Written by Mathew Naismith
I will start this
post of with the definition of oneness, the reason for this will present itself
through the post. We seem to have a different definition and perception of
oneness giving us, at times, a hugely different perspective to other
perceptions, of course a true sense of oneness means all perspectives and
perceptions are one of the same thing even though expressed in diffident ways. Stating
one perspective is of oneness and others is not, is like stating yin represents
oneness but yang doesn't, of course without yang, yin is not of oneness as yin
is not whole without yang.
Just because one is
dissimilar to another, they are not of the same thing like bad and good,
negative and positive yin and yang, we are actually stating one represents
oneness and the other doesn't. Of course the more pleasant one has to be of
oneness and the other one not of oneness, what else would the ego perceive!!
Definition of Oneness
the fact or state of being unified or whole, though comprised of two or more
oneness of all suffering people"
the fact or state of being one in number.
to the oneness of God the Father as the only God"
isn't something we came from, it's something we are.
is a depiction of oneness as a whole, not a oneness
from the whole.
means what is means, the whole of all of what we are,
the whole of what we desire of what we are!!"....Mathew G
Extract: Imagine that you’re the whole universe;
you live in total joy and bliss. Imagine there is no past or future, only now.
Imagine there is no space or time, just an unbounded eternity. Imagine endless
peace, harmony, and unconditional love. Imagine no fear and equality in all
things. This is Oneness.
So joy and bliss represent oneness, all
else that is not of joy and bliss isn't oneness. This non-joyousness is often
judged as an illusion, it's not apart of this oneness because it's an
illusion!! Of course to have an illusion in the first place, lets say a yin,
there has to be a reality (yang) to start with and believe it or not,
visa-versa. Do not be tricked by the ego, it wants one or the other to be the
truth or of oneness, not both as a whole!!
Oneness isn't defined by one part of
something as the definition of oneness states, it would be like saying, "A
true sense of oneness is that everything
has to be of joy and bliss to be of oneness". Joy and bliss is but one
part of the whole, the other, if our egos like it or not, is sadness and
disharmony. The definition of oneness states whole to begin with and most
importantly, unified.
Yes unified, the unification of joy and
sadness, bliss and disharmony, yin and yang, this is the true sense of oneness,
not of one part or the other as the ego chooses. This is Eastern
Now the second definition is of Western
philosophy, it clearly states that God represents oneness. Being that
everything has been created from this one energy source and that we are of this
one energy source but also considering the holey trinity, we are of one source
but are at the same time expressive of a separate part of this one source. So
once a part of this one source is expressive of one part of this source, it's
still considered to be apart of this oneness we often call God!!
I think both Western and Eastern
philosophies state the same thing no matter how separate one part seems to be
from the whole, it's all representative of oneness no matter how it's
We have created a problem were a problem
needn't exist, the problem is expressing ourselves to extreme extents. Oneness
has to be of joy and bliss as opposed to the extreme expressions of sadness and
disharmony. Has anyone experienced a conscious state that there was no
differentiation between joy and sadness, bliss and disharmony, in other words a
true sense of balance? Joy and bliss separated from sadness and disharmony
isn't a true sense of peace and tranquillity, it's transitory therefore of the
finite, not the infinite. However, when joy and bliss are united with sadness and disharmony, you then create
peace and tranquillity that is based on the infinite, this is a depiction of
a truer sense of peace and tranquillity
that is perpetual, long lasting.
The only reason we experience extremes is
through motion, the more excessive the motion, the more extremes we will
experience. Balance expresses very little motion therefore is less of motion
therefore extremes and yes it is this simple......