Fixation to Attachments: It is funny how we trick ourselves
in believing we only live one life or multiple of separate lives but to a soul
that’s aware of itself sees it quite differently, all our lives are as one so
what stops the soul & our human selves from becoming aware of the truer nature of who
we really are? It all comes down to
attachments but this isn't saying all attachments are bad just the ones we
become too attached to which tend to enhance the negative aspects of our ego. When our souls become fixated to one or two
attachments from life to life we experience similar experiences, we learn
little form this because the biggest thing we learn from is diversity &
there is very little diversity when we have fixated attachments & human
life is no different.
Let’s take a look at people who study all their lives for an
example, they know all about what they have read & studies but where is the
diversity in this, there’s diversity in what they know but where is the
diversity in what they have experienced from their knowing? The soul & the
creative source (God) works in the same exact way that is why God created souls
to experience it’s knowing not just know of it’s knowing. When we are fixated to just learning we are in
fact missing out on the experiences through diversity thus we are in fact
hindering our soul & human conscious expansionism & in actual fact stagnate
within an attachment of fixation. A balance between knowing & experiencing is
much more beneficial to one’s conscious expansionism than one or the other or a
little of one & more of the other, balance is the key here!!
What we learn humanly has always been out there, we are actually
only really remembering what is out there however experiencing this knowledge
is different, no experience is exactly the same so experiencing knowledge is
quite new as we all humanly & at the soul level experience something quite
unique from everything & everyone else. Is this saying we never really
actually learn but just remember knowing? Yes exactly which to many will sound
too far fetch, why? Anyone who has a fixated attachment to knowledge won’t acknowledge
such ramblings which is quite psychologically expected & in fact any fixated
attachment will have the same deniable outcome.
Fixated attachments give us opposing polarities thus
conflict & the more our souls become fixated to one or two attachments we
actually become more conflictive but on the other hand a soul that has very
little fixated attachments will be more harmonious thus less conflictive. So does this mean a soul that hasn’t got any
fixated attachments will be all peaceful & harmonious in human life? No because
again we learn from experiencing diversity plus the soul in question might have
to have a certain persona to express themselves to teach others around them, a
disharmonious person isn’t going to listen to an all loving person because they
see it as a weakness thus ignore any teaching from such a person also sometimes
one needs to yell to be heard as whispers are usually at times ignored however
on the other hand if someone yells too much they too will be ignored which
again comes down to balance between yelling & whispering. This is
what makes a good teacher, knowing the balance.
Attachments & Fixated Attachments: We should start to
recognise from what is written in this & my previous post titled Persona of
the Soul how diverse our souls are & how they have obtained their own
unique persona/character, what is above is also below. A lot of us don’t think about having a soul or
are totally in denial in having a soul but even more people are unaware that every
soul has its own unique persona just like we do as humans so what’s the big
deal in knowing that we just don’t have a soul but our soul also has its own
unique persona? The big deal is in
knowing this is we can then define what our attachments & fixated
attachment are which are hindering our own conscious expansionism or awareness but also define the difference between
attachments & fixated attachments. The biggest plus is once we are aware of
the soul & of the soul having its own unique persona we are then able to become
more connected to our soul & the more connected we are to the soul the more
aware & harmonious we will be.
So what’s the difference between attachments & fixated attachments?
I’ve already explained about fixated attachments so I will focus on just having
attachments without any fixated ideological mode of thought attached remembering
even after death we are in thought as thought isn’t just of the physical brain
like most of us think. Like I explained in
my previous post titled Persona of the Soul as we live life to life we accumulate
certain attachments like the people we live our lives out with life after life playing
out different roles which give us diversity on the other hand a soul who is fixated
to a certain role of attachments will only keep playing out a similar role life
after life thus become less diverse within its experiences. The more diverse the said soul is from life
to life the more consciously expansive the soul will be thus more aware &
the more aware we are the more connected we will be to the soul, it really
comes down to making the soul aware of itself instead of being blocked by
fixated attachments however on the other hand just having attachments can be
quite helpful & usually these other souls in whom you have an affiliation with
will be your guides, who better?
It is an unusual feeling finding out you really have two personas,
one is the persona of your soul the other is of your human self however each
life has its own unique persona so in actual fact we have as many personas as
we had lives but once you recognise the souls persona you will begin to become
more & more of the persona of the soul for the main reason that it’s the
real you plus if the soul has no fixated attachments you will feel a lot more
at peace & harmonious because we then see all our lives as one thus feel
less venerable & see what each life was all about which lessons the traumas
of any said lives by quite a bit remembering traumas are also of fixated
attachments. Once we realise our truer selves human life becomes a lot easier
to live mainly because of our new found awareness in both our human & soul