Showing posts with label soul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label soul. Show all posts

Friday, 23 August 2019

A Union of Souls

Written by Mathew Naismith

Please try to remember, the only part of us all that takes offence is the ego in control. If anyone's words and reflections are offensive to you, especially when their not abusive, just simply of an honest reflection, is a sign that the ego is in control. Honestly, this is in us all.       

WOW, how often is a union of souls today only represented by the union of couples, the union of a couple of people embracing each other, not a collective of people or souls embracing each other?

I see the union of souls somewhat differently. Instead of a visualisation of two people embracing in love and of unconditional love, I visualise children of all cultures playing together. A sense of desire in this case is absent and replaced by open honesty. You see, children are not totally conditioned to desire, bias or prejudices; their love is far more representative of a true union of souls in this case. So why do so many people today think of unconditional love, acceptance and the union of souls being represented by only two people?

To be perfectly honest, the visualisation of couples embracing each other and representing unconditional love and acceptance, is all to do with desire, a desire to also be coupled in this way in union with another person. Religion today is becoming unpopular, while at the same time the union of souls is only represented by couples embracing each other. I am not religious myself but I can see that a non-radical religion is the union of all souls without exception. A non-radicalised religion is simply a religion that is not used for desires of man but for the need of all. On the other hand, radicalised religion, or any ideology or ism, is used to fulfil the desires of man.

Non-Radicalised Religion = A religion not used and abused to primarily serve the desires of man.

Radicalised Religion = A religion primarily used and abused to serve the desires of man.

The radicalisation of religion is often of the disunion of souls, as human history clearly shows us. What is known as the religious Dark Ages, Christianity even turned on itself creating a disunion between people of the world. Of course this was purely based on desire, a desire based on desired truths rather than honest truths.

Even being of a western culture, I am aware that the western mind prefers a desired truth over and above honest truth, in all of us no mater what culture we come from. Why do you think dishonesty exists, because it doesn't have to exist, or more precisely, needn't be predominant?

Western mind in all of us = dishonesty, dishonest truths, disunion

Eastern mind in all of us = honesty, honest truths, union

Try to remember, western cultures were not always predominately of the western mind, in other words of desires above all else. A balance of the western and eastern mind once existed in western cultures.

In relation to desires, the eastern mind appreciation and creation of beauty is not of a desire, it is simply an appreciation of beauty. Yes, the western mind will often turn this appreciation into a desire; one need just be aware of this through the redevelopment and balancing of our own minds.

One more thing, there is a big difference between western atheism and eastern atheism, showing us there is an obvious difference between western and eastern minds. Often western atheists will only accept the material, where eastern atheism also accepts the existence of the immaterial. One desires there to be no immaterial existence, where the other is simply openly aware of an immaterial existence.

Material Existence = No God or a more aware and wiser creative consciousness could ever exist immaterially. Consciousness is limited to a physical entity, the finite.

Immaterial Existence = God or a more aware and wiser creative consciousness exists immaterially. Consciousness is not limited to a physical entity, consciousness is infinite.

The eastern mind in all of us always feels for a soul lost within its own creation....

Friday, 19 April 2019

Yes, I Am Still Present

Written by Mathew Naismith

I try not to perceive the environment as a whole simply through my own perspectives and perceptions, I like to also explore the environment through different perspectives and perceptions. This brings me to Soul Theory, a book written by a physicist interested in yogi teachings on the soul and how the soul doesn't have free will.   

"In relation to God, if God was to be proven to exist without a doubt, God to me still wouldn't exist even when it does. Why? Because when you are one with this God, this yogic consciousness, what then makes a God?

However, seen as many souls are not one with God, this yogic consciousness, there will always be a God, a higher consciousness than our own as there will always be a so-called lower consciousness in existence. Always has been and always will.

In relation to free will. Free will within an unlimited infinite consciousness exists, to freely experience any part of consciousness, even when to experience parts of this consciousness takes one to become unaware of consciousness as a whole, of yogic consciousness.

There are infinite possibilities because yogic, God's consciousness, is not limited to, negatives and positives, free will and non-free will, bad and good, right and wrong. However, when not of God's consciousness, yogic consciousness, we don't have free will because each reality determines our will, but, at any time we can change this reality at will. This is the infinite being of yogic consciousness.

As there is a God but there isn't, there is also free will but there isn't. To me, to say there is no God is to say there is no yogic consciousness when there is, to me anyway.

Each reality literally has infinite possibilities of non-free will but our souls can experience any possibility of any reality at any time. Is my own soul is of a determined outcome to do this? It would seem so at first but once you realise everything is of one consciousness, what I experience, all experience. It is like astral travelling, we all astral travel, it's just our minds can't remember doing this because our human minds are not conditioned to astral travelling. Just because our human minds are unable to see that we have free will, doesn't make it so but the process of thinking this makes us believe we have no free will. We have free will but we don't at the same time.

There isn’t an existence of free will but a consciousness of free will, yogic consciousness if you like. You use a soul to experience any soul life experience, a soul that has no predestined outcome, or, experience any experience that another soul is having.
All existence is predestined, however, there are infinite predestined experiences which can seem like we have free will in relation to existence.

As for yogic consciousness, it exists but it doesn’t!! In certain states, existence has no bearing nor existence but in other states it does. I know for a fact I am not just living for myself as an individual, many other souls are also living my life. One mind, many souls.

Are you correct that a consciousness of existence has no real free will? Yes, but free will exists outside of existence. Can I give an example of this while of existence? No…….

One more thing, can yogic consciousness create something like the universe, consciousness and souls? In my mind yes. I think for souls that only know of existence, calling this consciousness a God is feasible and plausible.

It is good you are still getting interest here in your work Subhendu."

"What is consciousness of freewill?"

