Showing posts with label pain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pain. Show all posts

Tuesday, 8 January 2019

The Very Real Untouchables

Written by Mathew Naismith

When we humanly think of the untouchables, we often think of people in authority who can do as they will to their environment. This includes looking down at other people as of a lesser value or quality for what ever reason. These reasons can vary from material wealth and power to spirituality, where negatives and pain are avoided at all cost, even at the cost of other people and the environment as a whole. How many spiritually aware people today look down at the negatives as of a lesser value or quality than the positives? Of course when you look down at these negatives as being of a lesser value, you also look down at the people expressing these negatives as of a lesser person than yourself.

As you become aware, you actually become more active within a negative environment, not less. You don't become less active within a negative environment because you actually observe less negativity, not more negativity the more you become aware of an environment. I will explain.

A truly aware consciousness doesn't see humans in pain or in trauma, it is simply observed as an experience created by a consciousness being unaware or deliberately ignorant. You can only experience pain as pain when a consciousness is unaware. It is like how we today are highly abusive to energy; this is instead of using energy in unison and harmony with energy itself. Humans often make the mistake and think that energy itself is lifeless, even when a seemingly lifeless energy created us and the universe to begin with. Because after so many centuries human consciousness as whole is still living in ignorance to energy itself, and how to use this energy, we still exist in pain and of creating pain for other people and the environment as a whole.

How many psychotherapists and Hindu gurus, for example, live in harmony within a disharmonious (negative) environment because they are more aware, either spiritually and/or mentally? Pain and trauma are simply observed as a creation of ignorance, of course the only way to relieve a consciousness from such abuse, is to awaken a consciousness to what is creating their pain and trauma to begin with. You should be getting some idea now of what I mean by the real untouchables.

Multinationals see themselves as untouchables, the ability to do as one desires unto an environment at will. To a consciousness that is not aware, multinationals are untouchables but to the real untouchables, multinationals are highly vulnerable, probably more vulnerable than most other people for their energy is sucked off of other sources of energy. Any energy form that relies on other energy forms to exist is indeed highly vulnerable to a consciousness that is more aware. Yes, if you're positive energy exists only because negative energies exist, your positive energy is sucked off of negative energies by staying ignorant to these negative energies. It is a strange way to become and stay positive, avoid negatives at all cost, even at the cost of other people and the environment!!

Real untouchables observe far less negatives to avoid, in actuality real untouchables don't observe or judge what is and isn't negative period, they simply observe a conscious state trying to exist in ignorance. To the real untouchables, there is no pain, only of what ignorance creates. Make no mistake, the ignorant will indeed feel pain for this is a natural part of a consciousness existing in ignorance. This is why the real untouchables don't interfere in such a reality based on pain that has been naturally created by ignorance. It is natural for a consciousness to experience this kind of pain in such a state of ignorance.

So what can we do to live more in harmony within such a reality?

- Avoid abusing energy period, this also means trying to avoid existing off of other energy forms in disharmony. Try to work in harmony and in unison with energy, all energy, in the absence of the exclusion of energies that don't fulfil our desires.

- Don't try to become positive through the ignorance of negative energy. All this does is give negative energy more room to expand as we are seeing at present.                       

-Try to avoid judging or simply observing an unaware or ignorant state of consciousness as being negative. An unaware state of consciousness will create pain and suffer more pain but the more aware a consciousness becomes, in any environment, the less pain one will feel.

- So many spiritually aware people are feeling all these negative vibrations these days, there are so many more negative vibrations to avoid these days to stay positive!! This simply shows people like me how unaware we are becoming, not more aware, for only in ignorance can so much pain be created and experienced (felt). This doesn't mean we shouldn't try to avoid being controlled by abusive energy forms, in actuality avoiding these kinds of energy takes away their power and control, but at no time stay deliberately ignorant to these types of energy especially to fulfil your desires.

