Showing posts with label consciousness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label consciousness. Show all posts

Sunday, 18 August 2019

A Truly Beautiful Moment

Written by Mathew Naismith

If you are not a fan of Sadhguru, reading the rest of this post might not be for you. As I said to a person who is the owner of a group called Spiritual Peaceful Society On Earth on MeWe, "In certain circumstances I can drift into another consciousness. This is like when I use to be able to feel what a perpetrator and the victim of a perpetrator were feeling and thinking while a crime was being committed. In this case, this was beautiful.'     

In this case while watching a video by Sadhguru on the topic of awarding childless women, I became one with a consciousness of a sense of true oneness. I am not talking about talking about oneness, while at the same time not being one with all not of my own. I am talking about a true sense of oneness, where one person's child is of your own and visa-versa. You can go on from this which the consciousness I experienced did just that.

Where one person's child is of your own denotes; that all of what is, is of you as you are of it in the absence of division, but in the presence of union. Instead of, you are black, I am white, or, you are negative, I am positive, you have, you are me as I am of you. The perception of God or of a creative consciousness gives many people the awareness that we are of one source, no matter what our material (physical) differences and material creators might be. The immaterial, no matter what we call it, is what units us as what is material divides us.

I once had an interaction with an Australian aboriginal who had very little to do with white people. He lived in a part of the country where very few white people lived. These people had very little respect or time for white people. After a while, this bloke (man) stated to me that he couldn't believe I was white for two reasons. I treated this bloke like any other bloke, not like what most white people do; treat black people as inferior to whites. Also, being spiritually minded in the way I was, was likened to the spirituality of the Australian aboriginal, all is of you as you are of it. White people lost their spirituality long ago as they lost their connection to Earth and the universe as a whole.

I need not say more in this circumstance.

Friday, 2 August 2019

Preordained Consciousness

Written by Mathew Naismith

Preordained in relation to consciousness simply means that the will of a consciousness is already written, planed out, however, like a house plan, for example, what a consciousness experiences can be changed. If changed in line with finite existence, existences determined by time, motion and space, the change implemented is often inline with the environment. This means the environment determines in how the plan is rewritten or drawn, however, if a consciousness is conditioned to an unlimited infinite consciousness, the plan can be changed in infinite ways thus creating freewill. To me, as it is important to have so-called negatives and positives in a finite reality, it is important to have a balanced consciousness of the finite and the infinite.

This post was actually prompted by a person of the name of Chris. This is not the same person I have recently been in interaction with. It would seem that Chris realises that the questions we often ask are only inline with a consciousness conditioned to the finite, a consciousness often limited by time, space and motion. Why are so many consciousnesses also of the infinite uncomfortable of people who are primarily expressive of a finite consciousness? Materials and atheist are an example of this, where an imbalance of the finite overshadows the infinite, often leading to the perception of the non-existence of the infinite (God). The following that I wrote in reply to Chris will hopefully lead to a better understanding of what I am stating here.                   

Chris, everything is preordained (written), this means that the answers often depicts the questions asked by a consciousness conditioned to the finite. By asking so many questions created by the finite, the answers that the infinite can give are either misconstrued, ignored, often deliberately ignored in accordance with desires/bias, or the answers are incoherent or non-existent to a consciousness conditioned to the finite only.

Often, if the answers are not inline with what is expected or desired, they are dismissed in some way and in anyway possible. Materialist scientists and often atheists make this fundamental mistake, not just by asking too many questions but questions primarily based on the finite and the desires/bias the finite existences create.

I get the same from new age spiritually aware people. These people often ignore the negatives to be positive, thus allowing the negatives plenty of space to flourish in. Their biases/desires determine what they only become aware of, very simular to materialists and atheists.

Has the collective consciousness become mentally disorientated or imbalanced? Excessive abuse of energy is a sure sign a consciousness is not mentally balanced. How abusive to energy are mentally ill people? Now, how abusive to energy is a consciousness going to be when asking numerous questions primarily based on the finite? You get what we have today, why? Because the balance of the infinite and the finite is by no questions imbalanced.

I was brought up as a hardline atheist, I have been aware from my teens, I am now in my fifties, that the perception of God, the infinite, helps give us that balance. How many people today desire to take this balance away? Now, how imbalanced has the collective human consciousness become?

Today, I will only tolerate obvious bias to a certain extent.

By the way, just because everything is preordained, doesn't mean we, as a infinite consciousness, don't have freewill. Infinite means no limitations, no limitations of not having freewill. To state categorically that we don't have freewill, is a limitation, a consciousness conditioned to the infinite (God) doesn't work like this.

I really hope this helps. Try to let go of the conditions of perceptions based on time, space, motion, therefore finite. The perception of an infinite consciousness such as God has helped a lot of people keep a balance between the finite and the infinite. There are of course other ways to do this as well, anything that gives you an awareness beyond the perceptions of the finite thus helping to balance out consciousness with the infinite.                                  

Monday, 29 July 2019

Going Beyond Time Based Perceptions

Written by Mathew Naismith

Once you are able to perceive beyond time based realities therefore consciousness, having a discussion with people, whose consciousness is only of time based realities, about life as a whole becomes quite difficult or awkward. Should you expect to have a reasonable discussion with an atheist or a scientist conditioned only to time based realities, consciousness? Time limits our consciousness to only part of life as a whole, so discussing life as a whole, which includes realities and consciousness beyond time, is going to be difficult in some way at times. When you realise this, having a discussion with other people about life as a whole becomes a lot easier. At no time expect a consciousness, conditioned only to time based perceptions and perspectives, to comprehend what you are trying to relay to them.  

