Watts was a British philosopher who interpreted and popularised Eastern philosophy for a Western audience. What is being said here is very much of the Eastern mind, of course the Western mind being what it is, desires to separate itself from the Eastern mind!!                       

Saturday, 14 July 2018

Whole of Existence - A Singular Organism

Written by Mathew Naismith

I awoke during the night holding my hand out; this is of course no big deal. What was a big deal was what I perceived or envisioned that I was holding in my hand in awe, the entire existence as a whole. The wonderment I experienced wasn't just to do with what I was holding; it was to do with how the entire existence exists.

One simply creates the other, for example, bad creates good, negative creates positive, awareness creates unawareness, dark creates light and of course visa-versa. There was no perception that one was above another. That some almighty high level of consciousness resides as an ultimate state over all other states. What was obvious is that existence was of the ego and non-existence was egoless.

However, what's in observation of existence? What is the observer's state of consciousness to all other states of consciousness? As I was doing, I was in observation of existences as a whole. It was like observing a singular organism in motion with itself. It seemed to be important for me to perceive the whole existence as a singular organism, more importantly, an organism in motion with itself.

From an ego point of view, this observing state of consciousness is going to be desired to be the ultimate state over all other states. To do this, the ego has to put this state above all other states. The ego does this in different ways through the perception of God, light and love, some perceived ultimate state or however the ego desires to perceives this state to be. Don't get me wrong here, it's good that the ego does this; at least this gives the ego a perception of something more than an existence of ego. The organism in motion with itself is simply pure ego.

What is in observation of the entire ego existence, this singular organism in motion with itself, is a state void of the ego. This gives the perception, from an ego point of view, of a non-existence. As you could imagine from an egoless point of view, this is clearly not the case. Existence is of both ego and egoless states of existence. Just because one is of observation void of participation, void of the ego therefore motion, doesn't mean the observer doesn't exist!!

Being the observer observing the entire ego existence, isn't in observation of the entire existence when excluding observing the observer as well. Within my own actions here, I am also observing the observer in observation of the ego's existence. In other words, I have observed all of existence by observing the ego's existence, the participator, and the egoless existence, the observer in observation.

My ego wishes it could remember the dream that incited my experience here; it was not to be........

I decided to look up on related topics and came up with the following.

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Dissolving 3rd Dimensional Thinking

Written by Mathew Naismith

Ridding ourselves of 3rd dimensional thought processes isn’t easy as it’s all learnt from learned behaviour not just from our child hood but from previous behavioural modes of thought & patterns right throughout human history so we are not just struggling with our own learned behavioural patterns but all 3rd dimensional modes of thoughts throughout human history which has cemented in us in the way we think today, 3rd dimensional. In other words we have been brought up as a species, not just individuals, to think in a certain way which we know now is 3rd dimensional.  Now this process of thought isn’t obviously going to be an easy process to go through, every time we seem to be ridding ourselves of fear based ideologies for instance we find ourselves right back from where we started in the first place which is 3rd dimensional thought so what’s the answer in succeeding in allowing ourselves to think in different dimensional modes of thought?

I will try to answer this question a little further on but first I will insert a statement made by a good internet friend of mine & my following reply to such a statement which I hear so often. We are just here as Consciousness, not ego! We don't need to define ourselves as something. We just could enjoy the process of communicating here! LOL

G'day Eric

Eric, you’re not another person who is afraid of expressing the ego are you? We have got to get past any ideology that is fear based.

If we are here just as consciousness & ego is a part of this consciousness like everything thing else, why do we express the ego the way we obviously do? Yes, everything is just consciousness & to label any part of this as ego for instance is of the ego, so what!! Why be afraid of labelling & expressing the ego?

I'm sorry but spirituality seems to be based on fear of one kind or another but it's not supposed to be believe it or not!!

Why would a conscious energy who isn't expressive of the ego in anyway take form to express the ego if all we are supposed to do is be just consciousness without ego tendencies which we were in the first place? Sorry Eric this kind of concept doesn't make sense to me.  Yes we can be in conscious states that we don't have to think or express the ego but we do in the form we are now in for the purpose of expressing the ego not just being consciousness. Expressing the ego helps develop our souls so that the consciousness can be expressive of all it's knowing through actually experiencing it's knowing not just knowing of it's knowing, in fact we are serving the lord/consciousness if you like.

Yes I know this goes against a lot of old 3rd dimensional thinking but were not supposed to be thinking in 3rd dimensional thought anymore & this is why 3rd dimensional isms don't fit in to 4th & 5th dimensional thought processes & reasoning.  Yes a lot of people laugh at my reasoning but at least it has foresight & isn't just reliant on old out dated modes of thought.

All the best
Mathew :-)

How can we be still in fear if we are feeling at one & at peace with ourselves & the world? In certain states of consciousness we can be totally at harmony & feel no ego tendencies towards ourselves & the rest of the world so what’s this got to do with being in fear?  The process of feeling this has no fear unless we fear in some way to be expressive of these ego tendencies again. It is great when we get into certain states of consciousness, we feel totally egoless & feel all of life should be like this for ever however we still have the fear of not wanting to express such tendencies again mainly because we feel we have no more need of such tendencies however not everyone is in the same boat so to speak of or egotistically even wants to be in the same boat. It comes down to do we individually have a right to force our own desires of oneness & egoless states of consciousness onto others who especially don’t want to or are not ready to enter in such states of egoless consciousness?  The consumerist materialistic & political systems we have today does this which again is fear based so how far have we come even when we have experienced egoless conscious states from consumerist materialism, it’s still fear based even if it doesn’t feel so.

Fear is of the ego so how can we be fearful of expressing ego tendencies again when we are in egoless conscious states, this is totally impossible?  The thing is we can’t or shouldn’t be able to express such fears in these states of consciousness but the human form isn’t of these egoless conscious states it’s of the ego consciousness so even when we are in certain states of egoless consciousness  we are still of the ego. What happens when we physically conform totally to egoless conscious states of awareness? We disappear physically just like the Mayans did & many other individuals who crossed this threshold into egoless consciousness. The thing is why would we while in these egoless conscious states in the first place live in these ego consciousness’s time & time again? I already answered this question in my reply to my internet friend which explains why we are the way we are.

While in human form & experiencing egoless conscious states of awareness in this form we still express fear because once we reach these states of egoless consciousness we think this is it but it isn’t. We are expressive of no fear therefore are egoless in these states however we are still in human form which is of the ego consciousness, fear is obviously still prevalent because if it wasn’t we wouldn’t have a problem while in these states of egoless consciousness to express such tendencies again & actually at the soul level that is exactly what we do time & time again because the soul has no fear but humans do.  To answer the original question “so what’s the answer in succeeding in allowing ourselves to think in different dimensional modes of thought?” Fear is human, try to think pass this & be expressive of all that is of consciousness not what we presume is just consciousness, everything is of consciousness so be free within your will to express such consciousness ego & all.