Yogic or God's consciousness. Yogic consciousness can be of the accumulation of all consciousnesses, not just a perception of a singular souls consciousness. In other words, a yogic conscious mind can be the accumulation of numerous souls consciousness and even of all souls consciousness. A person can be living for a number of likened souls consciousnesses, numerous consciousnesses working in unison and in peace in one mind and body. Are people with multiple personalities of dissimilar personalities/consciousness experiencing different souls experiencing one mind and body?  Possession is a different thing, where one soul takes over the mind and body of a person/soul.

Imagine a yogi being able to create environments, universes, instead of being influenced by environments. Before we are born, we are influenced by the environment, now imagine influencing environments instead of being influenced by environments!! Can you see where free will lays?          

"Consciousness cannot exist without a noun, which is a soul."

The soul is motion therefore ego, what then represents an egoless consciousness that is not of motion? Just because our egos are unable to comprehend a motionless egoless consciousness, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Motionless egoless consciousness is not limited to nouns Subhendu, only the ego is.

"Note that freewill is related to actions."
No, freewill is related to the egoless consciousness therefore motion. The absence of free will is wholly of motion therefore ego.

Actually, the existence of freewill or not is highly irrelevant to the egoless self, but of course to the ego self it's everything!! It is like arguing what is truly right and wrong, truth and lies, negative and positive, black and white, it has no relevance to a true yogi/God consciousness Subhendu.

Wednesday, 2 January 2019


Written by Mathew Naismith

So what happened to all the predicted positive loving spiritual manifestations once again, in a year of predicted great spiritual evolutional change? Bewildering isn't it? 

Firstly, try to understand, it is not all about the human self becoming enlightened or becoming ascended in some way. As a lot of people say, it is the soul having a human experience, which means life is really about the souls transition, not necessarily the human self's transition. Don't get me wrong, the two can go hand in hand, meaning, as the soul becomes more enlightened (aware), so will the human self. The problem is, most often the human self will become more unaware, not more aware. We often expect and even demand that we feel good all the time, for this is what spirituality is about!!  

This expectation is simply created when we start to feel good in a chaotic abusive reality. Because we start to feel good through becoming more aware, we then think this is what spirituality is about. We then deliberately ignore all the deemed negatives in the world to feel even better, for only through doing this can we feel even better. This is while other people in the world are far worse off, mainly because they are being ignored themselves or their situation is deemed too negative to become aware or stay aware of.

If you look upon the abuse in the world and all you see and feel is negative vibrations, as opposed to your own vibrations, this is anything but positive, of love and light or of God. How many people look upon the violent destructive sun as simply being negative, a negative we must ignore to be positive? If anyone in the world is suffering even more because we want to be positive, I wouldn't myself call this positive. As I stated in my last post, often highly abusive energy forms will often deceive to obtain what they desire for themselves. This often entails to deceive people into feeling good while being abused and the abused eventually becoming abusive themselves. Ignoring the negatives in the world is highly abusive to energy as a whole, especially if this is done to simply make ourselves feel even better and better.

So being positive is ignoring all the suffering in the world so we can feel even more positive, this is so we can manifest a more positive loving reality!! This really makes no sense to someone like me.

As of the sun, that is far more violent and destructive than man is at present, don't look at man as being negative, look at man as simply lost within his own creation, for he really knows not what he does. How often do you look at a person lost in the bush, (forest or wilderness), as simply being negative? So why express disdain towards the human collective consciousness lost within its own creation? When you go into the bush and get lost, you have created your own environment to become lost in; the collective human consciousness is no different to this.

People like me don't expect or demand to feel good, however, we also don't expect to feel bad either for there are no expectations or demands. Not an easy thing to express in a reality such as this, where we expect or even demand so much from our environment. If you had any idea what actually exists as a whole, you wouldn't expect too much from a reality such as our present reality. In actuality, you would go with the flow more and not critically judge so much of this reality as being simply negative. Just by the reactions of people towards this reality, people like me know how aware or unaware people truly are.

Energy; such as our environment, which includes our body and mind and the universe as a whole, is not there to serve our desires or to be abused, it is there to simply be experienced. Of course abusing this energy will create a different experience than working in unison and in harmony with this energy, it is all apart of creation.

So what actually occurred in 2018, who benefited from 2018 spiritual manifestations?

Countries like Yemen and Palestine don't think much of what spiritual manifestations have created in 2018, in saying this, multinationals, Arabia and Israel certainly benefited by these manifestations. This reminds me of the time when certain North American Indians got together to pray and chant (manifest) for peace, they were of course massacred by a Christian cultured civilised people!!

These Christian cultured civilised people also saw themselves of being of love and light, a civilized people as opposed to a barbaric (negative) people trying to pray and chant for peace and the acceptance of being of equal quality. It is not the first time a certain group of people have deemed everything not of themselves as simply being negative!!

In 20189, try to stay away from the deceit of everything not of yourself is negative, therefore suffering should be ignored at all cost to create our own perceived and desired reality.

This is funny, I am an advocate against abuse, but I don't critically judge abuse as being simply negative, end of story, to manifest my own desired reality.......          

Sunday, 16 December 2018

Eternal Awareness

Written by Mathew Naismith

Eternal; continuing forever or indefinitely, a comprehension of an endless state of being. This is very much like energy, where energy can only be transformed and not destroyed. It is important to remember this. Awareness, in relation to the eternal, simply means to be aware of your/our eternal existence, an existence that can't be destroyed, only transformed. Of course having a comprehension of our eternal being means that all that is transformed is insignificant to eternity, to our eternal being. In my case it was wise to be aware of this from an early age, considering my life experiences and circumstances.

If you have no comprehension, understanding what you are unable to comprehend to begin with is going to be impossible. It is not always wise to be fully aware of the comprehension of our eternal being, of eternal energy or God if you prefer. Imagine being fully aware of your eternal being, which means only being aware of your eternal being and not your temporary or ever changing being. What you experience or what we do in a reality, as of the present, would be highly insignificant. Pain and suffering would be meaningless to the eternal being. Yes, to your eternal being, the pain and suffering we experience is insignificant compared to the eternal being itself, however, to the temporary being, a state of ever changing/transforming energy, what we do and experience is significant in any state we are active in.

