Written by Mathew Naismith
What are spiritually aware people doing? Choosing a better
existence that is more constructive and aware, we of course could say modern
day science minded people are doing same by becoming more aware and technologically
advanced, to a spiritually aware person however modern day science seems to be destroying
the very thing most spiritually aware people cherish, life itself and the very
thing that life relies on to exist, our very own planet.
Now there is an obvious huge difference between these two
choices of existence even though they are both about expanding on our awareness
but the big difference is, one is destructive the other is trying to be constructive.
Is one wrong or right over the other? If
we judge destructiveness as being negative we are judging destructiveness as
being wrong however there are no right or wrongs in spirituality. The reason
for this is there is no judgement so if we choose to live a destructive life,
what kind of mentality is needed to live in a destructive existence, what do we
deem this kind of life to be? If we can’t
judge what a destructive existence relate too what is it then?
Because there is no right or wrongs within spiritualty, because
there is no judgement, a destructive existence is but a choice, no more no
less, it is neither right nor wrong, negative nor positive, it’s a choice we have
in the way we want to exist. Most spiritually aware people have chosen to exist
in a more constructive existence, an existence that takes in the consideration
of all of life not just the life of man himself over and above all other life
forms. Spiritualty is in contrary to
what science is about as it’s quite plain to see that science is about egotism
where’s spirituality isn’t or isn’t supposed to be. Does this make modern day science wrong or negative
in some way as it’s in opposition to spirituality in a lot of ways, it’s quite
destructive for starters? The answer for me being spiritually aware is no, this
choice of existence is neither wrong nor negative; it’s but a choice of what mentality
we wish to exist under.
Do we really have a choice? Many spiritually aware and non-spiritually
aware people say no, we live in hell or a negative destructive chaotic
existence, there is no physical choice, we are entrapped in a destructive existence
that’s it!!
I have had to endure a chronic injury since I was six years old, I am now 50 years old, you could say I was entrapped within a physical and mental existence that I had no way in escaping but that’s not true. Even if I chose to live within a destructive existence, I still wouldn’t have been entrapped for the main reason I still had a choice in what mentality I was going to exist by. I of course chose a more constructive existence but I know I still have a choice of choosing a more destructive existence if I want too, I still have a choice no matter what.
I don’t see my life experience as being any different to the
choices we have as a collective, we all have a choice in the way we want to
exist which is mainly determined by our mentality not our physical situation.
This reality is quite destructive and chaotic for the main reason we have
chosen such a way to exist, we now realise from our awareness there are many other
ways we can exist that are far more
What happens when we change our mentality to a more
constructive way to exist, can this literally change our physical reality? For
me I don’t see a wrong and right, negative or positive as much these days in everything
around me, I now see it as choices we make in the way we want to exist but can
this kind of mentality actually change our physical reality?
I will answer this question like this; I have a chronic
injury but I still performed physical tasks, at times, that fully able people
didn’t want to do because it was too hard of work, I also accomplished these
tasks without pain killers. Now can our choice of existence change our physical
and mental reality? It is obvious it can
otherwise how did I do what I did!! Now let’s look at what this choice of constructive
existence can do collectively.
The collective has already created an actual physical reality
of destruction, why can’t we now collectively also create an actual physical reality
of constructive existence that takes in consideration of all life forms not
just one life form, man? I’m a good
example that this can quite easily be obtained but to do this we need to stop judging
what is good and bad, negative and positive, right and wrong, this kind of judgment
is only in relation to a destructive mentality not a constructive mentality. A constructive mentality is brought about only
seeing choices to be made in the way we choose to exist, none of these choices
are seen to be wrong or right over the other, they are just choices we can
exist by.
At the moment I’m conversing with a person who deems
themselves to be science minded, they are noticeably highly aggressively abusive
and stoop quite often to deceiving to prove their points, this isn’t the only
time I have chosen to deal with such people, why would I bother? This is the
question that is asked of me quite often by other spiritually aware people, the
point is I haven’t judged them to be negative or bad in some way, it’s a choice
of existence they have chosen to exist by, that is all. Just because there vibrations
are different to mine, does this make their vibrations wrong or negative
compared to my constructive mentality and their destructive mentality? The only difference is one is constructive the
other destructive, this is quite noticeable within the aggressive abuse and obvious
deception by such people. Do I then judge this kind of destructive mentality as
being negative or wrong? No, it’s just a
choice we make in the way we want to exist by, that is all.
When I most often read these people’s replies, I can
literally physically feel the vibrational change within my body, we could probably
judge this as being a bad thing to experience but it’s not, actually it’s a
very good sign.
The reason this is a very good sign is it shows me, in a physical
way, that I am not of this kind of destructive vibration; I’m being told
through my physical body that my choice of existence is more constructive than
a person who has chosen a more destructive way to exist. We could of course judge this reaction as
being positive if we were to allow the ego to influence us to judge such things
in the first place. Actually this kind
of reaction is neither positive nor negative; it’s just a sign that my choice of
existence is more constructive. I wrote
about tribe mentality in past posts, this is a part of this tribe mentality in
not judging a right or wrong but just a choice in the way we choose to exist, a
choice of either a destructive or constructive mentality, nothing more or less.
People with a destructive mentality can be very forceful and
influence us in their own destructive ways, the ego in this case will not doubt
judge this as being negative, how do we stop these people influencing us so and
how do we stop the ego from influencing us to judge these people negative?
It all comes down to our mentality, if we are ourselves constructive
within our own mentality or not!! If these people can still get to you and influence
you, you are still of their mentality and will judge what is and isn’t negative
and positive. How do we strengthen our mentality
to resist other people’s destructive mentality? There is a huge array of spiritual and
psychological information out there that will assist in strengthening our mentally
but in most parts, if we come in contact with a person with a destructive mentality,
try to see that it was their choice to exist in such a destructive existence,
it’s just another way to exist that we can all choose or not choose to experience.
Some people choose to be destructive some
don’t, it’s just a choice we all make. Just because we chose to exist in a more
constructive way doesn’t mean everybody else should. Being of a more constructive
mentality, we really don’t have a right to push our way of existing onto others
even though that is what these people do who exist by destructive mentalities.
Be constructive if you choose and see the way we choose to
exist is only a choice as it is for anyone.