Showing posts with label creation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label creation. Show all posts

Monday, 14 November 2016

Our Primary Source of Existence

Written by Mathew Naismith

I have never made reference to primary and secondary existences before, this is certainly a first for me. I suppose this was influenced by a passing away (death) of a good friend of mine just recently. He couldn't believe how more alive he felt, more alive than he ever did in his life on Earth, this is even after making the most of his life. He also wanted me to tell his granddaughter how alive he feels at present and not to worry or think too much about him, he soon realised why I couldn't carry his wishes out. 

What my friend was experiencing was still a secondary existence but an existence that was less dense, the less dense an existence is, the more alive we feel and for a very good reason as I will explain. The next two paragraphs are probably going to be a little too heavy of a read for some people, bare with this, it gets easier.      

A primarily existence; an existence that is usually beyond the perceptions of secondary existences, secondary existences of course being secondary to a primary existence. A primary existence is only primary due to secondary existences existing. The primary role of a primary existence exists to formulate or be expressive of secondary expressions, basically, the more of a secondary existence a consciousness experiences, the more dense the matter becomes. Matter only being an expression or formulation of consciousness, meaning, consciousness creates the denseness of matter. The less aware/wise a consciousness is, the denser the matter becomes, human consciousness is a prime example of this expressiveness.

It's strange to think, the less aware/wise a consciousness becomes, the denser the matter becomes. On the other hand, the more aware/wise a consciousness becomes, the less denser the matter becomes. How much lighter do we feel when we participate less and observe more? Participation (motion) creates a denser existence, an existence limited by it's denseness or ignorance/unawareness. It stands to reason that we feel lighter when we extricate ourselves from a dense form of existence in anyway to any extent.                        

Creation: This doesn't mean that secondary existences are created by a primary existence, for example, God being a representative of a primary existence, didn't create secondary existences like humans or the universe, they always existed but in a less dense form, however as I said, no secondary existence can exist without a primary source of creation. The existence of a primary source instantly creates secondary existences so in a sense, God, zero point, pure wisdom, oneness and so on,  did in a sense create everything of a secondary nature like the universe or human consciousness and even souls for instance.

Yes, even the soul is a secondary existence mainly because it's more dense in relation to the primary source of existence, this is why my passing friend felt more alive than ever while still being in a secondary existence as a soul. The soul existence being less dense than human existence mainly due to the souls reconnection, or more precisely, remembrance of it's own primary existence. We are never not of this primary existence no matter what we want to call it, it's just we perceive that secondary existences are primary to all other existences. This is the illusion, that we exist in a primary existence when we don't which is primarily based on an unawareness of a true primary source of creation. In the case of a souls existence, the soul becomes less dense due to it being more of the spirit within all things, the spirit being of our true primary existence which is in all things.

However, not all souls will experience  a less dense existence when passing on from human form, we can indeed take the ignorance with us from human life when passing away (dying). This action will keep a soul from becoming aware of it's true primary existence, it's truer being. I suppose you could relate this kind of existence to hell, the funny thing is, what are we creating more on Earth at present? A living hell which can only exist through a consciousness existing in ignorance of it's truer being. Could you imagine experiencing a relatively light existence and being impelled into a much denser existence, it would indeed feel like hell!!

No limitations: We might think our primary existence, our truer being, is one level or stage, the soul being the next level or stage and human existence being the next level or stage of existence from the soul. This is often perceived by human consciousness as a declension or decline from the primary source. The more ignorant a consciousness becomes, the denser the matter becomes, as I stated, this is often perceived as levels or stages of decline, in actuality, it's a progression void of limitations or boundaries.

There is no true divide between the primary source of existence to the next secondary source of existence the soul and so on, the reason for this primarily lies within that we never stop being of the primary source, we only perceive we do in certain existences. The denser the existence experienced, the more disconnected we feel from this primary source and understandably so. Ignorance creates denser existences or realities, of course any consciousness that is dense is going to no longer feel they are apart of the true primary source, this stands to reason. Of course the more a consciousness is existing in ignorance, the more destructive a consciousness becomes.

There are many philosophies and religions that have pointed to the actuality of there being a primary source of creation, they have also pointed out that we are never truly not apart of this source at anytime. However, it is also pointed out that we can perceive that we are not of this primary source, this is only a perception, an illusion, that our present dense existence is primary to all other existences.

We are presently experiencing a secondary existence, it's wise to focus on our primary source of existence now and again, within this, we will feel a lot more alive and feel lighter within ourselves and for a very good reason too......                   

