Showing posts with label abuse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label abuse. Show all posts

Sunday, 17 March 2019

Blame the US!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

By all means blame the US and its citizens for the world's degradation, a state where the quality of being human is being degraded. I can only put this in an Aussie way, an Australian way, "Criky, what a croc, ya av got to be drongos to believe this tripe."

The interpretation of this is as follow, "I am bewildered, what a load of lies, you have got to be idiots to believe in this kind of unsubstantiated claims.

It is certainly misleading (tripe) for a very good reason, our own degradation is a collective issue, not an individual nation's issue. Yes, nations like the US are certainly not helping, like Australia and Britain for example, but the US is not the cause of the degradation in the world at present. Yes, leaders in a capitalist system that has gone troppo, gone crazy with greed, but not the cause of the greed that is leading to so much degradation. Remember, Great Britain was a mighty empire once that a lot of the wealth within its kingdom ended up in Great Britain. The consensus is, if Great Britain didn't do this, another nation certainly would have.

I recently watched a Jewish multinational being interviewed who witnessed first hand the holocaust. Basically stating, if he didn't use and abuse the system and its people to gain wealth and power, someone else would have. These people simply don't want to be in that situation again, when the entire people of a nation are being subjected to so much abuse and degradation themselves. Even when it was obvious to a lot of notions of the world that this was going to occur, they sat back and did nothing. Of course this wasn't the only time in human history that the Jews were subjected to so much abuse and degradation as a notion of people.

Think of it this way, how many abused children growing up as adults become abusive themselves? Now be honest in the absence of bias, how similar is the nation of Jews, not just Israel, reflects the same tendencies as an abused child?

"Studies also now indicate that about one-third of people who are abused in childhood will become abusers themselves. This is a lower percentage than many experts had expected, but obviously poses a major social challenge."

One third equals 33.333…%. So you could say that 33.333…% of Jewish people in the world could well be abusers themselves. That is a huge percent but think on this, how influential is this 33.333…% on the rest of the Jewish nation around the world? When abuse like this is actually allowed to go unheeded and actually supported by nations like Australia, Britain and the US, no wonder the quality of being human is being so degraded at present. Of course human's are not the only one's being degraded, the environment as a whole is certainly on the receiving end of this degradation. This kind of international abuse is certainly influencing the rest of the world that sat back and allowed a notion of people to be abused in this way!!

So again, is all the emphasis of our present degradation upon our whole environment caused by a single nation and it's people like the US? Criky, you would have to be a dingo, an idiot or a fool, to believe this. You would have to have a desire to believe this.

Try to consider this though; you have 67% of people in the world who are not conditioned to abuse. I can think of a number of nations that have also been abused in human history that have not become abusers themselves, so many of the American Indian nations are a prime example of this. As a lot of people of the world who were abused as children, not all abused children become abusers themselves. This also makes reference to that not all nations that have been abused become abusers themselves for only 33.333…% will do so.

It really seems that more than 33.333…% of the nations in the world that have been abused by other nations become abusers themselves!!  

So what is the answer? As I have been stating for a while now, we need to as nations and of people of the nations stop suffering from our history, instead start learning from our history thus ridding ourselves of abuse all together.

Instead of suffering from history
as we have always done, we need
to now learn from our history
as we have never done
it would seem.........

~Mathew G~

Sunday, 3 March 2019

The Promotion of Wisdom

Written by Mathew Naismith

The promotion of wisdom to someone like me goes beyond the promotion of positiveness, love and light or any concept, ideology or ism, for under wisdom, all that is wise in the way we use energy is of abundance. To someone like me, it matters not what this wisdom is called, for anything that promotes the harmonious use of energy is all that matters. Yes, that is right, biases and prejudices have no place within wisdom for wisdom has no limitations, only limitless potentiality in the absence of bias and prejudices.

I don't often promote a singular persons wisdom but at this point in the present, we simply can't get enough wisdom in my mind. Look past the label of what the wisdom represents, in other words look past the biases often associated with labels and simply focus primarily on the wisdom involved. I wrote the following to this person in relation to this persons wisdom.               

I try to influence people away from judging in negatives and positives, which of course judging in negatives and positives can create huge amounts of motion within our minds and actions. I love my states of it just is, where the perceptions of negatives and positives are absent.

This will seem strange to a lot of people who try to stay positive, especially by ignoring the negatives. I am better off not perceiving in positives as well, there is no state more harmonious, still and tranquil. Hard to imagine if you have never experienced this kind of state, for which anyone can experience by simply letting go of motions and the control motions have over us.

You seem to be very in tune with your present environment Carolynne.

I know this is slack of me, but I just recently took a peek at your site. It was funny how I was able to do the work I did with the chronic injury I incurred, of course my own chronic injury taught me so much, only because I worked with it, not against it. If you don't mind, I am thinking of mentioning you and your site in my next post as you seem genuine. 

For further reference:

It has been asked of me why I am not more promotional of positiveness or love and light for example?