Indeed, some souls do exist primarily in a state of awareness of the eternal being, where all experiences are insignificant. On other hand, other souls primarily exist in a state of temporary being, where all experiences are significant. You of course have other souls who exist, usually in balance between the eternal and temporary being, by both or by the whole being. In this case, at times, what can be experienced is significant and at other times not significant. I should say here that the three ways our souls exist has significance to a soul that is balanced between the eternal and temporary being. All is worthy of existence and experiencing.

So why was it wise for my ego to acquire the awareness of our eternal being? One of the reasons was to do with my injuries, which I sustained at an early age in my life.

If I injured my back like I did my arm, I would be crippled up to the extent of not being able to walk. Imagine fully dislocating your back and not having your back put back in place. On top of this, working in labouring jobs in adulthood and not taking pain killers. Now imagine the nerve damage caused by such use and the strain on the psyche!!

So how did I cope? The necessity of becoming aware of my eternal being was apparent, this allowed me to comprehend and also understand that my pain and discomfort overall is indeed temporary compared to my eternal being. Add to this that my injury was not seen to and often ignored by my parents; you would wonder how I coped with so much abuse of energy. Being truly aware of my eternal being to the extent of being my eternal being, not just comprehending my eternal being, was my way of coping with my circumstances. Most often what seem to be our darkest hours proves to be our most enlightening hours, of course as of always, balance is the key as it would seem.

Note: What I have written here was not read or taken from other sources, all of what is written here is through my own awareness brought about by my own life experiences.            

Thursday, 29 November 2018

The Soul and Nirvana/Heaven

Written by Mathew Naismith

It is often said that the soul is having a human experience; this is instead of the soul having a soul experience. The human experience becomes primary to the soul having an experience. When everything we humanly experience and express is reflective upon the soul, I think it doesn't matter what our soul is experiencing, it is still primarily to do with the soul having the experience. Also, the soul itself doesn't separate one experience from another, it's still an experience. It is like the soul doesn't observe or experience each life lived as a separate entity or life; it is one life lives with different experiences experienced.

If you can't remember experiencing your own soul and other souls, projecting from the soul is going to be hard to do humanly; this is why a lot of ideologies make reference to the soul. "If you are not righteous in human life, this will reflect on your soul." This isn't scaremongering, it is the obvious truth observed and experienced by the soul. It is a soul projection trying to guide the human self to refrain from abusing energy as a whole. How often is, for example, Christianity and Hinduism these days shown disdain because they state what is obvious to the soul? "Refrain from abuse of energy in human life or suffer the consequences", is simply a guide for the human self otherwise the soul will suffer. Yes, the soul can become dark, in other words become ignorant to serve the ego in control.

Can a soul in deliberate ignorance (dark) only observe that we live separate lives, unlike how the soul projects it as one life lived with different experiences to be experienced? Yes, the soul itself can become this unaware through serving the ego for only through the ego can separation and abuse of energy occur. However, the only way the ego is going to comprehend anything beyond its own self, is to relate to each soul experience as being a separate entity to start with, for only the ego comprehends separate entities. This is the same as saying that the soul is having a human experience, when the soul sees it as the soul simply having a soul experience. Of course a soul that is conditioned to separating everything, will only desire to see it as many lives lived, however, as you can condition the soul to become dark (ignorant), you can also condition the soul to become light (aware). To do this one must separate energy, for the egos sake, to once again unite energy as many spiritual ideologies guide us to do.

Yes, the human self has to first see that we live many lives separate to each other to be able to then observe through a souls perspective, that there is only one life lived. It is a big deal to start with when the ego comprehends the soul, an entity not separate to the ego but often more aware than the ego. For the ego to go beyond its own awareness is astonishing, especially when you consider the abusive environment the ego has to cope with. Think on this, would not an ego in control deliberately condition the soul to primarily serve the ego, to only be of a controlling ego? I have personally experienced souls just like this; they simply didn't want to know anymore than their egos allowed them to.

As an aware soul is able to comprehend mortal egoistic existences, an aware soul is also able to comprehend immortal egoless states of being. A state, as opposed to states, where everything is just is which is the same state as pure awareness, oneness, nirvana/heaven or a state of God. I often myself touch on this state as the ego can only do. Yes, to the ego this state, what ever your ideology calls it, is an utterly beautiful state of being. This egoless state doesn't see or feel its own beauty for only through the ego is love and beauty appreciated. The problem of the ego expressing appreciation in this way is the ego in control often distorts and fragments this energy of appreciation. The appreciation of having to feel good takes over from the simple appreciation of the beauty of this state, this state then often becomes to the service of the controlling ego, to primarily feel good as much as possible no matter what. The separation of what is real and what is an illusion, what is negative and what is positive, what is wrong and what is right and so forth, becomes a priority to the ego in control to feel good as much as possible. All else from feeling good then becomes negative or even toxic.

Make no mistake, empathic people, people who are sensitive to other vibrations, often feel uneasy around vibrations not of their own. Just because it's not of our own vibration doesn't mean its negative just because it doesn't make us feel good. Yes, life has become all about us feeling good making all else some kind of negative. Of course in this state we will feel bad vibrations, vibrations that don't make us feel good. Did Jesus or Buddha, for example, avoid and ostracise every other vibration not of their own? They in actuality embraced all vibrations as of their own. You see in this state of nirvana/heaven, there is no feeling of bad or good vibrations; it is in actuality impossible to do so in this state. In a state of the absence of ego everything simply becomes just is. Of course in a state of the presence of ego we have individual souls and separate individual expressions of energy. Is a state of nirvana more worthy to be in and real than states of suffering/hell? The ego in control would state most definitely but the egoless state states there is no separation therefore no nirvana or suffering, heaven or hell, for to perceive this would be of the controlling ego.

