Showing posts with label unconditional. Show all posts
Showing posts with label unconditional. Show all posts

Wednesday, 16 January 2019

Helping the Empathic

Written by Mathew Naismith

If you only relate being empathic to the spiritual or spiritually aware, bare with me as this is not the case. Psychology recognises the existence of being empathic for a very good reason but before we go into this, I think we need to define what being empathic is.  

Empathic; showing an ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

It is important not confuse being empathic to being of empathy. "Empathy is the ability to comprehend or imagine what another might be feeling. Whereas, the Empath can literally feel what another person feeling." It is also wise not to only relate being empathic to being spiritual, in actuality being empathic has nothing to do with being spiritual or spiritually aware, you are either sensitive to other people's vibrations or your not. This is like my wife can't hear a mosquito in the room but I can, my ears are obviously more sensitive to the vibrations of the mosquito flying than my wife. At other times my wife can hear/feel vibrations I can't.

Look at it this way, how many people are more sensitive to what is going on in the world to other people, other people who are far less emotionally involved to what is occurring in the world. Yes, I am relating being empathic to our emotions therefore vibrations for everything that is of energy vibrates. A less emotional person is not going to feel what is going on in the world to the same degree as an empath. Yes, certain atheists, materialists and scientists, are more objective, a state of mind not influenced by emotions, than spiritually aware people. This does not mean that spirituality brings on feelings of an empath but it can certainly help. Spirituality simply works by teaching or conditioning a person's consciousness to be more subjective, a state of mind influenced by emotions.

Sadly, a lot of objectively minded people only see being empathic as a bias, a mind influenced by our emotions giving us bias evaluations of ourselves and our environment as a whole. You could put this another way, giving subjectively minded people a distorted sense of reality. Yes, this is what objective people think, which is also of a distorted reality based purely on objective thinking, one way of thinking and being. This is while none of us are truly unemotional or unbiased by the way we think, either it be objectively or subjectively of mind. Yes, objective minded people think they are not biased by the way they think, even when they primarily think objectively!!          
Everything is of energy therefore everything vibrates, so if my wife doesn't hear or feels the mosquito's vibrations in the room, the mosquito doesn't exist? The same is with ghosts, they don't exist because we are unable pick up on a ghosts vibrations. Yes, some people are more sensitive to certain vibrations than others, just because certain other people are insensitive to these vibrations, doesn't make them unreal. The question is now, is an objective mind, conditioned to certain vibrations only, less sensitive to other vibrations outside of objective thinking? To a person like me who subjectively and objectively thinks, the answer is too obvious.    

Now, how do we help a subjective mind cope better with being empathic? I should point out our objective part of our mind copes a lot better with being empathic. 

As the following will show, there is a psychological way of dealing with being empathic, however, if you prefer to do it another way, my suggestion is through a sense of unconditional love. This does not mean you have to force yourself to love everyone and every situation you find yourself in, this is highly impractical in a reality such as the present reality. All you have to do is have a sense of unconditional love, in other words a general conscious awareness of the existence of unconditional love. Of course if your mind is conditioned to being primarily objective, even a sense of unconditional love doesn't exist, very much like the mosquito in the room.

In a state of unconditional love, it is impossible to feel negative or toxic vibrations, for the love of being unconditional in your thoughts dispels, negates or neutralises the affects of negative/toxic vibrations. Think of it like neutralising the mosquito in the room, dispelling any vibration that is not in tune with your own vibrations. Yes, often I have heard negative /toxic vibrations being expressed while at the same time being expressive of the existence of a sense of unconditional love, which of course is impossible. Make no mistake, being aware of a sense of unconditional love doesn't dispel negative vibration but it does take the toxicity or the ill affects away from negative vibrations. The negative vibrations simply become nullified or neutralised, for one has no sense of conditions. Basically, a sense of unconditional love releases our mind from the numerous conditions we put upon ourselves and the rest of our environment.

