Showing posts with label Ego. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ego. Show all posts

Monday, 12 August 2019

Letting Go of Control

Written by Mathew Naismith

This particular post could assist a lot of people who meditate or wish to meditate or anyone who just simply wants their mind to let go. You will learn to let go of control, including your own control over your mind, before meditating. The way mindfulness meditation is often taught in the west is to take control of the mind first and foremost. In the east, one firstly let's go of control to meditate as meditation is about releasing the mind of control, not controlling the mind to meditate mindfully.   

For me, learning to let go of control is far more beneficial than meditation, especially mindful meditation where you have to take control of your mind. So many people can't meditate and/or don't feel comfortable with meditating, so just letting go, especially of control, might be their thing. However, if you are a control freak, as the author of the bellow article admits to, letting go of control, which also means letting go of being controlling as well of your own mind, might be just as daunting as meditation. I loved this author's self-honesty by the way, very rare these days.   

Extract: "I’ve noticed that things go much more smoothly when I give up control—when I allow them to happen instead of making them happen. Unfortunately, I’m terrible at this."

"Surrender literally means to stop fighting. Stop fighting with yourself. Stop fighting the universe and the natural flow of things. Stop resisting and pushing against reality."

If you read the article above, you should have a better idea what letting go of control is all about, making for a more fruitful (beneficial) meditation and life period.

Letting go of being controlling can be as daunting as letting go of being controlled, in actuality, they are the same thing. We might think that by taking control, we are being controlled less. It matters not what is taking control, you or another force, it is still control that is in control. Usually, the only reason to take control is because we were being controlled. A fear of being controlled has fearfully made us take control. Fear has created a circumstance where we feel we need to take control instead of being controlled. This depicts that fear, an ego in control, is in control, nothing else.

Also, try not to think of it as them or me taking control, in other words try not to separate one energy from another taking control. It matters not what energy source that is controlling you, it is still control. We often separate them from ourselves, thus creating an environment of control of one over the other. "It is me, a positive, taking control, not them, a negative, taking control." I am also into oneness which gives me more of a one energy perception rather than numerous energies. Once you separate consciousness or energy period like this, one part of consciousness or energy will want to be more controlling. This is why I try to stay away from the perceptions of negatives and positives which is the dividing of energy, not a union of energy. One always desires to control and dominate the other.  

I actually have no need to meditate these days. I can at any moment get into a state where my mind isn't being controlled or controlling, a state where 99.9% of the time a just simply smile. Yes, I allow my mind to wonder but this wondering isn't to do with what is or isn't human, it is to do with everything as a whole. A pure state of awareness is known in Buddhism as nothingness, only because when all consciousness is observed as being in union and not separated, there is only energy, not energies. Once energy is observed like this, there is no motion to observe thus the ego has a perception of nothingness.

In the west, the separation of negatives and positives, the disunion of energy, has become predominantly popular, like taking control of our mind and life has. So many people are meditating on this bases, and any bases that makes the ego in control feel good. If any kind of control makes you feel good, what part of you do you think is making you feel good and in control? If we are honest with ourselves, we would see that it is the ego in control. What many seem to be doing is conditioning the ego to control, not conditioning or freeing the ego of and from control.

If you think control makes you feel powerful,
you have experienced a minuscule
of what exists to experience.

~Mathew G~

As the image above depicts:

To hold, you must
first open your hand.
Let go

~Lao Tzu~

Thursday, 8 August 2019

Ego, Intuition and Desire

Written by Mathew Naismith

The ego is exceptionally versatile and adaptable, with the ability to be conditioned to just about any circumstance or environment. I suppose this is why humans are able to adapt to various environments, as depicted in human history. Ego is simply a conscious aware of one's own existence or being or even importance. One example of this is being aware of our own importance to our children, each other or society as a whole, of course egotism, which is an exaggerated opinion of our own personal importance, is something else.

As often depicted in human history, the ego can be conditioned to numerous environments, including environments such as spiritual/religious, material, conflictive, harmonious, loving, hateful, and so on. The ego can also be conditioned to an environment of intuition or desire. As the ego can't be conditioned to conflict and harmony, love and hate, simultaneously, the ego can either be conditioned to be more intuitive or desiring. It is interesting why the ego can't be conditioned to an environment of intuition and desire simultaneously.

Often intuition is thought to be a feeling we get that something is presumed to be the case, an assumption purely based on feelings. When you actually condition your ego to become less desiring therefore more intuitive, intuitiveness takes on a different meaning. Intuitiveness is no longer just a feeling but an awareness. The less desiring we become, the more aware we become.

Desire is more to do with an ego conditioned to egotism. Yes, as we can condition our egos to desire, we can condition our egos to an environment of egotism. Actually, both desire and egotism go hand in hand, one not being able to exist without the other. To become egotistical takes desire as to desire takes egotism. Even if we desire to help human kind, the desire of even being seen to help creates egotism, an exaggerated importance. How many people today desire to be seen helping human consciousness?

Intuition on the other hand has nothing to do with desire. Try truly becoming aware without the things we don't desire to become aware of or feel. Intuition has no preference or desire; this means anything from hate to love, conflict to harmony, negative to positive, and so on, the ego can intuitively become aware of. In other words the honest truth is presented to the ego through intuition, not a desired truth, a dishonest truth. What ego conditioned to desire wishes to become truly aware or intuitive? It can't occur because our desires take control of the ego, conditioning the ego to desires rather than intuition.

If I endangered my own life to help others and was called a hero, I would tell these people where to go. My own ego would detest being called a hero, now, how many people would do this? An ego conditioned to desire will always react differently to an ego conditioned to intuition. Intuition, an awareness of my own ego, instinctively tells me that I wouldn't like be called a hero, even before becoming a hero. Of course an ego conditioned to desire would relish in being called a hero.

