Written by Mathew Naismith
I found the following thread worth sharing; it’s about
letting go of beliefs that have programmed us to believe in certain ways, discarding
anything else other than what a certain belief tells us to believe. The
conclusion is this has nothing to do with thinking for ourselves. We need to relearn to think for ourselves
again which will take away the pain thus lead us to the light. Robbie also gives us some handy hints in doing
just this within his thread.
Story + Belief
Ok, as regulars here
know, I am constantly searching within to release pain, and shift my
consciousness. Recently I have a couple more things that have made a world of
difference for me, and can for you too.
In the past I have
posted about changing beliefs in our subconscious minds. I know this can be
difficult sometimes as there may already be opposing beliefs within that resist
change. They are not being difficult, it's really a math thing (i.e. +2 + -2 =
0 = resistance/cancelling out). So how do you get that +2 to stick? You need to
remove the -2.
Two things that
Brian Grasso - FTR
Nation (FTR = Free-thinking Renegades) - regarding our "story"
Seth: The Nature of
Personal Reality - awesome book!! - regarding our beliefs and much more to be
honest (half way through the book. I highly encourage anyone of the path of
self discovery/re-membrance to get this book.)
Here are techniques I
am using with myself to great effect, and can you for you too.
The Story. We tell ourselves
a story about ourselves and Life. Problem is we think it's true, and so
believe, perceive, create, and receive what we believe in. I did not understand
that I could change my story, and that was a difficulty for me, and likely for
many others. So, point is, simply start telling yourself a different story. You
do not need to struggle and be frustrated, but if you tell yourself that old
Example: Old story
"I am filled with pain and must heal. I am unhappy, and will be happy
eventually. I can't afford.. not enough.. (you get the idea). Look at that
story, and wow, there it is made manifest. New story: "All of me is in
balance, alignment, and harmony. I send/receive peace, love, joy, harmony,
oneness, gratitude, and abundance." See the difference there? Huge
difference. So, bottom line, be aware of the story you tell yourself about you
and Life. The inner self listens constantly and takes as true what you input.
(input = output)
Belief: We believe
things are true as we grow up ("learning" from the outside-inward).
The thing is none of it is really true, however we do not know this, and take
what we are told about ourselves and Life is true. Not so. That is only
apparent truth (appears to be, because you believe it you experience it), and
not absolute truth (remember, Life is actually an illusion, 99% pure space
according to science). I have been going through my belief system, and
evaluating every belief that comes up, and determine if this represents who I
really am in the Now. Most of these beliefs are not resonant with my true self.
How to work with beliefs...
Example: "I'm not
good enough. Humans suck, we are terrible and destroying ourselves and our
planet. I can't afford it. I am unhealthy, and overweight." What you
believe, you receive (note: Believe = Be Living). Here's what I do: "I
have decided I do not believe that I am not good enough. I have decided I do
not believe that Humans suck, and we are terrible and destroying ourselves and
our planet. I have decided I do not believe that I can't afford what I want. I
have decided I do not believe that I am unhealthy, and overweight." In
this, I am telling my subconscious that the prior beliefs are no longer valid.
Now I tell myself things like "in my current story, I am good enough..
humanity is awake, enlightened, and being who we really are, and have created Heaven
on Earth.. I can afford to buy anything I want.. I am always in optimal
health." See the big difference there?
So, yes, beliefs and
the stories we tell ourselves are of the utmost importance, as our subconscious
takes it as a truth and manifests it within our 'reality'. There are no limits,
or 'reality checks' here, just the willingness to let go of everything you
think you know about you and Life, and choose to be a conscious Creator (as
opposed to unaware Creator). The only thing in your way (or not) is you.
One more thing: I also
tell myself "I am being my 5D self and am fully integrated." It's
that time. 2014 for me is an energy and consciousness of "[censored] it...
it's that time. the old stuff it all goes. the Phoenix arises." Pardon my
Lastly, for the
doubters, do you believe "it" because it's true, or is "it"
true because you believe it?
Love you!!
G'day Robbiesan
Interesting Mr
Any ideology that
fixates us to a certain way of thinking & believing, & everything from
this we fear should be avoided only if we really want change. If we don't want
change this kind of recreating the same thing over & over again is fine.
The controlling
factors of the ego tell us to fixate ourselves to certain ideologies that make
the most sense to us at the time & an ideology that also makes us feel
secure & safe. The ego needs to feel secure within it's cage or more
precisely a closed box even though it is suffering.
At the moment I've
poked holes in the box & all this light is flooding in but my ego feels
secure within this box so I'm not venturing out at the moment. I allow the
controlling factors of the ego to influence my life at present but that is
changing. I love being expressive of the ego but I have become weary of the
unnecessary destructiveness of such control.
Socially & culturally
we have been brought up to think in a certain way, actually we have been collectively,
as a whole, brought up in this way. It’s very hard for some people to break
from this behavioural pattern & yes it is learned behaviour which has taken
over from thinking for ourselves.
The light from outside
this box is collective but it’s now free will thinking for ourselves instead of
others thinking for us. We think, because we are now going to think for
ourselves outside the box it’s not collective, that couldn’t be further from
the truth I feel.
The ego loves
collectiveness, it doesn’t want to be left on it’s own especially when it’s
suffering & not at the top of the pile, allowing others to think for us feels
secure but of course it’s not. When the
light from outside the box comes through to us at first, we see ourselves
thinking for ourselves thus we feel we have lost our security, it doesn’t even
seem collective but it is.
This free will
thinking from outside the box is collectively about thinking for ourselves, it’s
still collective because everyone is now thinking for themselves. It’s just a different
way of thinking to what we have been conditioned to accept.
I should state here that I don’t think life’s an illusion
however it’s by no way all of who we are.