Showing posts with label eternal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eternal. Show all posts

Sunday, 16 December 2018

Eternal Awareness

Written by Mathew Naismith

Eternal; continuing forever or indefinitely, a comprehension of an endless state of being. This is very much like energy, where energy can only be transformed and not destroyed. It is important to remember this. Awareness, in relation to the eternal, simply means to be aware of your/our eternal existence, an existence that can't be destroyed, only transformed. Of course having a comprehension of our eternal being means that all that is transformed is insignificant to eternity, to our eternal being. In my case it was wise to be aware of this from an early age, considering my life experiences and circumstances.

If you have no comprehension, understanding what you are unable to comprehend to begin with is going to be impossible. It is not always wise to be fully aware of the comprehension of our eternal being, of eternal energy or God if you prefer. Imagine being fully aware of your eternal being, which means only being aware of your eternal being and not your temporary or ever changing being. What you experience or what we do in a reality, as of the present, would be highly insignificant. Pain and suffering would be meaningless to the eternal being. Yes, to your eternal being, the pain and suffering we experience is insignificant compared to the eternal being itself, however, to the temporary being, a state of ever changing/transforming energy, what we do and experience is significant in any state we are active in.

Indeed, some souls do exist primarily in a state of awareness of the eternal being, where all experiences are insignificant. On other hand, other souls primarily exist in a state of temporary being, where all experiences are significant. You of course have other souls who exist, usually in balance between the eternal and temporary being, by both or by the whole being. In this case, at times, what can be experienced is significant and at other times not significant. I should say here that the three ways our souls exist has significance to a soul that is balanced between the eternal and temporary being. All is worthy of existence and experiencing.

So why was it wise for my ego to acquire the awareness of our eternal being? One of the reasons was to do with my injuries, which I sustained at an early age in my life.

If I injured my back like I did my arm, I would be crippled up to the extent of not being able to walk. Imagine fully dislocating your back and not having your back put back in place. On top of this, working in labouring jobs in adulthood and not taking pain killers. Now imagine the nerve damage caused by such use and the strain on the psyche!!

So how did I cope? The necessity of becoming aware of my eternal being was apparent, this allowed me to comprehend and also understand that my pain and discomfort overall is indeed temporary compared to my eternal being. Add to this that my injury was not seen to and often ignored by my parents; you would wonder how I coped with so much abuse of energy. Being truly aware of my eternal being to the extent of being my eternal being, not just comprehending my eternal being, was my way of coping with my circumstances. Most often what seem to be our darkest hours proves to be our most enlightening hours, of course as of always, balance is the key as it would seem.

Note: What I have written here was not read or taken from other sources, all of what is written here is through my own awareness brought about by my own life experiences.            

Saturday, 27 October 2018

Experiencing the Eternal Self

Written by Mathew Naismith

First of all, I humbly apologise to my readers who are unable to understand the English language as I am going to start this post off with a video that is in English. If you can understand the English language, please watch the video before reading on. If you can't understand the English language, I will explain, in my own words, what the video is about so you can translate the English language into you own language.     

The video is about experiencing no self, a state of consciousness that is not about the self separate from all other selves but about a state of the eternal self or divine self. The strange thing is, the eternal self isn't about the self at all as there is no self or even self awareness. The eternal self refers to the eternal being where all is as one and acts as one, even while experiencing a reality where everything has its own identity, its own self.

Yes, you can experience individuality while in a state of eternal being, make no mistake, we are all doing this right now, it's just most of us are unaware of this. We are unaware because our present consciousness is conditioned primarily to the self, individuality. How many people refer to the inner self or self awareness? Materialism or anything else that the ego in control feeds on is often of the self, of an individual identity, how else would the ego in control survive? I wrote a few years ago on a spiritual forum in how we don't even own our own personal thoughts, as usual this wasn't well received or accepted.

So why am I making reference to the eternal self? How else is the ego going to be able to comprehend anything if we don't refer to the self? The ego in control needs to relate to something to comprehend it and then understand it.