When I lived in the bush/forest as a younger person, I had a feeling when I was going to come across a snake, every time without exception. As we did as children, we walked around the bush in our bare feet so this intuition was highly beneficial for my well being. My intuition didn't tell me where the snake was going to be, only that I was going to come a cross a snake that day. If I expressed less desire, would have my feelings become more of an awareness?  An awareness, as opposed to just a feeling, would have also told me where I was going to come a cross a snake in the bush.

You can desire one moment and become intuitive in the next moment, remembering that the more we desire, the less intuitive we become.  When we desire, this is often in the absence of intuition and visa-versa. We will often only perceive through desire what we will experience, not what we will actually experience.
The following doesn't totally endorse what I have stated here but they are an interesting read, in my mind anyway.

Wednesday, 24 July 2019

It Is All Of The Same Source

Written by Mathew Naismith

Certain people inspire me, as of my present interaction with a physicist who is knowledgeable in the area of the Vedas and other ancient scriptures. The following is my reply to him.       

Something might be written from 100% truth, but how we perceive this truth as humans with bias changes this truth inline with the bias expressed. Being human and of a mind predominantly influenced by bias, no amount of 100% truth will stay at a 100%. The bible can be read in several different ways, one way is to read the bible symbolically which gives the bible a different perspective, the Vedas or any other written material is no different. We will read what we want to read in accordance with our own human biases, presently the way the Koran is read by certain groups is a prime example of this. The Tora is no different as of any ancient scriptures.

When I was in my teens, I could ask any question and get a correct answer as if out of thin air. Of course to get to this state takes a fair amount of time and effort, however, the effort expended was to simply take away the control of the ego. Bias is a sign that the ego is in control. Bias simply separates consciousness in parts, often parts of consciousness that now divided seem opposing each other. No matter what the knowledge or awareness is of, it all comes from the same source.   

I was brought up as a strict or hardline/extremist atheist. I had to give up the bias involved in atheism to get in this state, this is while not taking on another ideology or ism like religion or materialism for example. This also means learning from what each ideology or ism's wisdom and awareness portrays.

So the reason I am not into comparing one against the other is simple, no matter what the knowledge or awareness and wisdom is of, it all comes from the same source. You must realise that our egos in control will see it differently which includes our own biases. It all comes from the same source, be it through different channels or sources of bias. I experienced first hand souls that were lost, souls that many of us call evil. These souls were simply lost within their own creation based on their own biases. I frightened them because I showed no matter how much division from the initial source you exist under, the divine spark in everything still exists. The divine spark being of the initial source of all things, like all knowledge, awareness and wisdom. How many of us with our own biased desires desire to know this?

We agree on a lot of matters xxxxxxxx, but we must be aware that we won't agree on all matters and leave it at that. I am not here to search for truth but honesty within whatever the truth may be, seen as all truth initially comes from the same source. You seem to be looking for truth and 100% truth. Am I right and you're wrong? No, because searching for 100% truth does exist, just not on a human level of consciousness and understanding as you seem to be aware of. Our paths might cross xxxxxxxx but our journey is different while at the same time our journeys are not apart. Human bias often sees a difference as a division, and often an opposing difference. In the absence of bias, all that one sees is a difference with an underlaying sameness, like the lost souls I experienced.

The perception of God gives us a sense of one source, the spark within all things no matter how much a consciousness desires to separate itself from, or how lost within it's own creation a consciousness becomes. The ego, as always, desires to be its own creator as clearly seen in today's human consciousness. I think the perception of God, one initial source of creation, is perfect, giving us a glimpse beyond the egos controlling bias ways. Of course this perception isn't for everyone's acceptance and understandably so.                    

Saturday, 6 July 2019

To Seek or Not!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

It is said, "The process of seeking will not lead one to enlightenment/awareness, for to seek is of the ego, when enlightenment comes to one in the absence of the ego."

This is only partially true, for enlightenment is simply of a state of releasing one from ignorance which the ego creates. You can't become enlightened if you are still hanging onto any kind of ignorance, being that enlightenment is of becoming aware in the absence of bias and desire.

The seeking ego in an environment of deliberate ignorance will often become more aware, as the seeking ego goes beyond the boundaries of ignorance. Enlightenment comes when one no longer needs to seek, however, the process of seeking beyond set boundaries is needed to get to a stage of no longer needing to seek. In all honesty, you get to a stage when you no longer seek and become the observer. Of course for people like myself who desire not to be of any one state of being, one minute the seeker, the next the observer, my present ego is unlikely to experience enlightenment, or so it seems.

It is not of the process of seeking that stops us becoming enlightened, it is how we seek. If I was to seek to fulfil one's desires, as opposed to seeking in all honesty, going beyond the boundaries of ignorance is not going to occur. To seek only that which feels good thus feeds the ego desires, is still of ignorance, for to seek in this way one must become ignorant or of refusal of everything that doesn't make us feel good. However, to seek in all honesty often brings forth truth that doesn't feed the ego desires, this is why today honesty and the people expressing such honesty are so scorned and yes, deliberately ignored!! If you have to ignore anything to try to obtain an enlightened state, the odds of obtaining this state is exceptionally unlikely.

It is quite understandable that the ego at all cost avoids seeking in all honesty, for the ego to have any sense of control needs only that which gives it control, especially over it's present environment. Being that our present environment is of deliberate ignorance, the seeking ego will often seek that which defuses the present environment. In other words, the ego seeking to gain more control in such an environment, will unknowingly often become expressive of what the ego is trying to escape from. The ego seeking more control in such an environment will only produce more of what the environment represents, however, the ego seeking in the absence of desiring more control, will often find itself outside the boundaries of ignorance. This will often make the ego feel uncomfortable; this is why so many people revert back to trying to take control.

The last thing an ego seeking control desires, especially over its present environment, is honesty, for honesty doesn't feed the ego what it desires. Honesty simply produces what actually is, to what the ego desires what is!!

~For only the ego has a need or desire to seek~

Sunday, 16 June 2019

Ego-Natural Flow of Life

Written by Mathew Naismith

Going with the natural flow of life, the natural flow of water, in the absence of control of life, of the water, that we are all presently experiencing and a part of, no matter how much we desire to separate ourselves from this natural flow.