However, to the ego there is an obvious nirvana and suffering, heaven and hell, the ego feels it and experiences it so they must exist but only to and through the ego. There is simply no separation of energy in a state of nirvana. I suppose one needs to experience this state in some way or become aware of this state through an ideology to realise this.

So is it really a human experience the soul is experiencing or is it the soul experiencing a soul experience? It really has to do with the way the existence or state a soul is conditioned to. For the ego, the soul is having a human experience. To the egoless state, it is all to do with the soul having an experience or being in a certain state. Try to remember, the ego is unable to experience a state of nirvana, a state of the absence of ego. All the ego can do is feel what this state is like, but so often it's these feel good feelings that take over us, often to the root of our soul. We then primarily focus on feeling good, in accordance with our desires, and then all else often becomes a negative as we are seeing so often today.

In truth, it is all about the soul so try not to avoid abusing energy as much as you can. Remember though, you may not always be able to avoid this, try not to allow the ego to make a big deal of this for it is what it is, end of story. Also, in a state of ego, especially a state controlled by the ego, never expect, demand or desire to feel good all the time, this is highly impractical, however, touching on a state of true nirvana/heaven can make a life experience a lot less about suffering/hell thus conditioning your soul to Nirvana/Heaven.      

Thursday, 22 November 2018

The Soul Experience

Written by Mathew Naismith

Yes, as of a human experience there is also a soul experience, it is really wise not to separate the human experience from the soul experience. Actually, it is wise not to separate the human or soul experience from any other experience or motion. In other words it is wise not to separate yourself from the environment as a whole; there should be no exclusions no matter what the ego dictates. 

Soul: The immaterial part of a person; the actuating cause of an individual life

Actuating refers to motion; which means the soul is the motion behind each person, without the soul there is no actuation therefore motion. So what about the rest of existence that is of motion, does everything of motion have a soul? To answer this we must now look at the spirit. 

Spirit: The vital principle or animating force within living things

I actually don't concur with this, that the spirit is just of living things. To me the spirit is of all things, this is the same in that energy is of all things. Spirit = energy which = motion. So what about motionlessness, a state where energy or the spirit within all things is motionless, is not the spirit, therefore energy, apart of a motionless state?

The soul experience, as of the human experience, is simply an experience. The spirit on the other hand isn't an experience but of all of what is as of energy. So no, to answer the first question, not everything has a soul but the soul is still of the spirit. To someone like me, everything is alive. I wrote some time ago about vibrations alive, in that all motion creates vibrations which make all motions alive in one way or another. The ego only comprehends what is alive and what isn't alive in accordance with the egos perception of what is alive and what isn't. It is wise not to listen to the ego which is often bias. Bias of course only creates ignorance, the deliberate unknowingness of something the ego doesn't desire to become aware of, usually in accordance with the souls experiences and human ideologies and isms.

The spirit can be of both motion and motionlessness, there are no limitations to the spirit as of the soul. Yes, soul experiences are indeed infinite in nature, where infinite experiences can be experienced by the soul, however, the soul cannot experience a state of motionlessness for motionlessness is not an experiences. It is simply being or not being, which ever your soul relates to the best.

Now, is this being or not being also of energy therefore spirit? Our egos often perceive that energy has to be of motion to exist therefore motionlessness (just being) is not of the spirit!!

Why do we become more aware or more enlightened as we lesson our motions? It is too obvious that the more of motion or the ego we are not expressive of, the more aware we become. Of course the more motion we express, the less aware be become, this is course includes the soul. This is why this just being or not being, this motionless state, is stated as being of pure awareness. Now if we become more aware the less motion we express, how alive and of energy therefore spirit is this motionless state of just being? When we so-call die, we can have a sense of being more alive, of course if our soul is controlled or primarily of the ego, the soul will have more of a sense of death. A sense of death simply represents the demise of life, a life the soul's ego is attached to, this is why it is wise to be aware of the tricks the ego can play on us, the illusions the ego can create.

My mother so-called died a while back, at no time did my ego mourn her death, even though my ego tried to. My mother was more alive than ever, but only after I helped her out of a dark tunnel. My mother was unable to go on as her life on Earth was still not at ease. My mother was never happy in the way she led her life, so after her bodily demise, my mother had huge regrets. My mother wanted to be forgiven but I didn't do this, I didn't feel I had to for there was nothing to forgive. I said to my mother," It is okay, life is what it is, no more, no less, I have no regrets and neither should you."

What a lot of people forget it is a soul experience, the human experiences dies but life is not about the human experience but the soul experience. You could say that the human experience doesn't matter then as the human experience is simply a vessel for the soul to experience life experiences through. A lot of souls live like this as this is all they know, however, to a soul that is aware, the human experience does matter. Remember, the soul is simply an immaterial part of a person, what we do in life reflects back on the soul in one way or another.

In regards to the soul and the human experience, I am simply humbling myself to the ego, to the human experience of attachments. However, the human ego that is trying to dispel the ego altogether is actually being more of the ego, for only the ego desires to dispel itself so it can no longer humble itself to itself. The egoless self has no desire or need to dispel the ego in any sense; the ego is what it is, no more, no less. To comprehend this you must look at this from a soul perspective, not a human perspective. It is primarily a soul experience, the human experience is simply a vessel for the soul to experience motion (life) through. Humanly, think very carefully what you are conditioning your soul to and yes, the way you lead your life does matter to the soul. Remember, the soul is simply an immaterial part of you, what you materially do reflects back on the soul, make no mistake about it. I suppose to really comprehend this, you must humanly experience some kind of after life experience or at least feel or know there to be a lot more to life than material life.                       

Saturday, 17 November 2018

What is the Higher Self?