Any ego that is conditioned to the self or individuality in any sense, is a good indication that the ego is conditioned to individuality, a state of separate entities. I am self aware or I am of the inner self is still making reference to an individual entity, only because the ego in control can only comprehend this eternal state of being as self. The ego in control needs to start somewhere so it will naturally relate eternal being to the eternal self. It's important to allow the ego to go through this process. At no time have any kind of disdain for the ego in control, avoiding this will allow the process of enlightenment to happen naturally. Simply go with the flow and remember, the ego desires control and will try to control this process, try to avoid this by simply becoming aware of the egos controlling ways. Sadly, I have lost count in how many Western spiritually aware people make reference to taking control and empowerment.

I have at no time in my life have become spiritually aware, I have simply let go of the attachments of control. Yes, I have allowed myself to be controlled for to take control of being controlled is still control. What I have done is simply detached myself from control, even while being controlled myself. It's important to remember, it's our self that is being controlled, not our eternal being. The only way control can be implemented or exist is through the self as an individual entity. Yes, myself has become spiritually aware but not my eternal being for there is nothing to become aware of, only the self can experience a sense of becoming aware or enlightenment.

I, at one time, had a Reiki teacher say to me after my treatment with them, "You have experienced the lotus flower in this life." The lotus flower refers to detachments brought into being by the ego. I had to say no, not in what you would refer to in this life but what you would refer to in another life. The soul perspective is, it's all one life with different life experiences to be experienced. The ego refers to different life experiences to be experienced as lives lived separate to all other lives lived, however, the soul sees it as one life which is more eternal and limitless where the ego sees it as ephemeral and limited. In so-called past lives, I have had numerous experiences pertaining to the lotus flower. My soul simply sees life experiences as one life with no separation.

I know this is hard to truly comprehend but life as whole is not about the human self, it's about the eternal being which is often referred to as our truer being, or as the ego sees it, our truer self or inner self. Yes, it makes a difference once you start referring to the eternal self as the eternal being but remember, the ego has to start somewhere. Be patient   with the ego and try to go through the process of awareness without trying to take control of this process.

Yes, these are trying times to the self, they always have been throughout human history, but not to the eternal being. Your soul may want to stay unaware of the eternal being, I didn't even want to become aware of the things I am aware of as the self but my soul said otherwise, this is the way it is. If the soul says it wants to experience being controlling, that is the way it will be, accept this and move on for all is of the eternal being.    

One more thing, the eternal being isn't separate to the self; it's not a separate entity or state. The eternal being is everything in what it is and in how it is, this includes the perception of self and the self's ego and all the ego creates. Once you experience the eternal being, only then do you realise there is no ultimate state separate to all other states. All that is without exception is of the ultimate state, in actuality, consciousnesses, like experiencing human consciousness, can often be seen as an ultimate state for the eternal being. To be humble is to deny the ego control, especially while being controlled by the ego!! Not an easy phrase for the ego in control to understand, as I should know myself as I am what you are without question.   

The following might be a good read for some people, not that I have read it myself.            

Extract: Your Eternal Self ends by describing what our purpose seems to be in life, what true spirituality is, how people can grow spiritually to change themselves so they have love and bliss in their lives, how they can provide that loving legacy for their children's children, and what the research has shown about the world of the afterlife.

Thursday, 24 December 2015

The Finite - A Fraction of Who We Are

Written by Mathew Naismith

I made a bit of an error in not relating the finite to time in my last two posts, in actuality, the finite self is of time, in other words the finite is time itself, this of course makes the infinite self of timelessness, the eternal self.

Observing Time: In certain ideologies, it's said to be of the ego to desire that the infinite self exists, it's the ego that's wants to be eternal, this isn't actually the case. The finite and the infinite self exist without the ego deeming it so, this is because they are both a part of the  natural process of our whole being.  When you observe everything off time, you are observing through an infinite state of being without question, there is no question if our eternal state of being exists or not, only an ego would question if such a state exists or not!!