The natural flows actually refers to all motion, the ego, in the absence of a controlling ego. Of course the ego in control often desires to be separate itself from the natural flow, to an ego not having the desire of desiring to control the flow of life/water.

There are people, like my wife and I, who simply go with the flow within the present, whatever that flow may be in the absence of a controlling ego. The ego in control doesn't gently flow, it often turns the water, life, into a torrent, recreating a desired flow often in opposition to the natural flow. As of torrents, often a different direction is enforced by the force emitted by desires, desires to enforce a different direction of flow of life/water. This is instead of calming the present waters of life that are often deemed negative, most likely because they don't fulfil our desires or what we demand life to be.

The natural flow of life, the ego, isn't there for our pleasures, it is simply there to experience. Yes, within this natural flow, life won't always be rosy (positive), but the ego in control demands that life must serve it's desires, which means that life has to be always pleasurable to the ego.

People like me simply don't expect or demand of life, of the present flow of water, that we must feel pleasurable all the time. We certainly don't try to separate one part of consciousness from the rest of consciousness so we can fulfil the controlling egos desires.

As of life, human consciousness, presently controlled by the ego in control, we must also go with this flow, while not becoming of what this flow represents, the desire to fulfil our desires at any cost. Would a responsible parent allow their badly behaved child go on being badly behaved to fulfil one's own pleasures? So why ignore the negatives in the present flow of water to fulfil our own desires of demanding to feel good all the time? As the badly behaved child will only become worse in their behaviour when their behaviour is ignored, so will the collective consciousness.  

Yes, the natural flow of water isn't always a comfortable temperature, but we really shouldn't demand more of life than what is to fulfil what our ego in control desires. Anything beyond of what the natural flow of what is, is something else than natural.....            

Friday, 7 June 2019

The Infinite Present Consciousness

Written by Mathew Naismith

In the midst of mayhem, demure and dauntless provocations, a wise and aware soul is able to make the most of the present; this is instead of trying the make the present something the ego simply desires. Of course what the ego desires often has nothing to do with the present. The ego in control will often separate itself from what it doesn't desire, thus only leaving what the ego in control desires, which is anything but of the present collective consciousness. Simply, an extraction of parts of the present desired consciousness from the undesired parts of a consciousness is implemented. To a lot of people, this extraction or division of a consciousness is living in the present, when in all honesty all this is, is living for the ego in control.

To a wise and aware soul, an enlightened consciousness, whatever the present is, is embraced no matter how of mayhem, demure and dauntless provocations it is. Think of the worst life experience a soul can experience. To an enlightened consciousness, this finite experience is nothing compared to the infinite, a state often referred to as God's consciousness or a state of pure awareness and motionless. Why do people react differently to the same trauma experienced? Often, a person who has gone through far worse trauma, will experience less trauma in the present than a person who has gone through very little trauma in comparison.

Too often people will think the present is of trauma, or of mayhem, demure and dauntless provocations collectively consciously. As an enlightened consciousness thinks no more of a life lived, no matter how good or bad it was, what occurs collectively over time in a finite reality, has no further bearing or relevance, for what a soul experiences is always of the finite. You don't actually experience the infinite like you do the finite, you simply are aware of what the finite represents. Only the ego in control makes any more of this, thus taking a consciousness back into a finite conscious state, in turn creating trauma, often through mayhem, demure and dauntless provocative experiences. As I have stated before, only the ego part of us can be in trauma or become hurt because the ego is only of the finite. The ego, either in control or not, cannot exist within an infinite reality or an infinite state of consciousness, for a consciousness to be aware of everything all at once, is in the absence of the ego in control. The infinite isn't of the absence of the ego, only the ego in control. Of course a consciousness of pure ego is only experienced in the absence of infinite wisdom and awareness.

To an enlightened consciousness, everything is of the present. Only the ego sees an extraction of the undesired for the desired as not being of their personal present, even though the collective present is often something quite different to what the ego in control desires.

So what do many of us do? Try to extract ourselves from the ego as much as possible, thus only being of the infinite. If in any sense you are trying to separate consciousness into parts to serve your ego's desires in this way, you are being more expressive of the finite, as the infinite is of the whole, not only parts of the whole a consciousness only desires to be of within the present. Only the ego in control desires or even needs to extricate itself from the ego. An enlightened consciousness simply desists in the extraction of consciousness, thus allowing one to simply become aware of everything in the absence of the ego's desires. 

Try to remember this. If your ego takes control at times, only the ego in control will make a big deal of this. While experiencing the ego, just be aware, especially aware that the ego in control is not about awareness but ignorance. 

Supplement: "Oh my God, my life has gone, it's all in the past to never be apart of me again!!"

This is of a finite consciousness, when in all honesty to an infinite consciousness, nothing is lost or gained, everything really does become of the present. Within this state, there are no perceptions of loss or gain, even while one is experiencing finite consciousness. Why do most people meet up with dead relatives after their own demise? Consciousness never dies or no longer exists. There is simply no sense of loss, or gain for that matter. To experience gain or loss is of finite consciousness, not of infinite consciousness. Not an easy view to condition an ego to, this is why certain people will always seem more enlightened than most other people.         

Monday, 27 May 2019

Consciousness of an Enlightened One

Written by Mathew Naismith

An enlightened one (person) is confronted with a positive loving person and a negative hateful person, according to the ego, within their own immediate environment. Neither person is treated any different to the other. So wouldn't the enlightened one feel negative vibrations from the person who is negative and hateful, and positive vibrations from the person who is positive and loving?

If you understand this kind of enlightened consciousness, you will be aware that this kind of consciousness is unable to feel negative or positive vibrations, for all separation of negatives and positives are determined and created by the ego. The only way that any consciousness can feel negative and positive vibrations, is to separate consciousness into parts. Of course the only part of us that does this is the ego. Make no mistake though, only the ego can determine if the ego is negative because of it's separation of consciousness. The main natural attribute of the ego is to separate thus create motion, therefore all that is motion is ego.

