Showing posts with label big picture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label big picture. Show all posts

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

The Bigger Picture

Written by Mathew Naismith

It is obviously difficult for the human collective consciousness to even perceive the bigger picture,  to comprehend the bigger picture is basically becoming virtually impossible, if we are having trouble perceiving the big picture, how would such a consciousness be able to comprehend the big picture? The bigger picture of course relates to conscious as a whole, not just human consciousness, it's like only being aware of one piece of a jigsaw rather than the whole jigsaw.

The ability to be able to perceive and comprehend the bigger picture of course takes huge amounts of awareness,  the key word here being awareness for a very good reason.

Our minds are so cluttered that the big picture is basically becoming obscured, spiritually aware people often perceive this so we basically sedate our minds to think less. Through the process of this sedation, the bigger picture becomes less obscured, this is obvious. We then think the less we think, the more of the bigger picture we will become aware of.

The problem of thinking less is the less we think, the less we become aware of, in actuality, all we are doing is thinking in a different way to the  main stream collective consciousness of man. This, to a consciousness conditioned to a highly stimulated thought process, will of course seem like we are thinking less when all we are doing is thinking differently. Basically, instead of thinking in a process influenced by stimulation, we think in a process of sedation. This sedation, which is only a different way of thinking, gives us the perception we are thinking less. This perception of course is an illusion because all we are doing is thinking in a different way.

Most of us perceive that when we are meditating, we are thinking less when all we are doing is thinking in a different way. Yes, the brain itself is less active but this doesn't mean we are thinking less, it just means we are using a different process to think by, this process is accomplished by sedating the mind.  

If spiritually aware people are thinking less, how come we are more aware and often perceive beyond human conditioning? We are not thinking less, we are thinking in a different way to the human collective consciousness. Don't perceive just because the human brain is less active means we are thinking less, the mind of the brain isn't thinking less, just differently, being that the mind isn't the physical brain!!

To be aware, in any sense, takes a thought process of some kind. How can we be aware that we are meditating if we are not thinking at all, no consciousness would know that it meditated to start with. A totally thoughtless state is a pure state of utter ignorance, how many people are aware they are ignorant? You see they don't, just like a person who meditated wouldn't know that they meditated if such states were of total thoughtlessness!!

How many people choose an exact time of day and time how long they meditate for? To start with, this kind of meditation takes a thought process to begin with, to remember that we are or where meditating, also takes a thought process to start with. If we were supposed to be totally thoughtless while meditating, we wouldn't remember we were meditating. It's impossible to remember a true state of thoughtlessness without some kind of thought process. To know of nothingness is an awareness which takes a thought process so this nothingness is never truly a nothingness, therefore, it's an illusion of nothingness. 

For any consciousness to go into a totally thoughtless state, would mean such consciousness is in a state of timelessness. Considering this timeless state, when did a thought process start when there is no starting or ending point of origin in a true timeless state?  We often then perceive that all thought processes are an illusion because they never really existed to start with.

Now consider that a true timeless state is of total thoughtlessness, how then would illusions exist and when did these illusions begin when there is no starting or ending point of origin. When did time begin when there is no starting or ending point of origin in a timeless state that is supposed to be our truer state? The illusion is to think this thoughtless, therefore ignorant state, is our truer state when all it is, is a different way to think and perceive.

This timeless state, which exists, allows us to sedate our minds to think differently, not to think at all. It's like totally separating the yin from the yang once again or time from timelessness or thoughtlessness from thought. I wonder where the oneness is within all this separation!!

We have been conditioned to think is a certain way, once we find another more sedate way to think, we understandably perceive this new sedate way of thinking is of thoughtlessness.

Look at like this, we have only been aware of our very small piece of the jigsaw, represented by the bigger picture, is it not understandable that when this consciousness begins to become aware of  more of the pieces of this bigger picture, that it's only thinking and perceiving in a different way? The more of the picture we are aware of, the more we are thinking because the more aware we are becoming. However, once we become aware of the whole picture as a collective conscious, as opposed to separate consciousnesses represented by each individual piece of the jigsaw, such consciousness automatically thinks less. The reason for this is simple, we are then no longer perceiving that each separate piece is separate from the other pieces of the jigsaw, the bigger picture.

Perceiving that thoughtlessness, therefore timelessness, is separate from thought and time, is a good indication that such a consciousness is unable to perceive beyond the boundaries of time or timelessness. Even when you perceive the bigger picture, it has no boundaries because it's endless and infinite within itself as are we. Don't fixate yourself to one or the other, go for evermore beyond.....  

Monday, 4 January 2016

The Big Picture - A Reflection of Perfection

Written by Mathew Naismith

I believe this post is going to be a heavy post to read, it's going to  look into the small and big picture. Small pictures represent realities while the big picture represents these numerous realities as one whole picture. I will also explain why no one can experience a true enlightenment while predominantly experiencing a particular reality.