I have simply lost count in how many conditions there are on being spiritually aware these days!!               

Extract: The trademark of an empath is feeling and absorbing other people’s emotions and/or physical symptoms because of their high sensitivities. These people filter the world through their intuition and have a difficult time intellectualizing their feelings.

Extract: It’s perhaps not the first accolade you would think of when think of the UAE, but it is an accolade none the less.
A study looking into the psychology of countries and their residents revealed that three countries in the Middle East – the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait – are three of the most empathetic countries in the world.

Friday, 7 December 2018

Love -The Universal Answer!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

I do get some insightful people asking insightful questions at times, is not love the universal answer?

Very good question Charlene, is love the universal answer? A question related to this is, is love the ultimate state? To refer to love being the universal answer is stating that love is the ultimate state to all other states. To perceive this takes the separation of energy, an ultimate state separate from all other states.

What part of us separates energy? Ego, for only through the ego can energy be separated into higher and lower forms of energy. The egoless self perceives no separation for there is no separation in this state therefore no universal answer or ultimate state, it is simply energy or if you like of God.  

Yes, to the ego that is aware there is a perceived universal answer therefore an ultimate state above all other states. This is how the ego in control works, there has to be an ultimate state of pleasure for the pleasure of the ego.

Also, everyone has a different perception of what love is, even unconditional love. How many multinationals have an absolute unconditional love of power and money, they will do anything to acquire this, even to the extent of destroying the planet. This is purely unconditional, where even the conditions of the planet are ignored. In truth, there is no difference between unconditional love of spiritually aware people and multinational, it is all to do with serving the ego in control, for it's all to do with what makes us feel good. Pleasing the ego above all else no matter what.

I know this is hard to perceive but all of what is, is the ultimate state, in a sense, to the egoless self. Yes, as our egos become aware, our ego will feel powerful feelings of love, what the ego does with this from then on will make a difference. The ego out of control will often only desire to see this state as being some ultimate state, above all other states. What occurs most often in this state? The separation of our egos from anything negative, negative to our egos feeling good, it is all about the pleasure of our controlling egos.

I can be in any environment and still feel blissful, as a lot of us are at present within this kind of chaotic reality. This isn't because of separating good from bad, positive from negative, like a lot of people are trying to do to sustain this state, it is to do with humbling myself to the negatives as of the positives without separation or desire. I don't have a desire to be only of positive or of an ultimate state; all I try to express is balance and a state of the absence of the abuse of energy. If the rest of my environment is not of my own or accepting of my environment, so be it, it is what it is.

Yes, without effort, the ego can find itself in a loving blissful environment, at no time in this environment is this state perceived as an ultimate state or universal answer, it is simply a state of the absence of the abuse of energy. Of course to the ego that is experiencing the abuse of energy, this state of the absence of the abuse of energy will seem like an ultimate state.

Sorry Charlene for such a long answer.

We do this so often, anything that makes the ego feel more powerful, secure and makes us feel good inside, is often given some kind of God status, an absolute state of desire. As money and power are given a God status by materialists, unconditional love is given a God status by various western spiritually aware people. What is with this God status in relation to unconditional love, especially considering unconditional love is a very small part of the process of becoming aware? They are still fumbling in the dark for they obviously know not what they do. Is this because our egos so often attaches itself to a God like status symbol? All other awareness to this God status symbol is negative and should be denounced in some way, even when the awareness comes from actual experiences and occurrences!! Actually, any awareness that goes beyond a God status symbol is often scorned the most, especially if supported with actual experiences, occurrences and supporting data.

This is like the perception of good battling it out with evil, this is clearly an ego perception of good against bad. Good in this case is given a God like status symbol by the ego. Evil cannot exist within the presence of good, a pure aware state or a state of God. Good in this case simply means awareness compared to ignorance. Evil, being bad, is simply a state of ignorance; imagine how a state of deliberate ignorance would react to a state of pure awareness. There is no battle for only the ego can battle itself out with itself, in other words go to war with itself. To the ego, there is a good and bad for only can the ego separate energy like this. What you have in this case is a partially aware consciousness battling it out with an ignorant conciseness. Of course only being particularly aware means we are still abusing energy, this of course, to the ego, means we are only partially good.