Take speeding along in a car, the ego has separated its immediate environment, the vehicle, from the rest of the environment. The perception of speed can only be determined through the separation of one environment from another.   

We might then think to get from one point to another we need motion which relates to distance/space therefore time.

Motion is not time but can be determined or influenced by time, however, ego directly relates to motion but motion is not always related to time. Why? I remember hearing about a traveller who stopped in one town in outback Australia, who saw the same exact aboriginal boy in one town than in another hundreds of kilometres away in the same day. Consciousness, even being of time, isn't always determined by the factors of distance therefore time, but motion is always determined or created by the ego. The ego determined to be in one place one minute and in another place in another minute.  

For the enlightened one, a consciousness that is not determined or influenced by time, motion or ego, therefore not of separation, will understandably treat each person as being simply expressive of motion therefore ego.

Is one vibration or motion more pleasant or unpleasant than another? To an enlightened one, all that one is aware of is that one existence is of the ego (motion), and the other of egoless (motionless), all else is simply a perception created by the ego. In saying this, there is still no separation of the ego or egoless consciousness.

How many people today think we all came from a starting point, being it love and light, a state absent of the ego or of some higher state of being? Considering this higher state not to be determined by time/motion, when did the starting point of a lower consciousness begin in a timeless motionless state? As of the egoless self, the ego self has always existed, it's just that the ego can seem more in motion within time. Make no mistake, the ego always desires to be of some kind of higher state of being, and to have only started off from this higher state.

In all honesty, the ego can just as much if not more so be expressional of motion in the absence of time. As what we call physical is not really all that physical compared to other existences, just denser within its motion, within its physicality. When a consciousness is determined by time, the consciousness in this kind of motion naturally becomes denser; giving the experiencer an incorrect perception of what represents a physical existence. All of what is physical within the universe is simply a reflection of what is truly physical, of the ego. Time doesn't determine what is more physical, but motion/ego does. Time simply makes a consciousness denser in motion, not more physical.

Think on this. A mathematician will often visualise a mathematical formula to then express this visualisation in a denser format which is then determined by time, space and distance. An architect or inventor will do the same, thus creating what seemed non-physical into something physical, something that takes up space therefore is determined to be more physical, not just simply denser!!

So why doesn't an enlightened one treat or see a difference in a negative hatful person compared to a positive loving person? As of myself, a very difficult conscious state to truly comprehend to any great extent, probably because of our conscious conditioning to motions determined by time. 

Monday, 20 May 2019

For Only Our Ego's Suffer

Written by Mathew Naismith

What if I stated that if we were all enlightened beings, not one of us would think twice of experiencing this reality again no matter what our experiences were!! In all honesty, the ego in control would refute this to the bitter end, why? What doesn't serve the control the ego desires to obtain and retain over it's self and its environment, will be dismissed or deemed a negative one must stay away from to gain or retain control. Of course an ego that isn't about obtaining and retaining control is a different matter.

How many of us deem spiritual, physical and mental peek proficiency as an ultimate state of being? What if I stated that being spiritual doesn't mean one is enlightened!! Being spiritual is simply the acknowledgment of a non-material existence from the acknowledgment of a material existence. In truth, Buddha experienced his enlightenment while at he's lowest level of physical and mental proficiency as of many who have become enlightened. Through this enlightenment, one then realises that a balance between the non-material and the material world is a far wiser way to exist, however, to realise this one must first suffer.

In truth, the only part of us suffering is the ego, of course there is also a difference between suffering from the egos suffering and learning from the egos suffering. Enlightenment simply comes from learning from the egos suffering. Enlightenment is simply all about letting go of the ego, especially of the controlling ways of the ego. The more our egos suffer, the more our egos were in control. Yes, this means that everyone's ego will suffer differently, of course on top of this, some ego's will still suffer from it's own suffering through the unwillingness by the ego to let go of it's control. The ego in this case will suffer to the bitter end and quite expectantly in the views of the enlightened.

I should point out that the first line of my post, "What if I stated that if we were all enlightened beings, not one of us would think twice of experiencing this reality again no matter what our experiences were!!", is of my own recollection and awareness. What you become aware of in the absence of a controlling ego is quite amazing. Of course what you become aware of in the absence of an ego altogether would be totally amazing to say the least.

As I ponder about my aimless life wonderings with no intentions or expectations, I realise I am drifting upon a water so clear that my reflection depicts the environment I am adrift upon. In the absence negatives and positives, good and bad, right and wrong, the waters I am adrift upon are so clear.....Mathew G

Sunday, 14 April 2019

Seeing It As It Is

Written by Mathew Naismith

Seeing it as it is, not how I would desire to see it, gets me into a lot of trouble with other people. It is like with love, just because I don't desire to feel the affects of love, in other words lust after what the feelings of love gives to the ego, I am not of love. I simply don't desire to feel the affects of love but allow these feelings to naturally exist, without effort, within certain conscious states. It is natural that within certain conscious states, the ego will experience feelings of love, giving the ego a false ideology that these states are simply of love.

I also don't desire being positive over and above being negative, in all honesty, I simply allow myself to be neutral as much as possible. I have learnt so much from the so-called negatives, way more than from the positives. In all honesty, my ego has learnt from these experiences instead of suffering from these experiences. To me, to suffer from an experience is to counteract a negative experience with a positive experience. This is the same in counteracting hate with love, most often to the same degree or to the same excess. Within this, one to me is still suffering from the collective consciousness experience rather than learning from the collective conscious experience.

How shocking it was practicing in cannibalism or going to see people fight to the death in a Roman arena, but it is alright to deliberately make people ill so you can live/feed off of them. I recently read an article in how doctors who dared find cancer enzymes in vaccines systematically died/murdered. And how many people are fighting for there very existence, not just in wars but materialistically? The whole planet has become an arena that was deliberately created to serve the few materialistically. In all honesty, are we learning from what human consciousness has experienced or are we still suffering from these experiences?