Written by Mathew Naismith

Ask yourself, what is more egoistic, humbling yourself to the ego or desiring to be of a higher self? Being that all is of what the ego calls a higher self, including rocks and trees and so on, what would an egoless higher self be of? The act of only being of a higher self is egotistic when the higher self is egoless. Being that the higher self is egoless, it is understandable that this higher self would humble itself to the ego, being that the ego is perceived by the ego, not the so-called higher self, as being of a lower self or a lower vibration. I say so-called higher self for only the ego separates like this, one being higher or lower than the other. In actuality, to the higher self there is no higher or lower self, just the self.

In truth, there is no self either, only being for a perception of self still refers to an attachment. In saying this, because what the ego calls the higher self represents all of what is without exception or desire, what is perceived and created through the ego is also of the higher self. What I am trying to say here is that the so-called lower self is as worthy as the higher self, what other state can the higher self humble itself to if not to the ego, the lower self?

This is how the ego often sees it these days. The ego represents an illusion and lower vibrations which represents the lower self and separation to what the ego doesn't desire to be a part of.

The higher self observes the ego as simply the ego without separation, even to what is real and what is an illusion. There is no perception of separation or of a lower self, just an observation of a self unaware of it's whole self.

Unconditional love; is also referred to as being of the higher self when in actuality unconditional love is of the ego. Unconditional love still refers to attachments, usually attachments to the feelings a state of unconditional love creates. In actuality feelings period are not of the higher self but of the ego. Why in a deep meditative state can we experience a state that we no longer have attachments? Feelings play no further part for feeling totally rely on motion to exist. Motions, which include feelings, simply represent ego. In saying this, can you perceive or feel negative vibration while in a true state of unconditional love, even when empathic to vibrations? No, for there are no conditions as such in this state, only the feelings of love the ego creates from this state. 

A state of unconditional love can't be experienced without the ego, however, because unconditional love is a state of the absence of attachments and conditions, a state of unconditional love is also partly of the so-called higher self. If we don't hold too much attachments to the feelings that unconditional creates, a state of our higher being can be experienced from this state. As of anyone who has experienced a state of the higher being or self, unconditional love is simply part of the process of experiencing actual enlightenment. Enlightenment simply refers to a state of complete detachment from all feelings and associated desires. In saying this, often through the ego can unconditional love be expressed and experienced. This state is often experienced by the ego as being very beautiful and harmonious. To avoid abusing this energy, try not to become too attached to the feelings unconditional love creates via the ego. Any manipulation that serves the egos desires is abuse of energy that should be avoided if we want to experience peace and harmony.      

The soul; is also often mistakenly referred to as the higher self. The soul is simply an immortal part of a person which experiences all our lives as one life lived. My own soul doesn't see that I have experienced separate lives; my soul observes all my lives lived as simply many life experiences experienced, not as separate lives lived. In saying this, souls can perceive each life as being separate to the other as well; this depends on the soul experience being experienced. Like with our human form, once the soul experiences actual enlightenment in a life experience, this enlightenment is always remembered by the immortal soul but not always remembered when recreated in a mortal being.

Are souls different to each other as humans are? Yes. Remember, the soul is simply an immortal part of our mortal being and yes, it matter to the soul how we live our mortal lives. So does this mean some people are of a higher vibration or level than other people? No. To the ego yes but not to the higher being as the higher being represents all of what is, not just what we desire to be a part of. The ego doesn't desire to be apart of the lower self so it calls this lower state an illusion, negative and even toxic, etc, or, the ego goes the other way, there is only ego, all else other than the ego is an illusion. The ego says take your pick for they are one of the same thing thus create the same exact type of reality, a reality controlled by the ego!!                                
God State: To the ego in control this is all mumbo-jumbo, in other words nonsense and understandably so. I once had entities purposely fixated to ignorance approach me in this life experience, I instantly dispelled them through simply showing a glimpse of what they are also apart of. The glimpse was of the higher self which a lot of religious ideologies call God or as state of God. I have lost count how many people have acted in the same way as these entities when their own creation seemed threatened. No matter what experiences our souls have experienced, we are still all apart of the so-called higher self. No matter who you are, the door to the higher self is always open to you, at no point are you not apart of this higher self no matter what the controlling ego says.  

This God state or state of God is of everything, including lost souls lost within their own ignorance, their own creation. The ego then gets a perception that this state of God loves everyone unconditionally. This isn't wrong but from a God state of view unconditional love can only be experienced through the ego. The reason for this is that a state of unconditional love has the conditions of no conditions to be able to love in this way. This higher state of being has no conditions at all attached to it!!

Enlightenment: I have at no stage experienced actual enlightenment in this life experience, I simply have no desire to, but I have in other life experiences. You can't desire or have a need to experience enlightenment; enlightenment simply comes naturally when we release ourselves from our attachment and desires including our fixations to unconditional love. Actual enlightenment is simply a state the ego can experience when of the higher self or of a state of God. Enlightenment is simply of the process of the ego awakening to its higher self, enlightenment isn't even apart of the higher self, what is there to enlighten in this state which is of everything without question? This higher state is also known as a state of pure awareness.

So there we go. I should also say that some people have also replaced the perception of God with a Goddess in a way, in that unconditional love is the ultimate state of being. Unconditional love makes reference to the feminine so an idolisation to a Goddess occurs, especially when this state is seen as the ultimate state. Try to avoid the egos manipulation therefore abusing of energy like this, this is unless your soul wishes to experience more of the same.                         

Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Soul Experience of Open Mindedness

Written by Mathew Naismith

We are simply born with an open mind, all else is a condition of the mind by our environment to think one way or another. I have allowed my step daughter to be and think as she likes, she is now a self-proclaimed atheist. At no point has my wife or I tried to influence her to be and think as we are. I started off my life in an atheistic environment, I am now a............what ever. I am a what ever simply because of the extent of my open mindedness.
We are born with an open mind, this means we are neither a believer of disbeliever of anything as all our beliefs and disbeliefs are determined by our environment. Did I disbelieve in God when I was born? No, as I simply had no comprehension of what beliefs and disbelief were until my environment determined what was a belief and what was a disbelief. My atheistic environment soon determined what was a disbelief. This closed mindedness of what to believe and what to disbelieve limited my acceptance of other people and their views, in other words my consciousness was being limited to certain specifics and certain specifics only. Having experienced certain experiences beyond what atheism dogmatically determined to exist, I found myself drifting away from the exceptionally limiting doctrines of atheism.
I have got myself in a lot of trouble being so open minded, I have lost count how many people have been offended by my open mindedness. To give you an idea of my open mindedness, I don't believe we experience various lives; we experience one life while experiencing different experiences from one life experience to another. It's like a stage play where you act in one play, (one life), while acting (experiencing) different scenes or acts. It's as though I am looking at life through the soul perspective instead of the human perspective, there is no separation as in the perception of individual lives lived. It's one life with different scenes or environments to experience life through.          
Looking at life through a soul perspective has conditioned my human mind to not just look at myself as being of a particular colour or culture. I don't see myself as being just of a white Australian. How many people today take offence of another culture pointing out the truths in their own culture? If anyone from another culture was to say how uncivilized we were in Australia in how we treated the Australian Aboriginals. I would agree and not be offended by such truths. How many people today are offended by this kind of truth, especially if it's to do with their own culture? These easily offended people's culture comes first and foremost; now add colour and creed to this. How offensive is it when a white man is offended by a black mans truth about a white man?             
My own environment of not separating one life experience from another, has allowed me to look beyond my own colour, creed and culture. I once interacted with Australian aboriginals that didn't think much of white people, in the end they couldn't believe I was a white Australian. This was because I didn't firstly see myself as a white Australian of a certain colour and creed, I was simply a soul having an experience. How many US citizens would be offended, especially if an Eastern cultured person, pointed out that Australians are war mongers for supporting the US in nearly every conflict the US has started or were involved in? Are we spiritual if we continually put our own colour, creed and culture before the soul experience? In truth, I am a white Australian at present, should this negate my entire life lived by my soul? To a lot of people who think they are spiritual it often does. If you are easily offended by another person from another culture telling the truth about your own culture, it's likely you are not truly spiritual as being spiritual relates to being primarily of the soul and/or spirit. If you put your present human self in anyway before the spirit or soul, you are simply not spiritual. I have lost count how many self-proclaimed spiritual people have been offended by the truth I tell, either about my own culture or someone else's culture. Numerous Western spiritual people were offended by my research and writings on the Eastern and Western mind, and I am of a Western culture and white!! Look at it this way, how many new age spiritual people are offended by a simple word or phrase that they have judged to be negative or toxic?
How often is the self put before the soul or spirit in a lot of new age spirituality? It's most often about how good I humanly feel, not how good I spiritually feel. A lot of relationships work like this. At first they please each other and make each other feel good until the momentum of making each other feel good all the time diminishes. What do a lot of new age spiritual people do? Try expressing anything they have judged as being negative. You are most often instantly disposed of because this so-called negative doesn't feed their egos and makes them feel good all the time. I did not enter in a relationship with my wife and expect her to make me feel good all the time or even half the time, I certainly don't expect or demand this from life itself.
My relationship with life itself, or if you like with God, Shiva, Allah, Gaia and so on, is not built upon expecting or demanding that life should always be about making me feel good or even positive. Look around you at present, see what expecting or demanding that life makes us feel good all the time is doing. Life itself isn't about feeling good, it's simply about an experience just like the experience I have with my wife, where there are no expectations or demands that we make each other feel good all the time. Today, most ideologies and isms are being misused and abused in this way to simply feed an ever hungry ego in control. This is what I call abuse of energy.
Considering the following information, it's amazing how often I go way outside my comfort zone to experience other people's experiences. At times this makes me feel good, at other times it doesn't make me feel good but life experiences isn't, to me, about feeling good, it's about a soul or spiritual experience. To realise this, one must look through the eyes of the soul or spirit, not through a controlling ego that demands to feel good all the time. What often occurs when the ego in control is fed something that doesn't make it feel good? It's usually labeled negative or toxic!!                    
Children are born Open-Minded. It’s Vital we don’t Teach them Otherwise.

Extract: Open-mindedness is receptiveness to new ideas. Open-mindedness relates to the way in which people approach the views and knowledge of others, and "incorporate the beliefs that others should be free to express their views and that the value of others’ knowledge should be recognized."[1][2] "An open-minded person characteristically moves beyond or temporarily sets aside his own doxastic commitments in order to give a fair and impartial hearing to the intellectual opposition."[3]Another closely related definition sees open-mindedness as the "willingness to take a novel viewpoint seriously."[4]
According to Wayne Riggs, open-mindedness springs from an awareness of the inherent fallibility of one's beliefs; hence, open-minded individuals are more inclined to listen to, and seriously consider, alternative viewpoints.

6 Keys to an Open Mind

1. Fight the urge to react in anger when you hear differing opinions
2. Avoid closing yourself off
3. Place yourself out of your comfort zone
4. stay social and make new friends
5. Don't be afraid to ask questions
6. Avoid speculation

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Understanding The Spiritually Aware

Written by Mathew Naismith

It's absolutely mind boggling and daunting to anyone primarily of materialism, scientism  and physicality, that any other reality from this physicality is delusional, especially realities that are non-physical within their representations. The mind for starters cannot exist outside from the human brain, the brain creates the mind, not the mind creates the brain. It's delusional that the mind (consciousness) could create the brain and that the mind (consciousness) can exist outside the physical brain matter however.

Spiritually aware people have a perception of a reality that is not of this physicality, it's the reverse perception of a person who is primarily of the perception of physicality, nothing else could possibly exist but a reality based on physical perceptions. This reverse perception by spiritually aware people is based on the kinds of concepts shown below.   


Extract: A group of international physicists have announced that the concept of a human soul may actually be measurable by quantum physics, and have suggested that the human soul has a quantum state just as real as ‘wave-particle dualism’.    


