Written by Mathew Naismith
I know there are a number of people who don't like me
sharing other people's perspectives, I however find other people's perspectives
and insights interesting, of course I'm going to share them. It takes the
collective to wise up to itself, this also means sharing other people's
perspectives and insights other than my own. No one singular consciousness can
bring forth the wisdom within all of us but a collective consciousness can.
I received following interesting replies to my last post, I
hope they give you as much insight as they gave me.
Consciousness (mindfulness in the form of compassion
non-violence, and loving kindness), Mother Earth, nature and the Ego state are
all interrelated - unless we can master these understandings, then practice
Consciousness, no human can evolve positively, peacefully and no human except
Buddhist Monks will ever be able to understand what it feels like to live
in a higher state of consciousness! Have just published a book about Gaia's
lack of Ego and how Gaia is in relation to mother Earth and you are quite
right, Mother Earth is a living breathing entity! Blessings!
My Reply
Yes, Buddhist monks are to me about pure balance
which brings forth the wisdom to be able to exist in a chaotic world in peace.
It's actually quite a beautiful state to exist in.
This came to mind recently, very few people
will experience true wisdom, this however doesn't mean we can't live in balance
with Gaia. We need to once again learn to listen to wisdom instead of egotism.
I'm going to insert your reply into one of my posts,
could you give my readers of my blog some detail about your book and how to
purchase it?
thank you Mathew! the book is called 'Darwin's Women of
Mother Earth' by author Lucy Farmer - your readers can purchase it on Amazon or
through my website link on selfhelpforhealing dot com..if google does not allow
this message to be accepted and think it is a promotion they will erase it,
however, if you go to my google page you will find my website details and all
links to the book on that! The book is aimed at the feminine energies and the
ancient connection with mother earth and goes into scientific but also
intuitive details about the past and how humans lived without ego - If men and
women are brave they can learn a great deal from this book about themselves,
and to find the true path to peace, wisdom and living in balance with Gaia and
the true connection that all humans have been looking for - for thousands
of years - A very intricate book, connecting, mind-science, nature, (mother
Earth), feminine energies, genetics, neuroscience and mindfulness and how they
are all interrelated. I would be very happy once your readers have read this
book to give free discussions to your readers but you will have to contact me
on my website for email details. - many blessings Mathew!
Yours - Mine - Theirs ,,, none of it matters in
the end.
My Reply
True, it doesn't matter because no one possess's anything,
including our thoughts. It's interesting how the ego dupes us to think in terms
of possessions.
I get it.
"Any extreme reactions to another motion we judge as evil isn't
balance." It is chaos.
My Reply
What we judge as evil loves it's opposites being
expressed, especially to an extreme, this is wholly due to the love of
conflicts. You can't have much of a conflict if a consciousness of evil intent
doesn't have an opposite, the more extreme the opposite, the better the
Too many people give love in retaliation to
a deemed evil or wrong, this is only feeding it and it love it. Consciousness's
of evil intent don't like to be embraced in love, they want to be hated or
judged as being wrong which most people do. It's wise to learn the true
concepts of unconditional love.

Consciousness: I have attracted some interesting readers, I say interesting
mainly because they are mostly open minded and yes even balanced within
themselves in one sense or another, I'm actually quite privileged because I'm
now apart , in my mind, of an exclusive group of people through my blog. These
people are exclusive because they don't seem to judge one ideology being the be
and end all, this is more important than some people might think. Again, it takes
the collective to wise up to itself, no one singular consciousness can bring
forth the wisdom within all of us but a collective consciousness can.
The collective consciousness is of course referring to
collective ideologies, no one ideology has all the answers, this includes the
ideologies that help us to find balance in life therefore wisdom. For an
example of this, what opposite motion would wisdom alone create, in other words
what is the opposite of wisdom? Folly,
foolishness which is usually brought about by being unaware. A true sense of
balance and wisdom isn't just an expression of wisdom but a balance between all
of what is, this is true wisdom in my mind. This is how I think the wise can
live within a reality of foolishness and still stay collectively wise, they
accept the foolishness as also being apart of themselves without becoming too
involved, in other words the wise participate within this motion but always remember to also observe.

Wisdom doesn't listen
to egotism; this is the trick of wisdom, it instead observes egotism
without having the desire to express egotism. You might presume this takes
control but it doesn't, wisdom isn't
about taking control as Gaia isn't about taking control of the cycles Gaia
presides over. The thing to wise up too, there is a huge difference between
influencing something and controlling something!!
Most people are influenced by the ego to become controlling,
this controlling action is then expressed as an extreme which denotes egotism,
an expression that is highly expressive of control. What then happens when we
are influenced by wisdom? Quite the opposite occurs, we actually express less
control not more. This is due to the balance of what wisdom gives, after all
wisdom is about balance to begin with. The ego doesn't have to influence us to
become controlling, especially of Gaia (our environment), this seems to only occur when a consciousness lakes
wisdom, in other word lacks balance.
Could you imagine if man's consciousness kept in balance
with Gaia? It's hard to imagine but a heaven on Earth comes to mind.
Possessions: If
you look back in human history, you will find a lot of the people of the
ancient times knew they never truly possessed anything, this is due to anything
created through motion is transitory, meaning it has a life span and isn't
infinite. How can you truly posses anything that isn't infinite? It's mind
boggling but we do in modern day times but why do we have the mentality of
Control, the more controlling we become, the more we think
we posses. Control is fundamentally
possessed by egotism for egotism creates control, this control in turn of
course creates a sense of ownership. The people of ancient times and the people
who still abide by these ancient principles today, didn't and don't have this dilemma, they are
free of such egotistical control. You could easily say they are true observers
of folly.
Opposites Attracting
Opposites: Do we truly want to keep attracting the opposite? It would seem so. The more extreme we express
one motion, like love or hate, the more the opposite we will create, this is
called cause and effect, one action creating a possible opposite reaction. For
example, "I'm going to keep my doors unlocked at night, I won't be dictated
to by criminals", they then experience a home invasion.
Another example, "I will give love to an evil wrongful
world", how are the deemed evil,
who only lust, going to react to this? They
are of course going to counteract this love with lust.
Both these examples are in retaliation and are a retaliative
reaction against a deemed opposite, this of course creates the opposite effect.
Let's now look at both these examples again but with far
less retaliative motion/reaction. " In my environment it isn't wise to
leave my doors open, I will lock my doors".
"I will give
love and embrace a world that seems lost to itself". You are going to
receive quite a different response to this from any deemed opposite, actually,
you haven't judged an opposite to start with within this very subtle motion.
Any consciousness of deemed evil intent, will only thrive on
an opposing reaction, they love conflicts and destruction, why keep feeding
them what they want and need to keep on existing?
The true concepts of unconditional love refers to embracing
every part of consciousness no matter how it expresses itself, deeming one part
of consciousness evil or wrong, and not embracing it in love, isn't an
expression of unconditional love.
Yes, to express a true form of unconditional love takes
balance, this means never allowing egotism
to control you to only see yourself in opposition, once you have an
opposition, you have an immediate imbalance. This certainly isn't conductive to
acquiring wisdom, you can certainly see why we haven't acquired wisdom in the
modern age, egotism is too in control of us!!