Written by Mathew Naismith
Is our intuition more consciously conscious
and aware than our human consciousness? Is our dream state more consciously
conscious than our awakened state? Considering the dreams I have experienced
myself, this could well be the case. In relation to intuition, I have not
myself experienced any significant expansion of consciousness intuitively but I
have read of a number of cases where you could definitely say intuitiveness is
more aware therefore more conscious.
In saying that I have not significantly
experienced an expanded conscious state intuitively is not entirely true, I
have made a number of correct predictions in my life. This on it's own doesn't
qualify for me to say that intuitiveness is more consciously expanded to what
we know to be a conscious, an awakened and aware state, however, in conjunction
with other people's experiences, I would be comfortable to say intuitiveness is
far more consciously aware than what we normally deem as being consciously
Of course in saying all this, intuition
isn't known for it's reasoning or observation therefore consciousness, I of
course don't agree to this view altogether. I wrote the following on a
An alert cognitive state in which you are aware of yourself and your situation,
also meaning, Having knowledge of, a knowingness.
is the psychological result of perception and learning and reasoning.
we have a gut feeling or intuitive insights, we are not being cognitive, we are
simply expressing intuitive insights, of course intuition isn't suppose to be
of observation as well as reasoning. I think intuitive observation is made on a
different plain or dimension to the physical plane/dimension.
is consciousness even if our human consciousness is unaware of this, in
actuality intuitive states are probably more aware and even more conscious than
our human state of consciousness.
about the collective consciousness, is this not more conscious than our human
state of consciousness? The human state is often referred to as a dream state
for very good reasons, it's only aware of what it's aware of through
observation and reasoning which limits it's consciousness. Is human
consciousness truly conscious or is our intuitive state more conscious than our
human consciousness?
human psyche isn't conscious because of the limitations of human consciousness,
this of course is governed by it's awareness which is highly limited. What
would occur if we detached ourselves from our present human awareness? We would
simply free ourselves, our consciousness, from these limitations, we would in
turn be more aware not less aware. A number of spiritual practices prove this is
the case.
when I usually make reference to consciousness, it's not of human consciousness
I speak of but a much more conscious consciousness. I am often aware of my
consciousness observing myself observing myself in certain states of
consciousness, the funny thing is my ego doesn't always like what is being
observed, it's a laugh really.
think the human psyche and it's consciousness isn't as conscious as it thinks
it is.
Is our conscious more consciously aware
than our subconscious? The following explains why it's not and in actuality
it's our subconscious that is more consciously aware.
Extract: What I find highly
intriguing though, is the fact that our subconscious mind has access to a much
faster and more detailed library of knowledge than our conscious mind does.
Studies show that our subconscious senses at a higher resolution (Small
Difference in Sensation, 1884) and at a higher sampling rate (Mere Exposure
Effect, 1980) than we are aware of.
Within 1-2 seconds intuition can tell
you if a person might be lying to you, if a chess game might be lost or if a
situation might become dangerous. It tells you in the form of a gut-feeling,
delivering the final conclusions of a long debate without revealing any of the
rational behind it. It relies on your unconscious picking up on cues in the
environment, on discovering micro-expressions on someone’s face, on comparing
situations to hundreds and thousands similar ones housed in your memory and
even digs into genetically and biologically hard-coded instincts.
Now consider a consciousness outside human
influence, outside human conscious limitations of the brain, now consider the
intuition from a mind outside these human limitations. What we call our
conscious state is far less consciously aware than we could ever imagine, of
course this is going to be hard to imagine for a consciousness with so many
limitations and so consciously unaware.
When spiritual people say they have become
enlightened, they mean to say they are more consciously alive and aware than
ever before, of course enlightened means becoming more consciously aware than
before. You could also say enlightenment is also an awakening, an awakening
from a conscious state that is in actuality anything but consciously aware.
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