I will always be hated or despised for my honesty; I would rather this than the alternative of course. Simply, self-dishonesty isn't an alternative for people like me, we must see it how it is, not how our egos would desire to see it. As I am not into separation as in black and white people instead of just people, I am not into negatives and positives. Don't' be conned by the controlling ego that desires to separate through perceptions of black and white, negative and positive perceptions, negative and positives are simply perceptions created by the ego. You really don't need to be positive, just not negative, within this you will be able to see everything for what it really is, not how the ego desires to only see it, in black and white, negatives and positives!!          

Monday, 8 April 2019

In the Presence of Wisdom

Wisdom I know is social. She seeks
her fellows. But Beauty is jealous,
and illy bears the presence of a rival.
~Thomas Jefferson~

Written by Mathew Naismith

As it is said from a Jewish view point, "Wisdom is the perfection of knowledge of the righteous as a gift from God showing itself in action. In direct relation to God, Wisdom is with God from all eternity." Source:

So is this saying that in the absence of the perception of God, wisdom is also absent? The Jewish and Christian perspective on this would be to say yes, in the absence of God, wisdom is also absent!!

As it is said intellectually, wisdom is of an accumulated knowledge, erudition or enlightenment. Wisdom is also said to be of the trait of utilizing knowledge and experience with common sense and insight. Also, an ability to apply knowledge, experience, understanding or common sense and insight.

The perception of wisdom comes in many forms, as the perception of God or whatever you want to call this wise and aware consciousness. Wisdom to me is simply in the absence of a controlling ego. Within this absence of the controlling ego, wisdom is present. Within the presence of a controlling ego, wisdom is absent. Can we also relate this to, in the absence of a controlling ego, God is present. In the presence of a controlling ego, God is absent in man's consciousness. To me, the perception of God relates to the presence of wisdom no matter how wisdom is exemplified or presented. Of course the ego in control will of course try to separate one from the other, if you are not of God, you are not of wisdom. I instead look at it this way, if you are in the presence of the controlling ego with all it's desires and lusts for control, material wealth, power and even the desires of  ethereal pleasures of love in any form, the perception of  wisdom therefore God is also absent. Love expressed through wisdom isn't of lust but of a purer expression of love in the absence of a controlling ego. 

A consciousness of God to me simply exemplifies wisdom and awareness no matter how you want to exemplify or call this kind of consciousness. Even in the absence of the perception of God as such, wisdom can still be present as long as the controlling ego is absent. Religious people will call this kind of consciousness God, other people will call it something else but it is still of the same consciousness no matter how we exemplify this consciousness. God simply means a consciousness of the absence of a controlling ego, thus allowing wisdom to not just be present eternally but flourish. Yes, even in a reality such as ours, wisdom can flourish but only in the absence of a controlling ego. The ego is of course still present but the ego is no longer in control where wisdom is allowed to flourish. However, being of man's reality, wisdom in this case is never meant to be eternally present, it is something man's consciousness has to always work at.     

Saturday, 23 March 2019

Age Old Wisdom Idolisation

Written by Mathew Naismith

In an age where we have replaced wisdom with feeding the ego what ever the ego desires, this is the same age where we need to use technology more wisely, we ignore the teachings that are tested and found to be true through the ages like the Bhagavid Gita, Taoism, etc. Yes, there seems to be a relation between wisdom and idolisation but like materialism, where so many people idolise wealth and power, I can't see any wisdom in this. However, most often an idolisation is more in relation to the wisdom and the teachings of an idol than the idol itself.       

Taoism: "Popular Chinese philosophical system based in teachings of Lao-tzu but characterized by a pantheism of many gods and the practices of alchemy and divination and magic."

What the western critical mind in all of us sees is the pantheist religions, like Hinduism, is of many Gods/Goddesses, a worship of other entities beyond the worship of the human ego. The western critical mind only sees that another ego is being worshiped other than itself, not what the worshiped idol actually represents. The western critical mind sees any worship of what the idol represents as a threat or of competition to itself. I wrote the following to another person on MeWe which will hopefully elaborate in what I am saying here.            

An interesting point LP, how often has science and even atheism been revised? The point is, to evolve, these teachings need to be revised where teachings like the Bhagavid Gita don't!!

Sadly, the ego only sees that a figure of man/God is being worshiped, not what the man/God actually represents which is all of what is without exception. I have been known to say. "Forget about the human figure of a God/Goddess and focus on what the God/Goddess represents, for this is what these teachings are truly all about." In an age where we have replaced wisdom with feeding the ego what it desires, this advice is completely ignored.

Also, the western mind in all of us seems far more dominant today. The western mind is known to be the critical part of our mind, critical of anything that doesn't feed its ego. This critical mind will do anything but worship a far wiser consciousness, instead, put it's own self forth to be worshiped thus we have the creation of the age of false prophets!!

The age of false prophets: As Jesus prophesised, "Many false prophets will arise and deceive many", also, "Many will come in my name", thus the creation of false prophets. They will come in his name, not actually bearing his name!!

How many egos' act as a God these days upon the masses? Was not Jesus a representative of God's consciousness, a consciousness idolised by many? This is being replaced by what? By a consciousness that idolises the ego above all else, thus placing the ego and its desires above all else!! How many people in the world today idolise the wealthy and powerful? These people actually scorn an idolisation of an idol that represents all of what is, to an idol that only resents the desires of the ego!! To someone like me this is utterly bewildering that we would idolise such a finite idol compared to an infinite idol. Make no mistake, so many people of materialism are religiously following an idol that is finite by nature, not infinite by nature. This is very much a religion for a lot of people in the world today.

Try to focus on what the idol represents, not what the ego only sees or wants to see, only a worshiped idol. You are not worshipping the physical idol, if that is the case, but what the idol actually represents. Of course to the ego worshipping the ego and its finite desires is acceptable!!