The discussion continues.......
Man naturally bases his perceptions and perspectives on bias, often in line with his desires, this is also of natural law in regards to bias and desires. Natural law isn't just to do with 100% pure, natural law is to do with everything natural, as it is natural for a bias consciousness to perceive everything around it in a certain way, often inline with its desires or conditioning. You seem to desire that natural law is only to do with 100% pure, or in this case 100% truth, a huge mistake in my mind.

I would prefer 5% honest truth, a truth in the absence of bias, to 100% truth based primarily on bias and desires. This is the big difference between you and me. Another big difference is that natural law to me isn't based on 100% pure only. There are deep sea fish that will deceptively lure their pray to their death. As of bias and desire that naturally creates human deception, so it is of creatures of nature. It is as natural to be of deception as it is to be of truth. The laws of oneness don't deceptively separate one from the other, just because one is desired to be 100% pure and the other not.

What you seem to be totally ignoring is a state of timelessness, where all of what is, is only in the present. Reason is only effective in time, not timelessness xxxxxxxx, therefore there is freewill, the will to choose which scenario one will experience, however, no matter what the scenario is, it is already written as the Koran points to.

As there are states of time and timelessness, there are states of freewill and states in the absence of freewill. You can't ignore or throw away yin in favour of yang, in other words ignore an undesired in favour of a desired 100%......

You can't also base natural law just on the material world or environment as a whole, no matter how natural the material world proves your points. You seem to be only basing your points purely on time, the material world. The material world around us doesn't prove too much of the immaterial, as it is of natural law that one can't be in the presence of the other, for one would neutralise the other. However, one is never not of the other!!

We exist in different worlds, but worlds not disconnected from or in opposition to each other, we really need to leave it at that xxxxxxxx.

OK, look at it like this in relation to freewill. Our motion is determined by our environment, this means our will is always determined by our environment, giving us a perception that we don't have freewill. Now, imagine that you are not a separate entity to your environment, no matter what the environment is. This is how Yogis, shamans and alike can influence their environment, they become aware that their environment is who they are, it is all of one entity making real choices, not separate entities influencing your choices. The external environment is seen as your internal environment as well, no matter what we desire our own separate environment to be of. I have lost count how many spiritually aware people describe their external environment being separate or different to their internal environment.  

If you perceive you are separate to your environment, that the environment you are experiencing is a separate entity to you, your choice is made up for you, giving a perception that you don't have freewill. If you think that you are a separate entity to your environment, yes, there is no freewill. 

So many so-called spiritually aware people today make this fundamental mistake, that they are a separate entity to their environment, often in line with their desires/bias. I have lost count how many people are trying to escape their present environment, or, refuse to become aware that they are their environment, even of environments they are unaware of. 

It comes down to this xxxxxxxx, you have to be aware of when to move on from a discussion and when to continue a discussion. 

You are not getting it xxxxxxxx, either not willing to get it or unable to become aware of where I am coming from. Yogis, shamans and alike are able to become apart of any environment, either that be of a past, present or future. When everything is of the present, destiny has no influence upon you, but you have an influence upon destiny, however, when you are influenced by all the laws you mention, destiny influences you. The laws you so often refer to limit consciousness to certain variables, however, a consciousness not governed by time therefore destiny is of infinite variables.  

"Can you give me an example of an action that is based on my freewill at any moment? An example like: I want coffee or tea now, do I have freewill? Do I have a choice?"

You still want me to produce material examples based, not just primarily on time but purely on time!!  Forget about time, destiny, past and future and all the so-called natural laws xxxxxxxx, and then come back to me. All that you are referring to time and time again is a consciousness purely based on time. Unless you can make reference to a consciousness beyond time based realities, this discussion is only a one sided discussion, as it always has been. I am actually showing you a great deal of patience, more than you could imagine. No yogi or shaman would continually become involved in a one sided discussion like this, especially with the same person over and over again on the exact same topics.

Do you have any idea how frustrating it is when after how long you still want me to produce examples purely based on time? I am either failing you or you are failing yourself, failing to go beyond time based reality!! As I stated before, once you can perceive past time based realities, come back to me, not before xxxxxxxx. 

Sunday, 30 June 2019

This Is What I Am Seeing

Written by Mathew Naismith

Yes, how many different and numerous desires are out there at present, from materialism to spirituality? So which ones should control and replace all other desires? Of course the answer is my desire should....!!

What we desire the reality to be at present and in the future, is often in contradiction to the natural cycles at play. Basically, our desires represent the small picture and natural cycles depict the big picture. It is natural for a consciousness that lives in ignorance, especially in deliberate ignorance, to be destructive and chaotic in the absence of love. This simply depicts the abuse of energy. 

In saying this, it is also natural for a consciousness that is aware to be constructive and harmonious in the presence of love. Within this, one works in harmony with all energy, be it perceived as negative or positive. Certainly not in deliberate ignorance of one undesired energy in favour of a desired energy.

Even though there are a lot of people still primarily focusing on their own desires, probably more so than ever in human history, there are a lot of people who are aware how to work in harmony with all energies in the absence of bias (desire). I predict the next evolutionary human conscious cycle will be of working in harmony with all energy. Often at the end of each cycle, parts of the next cycle are present at the end of the previous cycle.

Yes, we often desire positive energy to negative energy, which is like and in line with separating parts of consciousness we desire to be of, while discarding parts of consciousness we don't desire to be of. The division of consciousness simply serves to control and replace undesired through domination of the desired. This doesn't sound too much like the next predicted cycle that human consciousness is suppose to evolve into. Look at how Iran and Russia are being singled out, deliberately separated from the rest of the world controlled and dominated by lustful desiring people. I think if Russia in particular can hold out against such lustful desires, evil if you like, the next evolutionary cycle of human consciousness will occur.

