Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Escaping From Reality

Written by Mathew Naismith

Today's present reality is all about awareness, an awareness that was once only aware to the people experiencing or involved in a specific occurrence. A good example of this is war; war was only really experienced by the people involved in war. Through today's media this is very different, we are more than ever aware of what is occurring in the world through numerous media outlets.

If we deem war and conflicts simply negative, the effects on us will be inline with how negative we have deemed the world around us to be. The more negatively we deem the world around or the more occurrences we deem negative, the more we are going to desire to escape this reality, strangely enough, a reality of awareness.

Because the reality at present is conflictive therefore simply deemed highly negative, what we will become aware of will be inline with how negative we have deemed everything not of our reality to be. I find it strange that positive people deem so much of the world today simply negative; to me this isn't a true sense of positive thinking. A true sense of positive thinking is to desist in simply deeming everything not of your own desires and personal reality to be negative.

Is everything destructive and violent negative? This seems to be the case these days; this would mean that the sun is exceptionally negative and even demonic especially considering its present solar flares. This is inline with people not just calling other people negative but toxic, is this the new wave of positive thinking? It would certainly seem so, to people like me, this kind of mentality couldn't be further from a true sense of positive thinking. In actually it's highly negative; of course this would only be the case if I used the same mentality, that everything violent and destructive was negative.

To deem everything that is violent and destructive and not of our personal desires and reality negative and even toxic, are expressions of a high degree of violence and destructiveness. A true positive person has no will or desires to destroy everything they have deemed negative; they instead accept the reality and work with it. They certainly don't try to escape it, the desire to do so simply infer a high degree of negativity, a negativity towards everything not of their own personal desires and reality.

Becoming aware within a destructive violent reality is by noway an easy thing to do; it can be most unbecoming and upsetting. The answer isn't to become ignorant to the reality you are currently influenced by; in actuality ignorance does a lot of harm and can even exasperate (worsen) the destructive violence. If we are going to ignore everything we deem negative, all this will do is exasperate destructive violence. The trick is to not simply deem anything negative not of our own personal desires, it's really this simple.

The problem the western mind has with negatives and positive is it most often looks at them as being in conflict with each other, an opposing force rather than a complimenting force. The eastern mind looks at this differently, a good example of this is again the sun, it's highly destructive and violent but it's given life and beauty to the Earth and the solar system as a whole. Imagine looking up at the sky at night and only seeing darkness, an unawareness of other star systems and planets. Imagine not being aware of an engulfing destructive violent force that could be stopped only through awareness, of course this is presently occurring.

I know what's going on over in Syria through my own research. I don't often watch TV and especially the news but while waiting for someone I watched the news. It would have been lucky if 10% of the news broadcast on Syria was correct. The problem with the main media today, which more and more people seem to becoming aware of, is it's built on lies and deception. In this case a so-called negative has created a so-called positive, an awareness of the deception of main stream media.

When did an awareness of our present reality and the truth become negative?

I completely understand, if the psyche is unable or unwilling to face the truth as it really is, it will create its own reality; this is usually accomplished by deeming all other realities negative. As anyone into psychology knows, creating your own desired reality by deeming all else negative is an unhealthy way to live; all this will do is exasperate what you are trying to escape from. Yes, within our own ignorance we might feel good and safe, safe from real reality, the problem with this is that the real reality doesn't go anywhere because we are not dealing with it, we are simply ignoring it to feed our desires.

The problem is we desire to feel good all the time; this is while existing within an existence of extremes. The sun gives life and beauty to a world but can also take it away as it will in the end of its life. Our expectations while existing in an existence of extremes is unrealistic, however, if we work with the reality we have and desist in deeming everything negative, especially what doesn't feed our desires to feel good all the times, the extremes become less extreme simply because of our expectations are not as extreme and unrealistic themselves. 

This is not going to be easy for a lot of people to understand, only because we are conditioned to unrealistic expectations, I know because I have been there. Simply ease back the perception of negative being in opposition to positive all the times, it's simply not. The unawareness today has created an awareness, action reaction, the unawareness being the action which has crested a reaction, an awareness. Just because the present reality is not of the expectations of our desires, doesn't mean the present reality is negative or even toxic, a reality we all need to escape from.

To be truly positive is to see the positives within all the negatives and to accept the negatives for what they are, an awareness simular or dissimilar to the positives. Dissimilarities are not just simply negative; in actuality they can be highly enlightening but only if we don't treat them as an extreme, in an extreme way........              

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