 - I really do mean this, in a more aware state you actually should feel less negatives vibrations and pain in any environment, not more. In saying this, pain is our friend. When we are mentally strained, our minds make us aware, through mental trauma, to what pain has been creating. It is the same with physical injury when pain tells us of the injury incurred. The pain we feel today holistically is telling us of the injury to human consciousness. Pain is no longer simply critically judged as being negative the more we become aware, therefore the less pain you should feel/experience.

- I have said this a number of times before, be careful of people who teach through the lack of actual life experiences themselves, people who plagiarize their experiences through other people's experiences. Reading books and workshops are of other people's experiences and is most often manipulated to fulfil a certain desired result. Try to listen to the people who have experienced pain and trauma and who have overcome insurmountable obstacles.

- Lastly, try to accept that a consciousness existing in ignorance will naturally create an abusive existence. Pain is a natural part of a consciousness existing in ignorance, of course becoming aware of what the pain is telling us can be a daunting process. We expect a consciousness deliberately existing in ignorance to become instantly aware of the pain it creates for itself!! As of the Hindu guru or psychotherapist, for example, be patient and particularly impartial.                     

Sunday, 18 November 2018

Extrication From Pain

Written by Mathew Naismith

Yes, there is so much pain in the world today but there is also so much healing going on as well. The antonym to pain is pleasure, of course even this pleasure and particularly pleasure in a lot of circumstances can cause others pain. An example of this is rapists and materialists who can cause a lot of pain to others to gain pleasure themselves; in actuality pleasure for a lot of people comes from the abuse of energy as a whole. However, the emphasis here is not on the opposite or opposing effect of pain but on the healing affect of pain.

Having come from a family unit where abuse, which includes neglect, was apparent at various times, I am aware of what physical and mental pain can cause someone, especially if the pain is not healed. I remember as a child being so terrified at times as you simply didn't know what was going to occur next. Having also sustained a physical injury that was going to get worse as I got older, physical and mental pain was no stranger to me. You would think all I am conditioned to is a world of pain but this is not the case, the reason for this is to do with the healing process, the extrication from pain, which I am primarily conditioned to. In a world of so much pain, any person conditioned to the extrication from pain is vital to the sanity of the world. This is different from a person who only suffers pain or causes other energy forms pain to gain pleasure through other people's pain. In this case these people are primarily of self-pleasure and/or abuse.

So many people ask me how I didn't and don't take pain killers with the physical injury I have. Pain killers are all to do with giving pleasure, in my case pain killers would have most likely made things worse for me in the long run. It is what it is as the world is the way it is, either deal with it and exist in relative comfort or suffer its pain. What would have been the point of me being conditioned to pain? This is the same with mental anguish, why give mental anguish more energy than what it deserves? Simply taking painkillers would be giving my pain more control over me; I instead opted for healing my pain instead.

How many people today want to take a pain killer for the pain in the world today instead of healing the pain? Taking pain killers is in line with trying to escape this reality in some way, usually by judging this reality negative, toxic, simply an illusion and so on. Denouncing this reality in anyway is exactly like taking a painkiller for physical pain, the pain has made you take painkillers therefore pain has you in its control. In actuality we should be healing the pain so pain no longer has control over us in any way. We should opt for healing the pain, in other words become detached from the control and influence of pain altogether.

This is why I so often advocate releasing ourselves from control and not taking control. Taking pain killers is not releasing ourselves from the control of pain but giving pain more control over us, and we wonder why the world is seemingly becoming more painful so that a few others can experience more pleasure!! Deliberately ignoring the negatives in the world to sustain your own personal pleasures is causing other people pain, make no mistake of this.

Yes, taking painkillers is at times needed for the healing process to begin; at no time should these painkillers, whatever they may be, become our primary objective. What often occurs is that painkillers give us pleasure and we often would do anything to retain this pleasure. Try to remember, painkillers are only part of the process to healing, they should never be used just to give us pleasure. How many people today use spirituality for their own personal pleasure, to escape reality, a reality they often critically judge? It's simply primarily of painkillers to give us pleasure from the pain in the world; in actuality taking painkillers in this way is quite transitory.