We often look at Russia as being evil, when they are not the one's trying to dominate the rest of the world based purely on self-serving lustful desires. So it is less evil allowing the people of Yemen to be purposely starved to death, or, allowing the harsh persecution of Palestinians under a Zionist controlled regime. I find it far more evil when people deliberately ignore the negatives in the world to become and stay positive, especially to simply fulfil their desires.

We will in the end enter into the next cycle, be it at a much later date in time it would seem.  

Wednesday, 26 June 2019

Awareness, Full Stop

Written by Mathew Naismith

 “The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness.” Lao Tzu.

“Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around in awareness.” James Thurber

Here I was with a secondary lung infection trying to keep house still. I was physically impaired but still highly spiritually unimpaired/heightened. This is what you get when you don't base your positive attitude on the absence of negatives. I could have become totally physically undone through simply being unaware, nothing to do with positive or negative energies. People like yourself make people aware, which has nothing to do with the endless battle between negative and positive energies. People like you are more important to the people than they know, at present.

The above was in reply to the concerns of a good internet friend of mine in relation to my present physical health, Carolynne Melnyk.

Don't underestimate what awareness not in the absence of ignorance can create. Only a fool living within their own ignorance will state that awareness is of the absence of ignorance, for to state so is of ignorance!!

What is awareness in the absence of the ignorance of unawareness? What are you aware of, awareness or awareness and ignorance? If I was to say, "Only can I be aware of awareness for to be aware is in the absence of unawareness/ignorance, is this of awareness when in deliberate ignorance of unawareness?" As to be truly positive, being aware isn't of the ignorance of unawareness but an awareness of all without bias or desire.

How many souls at present are experiencing a lesser aware state?

It is often thought today, to change the world, we must lead by example, this means primarily focusing on oneself to change the world around us to the same manner as ourselves. The rest of the world will simply follow by our example. Of course to lead is to control.

The small pictorial view is, to improve on yourself, lead by example to what you desire everyone else's pictorial view to be like. The big pictorial view is, to influence those who want to be influenced, leaving all other people's own pictorial views alone. The big picture shows me that all is worthy, as our own souls obviously think being less aware is as worthy as being more aware. My own recent unawareness in relation to my own physical health gave me more awareness, for to learn from suffering is wiser than to still suffer from suffering.

How many centuries of control has the collective human consciousness endured, where a person or groups of people lead by example?  The continuing trend of consciousness is to lead by example, in the process influencing others to follow your own depiction in what you desire the world around you should be like. To do this of course is in deliberate ignorance to anyone else's pictorial view. It is as if all journeys are to be of the same, which to me takes a huge amount of control of other people's views and desires to do, very simular to what the multinationals are presently doing. It is the same old consciousness expressed in a slightly different way, as, being positive takes to be in deliberate ignorance to the negatives. How many multinationals are deliberately ignorant to what they are doing?

The people who want to lead by example simply want to control their environment; this is instead of simply experiencing their present environment.

Simply experiencing an environment doesn't mean you can't try to influence this environment. Often an environment will call out for change or act in a certain way that will lead to change on its own accord, often unaware of what the environment is leading to. If you are unable to influence the environment, let it go, for to control how other people's pictorial view should be like, is a continuation of a consciousness that refuses to evolve any further.

If you are simply aware, not just of a desired awareness, the present environment is calling for change, not by taking control but by its own accord within its own deliberate ignorance. As one cycle will naturally lead to another cycle, especially without being under control, so will human consciousness. At the end of each cycle, a little of what is of the next cycle becomes a part of ending cycle, thus influencing the present cycle to enter the new cycle.

As a baby comes closer to its next cycle of birth, how much is the unborn baby changing form is influenced by the next cycle? This is without controlling the unborn baby by leading the baby down a certain path, for example, the mother takes drugs, so does the baby!! Has the mother the right to influence the baby away from drugs by not taking drugs? The mother is simply taking away the influence of the control of drugs, not influencing the unborn baby to its own kind of intoxication. Why then influence other people to our own way of life by leading by example through control?  The drugs the mother takes is of control. Not taking drugs is releasing the baby from the control of drugs, thus allowing the baby to live within its own pictorial view, to live its own journey, not someone else's journey of control.

Simply, release yourself from taking control, especially of other people's lives through your own personal desires of what life should be like. In other words, in the absence of leading other people to your own desires of life, just simply be aware. Of course I am aware that the ego in control can't leave it at that.

For human consciousness to evolve into a completely different cycle, the adage that we should focus on ourselves above all else is completely of the present consciousness. If you are still unable to give up your most desired desires, for example, being of love and light, enlightenment or materialism, you are still preventing human consciousness from evolving any further.

This is funny. Anyone truly of love and light or enlightenment, would at any time give up their present euphoria's or state of being. How many souls have done this to start with, to experience human consciousness as it is, not how the soul desires it to be?  But to the human conscious, anything that gives us euphoric feelings isn't just embraced but often becomes one of our most cherished and lavishly indulged desires. In another words a fixation often expressed to a major extent.

To experience a pure sense of awareness in the absence of all our human desires is beyond words. Yes, beyond love and light and even enlightenment itself, for a true enlightened one doesn't seek enlightenment or the euphoria's of enlightenment.  An enlightened one simply extracts itself from all that is desired, in turn, only allowing a pure sense of awareness to influence them by.

Are my writings, as above, popular with the ego in control? They were never meant to be.......       