We have actually replaced worshiping infinite idols, a consciousness of unlimited potential, with finite idols, a consciousness of limited potential. We have even replaced Gaia, known as the Goddess of Earth in Greek mythology (Mother Nature), with an idol that has nothing to do with the creation of ourselves and Earths existence as a whole!!  

If I wasn't actually experiencing the present as it is, I would think we were in some kind of backward reality, were all true sense of awareness and wisdom is kept absent on purpose to serve a particular idol or idols of finite potential. It is absolutely bewildering that we would replace teachings, awareness and wisdom of infinite potentiality with idols that are not of teachings, awareness and wisdom, but of brainwashing, limited awareness in the absence of wisdom!!

Try to remember, physical idols simply represent certain teachings which are often in the presence of wisdom, often a wisdom that is well and truly tested over time. It is not the idol itself that is so important, it what the idol actually represents that is so important. Is the idolisation of wealth and power or even modern science tested over hundreds or even thousands of years? Most often science minded people will refute were modern day science evolved from, mysticism and philosophy. Is it possible that these same people will refute where all creation has come from then?

Do I idolise all wisdom no matter where it comes from, either from the East or West? Considering that idolising is," Regard with feelings of respect and reverence; consider hallowed, exalted or be in awe of", I would certainly say I idolise wisdom no matter what that wisdom may be of and from.

It is not that we are thinking, it is how we are thinking!! 

Monday, 24 December 2018

The Serenity of Oneness

Written by Mathew Naismith

Oneness simply means to be united as one, where all different motions of energy are seen as energy, no more, no less, even though there are infinite forms of energy in motion. Sounds strange doesn't it? Add to this that the more aware we become, the less of motion we become, it is then quite understandable why the ego at times is unable to even comprehend a state of oneness. This is strange to some one like me, even a true state of serenity can be incomprehensible to the ego.

Of course the more of oneness we become, the less of the ego we are expressive of. This doesn't mean that the ego becomes less worthy to the egoless self, it simply means that the ego isn't the be and end all, where the ego is the primary source of existence. In a state of oneness, there is no ultimate state, even a state of oneness isn't seen as an ultimate state. You can probably understand why I headed this post the serenity of oneness, where there is no ultimate state therefore there is no desire to be of some kind of ultimate state, just serenity or stillness/motionlessness. Yes, that's correct, the more of motionlessness we become, the more of the egoless self we become but the more we will go with the flow of what is, for only the ego desires not to be expressive of the ego, motion, time, separation.

Oneness, as of enlightenment, unconditional love, a pure state of awareness or being one with God, etc, can't be desired. It is a state that simply occurs through seeking but seeking without a desired outcome. You even come to a point in awareness where you no longer seek; this is often experienced as a state of serenity.

The ego may think that to be more aware, the more we are thinking therefore the more of motion we become, not less.

Awareness is not like knowledge, in that knowledge has to be sought out through a desire. Awareness simply occurs without effort, the only effort needed is by the ego to let go of desires therefore a perceived outcome. Sounds like a lot of effort but it's truly not, effort expended is simply a perception the ego has to become aware that we as a whole are not just of the ego. Of course you cannot be of oneness without the ego or egoless self, in other words desiring to be of one in the absence of the other. Oneness, the egoless self, desires not to be of one over and above the other for there is no other. All this means is that motion and motionless, ego and agelessness, time and timelessness, etc, is seen as one organism, even though each part of the organism is different to the other, it is still a depiction of a singular organism. Yes, everything is depicted as a singular organism, even, like cancer of the body, can work against the organism itself, for only the ego desires to separate itself from what is not desired. Yes, even while becoming aware, our egos will try to desire being just of the egoless self and not the ego, denouncing the ego as being negative or simply an illusion.

Indeed, a lot of people can experience serenity through a perception of God, for the perception of God gives the ego a depiction of oneness. Even to an ex-atheist and non-religious person, the perception of God has value. Make no mistake, just because certain religious groups and churches have abused religious ideologies for their own desires, doesn't mean that religion has no value. Like any ideology or ism, if used in harmony with energy as a whole, all that can come from this is serenity and a sense of oneness with all.

We don't only abuse religious ideologies either; we have abused science and philosophy and used them to fulfil our desires as well on a huge scale. Yes, even philosophical ideologies are being abused. I recently had an interaction with a person interested in philosophy. Philosophy to them was primarily about truth, of course with further studies, I showed this person that philosophy is simply about forever seeking truth, not of truth. Considering that philosophy is as quoted from a dictionary, "A belief (or system of beliefs) accepted as authoritative by some group or school", you wonder where philosophy is primary about truth, full stop. Yes, we so often abuse energy like this to fulfil our desires, make no mistake, isms and ideologies are an energy form that we can either abuse or work in unison with.

If we worked in unison with energy, energy in motion or not, serenity would just occur without effort. Yes, even energy in motion can create a sense of serenity if this energy is not abused to simply appease the desires of the ego. What occurs, and quite naturally, the less we abuse energy as a whole, the more of oneness, or if you like, God, we become. Indeed, the more abusive a religious sect or church is, the less of God they become. The more we abuse energy, the less of oneness and the sense of serenity we become of.

My ego would like to see in the new year that we disdain from abusing energy, but my egoless self says, "What will be will be, just go with the flow of what is." I am both my ego and egoless self so I will go with the flow of what is, only if my ego is unable to influence our abuse of energy. I suppose like Confucius, I will try to influence energy to work in unison with itself instead of against itself till my days end. In the end though, what will be, will be..........                                     

Have a blessed and blissful new year, I really hope all goes well for you on a global scale.


Saturday, 8 December 2018

A Reaction to the Egos Abusive Manner

Written by Mathew Naismith

What is the point of people like me doing what we are doing, going beyond human and even soul perspectives and perceptions? In actuality going beyond perceptions and perspectives all together, for only can perceptions and perspectives exist through our egos.

