Showing posts with label dream. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dream. Show all posts

Saturday, 24 August 2019

A True Malevolent Menace

Written by Mathew Naismith

I had a dream last night of children being physically abused by people who were influenced by malevolent forces. I tried to assist the children but to no avail, the malevolent forces were too entrenched. I had no choice but to give up helping these helpless victimised children. The malevolent force also tried to abuse my own family in the dream.

In my dream, I was married with two young daughters, two very beautiful souls that seemed more spiritually connected than myself. The malevolent force was unable to infiltrate the aura of our family to any extent.

In the next part of the dream, numerous people were at our home carrying and placing white and pink flowers around the outside of our house. Some kind of function was being held at our house.

Considering what I have been recently doing, being honest in exposing a certain group, it is a bit of a worry. If the malevolent forces in my dream represent this group in any sense, they are well and truly entrenched in today's collective consciousness.

There was an immaterial malevolent force influencing the father and another person to horribly and terrifyingly abuse the children in my dream. In turn, influencing these two men to also become malevolent therefore abusive materially/physically.

The two men could be representative of the founders/supporters of this group, while the children represented the members of this group. Or, the two men represented this group as a whole, while the children represent anyone outside this group. Either way, the two men were obviously influenced by an immaterial malevolent force, to then become malevolent themselves. It would seem this group is being manipulated and tricked into becoming materially malevolent by an immaterial malevolent force.

There is a good reason I take my dreams seriously.

It would seem to me that my dream family and the numerous other people depicted latter on in the dream were people of true virtue. It would also seem that I will have to stop trying to help those on the receiving end of this immaterial and material malevolent force, for now. I may have to accept that I may never be able to help these people depicted as abused children in my dream in my life time. Just maybe the children, who were depicted as being my own children, may be the people to do as I am unable to do in this life!!           

Thursday, 14 March 2019

The Perception of God

Written by Mathew Naismith

Try to keep in mind before reading the following, I was brought up as an atheist and I have never followed a religion or any other ideology or ism in my life. What I have exercised in, after extracting myself from the doctrines of atheism, is finding reason within all the ideologies and isms man has created in discovering the environment man exists in. This of course includes the perception of God.

Before I go on, I would like to share with you a dream I had last night. As usual as in an awakened state, I was looking in all the nooks and crannies I could for whatever presents itself. I usually do this in the absence of bias as a lot of ideologies and isms can create a great deal of bias at times. I saw this cave so I of course decided to investigate even though this cave was quite dark. The cave didn't turn out to be a cave and I found myself looking out over an ocean. I was in awe while listening to the wave's crash on shore. The ocean was quite rough but still so beautiful. I then decided to in my dream on purpose think of the perception of God, what occurred then was quite amazing.

When you are consciously aware that you are having a dream, this is called lucid dreaming. In this state of dreaming, you are able to consciously influence the dream; in my case it was to do with an experiment to see how the perception of God changes my dream. As I said, I like to look into all the nooks and crannies, into all the possibilities in the absence of a much bias as possible. I thought the scenery was beautiful before. As soon as I had a perception of God, the ocean was no longer rough and everything simply sparkled. It is as if everything came alive.

Don't make the mistake and think religion is of God or has to be of God, religion is simply one of many tools for man to investigate he's environment as a whole. As of a lot of atheists who totally denounce that a consciousness can exist outside of the physical brain in accordance with atheistic doctrines, religion can have its own biases as well as human history clearly shows. As history clearly shows, not everyone of religion was of God, far more of the church than God sadly enough. You see, to be of God or have a perception of God has very little to do with religion but religion can keep us in touch with God or the perception of God.

It is also important not to separate religion from science. Take Hinduism for example, where science has always been apart of the religion of Hinduism. How many modern day scientists believe in a God and/or follow a religion of one kind or another?

So many people today are denouncing God just because of the perceptions of religion has in relation to God. In all honest truth, what would we know? We can't actually know so we can only perceive through various religions in relation to God. Try to remember, not everyone of a religion is of the perception of God as history quite clearly shows us, actually quite the opposite at times. Yes, as of any ideology or ism created by man to investigate and examine his environment, the ideology or ism to do this is only as perfect as man himself, considering man isn't perfect, denouncing God just because of a number of indiscretions in religious history, isn't exactly a wise of unbiased way of reasoning. Man is not perfect therefore it is quite unreasonable to expect his created ideologies and isms to be perfect. I actually expect them to be imperfect before expecting them to be perfect, within this, a reasonable an unbiased deduction can be formed. How perfect is numerous science theories taken as being fact? Even some of Albert Einstein's theories that were taken as fact are being questioned as science should to evolve.        