From the promotion of wisdom, positiveness, love and light come naturally for in the absence of using energy disharmoniously, there is no energy expended in obtaining and retaining positiveness, love or light. If I was to ignore the negatives so I can then be positive, in other words to be positive takes me to ignore the negatives, this is not being positive to me, in fact quite the opposite. You should be able to put yourself in any situation and still be able to obtain and retain your positiveness, love and/or light, otherwise it's not of a true sense of positiveness, love and/or light.

I will put this another way. Negative is as much of an energy as positive, to ignore people being hurt under negatives energies, especially to obtain and retain your own personal positive energies, is an abuse of energy. To avoid this, see negative and positive energy as simply energy in the absence of biases that perceptions of negative and positive thinking creates. Which is more negative, the male (yang) or the female (yin)? Trust me, one or the other sex often perceives one being more negative therefore the other being more positive. As soon as we are in the presence or expressive of bias, honesty, especially self-honesty, is also no longer present. Considering a true reflection or expression of wisdom is of the absence bias, it is also understandable that we naturally become more honest, especially with ourselves, in the promotion of wisdom.

As of many people have in life, I more than once found myself in a situation where I had to extricate myself away from certain people, not because they were negative or destructive but because all I was doing was supporting them in hurting themselves and others. Make no mistake, I often allowed my environment to dictate my reactions which meant judging in negatives and positives. Within this hurtful or abusive environment towards energy, it is way too easy to unknowingly succumb to a hurtful or abusive environment. In my case, I was fortunate to be wise enough to become aware of my own abusiveness towards energy in this way.

You see, by allowing myself to be abused, I was helping the abusers to be abusive thus unwittingly being abusive towards energy myself. Yes, by all means sacrifice your own well being to assist other people to become less hurtful and abusive, but don't sacrifice yourself to assist in the abuse of energy in any way. Yes, people of positiveness and love and light extricate themselves from abusive energy, but a lot of them still do it by expressing biases through the perceptions of negatives and positives.

So how do you know the difference between hurtful people you are unable to help to hurtful people you can help? Firstly; avoid the perceptions of negatives and positives thus allowing your own consciousness to be in the absence of bias therefore dishonesty. Secondly; well, wisdom naturally takes over from here in the absence of bias and dishonesty.  Make no mistake, the promotion of wisdom is this easy, it is either we don't want to become less abusive towards energy, or, we are unwittingly drawn into being apart of the abuse of energy through simple perceptions like negatives and positives.

I know of a number of people who speak out against the abusiveness of, for example, multinationals and politicians, they no longer wish to support the abuse of energy by allowing themselves being abused, however, there is still a very strong perception of what is negative and what is positive. I also know of people who speak out against this kind of abuse but don't primarily focus on what is negative and what is positive. I think ignoring the abuse of energy so one can become and stay positive, is just as much of supporting the abuse of energy than anything else.

The promotion of wisdom is simple, the avoidance of knowingly or unknowingly supporting the abuse of energy as much as possible. Now, are deliberate abusers of energy negative in any sense of the word? No, they are simply lost within their own creation and need as much help as a sick person. Yes, at times to help these people you need to avoid them, when ever possible, but do it ever so wisely. No, you can't always avoid the situation of the abuse of energy but you can minimise its affects. Embracing and promoting any kind of wisdom will help us avoid abusing energy in various ways, of course to know this one must be wise to start with, this is where people of true wisdom come into there own. How do you know when someone is of wisdom? They don't primarily judge in positive and negative perceptions to start with, within this, there is an absence of bias therefore dishonesty.       

Monday, 31 December 2018

Demonic Possession of a Collective Consciousness!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

How ridiculous is it to even consider writing about demonic possessions, especially of a collective consciousness.

Consider this, how many people in the world today are possessed or obsessed with materialism, where materialism even comes before the love of their family members? In truth, material wealth and power even comes before the health of the environment we rely on for our existence. To someone like me, this is astounding that such a self-proclaimed intelligent species could act in such a way.

To be of a demonic or evil energy force, such a consciousness needs to live in ignorance and the more ignorant the consciousness is, the more demonic or abusive this kind of consciousness will be upon other energy forms. Considering that a lot of the elite of today live off of sick dying people, or, people they have enslaved to the current system through dept, it is obvious to people like me that the collective human consciousness is indeed influenced and controlled by demonic or abusive energy forms. Demonic to someone like me simply means a consciousness that is highly abusive to energy period. Indeed, how many of us are possessed or obsessed at present, to the extent of accepting that other people in power make other people sick to live off of? When it gets to this stage of the evolution of a consciousness, where the people being abused accept being abused in almost every way, there is only one way this kind of collective consciousness can go.   

I recently watched a classic movie with Gregory Peck playing the main part in the movie Mirage. In one seen they looked down upon the people as being like ants or cattle, to be used and abused at will by people in power. This is nothing new in human history, which shows how far we haven't evolved or become aware from a state of ignorance. This is the way energy works, ignorance creates an abuse and destruction of energy where awareness creates quite the opposite. Make no mistake though; awareness can indeed be used in ignorance, where awareness can be used upon itself through deceit and manipulation. Look at how religion and science have and are being used, usually to serve the elite resulting in the endless abuse of religion and science, in fact the abuse of isms and ideologies period. I would myself, in this case, call a consciousness this abusive to energy period demonic or simply ignorant to itself.  