Look at this way, once you become aware, how hard is it to then become unaware? The only way to become unaware is to manipulate energy, in other words abuse energy to serve a desired state, or, to create a God like status symbol that keeps us unaware of anything more. I have experienced this myself, evil, in other words ignorance, cannot exist within the presence of a state of pure awareness, unless the state of pure awareness is manipulated. Of course being aware to this degree is the awareness of how energy is manipulated, as a lot of people today are obviously aware. Yes, conscious states of ignorance are at war with the good, but, a pure state of awareness is not at war with ignorance (evil). If the ego has to perceive a God like status symbol, like unconditional love, let it be a state of pure awareness instead, or if you like, a true state of God for ignorance has no status in this state.

Monday, 8 October 2018

Unconditional Existence

Written by Mathew Naismith

How many conditions can you create or perceive in a deep meditative state, a state where you release yourself from human created conditions of opposing polarities?

Imagine being of or simply experiencing a state of consciousness of the absence of conditions. To imagine this is virtually impossible while being of an existence of numerous conditions, I should know as I have of anyone are going through a process of awareness. The process of detaching ourselves from conditions, like everything is determined to be of negative or positive, bad and good, wrong, right, etc, can be daunting. Daunting means to be discouraged through fear, the fear of losing conditions we have become fixated to and rely on. How many people fear losing the sense or the existence of positiveness in a reality of negatives? Look at how many people today avoid any sense of what they have judged negative, this is simply a fixation to conditions created by other conditions, most often opposing conditions. How is a consciousness fixated to conditions going to understand a state of unconditional existence, when a consciousness doesn't even want to comprehend an existence of the absence of conditions?

It might not seem like it at first but experiencing ostracisation and ridicule while being expressive of the absence of conditions in your own consciousness, is actually a sign that you are consciously becoming aware. I could not imagine anything less of awareness than a consciousness fixated to and even protective of certain conditions. Of course anyone who is fixated to any conditions, is going to react unfavourably towards any consciousness expressing any kind of unconditional consciousness. Accept this and move on while being aware that your own consciousness is becoming more aware, aware in how any and all conditions keep us unaware in some way.

How many people, primarily into materialism, desire to become aware of how the conditions that materialism exists by is destroying the environment? How many people of love and light desire to know that their own fixations to certain conditions are keeping them unaware? The conditions are that to be of love and light, one must be positive and/or love and light is positive!! You cannot enter into a true state of love and light or unconditional love while your own consciousness is fixated to and controlled by certain conditions. Your consciousness has to be in a state of the absence of conditions. The reason for this is obvious as a true state of love and light and unconditional love are not of and created by conditions, in actuality they exist primarily because of the absence of conditions.

Try perceiving a positive without the existence of the equivalent negatives. One simply relies on the other to exist. Now try perceiving a negative or a positive in a neutral state of consciousness, a state of consciousness of the absence of these kinds of conditions. A neutral state of consciousness is simply a consciousness of the absence of conditions. Of course in a reality of numerous conditions, the absence of negativity has nothing to do with the creation of positiveness. This is simply a denial of a consciousness fixated to conditions to simply protect a consciousness's conditions. You only realise that one creates and relies on the other to exist when in some kind of neutral state of consciousness, the neutralisation of positiveness and negativeness. In other words, the neutralisation of conditions that human consciousness is well and truly conditioned to and protective of, even to the bitter end. 