What I have exercised through life is an unbiased culmination of the universe being created by a far more aware and wiser consciousness. If you culminate all the research on out of body experiences (OBE's), reincarnation, CERN, that scientists can create mini universes and on it goes, I would have to be a total ignoramus or a very ignorant atheist to ignore all this evidence. Of course not all atheists are this ignorant, just not convinced enough to believe which is fair enough. Having been an atheist, it is amazing how bias one can get when you religiously follow atheistic doctrines. Of course the same can be the case for religious people as well as history clearly shows again.

God or the perception of God doesn't follow a certain religion; religion simply follows a perception of God or whatever you want to call a more aware and wiser consciousness than our own to be. As of my dream, the perception of God changed my scenery to something even more beautiful and spectacular. In a time of chaos, deception and destruction, what is so wrong in having this kind of perception? My subconscious and consciousness obviously perceives God to be a changer of worlds, but only through our own awakening and intervention.         

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Frustrations- Letting Go of the Old

Written by Mathew Naismith

It’s human nature to become attached to the things around us that serve us well or we become emotionally loving too, there is nothing wrong or even right with this, it’s just a natural interaction we are able and wanting to express or not express.  Do all attachments interfere with our connectedness to God’s consciousness or the inner self? Actually quite often they can assist with this connectedness and at other times interfere with this connectedness however, where our attachments interfere with this connectedness can be quite tricky to acknowledge mainly due to the type and strength of such attachments.  

Dream: I had a dream last night of being utterly frustrated. I was going somewhere with my wife and we parked the car up a back side street. When we returned, the car wasn’t where we thought we parked it, it wasn’t stolen, we just couldn’t remember what side street we parked the car in as there were many side streets, the more I searched for our car the more side streets appeared.

Where we were visiting and where we parked the car was in an old area of the town, night was also befalling. The further I looked the newer the town looked and the brighter the day became. I was totally lost in an area of the town I was not familiar with, every time I tried to return back to my wife, to the old side of town, the less I was able too. Every turn I took, took me away from the old side of town, this was very frustrating to me.

This newer part of town was in bright daylight but I still wanted to be back from where my wife and our car was parked, my attachments to the old were stopping me from becoming familiar with my new surroundings which were noticeably cleaner, newer and brighter.   

Dimensions: The thing with me is I accept this reality, this dimension for what it is, a 3rd dimensional reality that influences our mentally to react in a certain way, in this case destructively. This destruction is caused through ignorance for only through ignorance are we able to destroy.  There are reasons why I have attachments to this reality which I won’t go into; actually a lot of us have attachments to this reality in one sense or another.  

Going by the dream, it’s this 3rd dimensional mentality that is of the old side of town and is what I have obviously got to let go of as a lot of us do I could imagine. How could people like me be so attached to such a destructive reality?  If I was destructive within my own mentality all I would see of this reality is destructiveness but that is not all I see for various reasons. The destructiveness of others can also bring out the best in others and it most often does.  A destructive reality also allows one to appreciate the smaller things in life if we are aware enough to do so. It is not easy being aware in such a destructive reality, this kind of destructive mentality that this reality/dimension produces is meant to obstruct our awareness from seeing any more than destructiveness.  This I feel allows our soul to become more aware.  You could say when being in a timeless state of consciousness we become awareness itself, does this not instantaneously teach the soul awareness without going through such trauma, such dimensions and realities?

Why have a soul, what is then the purpose of a soul if this is the case, we can all just go into a consciousness of timelessness and become awareness itself?  How many people become of this awareness itself and are still existing in this dimension?  No one, because once you truly become awareness itself you would just disappear from dimensions like this one. 

Timelessness: Let’s look at this timeless conscious state that allows us to feel that we become awareness itself.  It is certainly something new to our usual state of awareness otherwise we wouldn’t acknowledge it as much as we do and speak about it as much as we do. The point is it’s new to us, it’s not of our usual awareness state which is influenced by time and this is the point.  Because our usual state of consciousness is of time, when we go into a newer state of consciousness it’s going to feel quite awesome and rather spectacularly huge especially in relation to our usual awareness state. I have made the same mistake for some time now, I thought this was it, the be and end all, the sources (God’s) consciousness because it was so powerfully different to our ignorant state of consciousness in time. Most of us are only aware of a destructive dimension; anything slightly constructive to this is going to feel quite awesome.  This is exactly like calling a much aware and wiser being a God which we have done in the past.

When we are fleetingly in and out of this timeless consciousness, we can feel it’s the be and end all, we feel we become awareness itself mainly because this awareness we feel is much more aware than our usual state of awareness in time. The sources (God’s) consciousness is of all consciousness not just of this timeless or even of the consciousness of time but all of what consciousness is as a whole.