Extract: Obsessions and possessions of the devil are placed in the rank[further explanation needed] of apparitions of the evil spirit among humans.[further explanation needed] It is obsession when the demon acts externally against the person whom it besets, and possession when it acts internally, agitates them, excites their ill humor, makes them utter blasphemy, speak tongues they allegedly have never learned, reveals allegedly unknown secrets to them, and apparently inspires them with obscure knowledge of philosophy or theology.[A 1]

Obsession; where the abusers of energy are an external force to what is being abused, this is until the abused or obsessed become possessed themselves and become abusers of energy themselves. In this case possession becomes an internal influence, not an external influence such as in obsession. The funny thing is, in psychology all our demons comes from within, even though a lot of our demons come from external influences that cause us trauma for instance. Yes, any demonic possession is of an internal occurrence but often influenced by external sources. Either religiously or psychologically, we allow these demons to control us from within in relation to possessions. This of course often occurs from being obsessed, an external influence, to being possessed, an internal influence.  

Extract: To condescendingly think that we, as modern-day, rational people, are too sophisticated to believe in something as primitive as demons is to have fallen under the spell of the very evil spirits we are imagining are nonexistent. What the ancients call demons are a psychic phenomena which compel us to act out behaviors contrary to our best intentions. To quote Jung, “…the psychic conditions which breed demons are as actively at work as ever. The demons have not really disappeared but have merely taken on another form: they have become unconscious psychic forces.”

“Possession,” according to Jung is “a primordial psychic phenomenon” that “denotes a peculiar state of mind characterized by the fact that certain psychic contents, the so-called complexes, take over the control of the total personality in place of the ego, at least temporarily, to such a degree that the free will of the ego is suspended.”

Considering my own limited experiences in this area, where exceptionally abusive energy sources of conscious energy indeed exist. If anyone was to experience the full energy field of this kind of destructive energy source, your hair would instantly go white, what ever age you were.

Is this kind of source of energy this frightening? Not at all, in fact all I can do is smile. Like the multinationals, the only energy demonic entities can harness is through us, we are their energy, take that away, they have no control and power. I also laugh at any energy form that is so ignorant; for only through ignorance can such an energy form exist. Yes, this kind of demonic energy lives off of any form that is of awareness, unless that awareness is beyond their control and manipulation. This is why a true sense of love and light, unconditional love, faith in God/Jesus, etc, is often out of the reach of this kind of demonic or abusive energy.

However, what would a demonic energy source want you to do in relation to energy period? Stay ignorant to anything remotely negative or threatening to ourselves feeling good!! Any true positive person, unconditionally loving person, a person of love and light, etc, would face the negative face on without fear and not only desire to be of what these demonic energy sources have created. How many people in the world are now obsessed by what materialism has created for their pleasure? How pleasurable has spirituality now become to a lot of people today? Of course the only way to fulfil these pleasurable desires is to stay ignorant to anything remotely deemed negative. At all cost stay ignorant to the negatives in the world, through this a reality of love and light will be created!! Nothing that is abusive to energy through ignorance will manifest a non-abusive reality.

My advice in this case is to stay away from anything that influences you to become even more ignorant, for only in ignorance can a consciousness become abusive to energy. Make no mistake; this kind of demonic or abusive energy source is highly manipulative and deceptive. If something in this reality, controlled and manipulated demonic sources of energy, fulfils all your desires, please think again. Anything that makes you even more ignorant to the present circumstances is, in my mind, demonic or abusive to energy by nature, try to avoid this at all cost.

How do people like me cope in facing the so-called negatives face on? We simply stay connected to a truer state of awareness, this can either be through the perception of love and light, God, Jesus, certain kinds of science, quietness or stillness or what ever, as long as it is about being aware in the absence of fear and bias. As I have explained before, stillness, where the motions of desires and ego are absent, is of a pure aware state, of God if you like, for only through unawareness, a less Godly state, can motion exist.

Note: I usually don't call these highly abusive energy sources demonic, for within this explanation of this kind of energy source they gain so much power from. Yes, they want to be put down and denounced as being negative as any negative source of energy does. By simply avoiding or staying ignorant to this kind of energy, gives this energy more power and control over us, not less, as our present circumstances are proving. This kind of energy is simply an abusive energy living in ignorance to itself. This explanation works really well if you are particularly aware of your whole self in some way. They don't like this explanation of themselves one bit.......                                    

Extract: Yet today, Gallagher has become something else: the go-to guy for a sprawling network of exorcists in the United States. He says demonic possession is real. He's seen the evidence: victims suddenly speaking perfect Latin; sacred objects flying off shelves; people displaying "hidden knowledge" or secrets about people that they could not have possibly have known.

Saturday, 8 December 2018

A Reaction to the Egos Abusive Manner

Written by Mathew Naismith

What is the point of people like me doing what we are doing, going beyond human and even soul perspectives and perceptions? In actuality going beyond perceptions and perspectives all together, for only can perceptions and perspectives exist through our egos.

