Showing posts with label channelling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label channelling. Show all posts

Friday, 19 June 2015

Existing Beyond the Blues

Written by Mathew Naismith

This is quite a difficult post to write, I will be writing about a topic that will be difficult for others to accept. I should point out that my main forte is channelling, this is made difficult as the sources I channel from are not of my linguistic comprehension, it’s also not easy channelling from sources not of my own culture and understanding. This infers there is room for error within my channelling, don’t take what I’m about to say as being gospel in anyway even though my recent channelling is confirmed by various ancient predictions.

Reality creating: This is utterly mind blowing to me, I thought we could resurrect centuries of degradation but I was not entirely correct in this. Centuries of  degradation has manifested a state that is only going to end in one way, this is very much like a person who has been negative (destructive) most of their lives, this kind of mentality will in time create a manifestation in accordance with the mentality being expressed. This seems to also be happening on a collective human scale,  you can’t continually keep expressing this kind of expression without creating a reality in accordance with what is being expressed on such a huge scale. However, it’s certainly not all doom and gloom, in fact quite the opposite but only if we are willing to release ourselves from the present reality.

Using each cycle of influence the way we continually have as a species, has manifested/created a reality based on the way we have, as a collective, used these cycles of influence. If we were wised up to the way these cycles worked, we could have used them to create quite a different reality but we didn’t. Instead we created a reality based on chaos and destruction/degradation, any long term use of cycles like this will result in creating a reality in accordance with the mentality being expressed. You can only create a destructive mentality through ignorance, no matter what cycle we are existing within for only in ignorance can we destroy. You can’t be destructive if you are aware.

This seems to have contradicted what humans have done, the more aware humans  have become, the more destruction humans have caused. This is due to human awareness usually being based on bias/ego which only gives us a certain perception, not an over all perception. In this case it probably would have been better if we stayed ignorant, this is due to knowing just enough to be self destructive but not knowing enough not to be self destructive. In this scenario ignorance would have been better.

True spiritual awareness; to me is about being aware without judgement, it’s about expanding on our perception, at times, beyond human perceptions, however,  humans on a collective scale have not done this. We have had numerous opportunities to become aware beyond human perceptions, what we haven’t done is accepted these perceptions beyond our own limited human perceptions. This basically lead us to abuse these cycles that we chose to exist within instead of physically benefiting from such cycles. We should however be aware that our souls have indeed benefitted from experiencing such a reality in the way we have, it’s certainly not all doom and gloom that is for sure.

Spiritual  awareness is about being aware of our souls and the benefits to our soul in the way we experience these cycles. The soul chose to exist within a universe knowing that each universe is of a certain cycle as is every galaxy, solar system, planet and even our individual selves. We have many ways to experience these various cycles we exist within, consciousness is indeed infinite within it’s expressions of itself. You can experience these various cycles in numerous ways, we as a collective, chose to experience these cycles in the way we have, there is no wrong or right way to experience these cycles of influence, this means humans weren’t wrong in the way they expressed such consciousness even though our ego tells us otherwise.

Now for my channelling; which was endorsed by the dreams I had, like my dreams, the channelling wasn’t about doom and gloom but a transformation of consciousness for some people and not others. Not everybody’s soul has chosen to transform, or if you like ascend, this might seem sad at a human level of understanding but it’s not at the soul level. Once you understand the purpose of the human self in relation to the soul, your perception of human experiences changes, the human is serving the soul as the soul is serving consciousness itself. In other words, the human self is an expression of the soul as the soul is an expression of consciousness itself, however,  don’t get the idea that the human self is subservient to the soul, the human self is serving the soul quite merrily at the soul level of understanding, it’s assisting the soul and consciousness itself to be as expressive as it is. It helps to look at the human self as being an assistant to the soul as the soul is to consciousness itself. 

What I channelled was a simple channel, we are not going to be able to resurrect or redeem ourselves within this consciousness, in other words this consciousness has run it’s course, it has nowhere else to go. This means the people who are fixated to this present consciousness, will not transform into the next cycle of influence, we must accept and respect that there souls have chosen not to transform.

Like the Mayans, anyone not fixated to this, or any other particular consciousness, will transform into another reality conductive to there vibrations, this means you will most probably, but not definitely, physically transform into another reality. Many of us will, at the soul level, make this transformation, this will take some of us to pass on, die, while others will physically transform. You will of course get many other people who won't transform even after there demise, their journey will take them on a completely different path at the soul level.