How do you know how aware you are when there is no comparison, no unawareness to compare to? Within this, unawareness becomes as worthy as awareness, there is no true separation and division, especially when both energy fields exist together as one. This is how an unconditional consciousness sees it, of course a conditional consciousness never desires unawareness or negativity to be as worthy as awareness or positivity. Now honestly observe the environment around you, knowing the difference how an unconditional consciousness empresses itself in a conditional existence. If you think a conditional consciousness is less worthy than an unconditional consciousness, you are still controlled by a conditional consciousness. Only a consciousness conditioned to conditions can separate and divide energy into separate individual parts. Most often this is done to protect its own individual and personal conditions, most importantly, to separate itself from anything not of its own energy, even though their own energy completely relies on the existence of the opposing energy field to exist. It's like watching a dog chase its own tail, thinking that the tail is separate to the dog itself, this is until the dog bites the tail of course. How many times does human consciousness have to bite its own tail, to realise it's of the same energy field?     

Now imagine how an existence of unconditionality would be like.........

Should a new or evolved consciousness be based on even more conditions, the conditions being, to be of love and light and unconditional love takes one to be excessively positive or of the light to start with? No, an evolved consciousness, or if the like an ascended consciousness, actually takes us to be less of conditions for all conditions are created by man made perceptions. Continuing on separating and dividing everything (energy) through the creation of more conditions is simply continuing on the same present consciousness, albeit in a different way. Think on this, is it not the ego in control that creates even more conditions? Try creating a reality based on conditions when the ego isn't in control, it's utterly impossible as created conditions like positive and negative perceptions can only be created by an ego in control.

Again, how many conditions can you create or perceive in a deep meditative state, a state where you release yourself from human created conditions of opposing polarities?

Polarities: A relation between two opposite attributes or tendencies.

Remember though, polarities simply refer to opposite polarities like negative and positive. Polarities don't have to be opposing, only to an ego in control are polarities perceived to be opposing.

Now, how many of us are into creating even more opposing polarities in spirituality these days? This is while trying to create a more constructive reality for ourselves, but on the back of even more created conditions!!

Extract: We can also achieve the state of being above polarities after 20 minutes of a session of Emotional Management Method. We will experience a moment in which we look at our lives in a new light, as if we are standing on the top of the hill. This new clarity of our mind enables us to choose the path to go further.  

Friday, 5 October 2018

Unconditional Consciousness

In you, as in each human being, there 
is a dimension of consciousness far 
deeper that thought. It is the very 
essence of who you are. We may call it 
presence, awareness, the 
unconditional consciousness. 
Eckhart Tolle

Written by Mathew Naismith

I had a hard time finding written material that didn't express some kind of conditions in regards to unconditional love. How many of us truly relate feeling unconditional love to being positive, right, good, etc? This is of course in opposition to being negative, wrong, bad, etc. If one was to even remotely experience a state of unconditional themselves, the absence of conditions related to being positive, right, good, etc, is evident. Once you truly experience this state, the perceptions of any conditions relating to unconditional love simply don't exist. Let's be honest, positive, right, good, etc, are but perceptions created by conditions however there is a reason why we relate conditions like, positive, right and good, to unconditional love.

To experience a state of unconditional love one must be of an unconditional consciousness, a consciousness of the absence of conditions like positive and negative, good and bad, right and wrong. How many people think you have to be positive, right, good, etc, to be able to experience a state of unconditional love? Of course to simply feel unconditional love, which is different from experiencing unconditional love, takes a huge amount of conditions as just mentioned. I have lost count of how many spiritual forums I have been active on. I can't think of one that remotely expressed any kind of unconditional love, in actually to stay on these forums, certain strict conditions have to be continually met.

What if I said that any truly discordant entity will avoid any state expressing a true sense of unconditional love. I experienced this state when I was younger. I got myself into a situation that could have been detrimental to me. What occurred without effort is I expressed unconditional love which is quite different to simply just feeling unconditional love. The detrimental situation I found myself in was instantly reversed. When you are of a true unconditional consciousness, you will at times find yourself in situations like this because you have no conditions within a reality of duality. You don't have the expectations or demand that you have to feel good or positive all the times or even most of the times, within this lack of conditions in this state, you will experience all kinds of conscious states, not just the conscious states you desire to experience or feel. How many people have the strict conditions to only feel positive or of love and light? The conditions attached to these feelings are insurmountable. You must of course avoid anything remotely judged negative; this is not a true depiction of an unconditional consciousness or love. 