What people like me do is we don't critically judge our present or past environment by calling it toxic, negative or even an illusion, even though realities like this can create illusions within the reality itself. It is what it is within the present, nothing more, nothing less but of course pain and painkillers state otherwise don't they? It has to be more than what it is so that pain can sustain its control over us and even flourish within such an environment. Yes, by all means take your painkillers but at no time expect the pain to go away if all you want is pleasure from these painkillers. We should be in effect healing the pain if we truly want to detach ourselves from the control of pain.

So what do people like me know about detaching ourselves from the control of pain in the world? To pain that desires to keep controls over us, nothing, as to be expected for it is what it is......... 

Try to make the best of your present environment, not the worse of your present environment!!                             

Thursday, 11 January 2018

Easing the Pain

Written by Mathew Naismith

There are many ways to ease the pain of our present environment, religion, materialism, Wicca and new age spirituality of love and light are but a few ways of easing the pain. It is wise to be aware that none of these are right or wrong, they are simply ways of easing the pain. Is religion wrong or negative to a religious person? Is atheism wrong or negative to an atheist? Yes, to anything not of our desires can be seen as wrong or negative, within this perception, only the negatives of an undesired will be observed, this is human nature.

How negative is religion to atheists and visa-versa? How negative is everything else to a new age spiritual person that is not of love and light? Of course the extremism involved determines how negative everything else will be that is not of our desires or vibration.

People like me are simply into wisdom and awareness, this is not usually determined by what we desire but of what actually is, of what we observe in other beliefs and ideologies, not of what we only participate in that is usually governed or controlled by our desires.

Participation; as opposed to observation, is easy to recognise, it's usually linked to a desire rather than to what actually is, for example, God is depicted as a man. Atheism; the mind (consciousness) can't exist outside the human brain, or, there never was or ever could be a God or divine presence. To a person into wisdom, what would we know to be so absolute, but we are because of our desires?

Observation; doesn't work on desires but what actually is. Desires simply don't take part in observation, however, when we also participate as well as observe, we quite naturally express desires therefore create reflections or bias perceptions of what isn't desired. The trick is, try to observe yourself while in participation, yes, observe other people and your environment but be primarily observant of yourself within a particular environment. Most importantly while in observation of your own participation, stay way clear of wrong or rights, negatives or positives as these reflections simply denote a desire and an undesired. Don't judge yourself too harshly for it is natural to be desiring while in participation.

Easing the pain void of desires simply takes one to also observe, especially our own participation, of course as of always, this will be seen as negative to anyone of a desired belief or ideology, this is human nature. What we desire is simply finite in nature and transitory in it's easing of the pain, especially on a collective scale.

One more thing, what you desire creates pain for someone else's desire, avoid this if possible.                                     

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Pain Reality - The Healing Process

Written by Mathew Naismith

I've been nagged in the last 18 hrs with, "You need to write about pain and how the reality we exist in defines the physical and mental pain we will experience". In other words pain is defined by the reality we are experiencing, in certain realities pain just can't exist, this is due to compassion by the collective within a reality. Pain within these realities is dealt with before pain even gets to a painful stage, this is quite the opposite within this reality, actually, many people live off of people in pain and sickness in this reality, this isn't so in other realities.

Pain isn't a part of or even a necessary part of all realities, actually, very few realities are painful in any sense, this reality is an exception.

Synchronicity: I had a good internet friend of mine post the following on a Google community.


We all have compassion within us. 
If a tear comes to your eyes or you feel the pain when you suffer, or see others  suffering, human or animal that is compassion you are feeling.

Do not be afraid to show your compassion.

Do not be afraid to feel and to acknowledge your feelings.
This world and the humanity needs our compassion much more than ever before.
Let your tears flow and accept what you are feeling.

Your heart begins to open much more with feelings of compassion and your capacity to care for another increases even more.

You also feel a connection towards everything and everyone as your heart blossoms like the Lotus that rises from the depths of the muddy pool.