Extract: This is consistent with a new theory of consciousness being advocated by physicist Sir Roger Penrose and Dr. Stuart Hameroff. Penrose and Hameroff a;sp suggest that consciousness is something applied to the brain, not generated by it.


Extract: Yet whatever ideas are put forward, one thorny question remains: How can something as immaterial as consciousness ever arise from something as unconscious as matter? 


The following has no religious undertones, I feel it's stating that everything has a conscious consciousness behind it.   


Non-physicality: This is but a few examples of why spiritually aware people feel that physicality is not the only reality that exists, in actuality, physicality could be but a by-product of these non-physical realities. Just because we are unable to measure non-physical realities using physical means, doesn't make them non-existence, this is where our own intuition and feelings come into it. It all makes sense, to measure anything of a physical reality, you use physical means, to measure or become aware of non-physical realities, you us non-physical means. To a spiritually aware person, their is no question that non-physical realities do indeed exist.  

Now what about these delusional spiritually aware people creating realities based on non-physical realities, it's all about love, peace, meditating, oneness, tranquillity and so on, it's all delusional is it not as they themselves create these realities?

Did we not create our own modern day reality through conscious thought and reasoning to create the physical reality we have today? Why couldn't a non-physical reasoning process create non-physical realities that are just as real, if not more real, than the creation of physical realities?

To a spiritually aware person of peace and love, the physical world around them is anything but peaceful and loving, so to put balance back into their lives, they create realities that are based on these things lacking in the environment around them. This of course gives them a feeling of balance which helps them better cope with the environment around them. It's also psychologically beneficial to balance out an obvious destructive reality with a constructive reality.

Creation: There is of course a question of creation, to a spiritually aware person, everything was created from this non-physical reality/consciousness that has been proven to exist as shown above. It's the brain that was created from a non-physical entities, not the brain that created these non-physical entities that are usually judged as being delusional.

In actuality, spiritually aware people know that all of what is physical, was created from non-physical entities, a consciousness (mind) that has no physical representation of form except in relation to physical realities. Basically, it's physical realities that prove that  non-physical entities and realities do indeed exist, not the other way around, in the existence of physical realities.

It's funny to think, it certainly looks as though the brains mind was created from non-physical means, a consciousness of creation, this means physical realities prove the existence of non-physical entities and realities, a consciousness void of physical form....          

Sunday, 21 August 2016

We Are Not The Soul

Written by Mathew Naismith

It's incredible becoming aware of the difference between each person or groups of people, not just at the human level but at the soul level as well, in actuality, there is more of a difference between consciousness's at the soul level than at the human level. Yes, to certain groups of souls, levels exist within human consciousness and soul consciousness, however, to certain groups of souls who are aware they are not the soul, levels can only exist within consciousness's that believe they are the soul consciousness or even human consciousness. This means these souls can comprehend vast amounts of perceptions because there consciousness is not limited to levels.

Levels and Ego: How many people believe that souls and humans, have to go through various conscious levels to become aware, it's like we start off at the first level infancy, then go onto childhood and then adolescence and finally adulthood. Each stage is awareness building. Souls to a lot of people work in a simular fashion, what is above is also below, however the concept of what is above is also below isn't the case when a soul is able to perceive beyond these levels.

The reason for this entirely lies in how the soul perceives. Imagine for one moment if we are aware of being aware that we are, from the start, of this creative consciousness, God's consciousness or of the collective consciousness as a whole or what ever you want to call it. Any soul that can perceive this, will obviously be able to perceive beyond these levels we limit ourselves to. Now imagine how hard it is for certain souls to comprehend this or even want to comprehend this, certain souls just don't want to comprehend perceiving beyond levels for a very good reason.

A point to be made here; how many children today express a more mature wiser expression without going through various level of experience? One reason for this lays in how children today are allowed to freely express themselves without having to go through various levels to do so. Perceiving in levels are obviously limiting, we need to realise this.    

I know there are a lot of people who will totally disagree with me when I say that the soul is ego, there are  people who even believe that the soul doesn't have an ego period. No person who doesn't, in some way, want to comprehend a lot of what I write about, won't like what I write. Once again, this is for a very good reason.

A lot of people also firmly believe that all souls have to go through these levels to evolve and become more aware through each level of experience, it's sort of likened to maturing from a immature unaware state to a more mature aware state. This isn't the case for all souls, some souls choose to go through these levels one by one and other don't. We then might presume that any soul that chooses to go through these levels, is controlled by the ego to do so, being that its the ego that wants to go through these levels when it clearly doesn't have to.

The soul can be controlled by the ego but it's not the controlling ego that chooses to experience existences level by level, could you imagine a controlling ego wanting to go from level to level when it can have it all in an instance void of levels!! The soul chooses to experience this kind of existence or not because one kind of existence isn't more worthy to experience than the another, all experiences are worthy at the soul level for certain souls but not all souls see that all existences are worthy, this too is a part of the experience. However, all existences are worthy at the God like level of consciousness, a state of consciousness where levels just don't exist, basically, the God like consciousness being of the consciousness of collective consciousness as a whole. Imagine a consciousness with no levels to give a consciousness judgment period!!

True Writing: What I mostly write about isn't for the souls who chose to exist by levels, basically, my writings are really only for those souls who are able to comprehend perceptions beyond these levels. At no point do I want to try to convince souls, existing by levels, that they don't have to experience existences through levels, in actuality, no soul that is primarily existing by levels, are able or have the desire to comprehend my writings, they shouldn't even try, especially at the human level of understanding.

However, there is a reason why people like me turn up when the shit hits the fan, meaning, when human consciousness becomes too destructive. Basically, we try to put balance back into a consciousness, a prime example of this was in ancient Egypt. We are not here to force balance, we are here to encourage balance and wisdom, however, if the collective human consciousness chooses otherwise, so be it because as I said, no existence is more worthy than another, just maybe a little wiser way to go at times.

