Written by Mathew Naismith
This is an interesting little discussion I thought I would
share with you today; in discussing ways to improve the way we react towards
each other. One person pointed out the
difficulties in the English language as follow. “As soon as there is an 'I' and a 'You' there is separation. Our
language sometimes doesn't help, especially english because it is full of
possesive pronouns like mine, theirs, and us and them. It makes english a
difficult language to talk about spirit at times. Maybe if we become aware of
the limitation of language we can sense the language that is more universal,
that speaks directly to the heart.
Some people say matter
is an illusion others say matter is all there is. I think that the 'illusion'
is the identification with matter and the forms that it takes, especially the
human form. It seems to be the predominant illusion at this time in the world.
An overly material approach to life has caused people to turn their back on
creation or even notions of a creator”.
Synchronicities playing her part here again because on
another forum site I’m presently in a conversation with two people from India,
the difficulties of expressing an ideology from another culture/language into
English have come up more than once.
Getting back to this discussion, in my response to “How can
Human Nature be improved for happy global life?” I wrote the following.
Taking into
consideration that we chose to be here at this or any other time, understanding
& acceptance is the key to global harmony.
Many spiritually aware
people, especially in the West, don't accept the life they have chosen &
maybe they’re not meant to either however within this non-acceptance comes
inedible conflict. Of course we have on top of this many non-spiritually aware
people being non-accepting as well but spiritually aware people should be
showing the way towards acceptance & understanding but they’re not.
A true spiritually
aware person realises it's not about them but all else around them, Jesus &
mother Teresa are good examples of this.
In many cultures we
are brought up to be non-accepting of other cultural differences from ours,
religion is a good example of this. What if all religions & other forms of
spirituality for starters started leading the way to acceptance &
understanding of all?
There are huge cultural differences between all of us around
the world, we are not meant to understand all of what each & every cultures
ideology stands for but have the understanding that other cultural ideological
differences are a difference that’s all, there not a threat just a difference.
We need to understand not everyone has to & wants to be like us, they have their
own chosen path to follow as we do. Spiritually aware people must also realise
not everyone wants to be spiritually aware either or ascend in some way, they
must be accepting of this for they are supposed to be leading the way. Displaying
non-acceptance of the ego & judgment for example is actually displaying non-acceptance
of others who have chosen to display egotistical & judgmental human tendencies,
this won’t lead to harmony for all remembering being truly spiritually aware is
never about ourselves.
We have judged judgement & the ego as being bad or inappropriate
in some way but what we, spiritually aware people, are truly doing is judging
other people with these so called inappropriate human tendencies which of
course comes across as conflictive, unaccepting & non-understanding when we
should be displaying acceptance & understanding of all. In the process of
bettering ourselves we have forgotten our purpose, it’s about all others not ourselves!!