No spiritual forum I participated on remotely resembled what I am speaking of here, quite the opposite actually. On one spiritual forum it was more accepted to call people toxic and to speak of toxic vibrations on a regular basis. I spoke out against these kinds of expressions and I was immediately removed from the forum, remember, anything remotely discordant and abusive of energy, will not like being in the presence of an unconditional consciousness!! Yes, I also stopped interacting on certain spiritual forums simply because I was on a different journey, of course being removed from so-called loving spiritual forums shows that the forum was also not of my journey. It's one thing to be unconditional within your consciousness, it's another thing to be on a different journey, and yes, you may also feel you are not on the same journey as the human collective consciousness. Don't' feel obligated or attached to a journey that is no longer your journey.

Please remember, feeling that you are not on the same collective human journey doesn't instantly make the human collective journey negative, bad or wrong, it's simply a different journey to your own. I have had to detach myself from certain people in my life, not because they where negative, wrong or bad, but because I found myself on a different journey to theirs. Yes, you will find yourself detached from anything discordant when going into and experiencing states of harmony; at no time should this mean what you are detaching yourself from is negative in any sense.

We might then think that being in states of harmony takes conditions, the conditions being to become detached to anything remotely discordant. Experiencing states of harmony isn't to do with detachments, it's actually to do with conditioning (training) your consciousness to being unconditional. This means while you are on a different journey to others, this doesn't instantly make your journey to be a more positive journey because it's more harmonious. So to be more harmonious one has to be positive!! Having to be positive to experience states of harmony is clearly a condition. Avoid this kind of perception at all cost. Think on this, how many people experience their most enlightening experiences while going through some kind of trauma? How many people are becoming more aware due to the collective human trauma? Yes, there are a lot of people who think they are unconditionally loving and of a true sense of love and light when their obviously not. This is simply a part of the process of the collective human consciousness becoming more aware. Be patient with it but at the same time try to assist this consciousness on its journey. As you would of your children, you try to make the human journey of becoming more aware of their environment less traumatising, of course as of children, learning the hard way is the only way to learn at times.

I actually found the bellow written material didn't relate unconditional love to conditions like positiveness. Within a state of unconditional love, you don't have any perceptions of positives or negatives because there are no conditions within this kind of consciousness. You simply don't look at yourself as being positive and everyone else compared to you as being negative. This kind of perception or expression simply does not exist within this state, it can't. The reason these kinds of conditions cannot exist within this state is because any kind of discordance is unable to exist with the presence of this state. Any kind of separation and division, such as conditions, is discordant because it is simply an abuse of energy. I experienced this first hand when I found myself in a situation that could have been detrimental to me. I simply expressed a oneness with them no matter how consciously separated they felt they were from me. How many people are able to express a oneness with what they would call toxic or demonic? I should point out that the oneness unconditional love state I found myself in simply occurred without effort. There were no expectations or desire of expressing this state as there were no conditions to this state to occur.

Imagine existing in a reality where there is no need of positiveness because there are no perceived negatives, hard to imagine for a collective consciousness conditioned to numerus conditions. When a consciousness speaks of unconditional love while not also relating numerous conditions to unconditional love, I know this is a true depiction of an unconditional consciousness of a kind.      

Extract: Unconditionality is the inchoate vitality before formed thought. It presents no judgment about life or anything in it. We surrender to the flow of it. Without expectations or judgments, we are immersed in being. Unpredictability, variability do not look disorderly or strange as life unfolds moment-to-moment. It just is. We just are. Everything is rich, fascinating, and materializing in the moment.

Monday, 6 August 2018

Unconditional Love Unveiled

Written by Mathew Naismith

Is unconditional love of a mother towards her child or a faithful pet is towards their owner?