The point is, in a reality where the ego has become highly abusive to energy as a whole, balancing this out with the non-ego (egoless) part of all of us seems like the wise thing to do. In actuality, people like me are simply a reaction to an action hell bent on abusing energy.  It's not a counterreaction where a response is in opposition to an action, it is simply a reaction to the abuse of energy, especially when so many people want and even need to find an answer to our abuse of energy as a whole. In truth, to find an answer to the counteractive response of an abused energy. Make no mistake, an abused energy is in counteraction to the abuse it has received from the ego in control.

As I have stated in a previous post, the ego can never experience actual enlightenment, all that the ego can do is become aware that the egoless part of ourselves is of this enlightenment. The ego simply becomes aware of the egoless part of ourselves being enlightened, thus giving a perception that the ego has become enlightened. Yes, the ego becomes aware but not to the point of enlightenment, for the ego is unable to exist within an enlightened state for there is no ego in this state. Imagine ignorance existing in the same space of pure awareness, it is impossible unless the ignorance becomes aware of it's enlightened self. The last thing the ego in control desires to do is become this aware, however, the ego that isn't in control, in other words the ego that is simply being of the ego without being controlling, can become aware of it's own enlightened self.

At no time separate the ego and egoless self though, the desire to be only of the egoless self is purely of a controlling ego, for only the ego in control desires this much control and stature over and above the ego. Why have so many of us humbled ourselves to the ego? Why does the ego even exist when our egoless selves are so enlightened? Because the egoless self doesn't desire to be only of some kind of higher stature, the egoless self is aware it is all of what the ego is as well as what the non-ego is.

So what's my point? To keep in balance between the ego and non-ego, in other words work in unison with the energies and creations of the ego as well as the non-ego. As I stated in a previous post, there is nothing wrong with materialism, it is simply that we abuse materialism as our controlling egos do of any energy. Yes, balance materialism with spirituality. Become aware that our controlling egos will be abusive to energy if there is no balance.

To become too spiritual in a material (physical) world is also an abuse of energy, the abuse of the material world in favour of a non-material world. What part of us favours one above the other? The ego in control. How abusive can the controlling ego be to energy as a whole? Your enlightened self, or as I prefer being, doesn't desire to be of one or the other, especially one over and above the other, it is what it is, nothing more, nothing less. In truth, there are no perceptions or perspectives of one being above the other in this state, it is simply ego and non-ego, abuse of energy or working in unison with energy. Imagine for one moment working in unison and in harmony with energy as a whole, this includes everything the ego has deemed to be negative or toxic!! I cannot express in words what would occur in this case, the egos perception of nirvana or unconditional love doesn't even come close.

Are people like me in counteraction against the abuse of energy? If a lot of people weren't even trying to become less abusive to energy as a whole, there would be no reaction from people like me. There is no point in awakening a controlling ego hell bent on ignorance, to try this would be a counterreaction but this is not the case. All we are trying to do is assist or guide an ego that is trying to become less abusive to energy, in other words our reaction is simply to do with their egos making an effort to help itself from being so abusive to energy. There is no way that people like me desire to assist a controlling ego who only desires to exist with its own natural environment. Yes, abusing energy is of a natural occurrence to a controlling ego. At no point to the egoless self is this perceived as being below the stature of the egoless self, it is what it is, an existence that can be experienced or not by the soul. Of course a soul that is humbling, humbling itself to the controlling egos environment is not a problem.

Who reads my material, is it an ego in control or an ego aware of it's enlightened self in some way, even subconsciously? The answer is too obvious to me for you are the one's I write for as well as myself, in actuality I probably write more for myself for I am definitely not alone.                     

Wednesday, 5 December 2018

Unlimiting Consciousness

 Written by Mathew Naismith

I was asked recently about my thoughts on Buddhism, the following was my reply.  

There are different variants of Buddhism. I don't hold to that one ideology is the answer for everyone for there is never one answer to anything.

Buddhism has its boundaries or doctrines as of any ideology or ism, I am not myself into limiting my consciousness like this. "All else other than the ultimate state of pure awareness or nothingness is an illusion", I don't myself limit my consciousness to these perspectives or perceptions. In saying this, Buddhism teaches one to cope better in an ego created reality, as a lot of ideologies do. 

I find that Taoism and Hinduism are far less limiting, of course this depends on how you use these ideologies. I prefer Buddhism to materialism or westernized atheism myself. I should also say that materialism and atheism have their place as well. How many people would have starved to death if it wasn't for materialism? Materialism has given us more soul experiences to be experienced, however, when materialism is abused and misused, it becomes too destructive when not balanced out with the likes of Buddhism or spirituality as a whole. 

You see, to me there is never one answer or absolute state.

I wrote the following to someone in relation to the year being an emotional rollercoaster.

It is only as bad as we make it, why give it any more energy that it's worth? Learn from it and move on, of course at times easier said that done. I often look at it this way these days, it is what it is, nothing more, nothing less. As soon as we get into the negatives and positives, it's always more that it should be.