The point is, in a reality where the ego has become highly abusive to energy as a whole, balancing this out with the non-ego (egoless) part of all of us seems like the wise thing to do. In actuality, people like me are simply a reaction to an action hell bent on abusing energy.  It's not a counterreaction where a response is in opposition to an action, it is simply a reaction to the abuse of energy, especially when so many people want and even need to find an answer to our abuse of energy as a whole. In truth, to find an answer to the counteractive response of an abused energy. Make no mistake, an abused energy is in counteraction to the abuse it has received from the ego in control.

As I have stated in a previous post, the ego can never experience actual enlightenment, all that the ego can do is become aware that the egoless part of ourselves is of this enlightenment. The ego simply becomes aware of the egoless part of ourselves being enlightened, thus giving a perception that the ego has become enlightened. Yes, the ego becomes aware but not to the point of enlightenment, for the ego is unable to exist within an enlightened state for there is no ego in this state. Imagine ignorance existing in the same space of pure awareness, it is impossible unless the ignorance becomes aware of it's enlightened self. The last thing the ego in control desires to do is become this aware, however, the ego that isn't in control, in other words the ego that is simply being of the ego without being controlling, can become aware of it's own enlightened self.

At no time separate the ego and egoless self though, the desire to be only of the egoless self is purely of a controlling ego, for only the ego in control desires this much control and stature over and above the ego. Why have so many of us humbled ourselves to the ego? Why does the ego even exist when our egoless selves are so enlightened? Because the egoless self doesn't desire to be only of some kind of higher stature, the egoless self is aware it is all of what the ego is as well as what the non-ego is.

So what's my point? To keep in balance between the ego and non-ego, in other words work in unison with the energies and creations of the ego as well as the non-ego. As I stated in a previous post, there is nothing wrong with materialism, it is simply that we abuse materialism as our controlling egos do of any energy. Yes, balance materialism with spirituality. Become aware that our controlling egos will be abusive to energy if there is no balance.

To become too spiritual in a material (physical) world is also an abuse of energy, the abuse of the material world in favour of a non-material world. What part of us favours one above the other? The ego in control. How abusive can the controlling ego be to energy as a whole? Your enlightened self, or as I prefer being, doesn't desire to be of one or the other, especially one over and above the other, it is what it is, nothing more, nothing less. In truth, there are no perceptions or perspectives of one being above the other in this state, it is simply ego and non-ego, abuse of energy or working in unison with energy. Imagine for one moment working in unison and in harmony with energy as a whole, this includes everything the ego has deemed to be negative or toxic!! I cannot express in words what would occur in this case, the egos perception of nirvana or unconditional love doesn't even come close.

Are people like me in counteraction against the abuse of energy? If a lot of people weren't even trying to become less abusive to energy as a whole, there would be no reaction from people like me. There is no point in awakening a controlling ego hell bent on ignorance, to try this would be a counterreaction but this is not the case. All we are trying to do is assist or guide an ego that is trying to become less abusive to energy, in other words our reaction is simply to do with their egos making an effort to help itself from being so abusive to energy. There is no way that people like me desire to assist a controlling ego who only desires to exist with its own natural environment. Yes, abusing energy is of a natural occurrence to a controlling ego. At no point to the egoless self is this perceived as being below the stature of the egoless self, it is what it is, an existence that can be experienced or not by the soul. Of course a soul that is humbling, humbling itself to the controlling egos environment is not a problem.

Who reads my material, is it an ego in control or an ego aware of it's enlightened self in some way, even subconsciously? The answer is too obvious to me for you are the one's I write for as well as myself, in actuality I probably write more for myself for I am definitely not alone.                     

Friday, 7 December 2018

Love -The Universal Answer!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

I do get some insightful people asking insightful questions at times, is not love the universal answer?

Very good question Charlene, is love the universal answer? A question related to this is, is love the ultimate state? To refer to love being the universal answer is stating that love is the ultimate state to all other states. To perceive this takes the separation of energy, an ultimate state separate from all other states.

What part of us separates energy? Ego, for only through the ego can energy be separated into higher and lower forms of energy. The egoless self perceives no separation for there is no separation in this state therefore no universal answer or ultimate state, it is simply energy or if you like of God.  

Yes, to the ego that is aware there is a perceived universal answer therefore an ultimate state above all other states. This is how the ego in control works, there has to be an ultimate state of pleasure for the pleasure of the ego.

Also, everyone has a different perception of what love is, even unconditional love. How many multinationals have an absolute unconditional love of power and money, they will do anything to acquire this, even to the extent of destroying the planet. This is purely unconditional, where even the conditions of the planet are ignored. In truth, there is no difference between unconditional love of spiritually aware people and multinational, it is all to do with serving the ego in control, for it's all to do with what makes us feel good. Pleasing the ego above all else no matter what.

I know this is hard to perceive but all of what is, is the ultimate state, in a sense, to the egoless self. Yes, as our egos become aware, our ego will feel powerful feelings of love, what the ego does with this from then on will make a difference. The ego out of control will often only desire to see this state as being some ultimate state, above all other states. What occurs most often in this state? The separation of our egos from anything negative, negative to our egos feeling good, it is all about the pleasure of our controlling egos.

I can be in any environment and still feel blissful, as a lot of us are at present within this kind of chaotic reality. This isn't because of separating good from bad, positive from negative, like a lot of people are trying to do to sustain this state, it is to do with humbling myself to the negatives as of the positives without separation or desire. I don't have a desire to be only of positive or of an ultimate state; all I try to express is balance and a state of the absence of the abuse of energy. If the rest of my environment is not of my own or accepting of my environment, so be it, it is what it is.

Yes, without effort, the ego can find itself in a loving blissful environment, at no time in this environment is this state perceived as an ultimate state or universal answer, it is simply a state of the absence of the abuse of energy. Of course to the ego that is experiencing the abuse of energy, this state of the absence of the abuse of energy will seem like an ultimate state.

Sorry Charlene for such a long answer.