Also, this posts heading seems to contradict my last post stating that no true state of perfection exists within spirituality, this too will take a bit of explaining, I will however firstly explain what I mean about the small and big picture. 

Small picture = time + controlling ego + separate realities + no actual reflection of perfection, instead, a presumed judged perfection

Big picture = timelessness + ego + linked realities + a reflection of perfection through observing the whole of existence as one

Small Picture

Time: All realities have a sense of time, this however doesn't have to mean a reality is predominantly influenced by time like our own present experienced reality, it means a consciousness within such a reality, can be aware of time within another reality without actually predominately being influenced in a reality of time. In other words, a consciousness can exist within a timeless state and still be aware of realities of time. This is like some people, within this reality, are aware of a timelessness while in a reality predominantly influenced by time.

Controlling Ego: Stating that all realities are of a controlling ego is a big statement to make here, you must realise that not all realities of a controlling ego are like our present reality. You must also realise that not all controlling ego tendencies are destructive, to most spiritually aware people, this seems to be hard to perceive, this is because all we are aware of is the destructive attributes of a controlling ego within this present reality. There are realities of gold and glitter and pure light but for every conscious form to experience and enjoy, this is quite unlike our own reality. The other difference is that this gold and glitter and light didn't take the destruction of a planet and it's living form to produce, it's created from pure energy that had no form in the first place to destroy.

Separate Realities: As I have explained in a previous post, to get a better idea of separate realities, look at these separate realities like a peace of a jig saw that fits within other peaces of the jigsaw puzzle. Each separate part of the jigsaw puzzle represents a reality, they are separate until linked together within the puzzle.

Notice a said linked instead of joined, this is because joined refers to butting one point of reference against another, jigsaws don't work like this, each peace of the jigsaw is linked together, not butted!!

Yes, each and every reality is linked, take notice of where our own reality, our own peace of the jigsaw, is linked within. Our own reality is indeed linked within other realities, this is why we are able to perceive beyond the perceptions of the reality we are presently experiencing. Now imagine expanding out from this one jigsaw peace, in other words becoming aware of other realities, jigsaw peaces, beyond our own. As I often say, this is going beyond normal human perception.      

Jigsaw puzzles are one of the things that explain the existence of everything quite simply for us to understand, as of anything we create, each creation tells us a little more of our whole self. Jigsaw puzzles however, to me, tell us of our whole existence, not just a part of our existence. Jigsaw puzzles quite plainly explain how each reality is linked.  Each peace of the puzzle makes up a big picture that we can become aware of that we are observing. Yes, every form of  consciousness is observing the big picture, we are mostly unaware of this because we are experiencing realities as separate entities, not as one entity!!    

No Perfection: There is no perfection within a singular or multiple realities, only while being aware of observing the big picture can we observe perfection. As a good internet friend of mine stated in reference to my last post, existence itself as a whole is a reflection of perfection. I totally agreed with this even though it seemed to contradict my statement that no true state of perfection exists within spirituality.

One thing to consider here is paradoxes, general thinking and science ignore and disclaim anything to do with paradoxes, however, quantum physics actually incorporates paradoxes within it's evaluations. Quantum physics, to me, is like explaining about a jigsaw puzzles in a more complicated intricate way.

While a consciousness is only aware and accepting of singular or multiple realities, there is no perfection unless a controlling ego states otherwise, for example, my ideology or enlightenment/awakening is the be and end all. This changes when we realise we are also observing the big picture, each reality becomes worthy as they make up the big picture. Could you imagine not placing a peace of the jigsaw puzzle just because we didn't personally like it, in  doing this, you will never observe the big picture in it's whole state. OK, this reality is highly expressive of chaos and destruction but it still makes up the big picture!!

Big Picture

Timelessness and Ego: It is obvious, while observing time therefore realities, there is no true sense of time, only an observed sense of time. You are observing time when observing realities but you are not predominately influenced by time or these numerous realities.

To a number of people, time and these realities are an illusion, only a sense of timelessness exists totally void of ego. In this state you are not even an observer, there is no kind of awareness at all in this state. Look at it in this way, the observer of time and timeliness is the pinnacle, a state of being in time or timelessness is observed from this pinnacle. To me, being in a state of time OR timelessness is in ignorance of the whole state of existence for which we are, of course a controlling ego will state otherwise.        

No matter what awakening and enlightenment you experience in any reality, such experiences will be influenced by the reality or realities we are influenced by, again, only a controlling ego would state otherwise!! Any consciousness that is unaware of being an observer, is unable to experience true enlightenment, also, any true enlightenment will imminently take you out of your present reality, either it be physical or otherwise. Unless we want to be physically and mentally taken our of a reality, the only enlightenment experienced is an awakening, an awareness, to being an observer. To me, this is more of a precious gift than becoming truly enlightened.....