How often do we allow ideologies and isms to limit our consciousness? Probably the same amount we limit our own consciousness to certain specifics like positives and negatives, or, what is real and what is an illusion. Is Buddhism limiting consciousness to certain specifics? As of any ideology or ism, it is the way we use Buddhism that is limiting. As soon as we limit ideologies or isms to certain specifics, we are abusing energy as energy itself is of unlimited potentiality. It is like constricting energy to a certain space where motion is restricted to certain motions only. Often any motion outside these restricted boundaries is usually referred to as something negative and subsequently dealt with. Materialism, like religion or any other ideology, is fine when in balance within the environment that supports materialism. When used out of balance with the natural environment, abuse of energy is created and often accepted by the abusers, in other words we become conditioned to abusing energy through limiting it's potentiality to certain specifics, often to primarily serve the ego.

It is the same old story, if energy doesn't serve the elite, the ego in control, it is dealt with, usually discarded as something negative or illusionary. The elite can be a multinational but it can also be of people who try to be only of an elite or absolute state of being. An elite state of being in Buddhism is egoless, a state of pure awareness or nothingness, the funny thing is, once of this state, perceptions of negatives and positives, what is real and what is not real are absent, everything becomes what it is, nothing more, nothing less.

In a state in the absence of the ego, there is no negative and positive, what is an illusion and what is real, because there is no separation of energy in an egoless state, only through the ego can separation be perceived and put into motion. Look at it like this, as soon as you separate energy, energy becomes of motion, of the ego, of course separation of energy can only be implemented through the ego. This means the separation of energy to what is positive and negative, what is real and what is an illusion, is of the state of ego but a state that has always existed as well.

Once you get an imbalance of ego and egolessness, motion and motionlessness, through separation of energy is when an abuse of energy is often created. How many of us only desire to be of an elite state or status, where all else is discarded in one way or another thus creating a reality of abuse of energy? Who desires to be subservient or inferior to an elite status? The ego in control always desires to be of an elite status thus creating an imbalance in energy as of any separation of energy can. Yes, separate energy but be wise in how you separate energy, try to avoid abusing energy when separating energy. Balance is indeed the key here.  

I am subservient to the environment that is presently supporting my being, I would not have it any other way, accept to balance out my existence with the environment my existence is existing in and my ego (soul) is experiencing. As there is nothing wrong or negative with the ego or even the ego in control, there is nothing wrong with materialism. However, as it is of the way we use ideologies and isms, as soon as we become abusive to energy, we create a reality in line with this abuse. Try to remember, the only part of us that can see a wrong or negative in the ego and materialism, is the ego in control. There isn't even a wrong in being abusive, it's just being excessively abusive in the way we manipulate energy isn't a wise thing to do, not if we want to live in peace and harmony.

In all, it is what it is when we choose to abuse energy, nothing more, nothing less.......               

Tuesday, 13 November 2018

Bewildered -You Are Not Alone

Written by Mathew Naismith

If you are thinking that all the tribal disputes that are occurring at present are consciously backward and abusive to energy as a whole, you are not alone. This includes anything from atheism to religion, materialism to spirituality, advancing science to main stream science and so on it goes. Main stream science simply means a science that dogmatically follows certain doctrines/concepts that are based on 3rd dimensional aspects only. Today's science is supposed to lead to tomorrow's science!!

Being bewildered refers to a state of confusion brought about by many conflicting and varied expressions. What's most bewildering to me is that we are still abusing each other over simply being different within the tribe. The tribe in this case refers to the human experience as a whole without separation. Of course bias and bigotry will try to separate this tribe leading to conflict and abuse of energy as whole; we simply need to be aware of this. We must also remember the human experience is not separate to the environment the human experience is being experienced in. In truth, the environment is just as important if not more so, like the abusive environment to energy as whole that humans have created. It is the environment that makes us who we are within the present......

This post actually stemmed from what long lasting internet friend of mine shared with me. If you are as bewildered and perplexed as I am in our interactions with each other at present, you should find the following video interesting and hopefully helpful.              

Thanks for sharing this with me Charlene, he says what I state so often very well.

We have a much bigger tribe these days but at the same time critically judging and leaving the ideologies and isms that keep this tribe working together as one.  I am not fond in how we have abused these ideologies and isms either, but to increase this abuse is only going to lead to one thing, more abuse and destruction.

Is New Age spirituality helping with bringing the tribe together as one?

I had a lengthy discussion with a New Age spiritual person just recently; they indeed think they are our saviours. The rest of us are wrong, negative (toxic) and bad in some way, especially the ideologies and isms we follow.  Yes, there has been abuse of these ideologies and isms but there has been a lot more moral tribal bonding than abuse.  Is it being positive when a person who only self-deceptively only looks at the abuse created by another ideology or ism?  And we wonder why deception has flourished in such an environment!!

I personally know of Catholics who help known atheists who are having a hard time of it, would most atheists do the exact same thing to Catholics? No, because these Catholics are wrong, negative and bad in some way. In cases like this, Catholics show no bias but the same can't be said about atheists in the same circumstance. 

