Written by Mathew Naismith
Synchronicity raises its head again; while in discussion
about there being consciousness outside of the brain on an IONS site a magazine
that my wife & I subscribe too arrived & on the cover of this magazine
was the heading, Life After Death, it’s about a neurosurgeon’s own OBE. This is quite interesting because it usually
needs well educated people to experience these kinds of things first hand
before they will even consider their existence However a Dr Sam Parnia is doing
just that. I should mention here, being
well educated doesn’t mean you know more than less educated people it just
means at times one can only reason to set learnt mode of thought which can be egotistically
driven, once you bring in egotism you bring in doubt on any findings or
research conducted. In this case, for
neurosurgeon Eben Alexander, he was lucky enough to experience life after so
called death for himself.
Neurologist Oliver Sacks is sceptical of what Eden is saying
here however Dr Parnia is researching such claims by a simple test of placing a
random pictures above beds of people who experience OBE’S. These findings are
yet to be published however this doesn’t disclaim what thousands of people like
Eden experience firsthand.
We could say here that any findings or research conducted by
Dr Parnia can be again influenced by egotism however it’s a little less likely because
it’s not too egotistical to be a laughing stock within your own profession.
Even by researching such phenomena would denote a lesser chance of egotism hindering
any true findings.
While working in the welfare arena twice over in my fifty
years I have quite often witnessed how egotism & taught set modes of
thought can influence learned people’s judgment, if you haven’t experienced anything
firsthand it’s nearly impossible to make fair unbiased judgement. The strangest thing I have witnessed is learned
people actually having these experiences & not changing the way they reason.
I have often asked myself why & the answer that keeps coming up is egotism,
if you think you’re above most other people you will keep making misjudgements
which is driven by egotism.
I’m not university trained however I was offered a job in charge
of my section, while working with people with various disabilities, over &
above university trained people for the main reason I didn’t have a set reasoning
process or egotism to hinder my judgment plus of course I had firsthand experiences.
This sort of judgmental egotistic attitude with a number or
learned people isn’t just to do with people who have a higher level of
education but people in any arena that takes a higher level of education to
know. I have come across this on spiritual sites, if you’re not learned in
certain arenas you’re usually ignored because how could one possibly know
without studying. Neurosurgeon Eben didn’t
need to study to know what he experienced & neither did thousands of others
who have experienced OBE’s first hand. Consciousness
does obviously exist outside of the body but some people’s egos tell them