Linked Realities and Reflection of Perfection: As I have explained, linked realities are like a jigsaw puzzle, each reality in interconnected with other peaces of the jigsaw to make up the big picture. There is no sense of separation in this state, there is  but, in a human way, a sense of perfection represented by oneness, this oneness to us becomes a reflection of perfection. See how each reality influences our perceptions!!

Some people try to explain the whole of our existence through quantum physics, I instead use the humble jigsaw puzzle to explain how everything is interconnected and as one, I just hope I explained myself well enough for you to comprehend.     

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

A Description of the True Collective

Written by Mathew Naismith

I have had to totally restructure this post; I even changed the title from “Life beyond Religion, Control and Concepts” to “A Description of the True Collective”. Because I have a lot coming into right now to do with these topics, I am going to break this post up into two parts. In the first part I am going to insert a link to another post of mine which will show a complete discussion I had with a particular person on Dharma and karma.

The second part of this post will look into why each separate ideological concept and belief system is an important part of the collective; I will also show why we shouldn’t have disdain for such ideological concepts and belief systems that are not of our own. The bigger picture tells the truth behind each and every ideological concept and belief system I feel.  

Part 1

In recent days I’ve had an interesting conversation with another person mainly about karma and Buddha-dharma, this conversation was brought about by my last post titled, Dharma, Karma, Misjudgements and Judgment.  I would like to share the hole conversation within this post but it’s a little to lengthy, I will however point out a couple of the points of the discussion which I found interesting as below

“We are coming towards the fading of the true Buddha-dharma and the beginning of false teachings”.

My response to this was as follow, “What I get out of the Buddha-dharma is ending is that old religious ideological concepts are coming to an end, we must all learn to let go of our fixation to the old ideological concepts to take on the new, this sounds like the push and pull effect but it’s not.” 

The response to this was as follow,” Finally, karma is a universal law. It doesn't end just because the Buddha-dharma ends. The Buddha talked about it to bring out consciousness towards it. To be aware of its workings.

Please do not misunderstand. The Buddha-dharma once perfected has no concepts. It's not an ideology, it's a way of life, a way to change our life to view phenomena differently. To reduce sufferings and finally to end sufferings. Any attachment to a concept or ideology is a barrier to achieving this clarity and wisdom.”

My reply to the above, “Indeed Bob, the understanding I have is Buddha-dharma isn’t of control or religion, once this state is accomplished, there is no need for control and religion. Like I stated, only the ignorant or less aware need religion therefore to be controlled, otherwise they can do harm onto themselves and others.”

The complete discussion if anyone is interested.

Part 2

This conversation lead to realising that the consciousness we have been living in is like a jigsaw puzzle, or more precisely puzzles. Each part of the jigsaw makes up the pig picture, the absolute truth of that particular consciousness, I should state that every jigsaw puzzle represents a type of consciousness experienced, in our case an ego driven consciousness primarily influenced by ego. Each piece of this jigsaw is worthy for without these pieces we don’t have a complete picture, it's important to realise that each piece represents an ideological concept and belief systems for example, Buddhism and science, which make up the bigger picture, the completed jigsaw.  

I will now insert part of a reply I gave to another person in relation to spiritually aware trying to totally separate themselves from religion, basically separating themselves from the bigger picture, the completed jigsaw puzzle.

Look at it like this, every ideological concept and belief is a part of a jigsaw, each piece fits within a certain part of this jigsaw, now this jigsaw, when finished, shows us the bigger picture, when a piece is missing, are we going to have the whole big picture?  No, this is because part of the picture is missing because we have disdain for such pieces of ideological concepts and beliefs and discarded it as not being a part of us. 


Now look at the completely finishes jigsaw again, every piece has its own place within the jigsaw, what is the obvious thing that sticks out other than the big picture and that every piece has its place in the bigger picture? It’s all interconnected isn’t it as if it’s a collective?

Now what does this completed jigsaw mean other than a collective, a collective what?  

Each piece represents a separate ideological concept and belief, a separate consciousness state, that is until the jigsaw is completed. Once completed, all these ideological concepts and beliefs become one consciousness or an absolute truth of that one now completed consciousness. 

Each jigsaw when completed shows us the bigger picture but what is this bigger picture? 

Each jigsaw represents a conscious state that is influenced by certain traits unique to that conscious state, that completed jigsaw. In our case it’s ego which created chaos. Basically the bigger picture in our case shows us a picture of ego and chaos which is made up of numerous jigsaw pieces showing various degrees of ego which makes up a complete jigsaw puzzle, the bigger picture. One must remember, each piece is connected to the other, there is no true separation of consciousness.         