I was duped into thinking this timeless consciousness was all about awareness itself as well until I became aware of time while in a timeless state of consciousness. I then realised this timeless state of consciousness was unaware of time, it isn’t as aware as I thought. This dimension of time tricks us to believe things that aren’t true because it’s so ignorant and destructive, anything more constructive and aware is going to feel quite awesome and quite understandably.  

Mentality: We can’t change this dimension, all dimensions are of a particular consciousness which produce a particular mentality but you can however change this mentality.  When we change this mentality, what we are doing is changing what dimension we are in; we are not actually changing the dimension even though this is going to feel that is what we are doing.  Everything will seem the same to our five senses but we will feel different, eventually our five senses will become in tune with this new dimension giving our senses a different perspective. We will see things differently and smell things differently and so forth, we will in turn act quite differently.  

What has time and timelessness got to do with my dream and letting go of the old? Everything, because I have been writing about time and timelessness more and more recently, this is the new part of town where the old part of town is believing this timelessness is the be and end all no matter what.  To me this is like thinking a more aware being than I is a God no matter what. The frustration is, once you become aware there is no going back even if you want too.   

Aren’t such attachments to a dimension or anything else of the ego, destructive and not of the inner self?  A true spiritual person will be accepting of whatever situation they find themselves in, this includes being expressive of the ego and even destructive.  I should point out, just because one is expressive of the ego doesn’t make them automatically destructive,  the ego only becomes destructive when it take control and the more control it has the more destructive it becomes.   The reason a controlling ego can be destructive is it’s living in ignorance; it’s ignorant to everything not of the ego.  This is true because only through ignorance can we destroy. It is however quite impossible for a true spiritual aware person to be destructive, they are usually too aware however an aware soul can choose a life of destruction. This usually happens when the soul needs to become aware of such mentalities through actual experiences, not one of us in this dimension hasn’t chosen, at the soul level, to do just this, we wouldn’t be here otherwise!!

In all you cannot become aware or experience anything unless it’s of consciousness either it be of time or timelessness, this doesn’t make it real as such but it doesn’t make it unreal either, it’s really a balance between the two.  Why does anything have to be truly of one or the other? The answer of course is it doesn’t!!

So in all, my dream is telling me this is where I am supposed to go but it’s not saying that is where everybody else is supposed to go, just go with what you feel comfortable with, if you are comfortable with thinking time is an illusion or the ego is bad period, just go with that because that is what you are supposed to do as I’m supposed to do what I am doing.   

Sunday, 10 August 2014

The White Castle of Love and Light

Written by Mathew Naismith

I should point out first that this post is in relation to a dream I had last night about being in a white pinkish hue castle on top of a very high mountain top, however I feel the dream itself has a relevance to all of us as I will explain further.

My dream was about being in a white pinkish hue castle of some kind on top of a very high mountain top, the thing that got me however was while I was looking down from this castle, all I wanted to do is go down to experience whatever was down from this castle whatever that might be!!  Now the feeling I got from this reaction from me was that this is exactly what we have all done, to experience life as we know it, we have descended from this white castle, from our higher selves which is represented by the castle.  The white of the castle represented to me light and the pink represented love.

This to me means we have all chosen to descend from light and love, represented by the castle, to experience life as it occurs in the lower levels of awareness and understanding.  It would also seem the longer we are in this lower level of awareness and understanding the more ignorant we become of our true nature.  This I believe shows us why everyone has a different perspective and chooses different ideological principles to follow in life. Some of us have been here longer and have a more of a need to ascend back to this castle where others have just started their journey in these so called lower levels of awareness and understanding, they have no need of a wanting to leave.

This is interesting I thought, the reason I said so called lower levels is once one is back in the castle, they no longer see a lower level of awareness and understanding as they no longer see a right or wrong or bad and good.  On the other hand, when we are in these so called lower levels of awareness and understanding, we judge levels and labels as being so and so.  This doesn’t seem to occur when we are back in our true nature in this castle atop of a mountain peak even though we are looking down.  There is no true judgement of a higher or lower stature and this is why I feel we so called descend to experience lower levels of awareness and understanding, we don’t judge experiences like this as being lower or higher, we just experience them as they are without judgement while in this castle.  

Judgement comes into being only when we are in these lower levels of awareness and understanding however we can stay too long in ignorance and be caught in such circumstances.  This too however is seen as but another experience by the higher self I feel.  

Quite recently I have been in thought about going home or of thinking of home period, this home, it would seem, is in relation to the castle in my dream last night, I went back home but all I wanted to do is be back where I am now at present.  It would seem to me I haven’t long started my journey where a lot of other spiritually aware people have had enough of such a journey and need to go home.