How many people these days blame religion for all the wars and conflicts? I have simply lost count and yes, it's that many. So for starters, religion was behind the two world wars, not politics or a lust for power and control primarily? It is all about self-deception these days which is purely based on bias and bigotry.

Sorry for this Charlene, it looks like I am going to turn this into another post. I really do appreciate you sharing this video with me.

Be blessed and well,

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Creating World Peace!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

What a horrendous task, even thinking about creating world peace seems futile as the task to accomplish this seems so horrendous. Only to the ego in control, truly.

I have often expressed lately about how we should avoid abusing energy, not just in regards to our natural resources but energy as a whole, this includes the way we use and abuse ideologies and isms.

The ideology or ism may present itself, but may never be pushed on people. Imagine pushing Hinduism, Taoism or Buddhism onto other people, as soon as you do this, you lose the meaning and the substance of that ideology or ism. The ideology or ism may present itself to you but you must approach the ideology or ism, not it approach you, anything else is simply abuse of this energy. How is materialism or certain kinds of Christianity or Islam or even certain kind of new age spirituality used? They are often used in approaching you, not you approaching them, of course not all of Christianity, Islam or new age spirituality is used in this manner.

Think on this, when an ideology or ism is forced upon people, what occurs? Often chaos and destruction, anything but peace, now imagine when ideologies and isms are not pushed onto people. Hard to recall in the West isn't it? Of course ideologies and isms like Hinduism, Taoism or Buddhism are often only presented to be approached; they don't approach you if used properly as this is the way they are structured. Once these ideologies and isms are used incorrectly, in other words abused, they are no longer truly of what they are supposed to represent.

I was recently active in a world peace group. One of the discussions was about consciousness so I mentioned the following. "Some scientists actually surmise that a far more advanced and aware consciousness might have created this universe, seen as scientists are today able to create mini-universes. They also think it's possible to create a self-aware consciousness and biological matter within a human created universe.
Also, there are scientists that believe and hypothesize that a form of consciousness exists within everything. Taking this into consideration as well, it is obvious that any universe created by a consciousness is of the consciousness that created it. This of course gives credence to the perception and belief of a creative source (God) of all things."
One of the group members, of a world peace group by the way, took obvious offence to me relating god to the creations of the universe. They demanded evidence and even proof to my claims above. As they obviously didn't know, claims don't need supporting evidence to be a claim. Even after presenting evidence and even two lots of supporting evidence that claims don't have to be supported by evidence, they continued over and over again with their demand.
You see this particular person follows an ideological doctrine that's not supposed to be interested in accepting or rejecting any claims that gods exist or do not exist. However, he literally used this ideology to the extent of strictly forbidding the acceptance of this universe in anyway being attributed to a God. He in fact used and abused his own ideological doctrines to the extent of rejecting any claims of the existence of Gods of any kind. I even ended up supporting some of my claims using science, this was instantly rejected of course which goes against his own doctrines of his ideology. After numerous claims by him, he presented evidence but evidence from a philosophy source, not from a credible scientific source that he consistently demanded from me. This person was taking more of an atheist stance than an apatheist stance.         
Sadly, this person was supported by other members of this group, even while he was obviously abusing me and his ideology. Lying, deceiving and manipulation to protect your biases are indeed of abuse. To force your own ideological doctrines onto someone else over and over again is also of abuse. If he's ideology had any substances to it, all he had to do is present it to me but this was clearly not the case.
If you follow an ideology or ism correctly, the substance of the ideology or ism should speak for itself. All you should need to do is present it; anything else is going to lead anywhere else but to peace. If used incorrectly, ideologies and isms will create biases. Biases create lies, deception and manipulation because of the way we abuse energy, such as ideologies and isms. Try lying, deceiving and manipulating in the absence of biases, of course the more extreme our bias is, the more we will lie, deceive and manipulate, in other words abuse energy.
Try to think of everything as pure energy, no biases to what kind of energy, just energy without labels or tags. Once you actually experience a state of only perceiving everything as simply being energy, you will have a different outlook to life for the rest of your life. Within this state, you can actually observe the difference to energy being abused and energy not being abused. Energy being abused looks all chaotic and distorted. When energy isn't being abused, it looks sedate and proportional. Abusing the ideologies and isms the way we are doing, will of course lead to a chaotic distorted reality.
I am an advocate against abusing energy; this includes abusing ideologies and isms. I am not an advocate against all ideologies and isms but I don't, in a bias way, follow any ideology or ism. Yes, I often use a number of concepts and principles of various ideologies and isms, but I try not to use them in an abusive way.  Abuse by the way also includes feeding energy off of each other. How many new age ideologies rely completely on continually feeding the ego in control? You have to express a lot of motion by feeding each others ego otherwise the momentum is lost. This often occurs. The controlling ego could gorge itself on all the energy in the universe, this still wouldn't be enough. If an ideology or ism has to keep approaching you to feed it, this is simply an indication of abuse of energy.
I am aware that some of this, if not all of this, is going to be hard to comprehend to anyone who can't perceive that everything is pure energy. If you are a Westerner or even an Easterner, research on panpsychism or even idealism. Most Eastern cultures have their own way of presenting what I stated here in their own way. I don't' myself consort to idealism.    
World peace is simply obtained through desisting or stopping in the abuse of energy, it really is this simple.                     