It's quite fascinating observing everything of  time, time, therefore the finite self, is observed as being quite a small part of our whole being, this is quite different to being a participator of time instead of an observer. The participator of time observes that time is expansive, it's quite huge in area and volume, however, when you become an observer of time, time is observed as something very small, everything of time is that small it seems nearly insignificant.

Fleeting Moments: Another thing about observing time, is that once you enter into a state of eternalness, you feel that everything experienced in time was but a fleeting moment, basically, it feels as if everything experienced in time took about a 5 minutes in our time to experience. In time, time feels like it's never ending, it goes on and on, however, once you enter into a timeless eternal state, such feelings of  a never ending cycle of time could be deemed as an illusion.

Can a consciousness delude itself in thinking time is all there is and that everything of time and the finite is massive and expansive?

Deluded?: We might think once we observe time, time itself would have to be deemed as being an illusion as time deludes us to think this is all we are  and that time is massive and expansive. In actuality, there is no question of time being an illusion when observing time, only observing time while also participating in time can we deem this to be so. Time can however  delude a consciousness in thinking this is all we are and that time is massive and expansive.

Time naturally influences a consciousness to become deluded, I wouldn't myself deem anything natural as being an illusion even though these natural states of being can cause a consciousness to become deluded. Yes, a deluded state is natural therefore is not, in a truer sense, a delusion or an illusion within itself!!

You can now understand how certain ideologies deem that the infinite, therefore the God self, doesn't exist, time is ego which influences us to become deluded, basically of Godlessness, a separation from our infinite self  which really never occurs. There is no true separation, only a sense of separation. Once a consciousness observes through the Godless finite self, everything of a natural state becomes an illusion and of the ego self.  

Going Home: When you enter into an eternal infinite state, this feels like home and that you never left this state. This basically makes everything experienced  through time and finite states, like being in a dream state, you never departed from your normal state of an infinite state of being. To me, our own dreams in time are not delusions or illusions, they are an extension of ourselves, why do we then deem everything of time and the finite an illusion when they are only an extension of ourselves?

Yes, time and the finite self are but an extension of ourselves, and yes, a very small part of ourselves but none the less a part of ourselves, only the ego would deem otherwise. The perpetual self within time will deem that anything other than it's truer self is an illusion, it will deem that one part of itself is our whole truer self when all of what we experience makes up our whole truer self, this includes our dreams which are but an extension of ourselves.

Special Gifts: We might also think observing time takes a special kind of consciousness to do so, this couldn't be further from the truth for only the ego would deem so. Is walking on water, turning water into wine or healing people by touch a special gift? No, believe it or not these so called special gifts are as natural to us as dreaming and breathing, these abilities are quite common in our infinite eternal state. Just because they are not common in our present state within time and infinite states of consciousness, doesn't mean they are not a natural part of our whole truer being.

Yes, we have deluded ourselves within time of our true abilities, this delusion however is quite natural within time and is but a fleeting moment within our whole eternal existence. The finite is indeed but an extension of ourselves, it's but a fraction of  who we truly are!!                          

Sunday, 31 August 2014

Ephemeral or Eternal Happiness!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

We do indeed have a huge choice in the way we want to be happy, this of course is defined by the difference between in what kind of happiness we live by especially considering the difference between ephemeral and eternal happiness.  What are their differences and how do they impact on our being?

Ephemeral means fleeting, a happiness that doesn’t last and eternal means everlasting, a happiness that lasts. Take watching a TV show that makes us happy to watch and that we watch without missing an episode, when we do miss an episode, we are no longer happy, this is ephemeral happiness.  When a loved one or a loved pet dies, we become unhappy, again this is another indication of ephemeral happiness brought on by an external source of happiness.  This doesn’t mean we no longer love them but it just means they are no longer a source of happiness unless we remember fond thoughts of them.   