In truth, no on both accounts even though a form of unconditional love is being expressed. As soon as unconditional love is expressed, love is no longer unconditional. The conditions are, the child has to be of the mother and the pet has to be owned by their owner. Does a mother love a stranger unconditionally as they do their child? It's simply a form of unconditional love, not a true sense of unconditional love. So what is unconditional love unveiled, shown for what it actually is?

Can we express unconditional love towards flees, ants, lice and weevils, etc? The conditions to be able to express unconditional love in relation to these creatures are what? Even what we perceive to be unconditional love has conditions, at times insurmountable conditions only because all expressions are not of a true form of unconditional love. 

How often do we show a form of unconditional love towards another human, but not what humans rely on for their existence? We could not have created the reality of today without the existence of rock and wood, how many of us even show an ounce of appreciation for rock and wood? How many of us have shown a kind of unconditional love towards rock and wood? There are insurmountable conditions to our expressed love.

Everything that exists within a reality of motion is a form of an expression of one kind or another, expressing a truer form of unconditional love within this kind of existence is futile. However, even while experiencing an existence in motion, one can be of unconditional love as opposed to expressive of unconditional love.

First of all, try to imagine unconditional love not being of motion but motionless, a state often known as zero point, nothingness, pure awareness, emptiness, etc. Believe it or not, these states refer to the same state however, for example, how can nothingness also be of pure awareness?

From a consciousness primarily conditioned to motion, any state of motionlessness is going to be perceived as being of nothingness, totally empty, this would also have to mean empty of awareness. Imagine the wind not blowing. Just because the wind is not blowing, doesn't mean the wind doesn't exist or isn't present, it simply means the wind is virtually motionless. For many of us, if the wind isn't blowing means the wind doesn't exist. As of anything within a reality of motion, there is movement no matter how subtle it might be.

Now, imagine how a consciousness, conditioned to motion, would perceive a state of motionlessness. It would be perceived to be completely void of anything and understandably so.

Imagine being in a state where there are no conditions. Yes, certain humans have reached this state by simply being of unconditional love instead of trying to be expressive of unconditional love. There are simply no conditions to what your love is of, as soon as we try to express this love, we then define what this love is going to be expressed to. Certainly not to rocks and trees or the entire universe we rely on for our very own existence. Within this motion we have created huge amounts of conditions. Within all motions there are conditions, this is why unconditional love is of motionlessness, states of perceived nothingness/emptiness.

States of motion = conditions + love + expressions + separation

States of motionlessness = no conditions + unconditional love + non-expressions + union  

When you come across someone who is like being of unconditional love, are they expressive of unconditional love or simply naturally without effort exude unconditional love, there is a difference? Imagine having as much love for rocks and wood or Earth period as you do your child. Don't get me wrong here, not everyone who is perceived to be unconditionally loving towards Earth/nature is expressing unconditional love. Often these people will show less love towards humans for there actions towards Mother Nature as a whole.

This motionlessness state seems to be the ultimate state. Not at all. All of what is, is the ultimate state without separation of states of motion and motionlessness. Of course, only in states of motion can separation occur, especially the separation from a state of pure awareness to states of unawareness. I find this interesting, the further we become unaware in this separation, the more expressive of hate and of unacceptance we become. It is then quite understandable that less motion we express, the more unconditionally loving we become. Really, another expression for a state of unconditional love is a state of pure awareness or oneness; of course to become purely aware or of oneness takes one to free oneself completely of conditions.

I think to truly comprehend and understand what I am saying here, takes one to have experienced certain states of awareness as opposed to unawareness. There are as many experiences that can be experienced that will make us less aware, than there are experiences that will make us more aware. This is where wisdom comes into it; no experience can make you less aware within a state of wisdom.