Monday, 16 May 2016

The Creation of What Is

Written by Mathew Naismith

Consciousness works like this, what we perceive is what we create, usually a reality we exist with but not necessarily by. Not every perception we perceive with we exist by but every reality we exist by we exist with, meaning, not every perception we have we exist by. Take evil intent, how many of us are aware of the perceptions of evil intent. How many of us have felt or experienced some kind of intent that would be regarded as evil? Now how many of us actually live by such intentions while living with evil intent? Not every perception we experience and /or perceive we live by while living with these intentions.
We are not what we live with until we start to live by what we are living with. As soon as we give time and effort against what is deemed as evil intent, we start to create reality that is based on by what we are living with, in other words we become what we are living with instead of living by what we are. We usually live by other people's perceptions rather than living by our own perceptions.
Now I highlighted against because there is a difference between giving time against something of evil intent to just giving time to become aware of evil intent. Being against anything isn’t about being aware, it’s about shunning or showing disdain, basically being ignorant to these intentions thus unintentionally living by these same intentions yourself. Allowing any kind of disdainful intent to influence us  is living by such intent because it has influenced us to have disdain. This disdain will only encourage and manifest more of the same evil intent, I think what is occurring in the world at present is a good indication of this.
I will now tell you about some of my dreams last night, one of my first dreams having the feeling of evil intent. I should point out here, we might well and good look at extremist groups as being of evil intent but how many of us know about the evil that is allowed to go on behind closed door within our own society? Most people would be utterly horrified to say the least.
One of my first dreams last night started off as usual, nothing significant to mention, I was coordinating for the arrival of some regal people at a venue, this was until tried the lift/elevator to go up to the twelfth floor of the venue. I couldn’t get out on the twelfth floor so I decided to go back down to the ground floor from wince I came. The lift didn’t stop at the ground floor but kept going down to floors that didn’t exist.
As I was going down, the feeling of evil intent got worse but then the lift/elevator doors opened. What greeted me was brightly coloured toy like animals, however, the feeling of evil intent was just as prevalent. In contradiction, my last dream was of me singing in the most beautiful way one could.
My dreams clearly show that I am aware and accepting of a huge variety of perceptions, however, I still allow evil intent to influence me in one way or another. This is shown in the way evil intent influenced my dream.
Intent is only shown as evil if one has disdain towards an intent or perception, the brightly coloured toy like animals show this. If I entered further past the doors of the lift/elevator, only evil intent would have occupied my dream, the toy like animals would have turned out being sinister in nature. You see, once you cross over living by such perceptions and intent, you become or are influenced, to a great degree, by these intentions.
We do live with these deemed evil intentions because we too are of these intentions, it’s all of one consciousness, it’s not one kind of consciousness separate from another, it’s one consciousness that we can live by and/or with within certain conscious perception.  This separation of course takes a consciousness to be unaware of other perceptions. This now brings us to separation in the ideologies we use and/or become fixated to thus negating all other perceptions.
How many of us separate energy, vibrations and God/Gods consciousness from other forms of perception?  Science often separates itself from one source of creativity from another singular source of creativity many people call God, did not one source of creativity called energy create everything? Religion also does the same thing as science due to a certain fixed ideology being followed. Boundaries and limitations come to mind when separating one source of consciousness from another.
One source of creation = energy + God/God’s consciousness + vibrations
Scientifically, we tend to separate energy into it’s labelled slots but it’s still energy, we also do the same religiously as each religion has it’s own set ideological separate standards. Now vibrations are interesting because all energy sources vibrate, meaning, everything is vibration, however, everything also has it’s own vibrational frequencies, it’s these formation and expression of frequencies that make everything in existence different to each other.  However, just because we are separating everything within it’s own form and expression, should this mean that everything is not vibrating?
No matter what frequency everything is vibrating at, it’s still a vibration, you can’t have everything existing as it’s own individual frequencies if these frequencies are not vibrating.  The root source of creation is therefore vibrations, however, it’s also energy and God/God’s consciousness if you like, it’s one of the same thing. I do love how religion defined vibrations and energy as defining the existence of one source way before science. General science today still doesn’t define energy or vibration as one creative source.

So what does all this mean?

Try to live by your own perceptions and intentions thus creating your own reality that is more in tune with you, it's too easy living by other people's perceptions and intentions these days.

Also, try not to express disdain towards other perceptions, intentions  and realities that are not in tune with your own no matter how destructive they are. This however doesn't mean you should have to put up with these influences, at times this takes one to totally disconnect themselves from such influences. If your own perceptions, intentions and reality are constantly being influenced by influences that cause you discord, if possible, try to disconnect yourself from these influences, if unable to do so, try living by your own perceptions while living with perceptions that cause you disdain.

In all, it's wise not to be in disdain of any other perceptions, intentions and realities not of your own, this isn't easy at times but worth following through with. If other people's path is to be destructive, either get out of the way of such destruction or create your own reality while living with these influences of destructive tendencies. Be aware that you can take on the environment you are existing in by living by as opposed to existing with. Just because you are living with these perceptions and tendencies, doesn't mean you have to live by them.