Thursday, 13 June 2019

Rewiring Consciousness

Written by Mathew

Something different, in a different approach:

Imagine the brain being wired with electrical wires of all sorts of gauges instead of neurons. No brain's wiring is the same as no person is the same; each brain has its own gauge wiring therefore reacts differently to simular circumstances in accordance with the conditioning of the consciousness. Is an enlightened person's brain wiring of the same gauge than that of an average person's brain wiring? This is why an enlightened person can handle any kind of electrical influx or current, be it negative or positive. In all honestly, because the wiring is replaced with a bigger gauge wiring through certain spiritual practices, what was once perceived through the ego to be negative and positive, is no longer negative and positive.

When people tell me or other people how negative and toxic they are, I know from that point what kind of gauge wiring their own brain is wired with.

A person who has suffered any kind of trauma will either end up with a thicker/bigger gauge wiring in the brain, or, the wiring in the brain will become faulty. Once the wiring becomes faulty, any kind of electrical influx beyond of what the wiring can handle will end up failing or become faultier. In the process, the messages sent to the brain via faulty wiring will of course end up faulty or misleading/deceptive. Is not the wiring of the collective consciousness faulty, seen as we are still suffering from our suffering, instead of learning from our suffering?

To suffer from our suffering is to simply judge this suffering negative or toxic, in the process to be avoided because our own wiring in our brain is unable to handle the electrical influx. In all honesty, if the brain is not wired with bigger gauge wiring to cope with the influx being present at the present, I think it's wise to avoid such influxes. However, I think it far wiser replacing our obvious too small of gauge wiring with a bigger gauge wiring. How we rewire our brains neurons makes all the difference. Could a multinational psychologically cope with being poor, with no hope of being anything else? Now, could an enlightened person cope with the same environment or even cope not being enlightened?

So why can an enlightened person cope with any kind of electrical influx in comparison to a multinational or the average person? It is all to do with the way the brain is being reconditioned, which includes rewiring the brain with a bigger gauge wire to handle any circumstance. How many spiritually aware people can handle any kind of circumstance, any kind of electrical influx? The small gauge wiring is simply unable to cope with the present influx, thus the wiring becomes faultier. 

Our wiring is faulty from the time we are born, because the collective conscious environment we are born in is wired with inadequate gauge wiring, or, the wiring is faulty through not learning from our suffering. We are naturally born with small gauge wiring. As we evolve or grow up, the process we go through either strengthens our wiring or our wiring isn't replaced with bigger gauge wiring as we evolve personally. Has the collective human conscious wiring evolved at the same rate as our advancing technology? It is as if one part of the collective human conscious brain is rewired with bigger gauge wiring, while the other parts of the brain's wiring is forgotten or simply rejected as not existing.

To a person who's positive is based on rejecting the negatives, in other words egoistically separating one part of the whole consciousness from another for a desired outcome, is of course inline with the collective human consciousness rejecting the part of the brain it desires to not be a part of. How many materialists and/or atheists reject that a consciousness can exist outside of the physical brain? In all honesty, it is the same thing with a lot of spiritually aware people today. See how the collective human consciousness wiring is inadequate of faulty, were a consciousness has not holistically evolved.

An enlightened one's wiring is different, because it's holistically evolved, not in accordance to the ego's desires, but in accordance in the absence of a controlling ego. An enlightened one doesn't take control of a consciousness; it simply is in the absence of the controlling ego. The ego is still present but it no longer has control, in that a desired outcome is always sought, an outcome that usually tantalises the ego and feeds the ego's desires.

Why was I so good at my job working with all kinds of disabilities, even in the absence of professional education in line with my work? My wiring was simply of a bigger gauge wiring as I learnt from my own and other people's suffering. I certainly didn't simply judge anyone's wiring that was faulty as being negative or toxic, therefore ignore the negatives to serve my ego's desired outcome. If you are picking up on negative toxic vibrations, it is wise to first look at your own wiring.

Could I be openly honest with the disabled people I worked with? No, as I knew that their own brains wiring/neurons wouldn't cope with this. Then why am I openly honest on the internet, knowing that many people's wiring will not cope with open minded honesty? My ego is not on the internet to be liked. My ego is on the internet to be expressive of open minded honesty, as this is one of the attributes or practices that can replace faulty inadequate wiring with bigger gauge wiring.

Note: None of the above was read or learnt from other human conscious sources, the above is only of my own thoughts, experiences and conjectures.     

Friday, 7 June 2019

The Infinite Present Consciousness

Written by Mathew Naismith

In the midst of mayhem, demure and dauntless provocations, a wise and aware soul is able to make the most of the present; this is instead of trying the make the present something the ego simply desires. Of course what the ego desires often has nothing to do with the present. The ego in control will often separate itself from what it doesn't desire, thus only leaving what the ego in control desires, which is anything but of the present collective consciousness. Simply, an extraction of parts of the present desired consciousness from the undesired parts of a consciousness is implemented. To a lot of people, this extraction or division of a consciousness is living in the present, when in all honesty all this is, is living for the ego in control.

To a wise and aware soul, an enlightened consciousness, whatever the present is, is embraced no matter how of mayhem, demure and dauntless provocations it is. Think of the worst life experience a soul can experience. To an enlightened consciousness, this finite experience is nothing compared to the infinite, a state often referred to as God's consciousness or a state of pure awareness and motionless. Why do people react differently to the same trauma experienced? Often, a person who has gone through far worse trauma, will experience less trauma in the present than a person who has gone through very little trauma in comparison.

