Written by Mathew Naismith
I always appreciate queries upon what I write, it most often
shines light on where there was darkness, at times this also makes me see a lot
clearer as well. We need each other to shine this light, we certainly can't do
this on our own as the following clearly shows. The following was in relation
to my post on chain reaction.
I feel chain reactions is the wrong term. Do you not
think it’s more like a TV screen the things on the screen move but in reality
they go no-where…the pixels change to give the illusion of movement. We live in
what seems to be cause and effect universe i.e. we have motion as does the
world around us giving us a view that is linear. one step in front of the other
but again that’s not to say things that vibrate at a higher frequency can’t
exist within our universe. For instance if our life was 2d the 3d would need to
exist in order for my 2d universe to exist
I don't
think chain reaction is the wrong term to define this universe/reality, it is
however certainly the wrong term to use regarding other universes and realities
of motion not of a chain reaction. Not all movement is an indication of a chain
reaction, we can't say the same in regards to this universe I feel.
Just because consciousness is expressed doesn't mean all expressions of consciousness are an illusion. even though we can be deluded in thinking this is all we are.
Everything has always existed because consciousness before it's expressed is in a timeless state, therefore, there is no starting or ending point of creation or expression, so yes, 2D and 3D have therefore always existed.
Just because consciousness is expressed doesn't mean all expressions of consciousness are an illusion. even though we can be deluded in thinking this is all we are.
Everything has always existed because consciousness before it's expressed is in a timeless state, therefore, there is no starting or ending point of creation or expression, so yes, 2D and 3D have therefore always existed.
I'm kind of confused at what it is you are trying to
portray with the term chain reaction. Your statement about Buddha and Jesus
ending there cycle when they physically died for instance. I'm not very
religious but are not both characters the ones that ascended while physical
breaking the cycle of death.
didn't actually break the cycle of death, their physical selves still died
because the physical self is determined by a cycle of time.
conscious self is a different matter, it's not determined by cycles of time and
have always existed.
Also after reading your article I’m not sure of your point either are you trying to suggest, we have other realities outside of this one if so is that not a given?
Also after reading your article I’m not sure of your point either are you trying to suggest, we have other realities outside of this one if so is that not a given?
not a given to a lot of people who are only aware of their own reality, you and
I know but many others don't or don't want to.
It's also not a given stating that all universes and realities have their own influences, their own persona, that influences all conscious form created within these universes and realities.
I’m not clear on what it is you are trying to provide clarity on? Can you maybe condense what it is you are trying to get across?
It's also not a given stating that all universes and realities have their own influences, their own persona, that influences all conscious form created within these universes and realities.
I’m not clear on what it is you are trying to provide clarity on? Can you maybe condense what it is you are trying to get across?
What I
am trying to say is, we are experiencing a reality based on a chain reaction,
not all realities and universes are created in this way. We also can't cause a
change to occur unless it's within the defines of the reality we are
experiencing, meaning, every change we try to implement within this chain
reaction reality, also needs to be carried out as a chain reaction. This means
any implemented change needs to be expressed as chain reaction otherwise it
won't work within this kind of reality.
certainly appreciate your queries Damon, queries most always shed light on
where there was darkness.
This quite interesting
conversation with Damon is continuing, I seem to like having conversations with
people who perceive beyond 3rd dimensional conditioning. Its this conditioning
that we need to be aware of if we want to perceive beyond 3rd dimensional
conditioning or any set conditioning for that matter. It's quite understandable
why some people are unable to perceive beyond their present conditioning,
nothing can exist beyond a 3rd dimensional perception. It's unimaginable for
these people to imagine any other perception even after some kind of evidence
has been presented to them, they will do everything to disclaim such evidence,
this is quite understandable. Could you imagine a devout Christian perceiving
an atheistic reality beyond their own conditioning, beyond their own reality?
There is absolutely no God's consciousness period, this wouldn't be easy to
perceive by a devout Christian.