Friday, 28 September 2018

To Change From Within

Written by Mathew Naismith

"The world can only change from within". ~ Eckhart Tolle

"Be the change that you wish to see in the world". ~ Mahatma Gandhi

What does it mean to change from within? Is it to influence change within our personal individual selves or is it to change within human existence? Human existence is of us as is the entire universe. Its important here not to separate yourself as being a separate entity to all else, in turn dividing energy into separate individual parts. In my mind, any division of energy, especially into numerous different entities, is an abuse of energy. Influencing change from within can only be accomplished if we are a part of what we are trying to influence change upon.

Can change be successfully implemented if we divide everything up into negatives and positives, good and bad, wrong and right, black and white, light and dark, etc? No, because you have now separated yourself from what you wish to influence change upon from within. With this kind of abuse of energy there is no within. Yes, you have your own separate divided self to change from within but while being separate to what you really want to influence change upon. You cannot change the world if you are still separate to that world, all changes must be from within that world, not separate to that world. Of course many people desire to scrap this world/reality for a more positive world of love and light. You are simply not scrapping anything within this kind of mentality of separation and division. With this mentality of separation and division, you are certainly not trying to change from within but from outside to what you are tying to change.

To change from within entails us to change within the environment we wish to change. You have to be a part of what you want to change, not separate to it. Is changing within the personal individual self really a change from within, when we have or are trying to separate ourselves from the world we are within? In truth, this kind of abuse of energy is simply changing your own world, which isn't going to change the world from within because you are no longer within that world. Is being within your own separate individual self truly of an inner self? Simply, there is no separate individual self that we need to change from within, all of existence is the self which, if you like it or not, is a part of you. To continually separate yourself from the rest of the existence you desire not to be a part of isn't changing from within, it's simply abuse of energy through separation and division to only serve the individual self.

I recently came a cross an article where aliens, different forms of energy, told a large group of children about our abuse of energy. I will insert this article latter on. The abuse of energy was not just to do with our natural resources but our abusive use of mental projections upon each other. An example, a true sense of love and light doesn't separate itself from all other energy forms; it certainly doesn't ostracise and banish anything not of its own energy. Within this mentality, a true sense of love and light is found in any reality or world. A true sense of love and light is not an energy form that separates its own energy from any other energy. Today's perception of love and light for a lot of people is all about separation and division, simply, an abuse of energy to serve the individual only. You simply cannot change from which you have separated yourself from in any way, especially when you have the perception you are not within what you are trying to influence. If there is any sense of separation or division, you are not within.

How many people think that love and light is a positive? A true sense of love and light is actually neutral, this is why some people are able to experience a true sense of unconditional love in this state. There are no conditions created by perceptions of positive or negative, black and white. Any form of division and separation is an abuse of energy. Look at how black people were abused because black was simply referred to as a negative by white people. Actually, any other skin colour than white was and still is often perceived to be negative in some way by some people, this is in opposition to white people representing a positive. Separation, division and abuse creates by negative and positive perceptions!!

If you really want to influence the rest of the world, do it from within what you are trying to influence and stay away from anything that promotes separation and division. You cannot change what you critically judge negative in any sense, not in harmony anyway. This means to influence change upon the world, one must truly do it from within this world, this means being a part of what you are trying to change. At no time have disdain for what you are trying to change in any sense, all this mentality will create is even more separation and division, not less. You will find once you become neutral within your mentality, working within what you are trying to change will come so easy to you.

People like me interact with all energy to one degree or another, we simply don't ostracise and critically judge what isn't of ourselves. Yes, at times one must let go of certain energies that are on another journey to yourself but do it without separation and division created by positive and negative perceptions. Remember, a true sense of love and light is not of separation and division, in actuality quite the opposite. It's simply a beautiful conscious state of neutrality which can also lead to experiencing the zone more often.

A number of years ago I wrote about how reincarnation is about one life lived, not many lives lived. Each different segment to this life is simply a journey to be experienced, like a stage play where you have one play but a number of acts that make up a play. Looking from a human perspective, there are many lives lived. Looking from the soul perspective, there is only one life lived. The point is, it would seem I am not conditioned to separating and dividing everything into separate divided segments. In saying this, depending on the environment I am in at the time, I still express perceptions of negatives and positives but I am aware of this kind of abuse of energy. This is important; avoid looking at the abuse of energy as something negative or bad for obvious reasons. I am also aware that most people are conditioned to express perceptions of negatives and positives (separatism) most of the time in their lives.

As the following article shows, other entities from other places within the universe are saying the same thing I am, be aware of how you use and abuse energy in every sense.