Too often people will think the present is of trauma, or of mayhem, demure and dauntless provocations collectively consciously. As an enlightened consciousness thinks no more of a life lived, no matter how good or bad it was, what occurs collectively over time in a finite reality, has no further bearing or relevance, for what a soul experiences is always of the finite. You don't actually experience the infinite like you do the finite, you simply are aware of what the finite represents. Only the ego in control makes any more of this, thus taking a consciousness back into a finite conscious state, in turn creating trauma, often through mayhem, demure and dauntless provocative experiences. As I have stated before, only the ego part of us can be in trauma or become hurt because the ego is only of the finite. The ego, either in control or not, cannot exist within an infinite reality or an infinite state of consciousness, for a consciousness to be aware of everything all at once, is in the absence of the ego in control. The infinite isn't of the absence of the ego, only the ego in control. Of course a consciousness of pure ego is only experienced in the absence of infinite wisdom and awareness.

To an enlightened consciousness, everything is of the present. Only the ego sees an extraction of the undesired for the desired as not being of their personal present, even though the collective present is often something quite different to what the ego in control desires.

So what do many of us do? Try to extract ourselves from the ego as much as possible, thus only being of the infinite. If in any sense you are trying to separate consciousness into parts to serve your ego's desires in this way, you are being more expressive of the finite, as the infinite is of the whole, not only parts of the whole a consciousness only desires to be of within the present. Only the ego in control desires or even needs to extricate itself from the ego. An enlightened consciousness simply desists in the extraction of consciousness, thus allowing one to simply become aware of everything in the absence of the ego's desires. 

Try to remember this. If your ego takes control at times, only the ego in control will make a big deal of this. While experiencing the ego, just be aware, especially aware that the ego in control is not about awareness but ignorance. 

Supplement: "Oh my God, my life has gone, it's all in the past to never be apart of me again!!"

This is of a finite consciousness, when in all honesty to an infinite consciousness, nothing is lost or gained, everything really does become of the present. Within this state, there are no perceptions of loss or gain, even while one is experiencing finite consciousness. Why do most people meet up with dead relatives after their own demise? Consciousness never dies or no longer exists. There is simply no sense of loss, or gain for that matter. To experience gain or loss is of finite consciousness, not of infinite consciousness. Not an easy view to condition an ego to, this is why certain people will always seem more enlightened than most other people.         

Monday, 27 May 2019

Consciousness of an Enlightened One

Written by Mathew Naismith

An enlightened one (person) is confronted with a positive loving person and a negative hateful person, according to the ego, within their own immediate environment. Neither person is treated any different to the other. So wouldn't the enlightened one feel negative vibrations from the person who is negative and hateful, and positive vibrations from the person who is positive and loving?

If you understand this kind of enlightened consciousness, you will be aware that this kind of consciousness is unable to feel negative or positive vibrations, for all separation of negatives and positives are determined and created by the ego. The only way that any consciousness can feel negative and positive vibrations, is to separate consciousness into parts. Of course the only part of us that does this is the ego. Make no mistake though, only the ego can determine if the ego is negative because of it's separation of consciousness. The main natural attribute of the ego is to separate thus create motion, therefore all that is motion is ego.

Take speeding along in a car, the ego has separated its immediate environment, the vehicle, from the rest of the environment. The perception of speed can only be determined through the separation of one environment from another.   

We might then think to get from one point to another we need motion which relates to distance/space therefore time.

Motion is not time but can be determined or influenced by time, however, ego directly relates to motion but motion is not always related to time. Why? I remember hearing about a traveller who stopped in one town in outback Australia, who saw the same exact aboriginal boy in one town than in another hundreds of kilometres away in the same day. Consciousness, even being of time, isn't always determined by the factors of distance therefore time, but motion is always determined or created by the ego. The ego determined to be in one place one minute and in another place in another minute.  

For the enlightened one, a consciousness that is not determined or influenced by time, motion or ego, therefore not of separation, will understandably treat each person as being simply expressive of motion therefore ego.

Is one vibration or motion more pleasant or unpleasant than another? To an enlightened one, all that one is aware of is that one existence is of the ego (motion), and the other of egoless (motionless), all else is simply a perception created by the ego. In saying this, there is still no separation of the ego or egoless consciousness.

How many people today think we all came from a starting point, being it love and light, a state absent of the ego or of some higher state of being? Considering this higher state not to be determined by time/motion, when did the starting point of a lower consciousness begin in a timeless motionless state? As of the egoless self, the ego self has always existed, it's just that the ego can seem more in motion within time. Make no mistake, the ego always desires to be of some kind of higher state of being, and to have only started off from this higher state.

In all honesty, the ego can just as much if not more so be expressional of motion in the absence of time. As what we call physical is not really all that physical compared to other existences, just denser within its motion, within its physicality. When a consciousness is determined by time, the consciousness in this kind of motion naturally becomes denser; giving the experiencer an incorrect perception of what represents a physical existence. All of what is physical within the universe is simply a reflection of what is truly physical, of the ego. Time doesn't determine what is more physical, but motion/ego does. Time simply makes a consciousness denser in motion, not more physical.

Think on this. A mathematician will often visualise a mathematical formula to then express this visualisation in a denser format which is then determined by time, space and distance. An architect or inventor will do the same, thus creating what seemed non-physical into something physical, something that takes up space therefore is determined to be more physical, not just simply denser!!

So why doesn't an enlightened one treat or see a difference in a negative hatful person compared to a positive loving person? As of myself, a very difficult conscious state to truly comprehend to any great extent, probably because of our conscious conditioning to motions determined by time. 

Saturday, 18 May 2019

Emmett Therapy Approach

Written by Mathew Naismith

A young girl was traumatised by a shocking event that occurred to a family, a trauma that sent this young girl into a state of mental isolation and withdrawal. The technique used to help bring this young person out of this state of mental trauma was interesting.