Now when every ideological concept and belief systems is expressed and accepted as a piece of the pig picture, our jigsaw is completed as fig.1 shows but as fig. 2 shows, this completed jigsaw is in within another frame, this frame is but another jigsaw that needs to be completed, in other words our completed jigsaw made up of ideological concept and belief systems like Buddhism and science for example, become but one piece of a much bigger jigsaw as fig.2.

Fig.3 shows but anther much larger jigsaw puzzle that the puzzles shown in 1 and 2 are but one piece of when completed themselves, in other words when each jigsaw puzzle is finished, this whole puzzle becomes another piece within an even bigger jigsaw puzzle, an even bigger picture as Fig.3 shows. Each jigsaw puzzle represents a type of consciousness experienced and expressed, this ever expansive consciousness has no boundaries therefore is infinite within it’s expansiveness and experiences.         

So what is this denoting, saying?  

It’s saying that there is no true absolute truth for consciousness is for ever expanding, it’s infinite within it’s expansiveness, this however doesn’t mean that when a jigsaw is finished this isn’t absolute truth, the finished jigsaw becomes absolute truth for that type of consciousness, once all the pieces come together, truth in our ideological concept and belief systems become known.  Each piece of the jigsaw on their own can only speak of absolute truth within that ideological concept and belief systems, these ideological concept and belief systems on their own do not tell us absolute truth without the completion of the jigsaw, the bigger picture.

What I am trying to relay here is that every ideological concept and belief is important to the bigger picture, to absolute truth, this means all ideological concepts and beliefs are important to the collective not just the ones that are personally and individually important to us. This of course can be hard to perceive until you start to perceive the bigger picture, the completed jigsaw puzzle within this consciousness.  

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Spirituality and the Big Picture

Written by Mathew Naismith

First of all I need to define what I perceive as the big picture to start with, what is the big picture? The big picture, as opposed to the small picture, is looking at the whole of existence holistically without humanly perceiving through human perception only. If you could imagine looking at an empty frame upon a wall with the wall outside of this frame obscured, what frame is making us more aware of what the mural, a big frame or a small frame? The answer of course is the big frame which gives us a bigger picture of the mural.

When I was in my teens, I was trained to look at the big picture and yes it does take training or reprogramming of the mind to see the big picture from the small picture. Because most humans, from birth, are conditioned to only look at the small picture that is all they will see. To see the big picture we need to be reprogramed first then from there become aware of this bigger picture. This reprogramming entails us to learn to stop obscuring this bigger picture with what we have been conditioned too which is only being aware of the smaller picture.  This might seem easy but it’s not.

You can’t ask the psyche to instantly accept becoming more aware of the mural, which in this case is represented by the whole of physical & nonphysical existence holistically, the psyche isn’t going to respond straight off without some sort of trauma. When a bigger picture is presented, most people just go into denial mainly because of the psychological dilemma brought on by realising there is more to what they have been conditioned too all this time. This conditioning is quite difficult for a lot of people to overcome plus they usually can’t see the benefits of being aware of more than they need to be aware of, this is where spiritual awareness can assist in overcoming these mental traumas I believe.

This brings us to the small picture, what brings about this conditioning to only becoming aware of the small picture?  To put it simply, human ideologies, belief systems & concepts which entail anything from religion to the science, yes I’m also into science/psychology but I realise the short falls of the concepts of science/psychology. These concepts, brought about by science/psychology, are hindered by being able to only become aware of part of the mural painted on the wall while looking through a small frame upon this wall instead of a larger frame.  In other words, science/psychology, & certain religions & so forth, can only make us aware of part of existence as a whole as does a small fame on a mural wall does.  This is caused by these ideologies, belief systems & concepts which are limited by human conscious understanding; anything else beyond this understanding is met with a brick wall (blatant ignorance) usually.

So is this saying these ideologies, belief systems & concepts influenced by religion, science/psychology and so forth, are irrelevant in being able to see the big picture? Not at all, actually they can enhance the size of the frame we are looking through thus enabling us to become more aware of the mural on the wall which in this case is represented by existence as a whole.  Imagine for a moment that this mural upon the wall represents existence as a, which includes being able to reason religiously, scientifically & psychologically. The problem with these ideologies, belief systems & concepts is we have become fixated to them thus preventing us becoming aware of anything more than they show us.  To break this fixation we need to acknowledge that there is more than looking at existence as a whole through a small frame of mind of human ideologies, belief systems & concepts.  

You should be able to see why now we need to experience & understand life in every way possible, giving us a much bigger frame to look upon existence as a whole. We can then look upon the mural on the wall and become more aware of what this mural is all about holistically.