My first reply was as follow.

Awareness and compassion go hand in hand, one can't exist without the other.

This was agreed upon by other commentator's, I then followed up with a more comprehensive reply as below. 

It's funny to think a lot of people who are not compassionate are only this way because of an unawareness, for example, would multinationals use and abuse other energy forms if they were truly aware?  Would a child molester abuse children?

The funny thing about child molesters is, a lot of them were also molested as children. They are aware of what they are doing but only to a certain extent, pain usually hinders us becoming aware beyond the pain experienced making us unaware.

Multinationals unawareness comes from opulence, they desire and it's this desire that makes them unaware. Two quite different scenarios creating the same dilemma, unawareness therefore  unfeeling. I could be incorrect with this but I got a feeling not.  

To my surprise I received the following reply.

I am a survivor of child molestation. And I definitely would never harm any child. We are also, as survivors much more likely to be raped repeatedly again, to become homeless, to struggle with substance abuse or dependence issues, to have PTSD, and many other long-lasting issues directly connected to our molestation as a child. Bad example. Your words hit me personally, raw and vulnerable. My situations and circumstances have made me so much more loving, compassionate and giving to children, and especially to children who are living in poverty, or starved for attention themselves. Awareness is key. Check your statistics. And don't make general assumptions. Yet again, Awareness is key. Thank you

I replied with the following.

Assumptions, you are assuming yourself I wasn't abused, I also worked with paedophiles as well in the welfare arena. I didn't say all the people who were abused in this way turned out to be abusers themselves but I do know a great number of them do. So many become un-compassionate because of the pain, I know this to be fact KL.

I worked in the welfare arena twice over in my fifty two years, I'm not assuming anything, I know by actual experiences and working in the welfare arena.   

Pain can and does make people unaware, it made you quite unaware of me did it not, you assumed because you were unaware? See my point about pain and how it can make people unaware, it blinds people to the truth KL? Abusing yourself is still abuse KL!!

You and I were the lucky one's, I helped many out in the disability field in particular by using my own life experiences. Some people use the pain to assist others through compassion, many others use the pain to cause more pain, this is a fact of life KL, have you abused yourself? It's still abuse KL.......  

I should also state I stated the following.

"The funny thing about child molesters is, a lot of them were also molested as children".

This is saying a lot of child molesters have been abused themselves, this isn't stating that all child molesters become molesters themselves or become un-compassionate.

Pain most often leads to an unawareness or ignorance, what kind of reality are we existing in?

This is funny, I was going to write a post about pain and  how the reality we live in creates pain when it doesn't have too. It's the reality we accept that automatically creates the pain and ignorance. In certain other kinds of realities this doesn't exist, this is due to everyone being compassionate, this of course takes the collective to be aware. It all makes sense but it takes the collective to over come the pain through compassion especially of oneself to become aware.

You need to be aware to become compassionate but you also need compassion to become aware in certain circumstances!!

I think this person had to misconstrue what I actually stated within my second reply to get me to write about the connection between pain and realities, I wasn't going to write this post, this was until I received their reply. It's funny how we a prompted at times.

Pain can indeed influence us to make misconceptions and misjudgements of others and life circumstances,  this of course adds more pain to the reality we are experiencing, however, is it the reality that causes the pain or is it the pain that creates  realities of pain to begin with?

Painless realities: We exist in a universe that is extreme within it's motions, the universe itself is expanding out at a phenomenal (extraordinary) rate, it's also very highly active within it's star systems, there is very little that exists in the universe that is motionless. When we look at realities that are more compassionate, there is one huge difference, they exist in a reality that is less about motion. This doesn't mean they are not within a universe like this one, what this means is they are aware that these universes can influence us to become overly expressive of motions, in other words become extreme within our motions, pain is just one of these extreme motional expressions.