When Emmett approached the young girl, the young girl put her hands on her hips and yelled, "You can't help me." Emmett in return instantly put his hands on his hips and yelled back, "Do you know what a tripod hug is?" The girl then replied, "There is no such thing." Emmett then showed the young girl, of five years old at the time, that tripod hugs do exist from a book Emmett was given on hugs. If Emmett tried to hug this girl or physically treat this girl and not try to reason with this girl on her own level, often deemed too negative to a lot of new age spiritually aware people to go down to, this young girl wouldn't have opened up. In other words stopped suffering from her mental trauma.

Now, try to look at the collective human consciousness as one mind, as one consciousness in obvious severe trauma. If you don't approach this traumatised consciousness on its own level, be it deemed negative or of a lower level than of your own, how is one to truly help this consciousness through it's trauma? Yes, if we ignore all the negatives and lower levels of consciousness apart from our own so-called higher level of consciousness, we will of course deceptively think we are helping this consciousness when were not.

If at any time I approached my disabled clients, often in mental trauma, and tried to preach love and light and /or unconditional love, what do you think would have occurred? Emmett actually instructs his therapists to stay away from using the word love, why? Because the word love can be traumatising to a lot of people, making any therapeutic treatment virtually impossible to successfully implement. Now, how are people of actual hate going to react to love and light and/or unconditional love? In total retaliation. Like Emmett, who had no problem of talking to instead of down to the young girl, talking to a traumatised consciousness in any sense makes a lot more sense than talking down to a consciousness in trauma. Sadly, for a lot of people today trying to help the collective human consciousness in obvious trauma, they are doing a lot more harm than good as the present clearly shows. Yes, they are helping themselves and their own but not the collective consciousness in obvious trauma. Honestly, this approach is actually doing a lot more harm than good only because they obviously have no idea what they are doing.

It would seem, in accordance with my dreams, I have to move aside while the freight train moves by, in a real sense it would seem. In other words get out of the way of the mistreatment of a collective consciousness by another consciousness talking down to the consciousness they say they want to help. If at any time you are talking down to a traumatised consciousness, while perceiving you are of a higher level of consciousness and positive to all else not of your own in any sense, in all honesty, you are adding to the trauma, not helping it. But as my dreams are saying to me, let it all simply unfold, be it that a consciousness has to, at times, learn the hard way, of course this needn't have occurred.                                


Sunday, 21 April 2019

Free Will!!

Mathew Naismith
We must remember, non-material evidence, like faith or intuition, is not going to be accepted as evidence of existence by a material consciousness. I often produce material evidence to consciousnesses of materialism, but I have more faith in non-material evidence that is from a consciousness of infinite consciousness, not finite consciousness like material consciousness. However, in a material reality, non-material evidence can become distorted, like our faith or intuition can become overly influenced by materialism.
I have recently been asked to supply evidence or give an example of free will. Giving material evidence to free will is easy. Giving non-material evidence of free will is not easy, not if you want a material mind to comprehend this as evidence.  I did find an interesting article on this which I passed on to the person who asked for evidence of free will.
"Over the years I have revisited this paradox many times. In my mid-twenties I wrote a magazine article entitled “And the Opposite is Also True.”   There I argued that it was not a question of whether free will or determinism was correct. I postulated that they were like two sides of a coin; two very different perspectives of the same reality. From one perspective determinism is true; from the other free will is true. But as to what these two complementary perspectives might be, I wasn’t clear.
Then last year, in one of those moments of insight, it all fell into place. I realized that the two fundamentally different perspectives stemmed from two fundamentally different states of consciousness."

Two fundamentally different states of consciousness, not one. One consciousness driven by ego (motion), the other by egoless (motionless) but all the same, still of consciousness. You cannot define that there is no free will by deriving at this fact while only considering one type of consciousness, a consciousness of motion (soul) as opposed to motionless, a consciousness in the absence of a soul to start with.  
"They find that what we take to be a sense of an omnipresent “I” is simply consciousness itself. There is no separate experiencer; there is simply a quality of being, a sense of presence, an awareness that is always there whatever our experience. They conclude that what we experience to be an independent self is a construct in the mind—very real in its appearance but of no intrinsic substance. It, like the choices it appears to make, is a consequence of processes in the brain. It has no free will of its own."
There is no separate experiencer which gives us the perception there is no free will, however, when many consciousnesses become one, which creates a state of motionlessness, free will is evident. You probably need to experience this to know this. This is like giving birth, how many blokes exactly know what it is like giving birth? When you have not yourself experienced a motionless state, you will of course never know or even want to know that this state is of free will.
"Free will and determinism are no longer paradoxical in the sense of being mutually exclusive. Both are correct, depending upon the consciousness from which they are considered. The paradox only appears when we consider both sides from the same state of consciousness, i.e, the everyday waking state."
"I remember hearing a statement Maharishi Mahesh Yogi said something like: ” We can choose whatever we like, eg plant an orange seed or an apple seed, but once the choice is made, the result is already determined by that choice”. This to me resolved the paradox and made both sides compatible as you suggested."

Sunday, 14 April 2019

Seeing It As It Is

Written by Mathew Naismith

Seeing it as it is, not how I would desire to see it, gets me into a lot of trouble with other people. It is like with love, just because I don't desire to feel the affects of love, in other words lust after what the feelings of love gives to the ego, I am not of love. I simply don't desire to feel the affects of love but allow these feelings to naturally exist, without effort, within certain conscious states. It is natural that within certain conscious states, the ego will experience feelings of love, giving the ego a false ideology that these states are simply of love.

I also don't desire being positive over and above being negative, in all honesty, I simply allow myself to be neutral as much as possible. I have learnt so much from the so-called negatives, way more than from the positives. In all honesty, my ego has learnt from these experiences instead of suffering from these experiences. To me, to suffer from an experience is to counteract a negative experience with a positive experience. This is the same in counteracting hate with love, most often to the same degree or to the same excess. Within this, one to me is still suffering from the collective consciousness experience rather than learning from the collective conscious experience.

