by Mathew Naismith
post isn't for the faint hearted, basically meaning, anyone desiring to stay
unaware of our true nature, won't want to comprehend of what their true nature
is in fear of losing their identity. Human consciousness of course being based
on identity, to intensify oneself as something and anything from perceiving
being of nothing. In actuality, we are everything but nothing, of course human
consciousness only desires to be of everything that is appealing to it and
nothing that isn't appealing to it. Not sure where a true sense of oneness is
in this concept/perception though!!
Now I
was given a link to a video in response to a reply I gave in reply to a reply
in regards to my last post, We Are Not The Soul. I don't comply to everything
that is stated in this video but I did relate to certain parts of the content
of this video as my following reply to the sender of this video will show. The
video in question often refers to Earth being a prison and hell and that
everything created is an illusion, I of course don't comply to this as a whole
but I do in parts. You see to comply to the existence of an illusion, is being
apart of the illusion to begin with, it's basically complying to an illusion of
an illusion of an illusion but are we entrapped/imprisoned within
Are we
imprisoned by a higher consciousness as the video states? No, not by a higher
consciousness than ourselves because there isn't one but yes, if we think there
is a higher consciousness than ourselves. This clearly implies that we have
indeed imprisoned ourselves, the illusion being created by us. The
illusion and imprisonment is only real because it's been created by us. The
question now is, is there a higher power? Yes, a created one when all we think
all we are is human consciousness.
I go on, I will insert the video in question and the subsequent replies.
curious. Look at this segment of a video. Where an immortal spirit describes
motionless state of consciousness. It's very similar. The Original MMORPG https://youtu.be/dEK89-nPyU4?t=3h47m36s
My Reply
Well my friend, thank you for sharing this
with me, insightful. I don't usually respond to human perceptions and knowing,
it's too much a part of the illusion for me. This is why I am not well liked on
the net in regards to spiritually aware people, they want to continue in their
ignorance, basically, they are entrapped within their own ignorance.
Illusion; it's only an illusion if we
desire to stay ignorant to everything being created otherwise everything
created isn't an illusion, it's real because of what it's created from and
through. The illusion is believing in the illusion itself, even stating it's all an illusion is
being apart of the illusion, this is one of the created traps.
The reason I like Eastern perceptions, is
a lot of it is based on the perception and perspective of balance, balance
allowing one to exist within an illusion without becoming the illusion itself.
Boredom; this hits the nail right on the
head, anything pertaining to the soul in some way, becomes bored. Boredom again
is an illusion because of what it creates and what it creates is illusions, any
kind of consciousness that can become bored, has become apart of the illusion,
this motion of boredom however is deliberate as well.
We couldn't
exist or experience certain conscious realities without being in ignorance, the
human experience takes a lot of ignorance to experience such a consciousness.
We however need to be aware that only in ignorance can a consciousness destroy,
no truly aware consciousness is able to be destructive in any sense. In this
case, all it takes to become less destructive is awareness, the awareness that
we are deliberately expressing ignorance to have a human experience.
Before I go on, it's often said that many of my perceptions
are based on Buddhism, in actuality, a lot of my perceptions mimic Hinduism and
Taoism as well. Being that Buddhism and Taoism can coexist under Hinduism, it's
understandable why my perceptions are so vast and varied, in actuality, I have
never studied in Buddhism, Hinduism or Taoism.
video often refers to many God's/Goddess's while refuting the claim of one God,
are there many God's and Goddess's or is there one God?
look at the perception of oneness to answer this, oneness refers to one as in
one consciousness, one God, however, what is created from this consciousness is
only expressed as parts of this one consciousness. Some of these parts do have
a better comprehension of their truer being than other parts of this
consciousness. Any consciousness that is less aware of this, will often
perceive a consciousness that is more aware (powerful) as a God or Goddess.
These God's and Goddess's are creator in their own right but so are human being
albeit to a far lesser extent.
creates a God or Goddess is a lesser aware consciousness and quite
understandably so. Now the perception of oneness tells us there is only one
true God, one consciousness, however, if
consciousness as a whole was aware of it's true self, what then would define a
God? In actuality, the question for or against there being a God or God's and
Goddess's is irrelevant, all we need to understand is that all consciousness is
creative in it's own right. Once again this all comes down to perceiving in levels
or not, the question is now, is perceiving in levels the creator of
video often referred to a higher consciousness, meaning, a higher level of
consciousness. This basically refers to the concept of God's and Goddess's,
they do exist only because of a consciousness only being able to perceive in
levels, being that there has to be a higher consciousness. The existence of a
higher and lower consciousness indeed exists as of anything created from this one
consciousness, however, this one consciousness can be or not be perceived as a
God, either perception is correct and incorrect at the same time. This
perception is based on what kind of consciousness one is experiencing at any
given time. It's wise to be aware that when perceiving by levels, everything
created from this one consciousness is going to be perceived as a higher
consciousness in some way, this isn't the only perception one can take. This
one consciousness is unable to see itself as a God when it's of everything. If
you were everything, including the illusions, what then would define a God?
creative consciousness exists as does many creative consciousness's, it matters
not what level a consciousness creates from until a consciousness perceives in
levels. The perception of a God or God's and Goddess's, is purely based on the
perception of levels of what a consciousness creates. A creative consciousness
exists as does many consciousness's, what then defines on what level these consciousness's
are on? The perception of levels of course. Don't get me wrong here though,
these levels exist because they have been created to create in their own right.
I will
put it this way, this one creative consciousness has created numerous creative
consciousness as these numerous creative consciousness have created this one
consciousness. This is also the case of illusion and non-illusions!!
Can yin exist without the yang, can the
yang exist without the yin?