The other interesting thing is recently I have also wanted to change my mentality which is also represented by the castle in my dream I feel, the mentality that there is no lower or higher levels nor is there a right or wrong, good or bad, just experiences to be had that we choose to experience at our so called higher level of awareness and understanding.  I feel the castle represents a mentality, it’s real but it’s more representative of a mentality than an actual physical reality but being human we see it as a physical reality which is great.  This allows our human selves to relate better with our truer nature, our higher selves.  

This gives us a little understanding to why we take on certain ideological principles and at times stand by them, we are not all on the same journey even though we are experiencing the same journey.  This is represented by how long we have been in ignorance of our true nature and the longer we stay in ignorance the more ignorant we become; this is unless we take on such ideologies such as spiritual awareness for instance.  Spiritual awareness gives us an awareness that we are living in ignorance of our truer selves, this I feel is represented in this case by a white pinkish hue castle atop of a mountain peak in my dream.  

There are a lot of people who don’t take on ideological principles to assist them to become aware of their own ignorance, this could be because they have just started their journey or they have been ignorant too long and are too caught up within this ignorance to help themselves in this way.  This of course is but another journey that the so called higher self chooses to experience!!

This seems to back up any claims that we have come from love and light which is represented by the castle in my dream, I have myself refuted this in the past until it was time for me to realise this love and light seems to be of our true nature.  We should understand that not everyone is supposed to become aware of this as they have their own journey to follow, they are following their own ideological principles as we all have in this so called lower levels of awareness and understanding.

If you are not meant to become aware of what I am saying here, you just won’t understand what I am saying mainly because of the journey you are on. It is quite natural not being able to want or need to understand others however if you have read what I have written here, you most likely have understood some of what I have written here.  If on the other hand you have read this and still have no idea or you still don’t want to understand what I have written here, it is most likely you have still begun your journey to understand what is written here. In any case, if you read this post, you have either begun your journey out of ignorance or you are well and truly on your way back home to the castle.

I should also say, it doesn’t matter if you agree with this or not, it’s only my journey I am expressing here, it’s no big deal. 

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Spirituality-Superego Deceptiveness

Written by Mathew Naismith

Last night I had a dream of being a pauper walking around with only the cloves on my back with no shoes on my feet, I looked up into the sky & it was full of stars realising the stars represented light beings. I resisted the temptation of joining them not because I was happy within my predicament but because I was accepting of the life I chose before I was born.    

Again synchronicity is a funny thing because while I was logged on IONS a person commented back to me saying there is no ego, this of course came from a person who only seems to deductively reason however conducting my research on this matter I came across a site that should explain what the ego is to a person who only deductively reasons.  The following link is quite an interesting read for anyone mainly because it explains simply what the id, ego & superego are.

One of the passages was quite interesting I thought in relation with the ego as opposed to the superego.

“The ego has no concept of right or wrong; something is good simply if it achieves its end of satisfying without causing harm to itself or to the id.”

A passage in relation to the superego was also quite interesting.

“The ideal self (or ego-ideal) is an imaginary picture of how you ought to be, and represents career aspirations, how to treat other people, and how to behavior as a member of society.

The ego section reminded me of multinationals who are only there to fulfil their own desires through feeding the ego & by doing so can commit a lot of wrong without them knowing it or wanting to know what wrong they are actually doing. The part on superego reminded me of spiritually aware people who aren’t aware enough of the pitfalls of the superego which brings us back to my dream. We should seriously ask ourselves, did we choose the life we are now experiencing in the reality we chose to live in?  And the answer is of course we did!! The next question we should ask ourselves is, should we then be striving/desiring to become something more enhanced as opposed to what we chose to be in the first place? Any enhancement denotes a controlling ego, this controlling ego needs to control & what better way to control than to enhance ourselves above what we chose to be  in the first place.   

I’m not saying we shouldn’t change just we should be aware of the controlling effects of the ego when making such changes. My ego wanted me to go with these light being in my dream but my inner quietness said no what would be the point.  There of course would be no point but to fulfil my own egotistical desires for something better/enhanced than what I have at present. We realise we would have more control especially of our emotions if we went with these light beings which brings us back to the controlling ego telling us to go with them & take control. The big question here is, why do we need to take control? Sitting within our own complete quietness without a controlling ego will tell us we don’t have to be in control which is hard for the ego to accept & in fact quite strongly refutes any idea of not having some sort of control which of course for a spiritually aware person especially brings us grief at times.  

Having been on a number of spiritual sites I can honestly see that we can all at times be of the superego, just being aware of this will help us on our way & make our journey we have all chosen a lot easier to tread. There is another factor to consider as well, we don’t need to go somewhere else to be with light beings we already are!!  I really do hope this helps somebodyJ.