How shocking it was practicing in cannibalism or going to see people fight to the death in a Roman arena, but it is alright to deliberately make people ill so you can live/feed off of them. I recently read an article in how doctors who dared find cancer enzymes in vaccines systematically died/murdered. And how many people are fighting for there very existence, not just in wars but materialistically? The whole planet has become an arena that was deliberately created to serve the few materialistically. In all honesty, are we learning from what human consciousness has experienced or are we still suffering from these experiences?

I will always be hated or despised for my honesty; I would rather this than the alternative of course. Simply, self-dishonesty isn't an alternative for people like me, we must see it how it is, not how our egos would desire to see it. As I am not into separation as in black and white people instead of just people, I am not into negatives and positives. Don't' be conned by the controlling ego that desires to separate through perceptions of black and white, negative and positive perceptions, negative and positives are simply perceptions created by the ego. You really don't need to be positive, just not negative, within this you will be able to see everything for what it really is, not how the ego desires to only see it, in black and white, negatives and positives!!          

Saturday, 6 April 2019

Love, God, Wisdom, Fairies, Etc

Written by Mathew Niasmith

What is the first thing the ego does here? Dissimilarly separates one consciousness from the other in relation to the ego's perception. All the above and more is of the same consciousness, it is just the ego only desires to see what the consciousness physically relates to rather than what the form actually represents consciously. In other words, instead of looking at the physical aspect of consciousness, look at the non-physical aspect of consciousness. How many people worship a physical idol while forgetting what the idle actually represents consciously? For example, how many atrocities have been acted out in the name of Jesus or the cross of Jesus?

Now, how many people today are dissimilarly separating love from wisdom and even love from God? As I wrote recently when I didn't relate love and wisdom, "Good point but with wisdom comes love ever so naturally as if by magic. Yes, multinationals have a very strong and passionate love of money and power but in the absence of wisdom, all this love creates is chaos and destruction. We have love but we don't have the wisdom in implementing this love constructively and peacefully. This is like we don't have the wisdom to use technology. Yes, we are intelligent but do we have the wisdom to know how to use this intelligence, like with love?
Love has always been present but the wisdom in how to use love, as of intelligence, hasn't."
Is love the key? Without wisdom of balance, meaning, wisdom naturally creates a balance as of love, love can become exceptionally destructive and chaotic. The key isn't love but wisdom of balance, the ability to constructively use love, not abusively use love. This is often in the absence of the ego or at least consciously taking away the control of the ego over our own consciousness. Mentioning a constructive peaceful love in the absence of wisdom of balance is pure ego, nothing more, which so often occurs these days. Take away the control of the ego, all you have left is pure wisdom that naturally creates, love, peace, balance and so much more.........      

Saturday, 16 March 2019

Bringing About World Peace

Written by Mathew Naismith

Peace always comes at a price, especially world peace.

How many people are at present sitting within their own peace? In a lot of cases to do this takes one to ignore the insurmountable negatives in our present reality. In this case, peace didn't come at a price for the people finding peace in this way but it does for the people suffering from these ignored negatives.

Of course many more of us state that we shouldn't try to change other people's lives journeys, even though each person's journey is connected to numerous other people's journey. The collective human journey is indeed one journey, how did the recent massacre in New Zealand influence so many of us of the collective human consciousness?  

You know why materialist influence is influencing and changing the world, and not for the better for all? Materialists actually treat humans as a collective consciousness; the materialist journey is indeed collective. No one's negative or positive is ignored for the sake of their material wealth and power, in fact this is why they are so wealthy, powerful and influential upon the rest of the world.

Many people of westernised spirituality often think, "My journey or path is separate to everybody else's journey or path", when in all honesty it's not, " so I have no right to influence another person's journey" I don't just have a right to try to influence the people who listen to me; I have a responsibility to the collective consciousness to do so. However, unlike materialists, this kind of influence is not forced upon people, it is simply there when needed. Yes, become noticed but in the absence of force and control, for example, multinationals who are obviously forcing their own journey onto the world, onto the collective consciousness.

I am willing to die or become incarcerated (jailed) for trying to bring about world peace by trying to influence the collective human consciousness. If you are into past lives, reincarnation and souls, this seems to be my soul's journey, to try to influence the collective consciousness, especially away from materialists who force their own journey onto the collective consciousness through control and manipulation. In this life, I am a small fish in the barrel unlike other past lives where I was quite prominent in my influence.

It is vitally important not to separate your own journey or path from the collective journey. You do have a right and even a responsibility to the collective consciousness to influence this collective journey, this collective consciousness, not by force but by honesty and love.

Think on this, did Gandhi sit within he's own peace and do nothing to influence the world? He instead enacted on being the change he wished to see upon the world!!                                         

Friday, 1 February 2019

Human Conscious Evolution

What is needed right now is
evolving human consciousness.
Without that, science, technology,
development, everything will
go waste.
~Jaggi Vasudev~

                                                         Written by Mathew Naismith

As our ability to communicate with each other has evolved, so has our consciousness!!

Very questionable as the more we came in contact with each to communicate in our various ways; we also came into conflict with each other more. There are over 6,500 spoken languages at present which means 6,500 differences in human consciousness. We off course always create conflict to what is different to ourselves, the more differences we have, the more conflicts eventuate from these differences. Of course if we all spoke the same language, it would seem that we would find other differences to each other that would cause conflict.