This pain is going to influence us in how aware we become, it will also hinder us to become wise, meaning, motionless within our expressions. You might think how can we be compassionate without expressing ourselves?  In these realities of less motion, therefore expressions, you don't have to express this compassion because it just there all the times. This is like pain for us within this reality, it's just there all the times,  within these realities of less motion, compassion is just there all the times without having to express it. In other words it's 24/7 compassion instead of 24/7 pain like within this reality.

What I am saying is pain is a part of this reality, it's one of the main influences of this reality, however, if we put ourselves in a different reality of less motion, we would no longer exist in a reality influenced by pain.

I will give you a good example of this. I've been in chronic pain since I was six years old, as I get older, my condition is worsening but I still don't take pain killers even though the pain at times becomes acute (chronic). The pain still influences me but I don't allow it to dictate to me to any great extent, it's amazing what I can and have accomplished with a chronic injury. When I'm within a motionless reality, like being in my own space, I can accomplish amazing physical feats, this is all due to being in a reality not predominantly influenced by pain. Once I come out of this reality back into this reality of motions,  pain starts to influence me more, this isn't because I'm in pain, it's because I am no longer in a relatively motionless free reality.

To me without a doubt, pain of any kind will keep us ignorant and un-compassionate, it will also influence us to make misjudgements towards others and the circumstances we come across. Pain will also hinder us to become wise, this is because pain is all about emotional expressions of motions where's wisdom is quite the opposite. Under a reality influenced by wisdom, compassion exist without any motion what so ever, there is no motion because you have nothing to react to or against.

I should also say, desire is another motion that can't exist within a reality influenced by wisdom, this is due to desire and pain being extreme within their motions.

The healing process is simple, become less expressive of motions.

Supplement: This is going to sound strange to a lot of people, I don't mind being in pain in a reality of motion because I accept that is what this reality is about, it's about motion that can be influential towards expressions of pain and desire. The thing is, this reality isn't of pain itself, it's only about motions and it can be about extreme motions. We have used motions within this reality to create pain and desire, what would happen if we learnt to use motions in a more constructive way? This of course takes wisdom and learning to become less of these motions especially extreme motions.

Something to also ponder about. You might think spiritualist in India are about control, and yes control is a motion, but their not, they about finding their truer selves, in other words being of their immortal (motionless) self rather than just being of their mortal (motional) self.  They are also about letting go of motions (control) not gaining more control!!

Pain period needs to be faced face on, it doesn't need for us to stick our heads in the sand and ignore slavery and child abuse for example, this kind of action only endorses this kind of  pain. Pain needs to be talked about otherwise it's just going to keep manifesting like it has.

Why is love healing?  Simple, it's an expression that needs very little motion, pain and desire on the other hand need a lot of motion, and of course the more motion we give them, the more destructive they become.

Facing the pain with love, as Tanuja and Michael do, works because it lessons the motions of pain. Compassion also works because this too lessons the motions of pain.

I'm sorry Tanuja for disrupting your important post by facing pain face on, I have a lot of compassion in facing the pain in the world. The worse thing we can do is stick our heads in the sand and not talk about this pain.

Pain to me is just a motion, it doesn't really have a label, this is because as soon as we give it a label, we give it more motion. Pain is just another motion that often needs compassion and love to neutralise.    

The funny thing about using love and compassion to neutralise motion, is the more of motion love an compassion become, the more they are of lust and desire. It's wise to know this because the more love and compassion are expressed through motion, the less they will neutralise motions. This makes sense because you can't neutralise motions with more motions, to actually neutralise motions needs less motions not more motions. It's actually wise to express love and compassion with as little motion as possible.

Now this doesn't mean you shouldn't physically help others because it's only going to add to the motions, all this means is to try not to act in counteraction, in other words help others by just showing simple compassion without trying to counteract other motions like starvation or homelessness for example. Don't react to a situation in counteraction to another motion, just show simple love and compassion, Yes, simple love and compassion are expressions but their subtle expressions because their not trying to counteract another motion with more motions. Any healing/neutralising of painful motions takes less motions, not more motions!! 

The following link is in reference to Tanuja's post on this Google community about compassion.