Eternal happiness doesn’t take an external source to make us happy; when we are eternally happy, missing a show or two wouldn’t disappoint us so we wouldn’t become unhappy  missing a show or two.  Does this also apply to the other things in life we love dearly like a love one or a pet?  This might seem course but it’s exactly the same, some people love certain TV shows just as much as their pets and in certain cases probably more than their loved ones.  Love itself doesn’t define our happiness but in the way we love does.

Love is defined by loving something or someone for external happiness, or loving something or someone for the sake of just simply loving them without relying on them for our happiness. When we start to rely on any external source for our happiness, we are really only talking about ephemeral happiness not eternal happiness. We have, especially in the west, been brought up to rely on external sources to make us happy, it’s everywhere around us which is mainly brought about by consumerism.

If my wife died tomorrow would I be unhappy? Yes because I have been brought up to rely on external sources to make me happy, my wife is a source of external happiness to me as I am to her.  I would have many fond memories of my passing wife but I’m not really happy until I meet someone else, this is a very good indication I have relied on an external source to make me happy.  We can also replace one source of happiness we with something else, if my wife died, I could replace that form of external sought happiness in something else like drugs/alcohol or sport but it would still be of an ephemeral external happiness. You would think there is no other way around this but there is!!

The quote above says it all but this seems to still rely on an external source to make us happy, goals are external from our inner being are they not?  Not if you make such goals eternal as opposed to ephemeral.  When we have a goal to get married to someone we dearly love, we are giving them a stamp stating they are ours now and we own them.  Any indication of ours is a form of ownership and of course with any ownership it’s ephemeral not eternal.  

Let’s look at a goal of getting married in a different way, what if the stamp didn’t state they are ours now and we own them, is this of ephemeral or eternal love?  There is no such thing of ownership being of eternity, ownership is a fleeting occurrence not eternal. The stamp now states you’re not mine to own but to cherish while you are with me. Can you now see the difference between the mentalities of ownership compared to just cherishing.  If we are just cherishing someone without ownership, we are not wholly relying on them for our happiness, they give us happiness but we are not relying on them for our happiness because we don’t own them.

This might seem cold to some people, once one passes on we are no longer relying on them for our happiness but this doesn’t mean we no longer love them; there is a huge difference here.  Once one passes on, we don’t own them anymore, they belong to the afterlife but we still have love for them.  The trick is to feel happy that you were able to be a part of their lives for however long that was.

I don’t own my wife and that’s not my TV show that I watch with passion so often, it’s all an ephemeral experience not an eternal physical experience, nothing in this physical reality is eternal so why rely on these physical none eternal possessions and people to make us happy?  It’s funny to me to rely on something that we don’t really own and isn’t eternal to make us happy, our true happiness comes always from within. 

If a goal doesn’t turn out for us and we become unhappy because of this, this is a good indication that the said goal was ephemeral not eternal.  A goal that doesn’t work out for us that doesn’t make us unhappy is eternal,  it’s eternally not our goal any longer and we go onto the next goal as Einstein did, if a formula doesn’t work out, go onto the next one.  If Einstein ever thought he owned a formula that didn’t work out, he would have indeed became unhappy.  

If we change our mentality from ownership to cherishing a moment, we would indeed be only relying on our inner happiness to make us happy because we realise we can’t own anything in a physical reality as it’s all ephemeral.  This is changing our mentality from an ephemeral mentality to an eternal mentality giving us eternal happiness.  True eternal happiness is all to do with our mentality.     

Thursday, 31 July 2014

Spirituality-A Strange Existence

Written by Mathew Naismith

This post is probably going to be controversial for some people depending on what our beliefs are and how emotionally attached we are to this reality and our ideological principles.  I view that nothing in realities like this one is eternal; it’s transitory as nothing ever stays the same including the species we call human.

