Written by Mathew Naismith
Human conscious is all about what is
negative and positive, bad and good, real and an illusion, the question is, why
does anything have to be one or the other, in the case of this post, real or an
Perception: In regards to human perception, there
has to be a perception of one or the other. The reason for this lies within
human consciousness's conditioning from birth as human consciousness is
conditioned to night and day, hunger or fullness for example, so their of
course has to be what is judged as an illusion or what's real. The strange
thing is, what is often visually the most beautiful time of day? When the sun
is either setting or rising. This time period however makes up only a few
minutes of a 24 hour period therefore is often overshadowed by longer periods
of light and dark, light and dark therefore becomes more predominant which in
turn influences how we perceive.
How often do we question if God or, as I
prefer , God's consciousness exists or not, it's usually either one or the
other? Why couldn't this God's consciousness just be without having to exist or
not exist? It doesn't and that is exactly what God's consciousness represents,
neither one or the other, it just is without definition, it's neither an
illusion nor real. In actuality, this God's consciousness represents what is
often the most beautiful/stunning part of the day, it's likened to the time
period between day and night for me. You can
also relate this God's consciousness to a state of oneness or pure bliss
or wisdom.
Illusions: I still find it strange that so called well connected spiritually
aware people, talk about oneness on one hand but on the other hand talk about
what is real and what isn't. A consciousness in a true oneness state, has no
perceptions of what is real and what is an illusion, there is no perceptions of separation,
anything other than this isn't a true sense of oneness. As soon as a consciousness
has perceived an illusion, it has become apart of the illusion because it's now
created an illusion by it's own human conditioned perceptions. I call this a
black and white mentality.
Let's look at time which is supposed to be
an illusion. While existing on this planet, which evolves around a sun giving a
consciousness a perception of night and day, this consciousness is conditioned
to a 24 hour time brought about by periods of nights and days. When we go away
from this planet into outer space, there is no night, it's only day as the sun
is always visible and shining. If we then go right away from the universe
itself, there is then no perception of day, only night because there is no
visible sun to give a consciousness a perception of daylight.
Which reality is real and which reality is
an illusion? A human consciousness conditioned to a black and white mentality,
would judge which one is what, on the other hand, a consciousness not
conditioned to this kind of black and white mentality would think otherwise.
This reason for this lies within each reality, being that each reality has it's
own reality that it is conditioned to, this conditioning however doesn't make
everything else apart from this reality an illusion. We might then think, if
every reality has it's own separate reality it exists by, this is anything but
a depiction of oneness. This is only the case when a consciousness can only
think in what is real and what isn't, a consciousness conditioned to a black
and white mentality. If you are in a oneness state of consciousness and you have
a perception of everything else but this oneness state being an illusion, you
are not truly in a oneness state, there is no true states of illusions or
states that are real that are separate from these illusions.
States: What we seem to have negated here is the
twilight between day and night, what is real and what is an illusion. As of
the twilight hours of each day represents, a mix of day and night, what is real
and an illusion is the same. As of twilight hours in a day, what is perceived
as real or an illusion are intertwined which negates what is or isn't real. I
am certainly an advocate in that our environment around us tells us who we
truly are, this twilight is who we are even though within this particular
reality of days and nights, days and nights are predominant. Just because a
particular aspect of ourselves is predominate over other aspects of ourselves
within a particular reality, doesn't make one aspect more real than another
just because it's more predominate.
So often spiritually aware people will get
into a oneness state and perceive that anything other than this oneness state
is an illusion, this perception within itself tells us that this is not a true
oneness state that is being experienced. A true oneness state has no perceptions/judgement
of what is real and what isn't, there is no true separation but with the
perceptions of illusions and even what is real. Yes that's correct, there is no
perception of what is real either in a true oneness state, and in actuality,
nothing is real as nothing is an illusion either for one needs the other to
exist. This is what I call a twilight state of consciousness, neither one or
the other. Because we are humanly conditioned from birth to perceive in a black
and white mentality, this is how we perceive everything we become aware of,
even oneness itself. Yes, amazingly enough, we even separate oneness from other
realities and still judge it as oneness!!
As usual for me, this post expresses a
strange perception which is difficult to comprehend, there is no question of
what is real and what isn't real. This perception within itself to what is real
or isn't, is the creation of illusions, as I have always stated, it's an
illusion of an illusion created by the perceptions of an illusion and what is
even real. I would suggest to my readers to perceive neither and all of the
above, why does anything have to be anything, why can't it just be without this
kind of perceiving? Don't separate
everything within a certain perception in accordance with a certain reality, it
just is what it is within each reality, it's truly this simple.
Note: Please do not take what I have stated
in this post a being gospel or of utter truth, it is what it is, but another
perception that can often be, as usual in my case, incomprehensible to a lot of
people and quite understandable too.