We are going to resurrect centuries of degradation through transformation to a different consciousness, it would seem we are not going to resurrect this present consciousness as it is, it certainly seems it’s run it’s course going by what was channelled through me, however, what I channel isn’t gospel, it’ just one of many perceptions.

There is darkness but there is more light than darkness now, we seem to have indeed evolved.       

Monday, 30 March 2015

Awareness Changes the Reality We Experience

Written by Mathew Naismith

I've been quite busy recently conducting myself in various discussions, the strange thing is, nothing was being channelled through to me until now. This is odd because usually certain discussions open up something like portholes in time and even interdimensional time, realities beyond human perception and knowing. One thing I don't do is intentionally force or desire to channel, I allow this to just occur but only if it is appropriate, if I deem what is being channelled through me isn't appropriate, I will not allow this to be channelled through me.

Everyone can channel, it's actually a normal thing to do not an extraordinary thing to do, the thing with channelling is one can become as aware as they like which indeed changes one's own reality even to the extent in changing one's reality on a physical level even to the extent of what happened to the Mayans.

I'm going to cheat again and insert a reply I gave on this topic of channelling and awareness changing the reality we experience. There was a consensus in this discussion that certain pieces of information from the past wasn't viable because off the time difference, channelling knows of no such barriers, like many spiritual practices, it goes beyond time barriers, this means we can indeed become aware of knowledge and awareness void of human perceptions in the present, the now.

I wonder how many people on here believe in the existence of the antediluvian period?

I know there are some people on here who don't consort to channelling, which is fair enough, but we must consider this, you can directly channel right into to a certain period of time and extract or become aware of knowledge and wisdom from wince it was created, in other words obtain knowledge and wisdom void of human perceptions to one extent or another.

I have myself received channelled messages beyond human perception and time, the strange thing is, anyone can do this but do we truly want or need to do this??? That is certainly the question, do we want to know the truth? The answer to this question is obviously no, if we did, we wouldn't be living in a chaotic existence, we couldn't be because awareness changes the reality we experience. In our present state of existence, you can quite obviously see how ignorant we are and want to be, it's quite destructive and chaotic which shows you how ignorant we chose this conscious mentality to be.

Why did the Mayans disappear? They went through some dreadful times and they were about to experience worse times through the advent of the conquistadors. What saved them was one person who told them the truth but only if they wanted to know the truth. To my knowledge this event wasn't recorded,what happened is they saw a need to become aware which is very similar to what we should be doing today, they chose to no longer exist under a mentality predominately influenced by chaos and destruction.

Please don't take this as gospel or absolute truth.

The funniest thing about excepting truth is we mostly only except the truth as we perceive truth to be, anything beyond this perception isn't truth, the funny thing is, every truth has a certain amount of truth to it no matter what this truth is, if it's of science, religion,mythology or what ever, each truth has a real truth about it as it's all a part of consciousness itself. If we take on our own truths, we will not see the bigger picture of what all these truths represent as a collective, this is important to understand when channelling, don't allow your own perceived human truths to stop you from seeing the bigger picture otherwise all you will channel is your own truths, nothing more.

If we only see and accept our own truths above all other truths, we are not going to change a thing, we will keep expressing a mentality that is predominately influenced by chaos and destruction for man only has one truth, his own. This of course leads us to being ignorant to any other truth beyond our own thus creating a chaotic destructive existence, in other words this reality didn't come by chance, we created this reality through our own truth, our own ignorance of the bigger picture.

How does being ignorant to any other truth but our own going to create a chaotic existence?

Our own truth is a part of a bigger picture, if this picture is fragmented through the unawareness of other truths that make up the bigger picture, what have we created through this fragmentation? Fragmentation means disorder, in other words chaos which consequently creates destruction within the existence of this chaos.

It's vital that we become aware of consciousness beyond man's perceptions, man's own truth, but only if we want to live in a more harmonious existence, it is quite obvious most of us don't otherwise we wouldn't be experiencing chaos in any form in the present moment, if we expressed a more harmonious mentality,it would be an impossibility to experience such chaotic experiences.

Channelling; is but one tool we are lucky enough to have at our disposal to acquire an awareness beyond human truths and perceptions, certain forms of meditations, OBE's and so forth, give us such awareness but again only if we want to perceive past human perception to see the bigger picture. The bigger picture is only scary to see if we are fixated to our own truths, our own ignorance, once you are able to go beyond these fixations, you realise there was nothing scary in the first place. Actually the only scary thing there is, is staying ignorant and wasting away our time and experiences on Earth but this again is but another experience within itself.