Energy Sources: First of all I would like to start off with something quite controversial, high conscious entities needing to be of lower vibrations to exist in realities of low vibrations like this one.  How would such a high vibrational entity exist within such a low vibrational existence?  A high vibrational entity or energy source couldn’t exist in such a state unless it became physically and mentally of a lower vibrative energy source. I feel the higher an entity is the lower the form this higher entity needs to take on to even remotely exist within a reality like this one. This means a higher energy source/entity needs to either choose a life of misery or opulence, an egotistical life. Does this mean everybody else who isn’t living in misery or of opulence isn’t of a higher vibratory energy source? Not exactly!!

What has happened is a lot of the people who are between living in misery and opulence have either learnt to exist in a low vibratory existence, without needing to exist in a low vibratory form, or are not aware of a higher vibrational existence, in other words they have never, at the soul level, existed as a higher vibration than what they are now.  It takes a lot of energy for a high vibratory energy source to exist in a low vibrational existence, as this reality, which manifests itself as physical and mental misery or opulence.  What I am saying is, because these higher energy forms exist in low vibrational realities, they have created misery and opulence within realities like this one, they have made this reality what it is today, chaotic and destructive.  You might ask how could a higher more loving entity/energy source create such a thing and the answer is ignorance, the lower the vibrations are within a reality the more in ignorance we are in to exist in such a reality, a high vibrational entity needs ignorance to exist in such realities as this one.  Low vibrations are indicative of ignorance.

Ask yourself this, could a high energy source as God exist as an individual in realities like this one without being in a lower vibrational form?  The answer to me is of course no.  I did say it was going to be controversial!!

Consciousness: We exist in a transitory ever changing reality/existence, humans haven’t always been humans as is the same with the planet we are on, it’s always changing, nothing in realities like this one are permanent/eternal.   This is because everything that exists is made up of vibrational frequencies; nothing can exist unless it’s vibrating.  No vibration is eternal within this kind of reality for the main reason realties like this one are made up of fragmented consciousness, once you fragment consciousness you create a consciousness that will always change like the human species for example. The human species has evolved from completely different forms as it changed within it’s environment and the more it become aware of it’s environment the more the human species changed. 

A non-fragmented consciousness is in tune with itself, in other words it doesn’t have various a numerous vibrational frequencies to contend with for the main reason this kind of consciousness isn’t fragmented.  Once you fragment consciousness, you bring into existence various and numerous vibrational frequencies that create various forms such as the human species for example. This is due to these forms being created from fragmented consciousness; anything created from fragmented consciousness is transitory.  This is why a high energy source, like what we call God, isn’t transitory but eternal.

Science:  This is the problem in being fixated on a particular ideological principle such as science or the various religions; a problem exists because we think our ideological principles are eternal when we live within an obvious transitory reality created by fragmented consciousness.  This is a strange existence, how could we think that anything within a fragmented conscious reality is going to be eternal?  Science might say that this is a molecule, once a molecule always a molecule; you can’t change this law like the law of relativity. Once anything becomes law or of doctrines we have determined that these things are of eternity when we exist within a transitory reality created by fragmented consciousness, this makes no sense to me!!

Does this mean a molecule doesn’t exist or the law of relativity isn’t viable or that religious doctrines are nonsense?  No, just because consciousness was fragmented, which in turn created various and numerous vibrational frequencies, doesn’t mean these things don’t exist or are not viable, it just means they are not eternal.  Science, as the same as religion, believes their ideological principles are eternal, they are either law or of doctrines/rules that can’t change, this of course happens when people live too much in ignorance and the more fixated we become to a particular ideology the more in ignorance we become.  This of course in turn creates more chaos and destruction as ignorance is of lower vibrations.  In a higher vibrational existence, it is impossible to create chaos and destruction because of the awareness as opposed to ignorance, anything of awareness/wisdom cannot create chaos or destruction as the same of a higher source of energy as God can’t individually exist in a lower form of being.   

You would think I love being controversial but I don’t, I’m really only writing what comes to me, how much I write about is viable is up to the individual!!