Showing posts with label space. Show all posts
Showing posts with label space. Show all posts

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

The Space Between the Matter

Written by Mathew Naismith

I got some interesting responses from the following citation I wrote recently, "That space between all matter is what really matters the most, not the matter itself. Should we be concentrating more on this space rather than the matter? I think so my self"....Mathew

The question is now, how do you get a logical mind to  concentrate on this space without a preconceived notion of what this space actually represents?  The following responses and my replies to these responses might answer this to a certain extent. 

There is no need effort to look for anything but when anything comes, just be with it as ourselves. Just be with whatever thing that we sense right now as one. They are not ours but we already are all. 

Indeed Eddie, the act of searching itself just leads to more searching until days end, it's endless. 

When we stop our concentrative investigation of matter. the space between becomes more noticeable without effort. 

What happens when we concentrate on space? Nothing, because all we are doing is concentrating on space, nothingness, this is due to having no preconceptions. To me it certainly looks like it's these preconceptions that create realities and even matter. 

Now what would happen to this reality if we concentrated on this space rather than the matter within this space? It's certainly an interesting perspective, I feel that we would just let things be without interference within any reality. 

However, to become involved in a reality takes us to preconceive what is within this space, this of course ends up with us concentrating on matter instead of this space, this act is ongoing until we start concentrating on this space again without any preconceptions. 

The funny thing is, preconceptions have always existed because they exist within a timeless state of space/consciousness. When did these preconceptions start when there is no starting or ending point of these preconceptions within a timeless state? Everything is within this timeless state, this space, including time, time and it's preconceptions are not separated from timelessness for it's always been within this timelessness, this space.

Mathew, I really feel that we should. The space between holds a kind of secret magic I'm sure.

Carolyn: To me it's neutral state of affairs, it's a consciousness that has no influencing effects on realities until this consciousness decides to become apart of a reality. 

The funny thing is, once we become a part of a reality, concentrating on this space will, I feel, affect these realities, this is only due to us being a part of these realities in the first place. You take out any preconception in any reality, it will change it. 

In our case, taking away such preconceptions, which are chaotic, will only do this reality good, in other cases of a more harmonious species, taking away such harmonious preconceptions will most probably lesson the harmony within such realities. Concentrating on this space alone, can only do this reality in particular good in a sense, it would certainly make this reality more harmonious.

To answer the question, how do you get a logical mind to  concentrate on this space without a preconceived notion of what this space actually represents in anyway?  It is obvious  you don't, such logical minds needs to become aware, logically, that there is more than one way to be expressive of such seemingly non-consciousness. This space doesn't seem to be of a conscious state of any kind but we must remember, all of what is, is within this space, this timelessness, therefore this space, this seemingly non-consciousness, does indeed have a consciousness through time and matter itself.

Does this make science investigations irrelevant?

If science isn't going to evolve to include a different way to express such logics and expressions of consciousness, all past and present science investigations will become irrelevant. However, if science evolves in investigating into different ways to be consciously expressive, all of what was and is of science investigations, won't be for nothing. I do think quantum physics is showing that science investigation isn't irrelevant. What we need to do is allow science logics to evolve as it always has done, just let it run it's course as of anything.

When we meditate without any preconceived ideas, this to me is the space between the matter, any form of thinking that excludes all matter and thinking pertaining and influenced by matter, pertains to this space between the matter which is of course reality changing. To me it makes logical sense to change this reality through such concentrations of this space before we completely destroy everything, in time, I feel all logical minds will become aware of this in time, it's the only thing that makes logical sense.  

Friday, 24 May 2013

Is there no time or space??

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Written by Mathew Naismith

Relative to time & space
Consciousness relevance with time & space: It’s very hard for us humans to fathom that time & space doesn’t exist including infinity & eternity because we evaluate, breakdown & label every concept we come across into logical understandable form to our conscious understanding & even spiritual awareness which is dictated to us by the reality we live in at the time, this is why this type of thinking is flawed because each reality has its own consciousness which we are influenced by. In other words each reality has its own conscious awareness which formulates our logical & even spiritual understanding; most people can’t or shouldn’t think past this reality based understanding.

Living on this planet we experience night & day because the way the Earth rotates around the sun, if we lived on a larger planet rotating around the sun at the same velocity our days would be longer according to the size of the planet or the opposite if the planet was smaller, this is what dictates our time which is measured by sun rotations. What if we just floated in out of space just like our planets in our solar system or galaxy & even universe which all rotate around a centre point, there is no night or day as some part of the planet is in the light therefor time as we know it on Earth doesn’t really exist because we measure time by rotations around a sun.

It’s the way we measure time that gives us time, at the moment we measure time by rotations around our sun which give us 24 hr time but we also measure time by distance or even through change itself so time is measured by different concepts of our conscious understanding but when you add in that everything is pure consciousness things change. So in all what measurement of time is correct for all realities?

TIMESSPACEPure Consciousness v analysis: We really only have a conscious understanding of what we know which is dictated by our conscious reality, in different realities they might have quite a different understanding of things like time & space & measure them quite differently if they are there to measure. I think the higher the consciousness awareness the less time & space has relevance because we become more aware that everything is of pure consciousness including time & space which has no starting point or ending point & if it has no points of origin it has no time therefore distance & if there’s no distance there is no space.

The question is how does one measure consciousness when everything is of consciousness? The only way to do this is label each conscious part, particle, matter or whatever & put them into different categories for analysis which isn’t of true spiritual conceptions. What we are doing in this reality is breaking down time & space from pure consciousness so we can recognise & measure them. Our whole consciousness is made up of time & space but what if we stopped breaking down this consciousness? It becomes one thing again because to measure anything there has to be a comparison, if it’s all just consciousness there is nothing to compare it to therefore in actual fact it can’t exist. Labelling & measuring obviously seems to gives us existence which a big part of this has to do with time & space. Full spiritual awareness gives us pure consciousness a non-existence but science & our analytical mind gives us existence, one isn’t right or wrong over the other they are just different & the reason they are different is because we have analysed things like time & space to know consciousness exists.

If you think about this if we all became fully spiritually aware or enlightened we would become this pure consciousness but how would one know if one was in that pure consciousness if all else was that very consciousness, there’s no comparisons to know one exists in this pure consciousness? Science & analysing gives us this comparison, if just one comparison existed like an ant for instance or a planet the rest of consciousness would have to know it exists through these comparisons, we in actual fact by mindful analysis give pure consciousness existence.

realmSpiritual Conception: Spiritually it has been said that we live in the now & have always done so & that this space we think we are in is so small it can’t be measured & this is why spiritualist know we are one, if there is no space time can’t exist, we then must be one thing, spiritual oneness!!

I think spiritually & scientifically we know that our own humanly evolution is to do with past cycles of conscious changes that have occurred right through human history. Conscious changes help us rekindle our relationship with consciousness so we can expand in analytical thought & knowing, if you looked back in history it’s so obvious in how we have changed so much through history. This is why we should keep a balanced understanding between spirituality & science; they both have their points towards our ever expansive consciousness without one or the other this reality would be somewhat different.

Time & space are of existence so they do exist but on the other hand it’s still all pure consciousness so they don’t, it’s a paradox really in that without time & space consciousness doesn’t know of its existence & time & space can’t exist without consciousness.

 Here is a quote that will explain it all in a nut shell, “I am the beginning and the end.”…Jesus!!