Written by Mathew Naismith
I had a personal good friend of mine read
my latest post on primary existence and envelopment, my friend was confused in
exactly what I meant in relation to a primary existence. I will within this
post explain what I mean about primary existence in a different format as
Primary Existence = God, zero point,
nothingness, oneness, truer self, Tao, higher self + egoless + undivided
Secondary Existence = Soul consciousness
(reality), human consciousness (reality) + ego + divided
Existence: It would seem strange to a lot of people
that I made reference here to a primary existence in relation to, for example,
a Christian God and a Buddhist principle of nothingness. It is most likely that
people from each of these ideologies, would state there is nothing in common
with a God and nothingness. To a Buddhist, the representation of a God is ego,
nothingness is egoless, consequently, a Christian might state that God is
nothingness, how in this case can the perception of God and nothingness relate
to a primary existence but they do?
Primary existence relates to our whole self
before it's divided into secondary existences, each soul has it's own path so therefore is
divided by individual paths. This division relates to secondary existences,
actually, the motion of dividing automatically creates secondary existences.
Basically, a primary existence is an existence that is undivided, it's all of
everything or nothing of anything.
The relation to everything, as a perception
of God or oneness for example, in a primary existence denotes an undivided
existence, a whole or collective that is undivided. God represents everything
therefore is undivided within itself. This is the same with nothingness, there
is no division in nothingness. The Tao is exactly the same, there is no
division, it's all and nothing, not all or nothing.
This is how we perceive, we perceive
through the ego so it has to be one or the other. The ego in control can
only comprehend anything if it's one or the other, so to the ego,
everything can't be the same as nothing, even though everything and nothing
represent an undivided existence. Of course to various ideologies, it has to be
one or the other, everything being of the ego, nothing being of egoless in some
The division or difference between
Christianity and Buddhism for example, is an obvious illusion brought on by
perceiving through the ego self for only the ego itself will divide.
Christianity makes reference to a God, an undivided existence, Buddhism makes
reference to nothingness, again an undivided existence. What about nothingness
not even being an existence!! Only an ego in control would argue what is and
isn't determined to be an existence or not, so I'm not going down this path to
try to find a division for obvious reasons, I will leave this to the secondary
existence ego control mind to sort this out. Of course it never truly will
because all it would be doing is chasing it own tail to judging what is and
isn't real, an illusion.
Being that the secondary existences are ego
based, but not necessarily egotistical
based, the secondary perception is focused on division, this of course stands
to reason because ego and souls represent division. Basically, anything that is
obvious within it's division, is ego based, this in turn creates an ego based
perceptions of divisions, not wholeness or oneness unlike a primary existence. The
primary existence mind focuses on wholeness and oneness of everything as well
as nothing, there are no divisions between one or the other, actually, there is
no one or the other, just wholeness, oneness.
Yes, everything and nothing are exactly the
same thing, it's just in a secondary existence mind, there has to be division,
one or
the other...!!
Primary Existence = (and)
Secondary Existence = (or)
Progressions: We might now think that there is a huge difference (division)
between primary and secondary existences, they are obvious within their
differences as I have clearly pointed out.
There is only a perceived difference, a
division, in a secondary existence. When observing from a primary perspective,
there are no divisions, only progressions. The secondary existence mind always
puts limitations on everything, there has to be a division between one and the
other, not a progression void of divisions and this is the point. How often do
we focus on division instead of progressions void of actual divisions? There is
an endless progression between primary and secondary existences, this motion is
infinite. The motion between primary and secondary existences have always
existed, what hasn't always existed is what these motion between the two
existences create. The universe and human consciousness are prime examples of what
this motion physically creates which are of course finite in nature.
Primary Existence= motionlessness +
non-creative + infinite
Secondary Existence = motion + creative +
The perception of the Tao or the perception
of God, actually relate to both the primary and secondary existences as being a
whole, basically, the perception of God represents primary and secondary
existences. As I have displayed earlier on, that God is of primary existence
and not of secondary existence isn't quite correct, the perception of God
relates directly to oneness, a whole. This means the perception of God relates
to both primary and secondary existences. You can now see how Christians have
the idea that God created everything and rightfully so in my mind.
Primary Existence = God + non-creative
Secondary Existence = God + creative
This is how we create in our own right
while existing in a secondary existence, only in a secondary existence can
creation begin, and yes, end. The strange thing in all this is, neither the
secondary or primary is above or higher in stature than other, only an ego in
control would be able to perceive this in this way, in other words,