Our own culture has determined what language or languages we will communicate through, it is also our culture that determines our conscious conditioning. Why is it easier for some people to learn new languages than other people? As you learn the language, you also become conscious of the culture behind the language. Of course if you are not interested in learning about the culture behind the language, it is most likely you won't remember the language in question. I have observed this occurring quite a number of times with people learning a new language.

How many wealthy people are interested in knowing about the poor? Being poor to the wealthy is like being of another culture, in actuality another species in certain circumstances. The multinationals simply see the commoners, the poorer people to themselves, as sheep or cattle, to be used and abused at will. They are simply seen as another species by the wealthy. How many New Age spiritually aware people look at our present human consciousness as being of a different species than their own species? They are of a positive consciousness, all else from this is of a negative/toxic consciousness. Do not a lot of atheists/materialists see religious/spiritual people as another species/culture to their own and visa-versa? To be self-honest here, of course they do, even while speaking the same language but a language of conscious dissimilarities.

You see, even while speaking the same language there is a difference of cultural values and understandings.

Can you see what is occurring here? It is not the differences in our languages that is causing us to conflict with each other, it is the unwillingness to learn about the culture behind the language. Because I have experienced number of interactions with people from India, I found the Indian people, at most, have the willingness to learn about the culture behind the language they are learning to communicate in. How many wealthy people want to learn about the poor man's culture? How many New Age spiritual people want to learn about the very same culture they have critically judged negative/toxic? And a lot of New Age spiritually people think they are the new evolved consciousness, this is while critically separating one consciousness from another!!

When you sit back and observe the differences in consciousness therefore culture in the absence of bias or disdain, you start to see the big picture. Observing the big picture simply means the observation of as many cultures as plausible or possible, no matter of the linguistic disparities.

This is the new conscious change, bypassing the language barriers and conflicts to focus on the culture. It is of course a lot easier these days to bypass language barriers. Try to remember, the language used was created from the culture we follow, how different did we find the language associated with the computer age/culture? It is a different language because it is a different cultural change. Simply, the computer age, as of the numerous ages the human species has experienced, has its own language and consciousness. How many languages or ways to express oneself was around during the age of the Neanderthals? This relates to how many cultures were evident during that age.

What I am saying is that our numerous cultures have created various and numerous languages, a sign that human consciousness was evolving, however, instead of these differences presently being a sign of an evolving consciousness, we see a regression of consciousness. Conflict is always a sign of a regressive consciousness no mater how technologically we have advance through conflict. Yes, a lot of our technological advancements have been through wars and conflicts, a sign that a consciousness is in regression in my mind.

The new conscious change isn't to follow the same old consciousness mentality of one against the other, like with positive against negative, wealthy against poor or spiritual people against all else. It is the union of all of what is, not what we would, in accordance with our own culture, desire it to be. To be self- honest here, we all, as well as myself, follow a particular culture, at no time, within my own consciousness, does this mean all other cultures are irrelevant or something to be disdained or avoided because it is negative. Yes, a certain culture will appear, a culture that accepts all cultures to be worthy within their own right for without our differences, human consciousness would have stagnated or simply withered away.

By all means, embrace our differences.

In regards to the following, I simply liked what was stated, at no time am I promoting this particular kind of schooling.  

Thursday, 10 January 2019

Lost Within its Own Creation

Written by Mathew Naismith

"For a consciousness existing in deliberate ignorance, as people like you and I know, we are not doing all that bad, probably because wisdom still prevails within such a consciousness. Of course witch hunts often dispel wisdom and awareness within an ignorant consciousness. It is what it is Susan.

I was recently speaking face on with other people about human consciousness recently, in how human consciousness has not evolved over thousands of years. Instead of throwing rocks and sticks at each other, we are now throwing bombs and missiles at each other, not much of a conscious advancement. In truth, the way we use science, energy period, has taken us further back in evolution. The New Dark Ages isn't of religious content or influence, it is of science and materialism. As of any ideology or ism within a consciousness that desires to stay ignorant, ideologies and isms will naturally be abused.

It is natural for an ignorant consciousness to become abusive towards energy, while being deliberately ignorant to all else that doesn't serve its desires. Of course it is not natural for an aware consciousness to be abusive towards energy as a whole, this is our dilemma Susan. Of course it is only a dilemma if we allow it to be, for it is what it is, a consciousness lost within its own creation.

It is funny you brought this topic up as I was going to write about this topic."      

I often come across people on the net that manipulate and deceive to defame or stupefy their opponent in a discussion. This is often deceptively accomplished by segregating an opposing argument to sound completely different to what the opposing argument is being presented as. As it is for a consciousness that uses bombs and missiles, people who manipulate to purposely deceive are known to be highly intelligent!! To someone like me, this is highly bewildering as I could not think of anything more unintelligent.  

I am completely perplexed to what we call intelligent these days, where wisdom has no place. Would have a wise consciousness created Fukushima or created an energy they are unable to properly control and clean up when things go wrong in the first place?

This is sad. It is hard for a lot of people in the world to remotely imagine a consciousness that works in unison with energy as a whole, instead of against it. The reality this kind of consciousness would have created is simply beyond a lot of people's imagination, for human consciousness is conditioned to abusing energy.

Sadly, to a lot of people today, what I have written here is simply negative, just not sure when the truth became something negative and manipulation, deceit and using energy abusively become a sign of intelligence!!

People like me don't look upon humanity to find a right and wrong, negative or positive, we instead objectively observe humanity to observe the truth of humanity the way it is, not the way we would desire to observe it or it to be.

A consciousness doesn't become lost within its own creation by accident, it is orchestrated, in other words planned and controlled, often in great detail, very much like a musical arrangement for performance by an orchestra. A consciousness has to become conditioned to abuse to abuse energy, otherwise a consciousness will naturally exist within and in unison with energy as a whole.