It is important what we reflect especially in how we express ourselves through writing for instance. We must write true to ourselves, meaning, we must write for ourselves, not for other people because being true makes all the difference. We might think how can people like me bring balance when we don't attract the people who need that balance most of all!! If we are true in what we write, our expressions will reflect this trueness onto the collective consciousness bringing it balance, however like I said, if the collective consciousness chooses to ignore this in the end, so be it.

The way we express love is vitally important as well, at the moment love is being over used and abused in a simular fashion to religion at times. So often have I discover that the love that some people express is fake, especially unconditional love. Often this so called unconditional love, has more conditions attached to it, not less. It's vitally important to be true to bring balance into a consciousness, I cannot express this enough.           

So in all, is it important that we become aware we are not the soul but of the soul? Not for everyone, we must go along with what the soul path and journey is but at the same time realising that the soul might need to be balanced as well to create a balanced reality. We are not our soul but we are of the soul, realising this helps bring balance back to the human and soul consciousness. Any true sense of balance and trueness, especially in our own expressions, naturally creates peace and harmony, and yes love, however,  true sense of love only comes from a true sense of expression, this is the same with all of what we express. In the age of false prophets/people. Try to be as true to yourself as possible, this is all you need to do.......    

Saturday, 6 August 2016

Humbling Ourselves - The Soul Spectrum

Written by Mathew Naismith

If you are unable or unwilling to try to comprehend other perspectives and perceptions, this post is definitely not for you. Comprehending other perspectives and perceptions doesn't mean you replace one with the other or your own with someone else's, it just means acquiring the ability to understand other conscious entities perspectives and perceptions. Basically, becoming aware beyond the limitations of human perspectives and perceptions create.

Now I didn't label/head this post with, Humbling Ourselves - The Soul Spectrum, for no reason. Usually when referring to the soul, I would make reverence to the soul as a level. The soul level as opposed to human level, how else in a 3rd dimension can we make reverence without differentiating one state to another without making reference to a level?  I used spectrum because spectrum is not limited to a specific set of values but can vary infinitely within a continuum. It's important to remember this as spectrum is not limited to a specific set of values, however,  levels are often  in reference to specific set values, basically, levels are limiting, spectrums aren't.

I am quite aware that I am humbling myself in reverence to human consciousness in relation to the soul spectrum. By experiencing human consciousness, my soul is humbling itself.  Now we might think I am making reference to a level here, being that the human consciousness is obvious in it's lack of awareness for only in ignorance can a consciousness become destructive but I'm not. I don't have a destructive soul by nature but some souls are destructive by nature, this is not defining levels, it's actually defining a spectrum as each soul consciousness is as varied as each human consciousness. Human consciousness thinks in levels, our souls consciousness thinks in spectrums, however, if a soul is destructive by nature, the soul itself will also think in levels.

We might then think that some human consciousness's also think in spectrums, as some human consciousness's are not destructive by nature, this however isn't the case as we often forget we are firstly of the soul and secondly of human. Quite often the souls consciousness influences the human spectrum/consciousness, when this occurs, the human consciousness is then no longer primarily of human consciousness, it becomes the souls consciousness. It's difficult for a lot of us to perceive but the soul is not human or of human consciousness, so when we are influenced by the soul, we are no longer primarily of human consciousness even though we are still physically and mentally human.          

I should point out here that science has confirmed, in various ways, that we indeed have a soul or a consciousness that can exist apart from physicality.

This is great when an obvious constructive soul is influential upon human consciousness, however,  what occurs when an obvious destructive soul is influential upon the human consciousness? The world around us at present is a good example of what occurs when obvious destructive souls are more influential upon human consciousness. It's wise to be aware that souls, destructive or constructive by nature, are not of human consciousness, in actuality, it's these different souls spectrums that has formed/created human consciousness to what it is today.

So is there a human consciousness as such?

In reference to spectrums, no, in reference to levels, yes, remembering, levels make reference to limitations, spectrums however have no limitations as they are variable.

Human consciousness is created from non-human consciousness, the reason why human consciousness is what it is, has to do with the influence different souls spectrums have had upon it, in a sense, human consciousness is also variable within it's varied expressions even though human consciousness is predominantly influenced by levels, these levels of course limit human consciousness. Human consciousness is quite amazing actually within it's variations of influences that human consciousness is created from.

So are all souls humbling themselves to human consciousness?

When we consider that only in ignorance can a consciousness become destructive, it is obvious that not all souls are humbling themselves to human consciousness but is this truly the case. We might now presume that souls that are destructive by nature, are not humbling themselves for human consciousness as a whole isn't as destructive as some souls are, meaning, human consciousness is less destructive as some souls. We might then think because human consciousness is less destructive than some souls are, these souls that are destructive by nature, can't possibly be humbling themselves as human consciousness is less destructive compared to their own souls consciousness, this isn't actually the case however. Because some souls are destructive by nature, experiencing a less destructive consciousness is humbling themselves to human consciousness.

Ignorance is obvious within it's destructive tendencies and awareness is obvious within it's constructive tendencies. A soul that is destructive by nature, humbles itself to a consciousness that is less destructive while a soul that is constructive by nature, is also humbled by a more destructive consciousness. The human consciousness spectrum is variable therefore all less variable consciousness's will be humbled by human consciousness. If we measure human consciousness by levels, human consciousness is either horrid or beautiful, however, when we perceive human consciousness in spectrums, it's neither one or the other because human consciousness is too variable within it's influences brought about by variable souls that influence such a consciousness.

In all, every soul seems to be, to one extent or another, humbling itself to human consciousness. The reason for this lies in the spectrums of human consciousness, not the levels of human consciousness.

In a sense human consciousness is beautiful within it's variations, it's quite amazing actually but only because I perceive the spectrums of human consciousness, not measure human consciousness by levels. Levels define a limitation and judgment, spectrums define limitlessness and an unbiased observation.