We do this so often, anything that makes the ego feel more powerful, secure and makes us feel good inside, is often given some kind of God status, an absolute state of desire. As money and power are given a God status by materialists, unconditional love is given a God status by various western spiritually aware people. What is with this God status in relation to unconditional love, especially considering unconditional love is a very small part of the process of becoming aware? They are still fumbling in the dark for they obviously know not what they do. Is this because our egos so often attaches itself to a God like status symbol? All other awareness to this God status symbol is negative and should be denounced in some way, even when the awareness comes from actual experiences and occurrences!! Actually, any awareness that goes beyond a God status symbol is often scorned the most, especially if supported with actual experiences, occurrences and supporting data.

This is like the perception of good battling it out with evil, this is clearly an ego perception of good against bad. Good in this case is given a God like status symbol by the ego. Evil cannot exist within the presence of good, a pure aware state or a state of God. Good in this case simply means awareness compared to ignorance. Evil, being bad, is simply a state of ignorance; imagine how a state of deliberate ignorance would react to a state of pure awareness. There is no battle for only the ego can battle itself out with itself, in other words go to war with itself. To the ego, there is a good and bad for only can the ego separate energy like this. What you have in this case is a partially aware consciousness battling it out with an ignorant conciseness. Of course only being particularly aware means we are still abusing energy, this of course, to the ego, means we are only partially good.

Look at this way, once you become aware, how hard is it to then become unaware? The only way to become unaware is to manipulate energy, in other words abuse energy to serve a desired state, or, to create a God like status symbol that keeps us unaware of anything more. I have experienced this myself, evil, in other words ignorance, cannot exist within the presence of a state of pure awareness, unless the state of pure awareness is manipulated. Of course being aware to this degree is the awareness of how energy is manipulated, as a lot of people today are obviously aware. Yes, conscious states of ignorance are at war with the good, but, a pure state of awareness is not at war with ignorance (evil). If the ego has to perceive a God like status symbol, like unconditional love, let it be a state of pure awareness instead, or if you like, a true state of God for ignorance has no status in this state.

Wednesday, 5 December 2018

Unlimiting Consciousness

 Written by Mathew Naismith

I was asked recently about my thoughts on Buddhism, the following was my reply.  

There are different variants of Buddhism. I don't hold to that one ideology is the answer for everyone for there is never one answer to anything.

Buddhism has its boundaries or doctrines as of any ideology or ism, I am not myself into limiting my consciousness like this. "All else other than the ultimate state of pure awareness or nothingness is an illusion", I don't myself limit my consciousness to these perspectives or perceptions. In saying this, Buddhism teaches one to cope better in an ego created reality, as a lot of ideologies do. 

I find that Taoism and Hinduism are far less limiting, of course this depends on how you use these ideologies. I prefer Buddhism to materialism or westernized atheism myself. I should also say that materialism and atheism have their place as well. How many people would have starved to death if it wasn't for materialism? Materialism has given us more soul experiences to be experienced, however, when materialism is abused and misused, it becomes too destructive when not balanced out with the likes of Buddhism or spirituality as a whole. 

You see, to me there is never one answer or absolute state.

I wrote the following to someone in relation to the year being an emotional rollercoaster.

It is only as bad as we make it, why give it any more energy that it's worth? Learn from it and move on, of course at times easier said that done. I often look at it this way these days, it is what it is, nothing more, nothing less. As soon as we get into the negatives and positives, it's always more that it should be.

How often do we allow ideologies and isms to limit our consciousness? Probably the same amount we limit our own consciousness to certain specifics like positives and negatives, or, what is real and what is an illusion. Is Buddhism limiting consciousness to certain specifics? As of any ideology or ism, it is the way we use Buddhism that is limiting. As soon as we limit ideologies or isms to certain specifics, we are abusing energy as energy itself is of unlimited potentiality. It is like constricting energy to a certain space where motion is restricted to certain motions only. Often any motion outside these restricted boundaries is usually referred to as something negative and subsequently dealt with. Materialism, like religion or any other ideology, is fine when in balance within the environment that supports materialism. When used out of balance with the natural environment, abuse of energy is created and often accepted by the abusers, in other words we become conditioned to abusing energy through limiting it's potentiality to certain specifics, often to primarily serve the ego.

It is the same old story, if energy doesn't serve the elite, the ego in control, it is dealt with, usually discarded as something negative or illusionary. The elite can be a multinational but it can also be of people who try to be only of an elite or absolute state of being. An elite state of being in Buddhism is egoless, a state of pure awareness or nothingness, the funny thing is, once of this state, perceptions of negatives and positives, what is real and what is not real are absent, everything becomes what it is, nothing more, nothing less.

In a state in the absence of the ego, there is no negative and positive, what is an illusion and what is real, because there is no separation of energy in an egoless state, only through the ego can separation be perceived and put into motion. Look at it like this, as soon as you separate energy, energy becomes of motion, of the ego, of course separation of energy can only be implemented through the ego. This means the separation of energy to what is positive and negative, what is real and what is an illusion, is of the state of ego but a state that has always existed as well.

Once you get an imbalance of ego and egolessness, motion and motionlessness, through separation of energy is when an abuse of energy is often created. How many of us only desire to be of an elite state or status, where all else is discarded in one way or another thus creating a reality of abuse of energy? Who desires to be subservient or inferior to an elite status? The ego in control always desires to be of an elite status thus creating an imbalance in energy as of any separation of energy can. Yes, separate energy but be wise in how you separate energy, try to avoid abusing energy when separating energy. Balance is indeed the key here.  

I am subservient to the environment that is presently supporting my being, I would not have it any other way, accept to balance out my existence with the environment my existence is existing in and my ego (soul) is experiencing. As there is nothing wrong or negative with the ego or even the ego in control, there is nothing wrong with materialism. However, as it is of the way we use ideologies and isms, as soon as we become abusive to energy, we create a reality in line with this abuse. Try to remember, the only part of us that can see a wrong or negative in the ego and materialism, is the ego in control. There isn't even a wrong in being abusive, it's just being excessively abusive in the way we manipulate energy isn't a wise thing to do, not if we want to live in peace and harmony.

In all, it is what it is when we choose to abuse energy, nothing more, nothing less.......