By not separating states of motionlessness from motion is more of a Hindu/Taoist concept than a Buddhist concept, all is worthy and a natural part of existence as a whole. Yes, the ultimate state to human consciousness is going to be a state of oneness/pure awareness, however, once in this state, all of existence is realised to be worthy and of the ultimate state void of separation. This is unconditional love unveiled.      

Monday, 19 February 2018

Buddha Nature!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

Buddha nature actually refers to the truer self, primarily of the self void of the distractions and influences of the ego. The following question was presented to me on this matter.

Has a dog Buddha nature?

Actually P. RuèGer, a very good and wise question.

We could say that only domesticated pets can become this unconditionally loving, in this case the influence of Buddha nature is influenced by humans.

However, it is well documented that wild animals that have had their lives saved by human's show just as much unconditional love.

This then brings us to the point can animals, domesticated or not, be of Buddha nature.

Buddha Nature: "The terms refer to the notion that the luminous mind of the Buddha is inherently present in every sentient being, and will shine forth when it is cleansed of the defilements, c.q. when the nature of mind is recognised for what it is."

Are animal's sentient beings?

This is questionable: "In Buddhismsentient beings are beings with consciousnesssentience, or in some contexts lifeitself.[1] Sentient beings are composed of the five aggregates, or skandhas: matter, sensation, perception, mental formations and consciousness."

Can animals also attain enlightenment?

To refer to attainment is to also refer to an effort exerted to obtain Buddhahood. It is questionable if animals, unlike human's who have to deal with egotism, have to attain enlightenment to become truly unconditionally loving, actually, it's doubtful.

I myself agree with the following as everything is of consciousness.              

"In Mahayana Buddhism, it is to sentient beings that the Bodhisattva vow of compassion is pledged. Furthermore, and particularly in Tibetan Buddhism and Japanese Buddhismall beings (including plant life and even inanimate objects or entities considered "spiritual" or "metaphysical" by conventional Western thought) are or may be considered sentient beings."

Human's need to be enlightened to the facts beyond egotism, animals don't unless influenced to the extent of human egotism.


I also received the following query from another person, "But I can't help but believe that our essential nature will make itself known somehow, to remind us of who we really are." The following was my reply.


Carolyn Field I think it does this Carolyn but we are too much within the influences of the ego to notice them at times.

Are you not aware of your essential nature? This is all it is unless the ego inflates it into something more comprehensible so that the ego can understand what it comprehends in the first place. Basically, to be more than awareness is ego.

In saying this, our egos underestimate a state of pure awareness, a state void of the influences of ego. Such an underestimation decreases the influence a pure state of awareness can have upon us. Our capabilities beyond ego is infinite in nature, there are simply no limitations.

Just to be aware is enough in a universe, a reality, of egotism.

I should also state that wild animal saving the life of other wild animals show a sense of unconditional love, even towards another species of animal.

Having sacred animals like cows or monkeys might seem ludicrous to the western mind but consider this, a show of unconditional love and respect is shown to another species. Does the western mind respect and show unconditional love even to other human beings? The western mind often shows total disrespect to other people's cultures, it's simply not conditioned to respect and express unconditional love towards anything not of its own. This is unless it can materially gain from this of course.

This now brings us to materialism, a state that has no desire or need of ethical or spiritual matters, animals simply don't have this dilemma. Animals don't have the dilemma of material, ethical or spiritual matters, they are totally free of these matters. They are then of course going to be able to express unconditional love a lot easier than most human beings!!

The essential nature basically refers to the fundamental element within all things for example, energy and spirit. Energy is of everything as the spirit is within everything, the truer self or the truer elements of self void of contamination through separation, for only the ego separates everything to quench its desires!! Animals simply don't have these dilemmas to battle with; it's totally unconditional, not just to do with love but everything as a whole without separation. How many spiritually aware people separate unconditional love form unconditional acceptance, especially in regards to our present environment, animals simply don't have these ego created dilemmas!! 

So are animals of Buddha nature, even possibly more of Buddha nature, our essential nature, than most human beings?