3rd dimensional realities
based on chain reactions is but another conditioning, once we are only able to
perceive in 3rd dimensional views, this is all we will perceive.
Now it's hard for anyone
to perceive that a living breathing physical form is able to travel through
space and time, as soon as a living
breathing form leaves the Earths atmosphere, it simply ceases to live
and breath. However, once you perceive beyond 3rd dimensional conditioning, you
start to perceive in a different reality, with this perception you then begin
to perceive through different realities other than of 3rd dimension I believe.
Time and Space: What
is time and space? To anyone conditioned to only perceive in 3rd dimension,
time and space are physical phenomena's,
this perception of time and space will enact on anything within time and space.
This means no living breathing physical form is able to venture in outer space
unprotected without becoming deceased.
However, anyone
conditioned to perceive beyond 3rd dimensional perceptions, will perceive that
time and space are not just physical phenomena's, they are also of a type of
apparition, a reality of consciousness void of physical phenomena's. In other
words time and space can also be purely perceived as a consciousness without
the effects of physical phenomena's. In this state, all physical form is able
to travel through time and space.
Apparitions: In my
early years, I had numerous encounter with ghostly apparitions that could
overcome the restrictions of physical boundaries and float through walls and
ceilings, however there is something else to consider here, physical forms can
also go through these ghostly apparitions. Because we can only perceive that
time and space are of a physical phenomena, we are unable to travel through
time and space unprotected from the elements, what if we perceived that time
and space were also of a non-physical nature!! This is hard to perceive only
because we are conditioned to predominantly perceive through 3rd dimensional
Everything within this
reality/universe evolves around a 3rd
dimensional chain reaction, therefore, every other aspect of this reality has
to evolve around the same perspectives. This isn't the only thing that occurs however,
even within the same space and time. Time and space are also of a
consciousness, it's like an apparition, a non-physical aspect of time and
space. What happens when we die? We take on an apparition of our physical self,
this apparition has always existed though. What I am saying is apparition
existed before the physical self was created, in a sense, our physical form was
created from an apparition, in other words from a form of consciousness. To me,
all physical phenomena was created from apparitions, not the other way around
like with ghosts for instance.
We think ghostly
apparitions only occur after we pass on (die), this is because we are only
looking at ghostly apparitions through a 3rd dimensional aspect, the emphasis
in on you need to first have a physical form to create an apparition after we
pass on, to me this isn't the case, this is wholly due to everything being
created from a consciousness. What's consciousness before it's expressed as a
physical phenomena, in other words what's consciousness before it's put into
motion? When you observe this state, it very much like a ghostly apparition, in
this state it is able to do anything as it's not confined to any set
boundaries, this includes travelling through time and space.
Now within a reality
based purely on a chain reaction, this is going to be inconceivable, what chain
reaction is there within a apparition? You can see how this universe, that is
based on chain reactions, has conditioned us to perceive predominantly through
3rd dimensional aspects.
We might now think that
we are unable to experience other realities based on aspects not of a chain
reaction within this 3rd dimensional reality, this isn't the case especially
when we start to perceive beyond 3rd dimensional aspects. What we can't do is
influence this kind of reality with a different aspect from another reality or
dimension not of a chain reaction without expressing this as a chain reaction
in some way. In other realities, dimensions and universes not based on chain
reactions, their existence is quite different to ours, at times massively
different, too massively different to incorporate within this reality.
Indeed, we need to look
beyond the perceptions of chain reactions to make a real difference, this
however doesn't mean we are going to change the physical aspects of realities
based on chain reactions, all this means is we can experience more of the
apparition of these realities instead of just experiencing the 3rd dimensional
aspects. We also can't change this 3rd dimensional physical phenomena from a
chain reaction to another form of existence, we can however change the way a
chain reaction is behaving. I think people like Rumi, Confucius, Buddha and
Jesus, where a good example of this, they tried to change the way the chain
reaction was behaving.
It sounds as if I'm
saying that the chain reaction is alive!! Most definitely and in my mind if we
want to make a real difference, we need to perceive in the same way.