Written by Mathew Naismith
Sorry people for the mix up, I woke up this morning and had to revise my post I posted on my blog yesterday, I was somewhat rushed yesterday and not in my normal space as such.
It's approximately 36 hrs after I first posted this post on my blog, this is my third revision, this time mainly to do with with syntax errors. No one is perfect but what better way to learn than through actual experiences. No matter how imperfect you are, express yourself, actually, the more imperfect you are, the more you have to share because the more you have experienced, in other words, never try being perfect as you are a reflection of perfection by being imperfect through your valued imperfections!!
The way we use the laws of attraction: Again there is an ambiguous answer to this question because the question itself is ambiguous, is the question referring to the laws of attraction defined by a controlling ego or not? This makes a huge difference in the way we use such laws, to me a controlling ego doesn’t belong in true spirituality/religion, but at times the ego is needed to grow in awareness, this is of course only viable if we don’t become too fixated to such traits in the first place.
It's approximately 36 hrs after I first posted this post on my blog, this is my third revision, this time mainly to do with with syntax errors. No one is perfect but what better way to learn than through actual experiences. No matter how imperfect you are, express yourself, actually, the more imperfect you are, the more you have to share because the more you have experienced, in other words, never try being perfect as you are a reflection of perfection by being imperfect through your valued imperfections!!
The way we use the laws of attraction: Again there is an ambiguous answer to this question because the question itself is ambiguous, is the question referring to the laws of attraction defined by a controlling ego or not? This makes a huge difference in the way we use such laws, to me a controlling ego doesn’t belong in true spirituality/religion, but at times the ego is needed to grow in awareness, this is of course only viable if we don’t become too fixated to such traits in the first place.
I will again use doctors and nurses, in opposition to
multinationals and politicians, to explain this topic, this is due to certain groups of people using the laws of attraction in quite a different way to other groups of people.
Could you imagine multinationals and politicians attracting
what nurses and doctors attract? We certainly use the laws of attraction in
different ways, this I feel is due to how controlling the ego is, could you
imagine a doctor only attracting a certain clientele? Actually this does happen but only when such
people are primarily controlled by the ego, most doctors and nurses use the ego
to help all who are ill, not just the one’s they desire to help.
When religion/spirituality becomes destructive, what happens
to cause this? At the moment we are
experiencing religious fanatical fundamentalism, we can certainly say in this
case such religious people have become
fanatical but why have they truly attracted such traits? The law of attraction is defined by how we
think, or more precisely, what we have allowed to control us to attract such
extremist ideologies, what actually creates/attracts such extremism in the
first place?
You cannot have extremist ideological views unless you are
controlled by the ego, it’s the controlling factors of the ego that creates
such extremism, a non-controlling ego cannot create or attract such traits,
this is natural law. It would be nice if more of us were aware in how the
controlling ego influences us to express such extremist ideological views but
that isn’t the case. This is due to us being quite unaware in how such
controlling egos influence us in how we use the laws of attraction.
An example; you have multinationals westerners on one side
who express high degrees of egotism and on the other side you have religious
extremists doing the same, everybody else is what’s called the meat between the
sandwich, in other words everyone who isn’t controlled by the ego is between
these two, what is called egomaniacs, thrashing it out. In this case, the law
of attraction on a collective human scale is defined and primarily influenced by controlling
ego’s, this is all about the laws of attraction being used to influence/control
the collective.
Using the laws of attraction egotistically in this way, in
my mind, never belonged in spirituality/religion, it’s always attracted
destruction. Now lets look at doctors and nurses again or even shamans and
spiritual healers as a whole, they use the laws of attraction in quite a
different way, this is all due to being aware of how controlling the go can
be. Yes, at times some doctors and
spiritual healers can become primarily influenced by the controlling ego,
however, it’s usually less likely for a true spiritual healer to be influenced
by such egoistic traits than a doctor, this is primarily due to such people
being aware of how controlling and influentially destructive the controlling ego can be.
Now is a doctor or a spiritual healer attracting ill people to primarily serve
there own desires and even needs? No, this
is why the laws of attraction don’t belong in spirituality if influenced by a
controlling ego, the ego will always influence us in this case to serve
ourselves, to primarily serve our own desires. I see this happening so much in
Westernised spirituality these day it’s not funny.
To me we need to be more aware in how we are using such laws,
the new consciousness is to me all about being aware in how to constructively
use such laws instead of misusing them, on the other hand the old consciousness
is about demonizing everything not of our own personal ego.
How consciousness
works: This brings us to how consciousness works, as a whole, and how the
laws of attraction has everything to do with this consciousness, meaning, you
can’t attract anything without consciousness.
Consciousness I feel works in this way, the way we look at the world defines what
reality we will create, by judging a wrong or a right, worthy or unworthy, only
enhances such unworthiness, in other words it’s our reactions to anything we
are ignorant too that defines how
unworthy or wrong something is going to be. Demonizing the controlling ego, for
example, only enhances it’s effects, the
controlling ego obviously has a place within consciousness otherwise it
wouldn’t exist, so it’s worthy, this however doesn’t mean me shouldn’t be aware
of it’s destructiveness.
Another good point to be aware of; is destruction less
worthy than being constructive? Most people would probably say yes but it’s
not, the destruction of our body when we pass on is as much a natural
occurrence than being born. Basically everything and everyone is worthy no matter how they
express consciousness, things become more destructive only when we react and
judge an unworthy. Could have Hitler or Genghis Khan been so destructive if
they didn’t judge something unworthy, once the ego takes control, we attract
destruction, this is natural law for all living things. This might sound stupid
to some people, but could you imagine the sun being egotistical, it would try
to take over the universe and destroy everything else within this process, even
itself. In other words the sun would
only attract destruction by destroying everything within its path by seeing
everything else as being unworthy to itself.
In the West, we see religious extremists as being unworthy,
has this not enhanced their destructiveness?
This is how consciousness works especially when controlled by the ego,
we will only attract what we see and judge. The funny thing is, consciousness
works in a simular way to psychology, you create what you think and feel.
The psychology of the
collective consciousness; is worth being aware of through observation as
opposed to judgment, this is due to judgment being created through bias observations instead of unbiased
observations. This is like how helpful it is being aware of our own mind psychologically without
bias, as we become more aware of the collective mind/consciousness, the
healthier we will become and the more constructive the reality we will create.
Basically, by becoming aware of the collective mind/consciousness, the more we
are treating the illness that creates such realities. Being aware of how the
controlling ego influences in how we use the laws of attraction, is a good step
in the right direction in my mind.