Written by Mathew Naismith
This isn’t a topic I know much about but then again there
isn’t too many topics I write about that I actually do know about as it just
comes as insights brought on by various circumstances. In this case I have been recently in a
conversation about atheism & spiritualism & other conversations about
souls/spirit & realities of time & space & no time & space, the
following is the result.
To an atheist religion is either of distorted facts or plainly
of blind faith period & has no relevance to life & in actual fact can distort
life & brings on conflict instead of bringing peace, this of course can be
the truth of the matter however it’s not the faith of religion that is flawed
it’s the people of the said faith. Science
is proving a lot of religious practices are very beneficial to ones psyche like
praying, singing hymns or chanting & having faith period like I have
written up in past posts. I wouldn’t call myself a religious person myself as I
follow no set doctrines or belief systems however I am aware enough that
religion does have it’s place still within society because it works but what
doesn’t work much these days is pushing ones ideology on to others against their
own will & saying this is more right over any other ideology, we are
becoming too intelligent & aware to accept such things these days.
What is actually happening when we engross ourselves within
a religious/spiritual based ideology? In past posts I have written about the
soul/spirit, whatever you want to call it, a number of times trying to show how
more important it is than human vessel self however the human vessel is important
to the soul because the human vessel self is it’s teacher. By focussing on the importance of the soul
instead of on the attachments of the human vessel self we can become more aware
humanly & at the soul level but if we focus on the human self alone our awareness
isn’t just human based but is choked by our importance of our attachments&
this is where religion/spirituality can come to the rescue. Religion just doesn’t
move us closer to our creative source (God) but to our soul/sprit selves, when we
are reconnected with our souls/sprits/inner selves we become closer to our creative
source & this is why we feel so much inner peace & harmony while
conducting ourselves in religious practices.
It really doesn’t matter what religious or spiritual order you
follow it can all reconnect us with our inner selves/souls/sprit especially when
we become engrossed in it which also include practices in all pagan practices
like wiccan, witchcraft & so forth. No matter what it is unless it’s black
it will bring you closer to your inner self & the creative source I
believe. Anything of the darker side is
of attachments & will lead one away from our awareness of our truer selves
however everything has it’s place so it’s up to each individual what they will.
Why do so many people these days say religion/theism is
dying? It’s because of fixated attachments. We have never in the known history of
man ever been so fixated as a race to attachments so you could say we are
actually living in the darkest time in human history. Religion/spirituality isn’t
perfect because the people of any said religion aren’t perfect however it’ a
lot better than continuing on our fixated ways of thinking & living!! Realties
of time & space, for which we are presently in, are of attachments however
realties of no time & space aren’t, by reconnecting with our soul/spirit/inner
self we are reconnecting with our creative source which is of no time &
space & of no attachments which help us out in balancing out attachments in
realities like this one so is religion/spirituality still important? I would
have to say a definite yes otherwise we will kill ourselves off with fixates
attachments, it’s that simple. I would like to state here that a soul that has fixated
attachments will need guidance to become un-fixated & that is where religion/theism/spirituality
comes into it as it has it’s place in balancing out attachments in any reality
of time & space.
“Balancing our attachments is the key here by any means
possible”….Love Mathew