Friday, 22 September 2017

A New Wind Blowing

Written by Mathew Naismith

As a tree in balance with the wind will do, it will bend with the wind. As China has done and North Korea hasn't done, China has bent to the wind, the wind of the western mind, however, there is another wind blowing, a wind that the western mind wind must also bend to or pass by.

To put this into perspective, I have inserted a reply I gave to certain people on a forum. Knowing what is and isn't bullying and abuse, it was obvious a fair amount of abuse and bullying was going on, on this forum, I simply related this abuse and bullying holistically to the western mind imbalances and weaknesses. As I stated in the following, this has nothing to do with judgment or ridicule of a singular person or people. If I am to awaken to my own weaknesses and acknowledge them, I must also be fair and honestly look at other people and other groups who are obvious within their own weaknesses, after all, it's all as one. If I can do this void of judging a negative or positive, bad or good, it's simply not judgment but honest observation void of the biases of negative and positive, good and bad.

This will be my last interaction on here unless I receive a response to this interaction.

The coalition forces are obvious within their dominance, their bullying other cultures into submission, of course to do this; one has to point out the weaknesses within these other cultures while at the same time totally ignoring one's own weaknesses. Bullying of course takes one to go into another cultures or persons domain, this is the same in going onto someone else's post to bully them into submission.

As I have previously given written material to confirm, the western mind will at all cost avoid looking at it's own weaknesses, instead choose to focus on it's strengths. If you look honestly at the coalition forces, are they also not doing this? When you go into other people's countries to bully these people into submission under false pretences, Iraq was a prime example of this, and on top of this pilfer their natural resources, is this not of the western mind void of the balance of the eastern mind?

It is natural for a mind, primarily of the western mind, to become dominating and bully everything that questions it's own weaknesses into submission. When we look at Libya who were well on the way to creating their own monitory system, which showed weaknesses within the western monitory system, it was inevitable that the western mind of the coalition forces were going to act through force. This is psychologically called projective abuse.

What are the similarities between the coalition forces dominance and certain people's reactions on this site?

At no point have these people admitted that they don't like their views put to the question. The fact they don't like my views that quite often put their own views and motives in question, it is obvious of what mind these people are primarily expressing. Of course the western mind, to the bitter end, will not want to look upon it's own weaknesses, instead prefers to look at other people's weakness just like the coalition forces. When I look at other people's weaknesses, I am also looking at my own, however, we must do this but void of bias.

This has nothing to do with judgment or ridicule of a singular person or people. If I am to awaken to my own weaknesses and acknowledge them, I must also be fair and honestly look at other people and other groups who are obvious within their own weaknesses, after all, it's all as one. If I can do this void of judging a negative or positive, bad or good, it's simply not judgment but observation void of the biases of negative and positive, good and bad.

To awaken, one must look at the whole as a whole and observe that whole as one, this means pointing out the weaknesses within the western and eastern mind no matter what form it takes. In saying this, it is virtually impossible for the western mind to do this impartially when void of the balance of the eastern mind gives to the western mind. The western mind, void of the eastern mind, will be naturally dominant and bully everything else that looks at it's weakness to submission.

The current wind is western minded, we must bend to this wind, the Chinese did just that but the North Koreans haven't. There is however a new wind blowing, a wind of both western and eastern origin, within this, there will be balance and the absence of one mind trying to dominate the other mind. Basically, a balanced consciousness void of conflict.

Simply put, there is way too much western minded dominance on this site for me; the deliberate avoidance of looking at one's own weakness is too evident. The new wind blowing is anything but what is expressed here, in my mind anyway, no offence intended.           

Sunday, 24 January 2016

Moving on - A Resurrection of Awareness

Written by Mathew Naismith  

It's really interesting how the worst of times can either make us more aware or more unaware, in other words less controlling or more controlling. Indeed, the more aware we become the less controlling we are and the less abuse we  express as control is always linked to being abusive. Consider this, how many people want to change this controlling abusive environment? We must remember, a non-controlling abusive consciousness is in an environment of control and abuse, we are the one's in their environment not the other way around, this gives us no right to change their environment, in other words be controlling and abusive over their environment in anyway.

However, we do have a right to influence our immediate environment and to disallow any controlling abusive ways to influence us. This of course is always going to be difficult for us to do at times, after all, we are not existing in a non-abusive non-controlling reality to begin with.

In recent days, my world has been sort of turned up side down emotionally, my siblings are, in my mind, reacting quite badly to my mothers imminent demise, in actuality, they are abusing my mother, my wife and myself.  When I stepped back and observed what is going on, all I could see is an excessive amount of control, such expressions of excess will of course create a very abusive environment.

My siblings and myself were brought up in an abusive controlling family environment, my siblings obviously reacted to this in one way and I the other. They seemed to have allowed themselves to become conditioned to the abuse and control where's I allowed this abuse and control to make me more aware of the destructive attributes of control therefore abuse. Yes, any sense of control is abuse in one way or another, only a controlling ego would say otherwise.

The following exchange between a friend of many years ago and myself on facebook is as follow.   

Gina Hodgkin I have done the same. I also blocked them. I'm so sick of the lies that continues to come out of that person mouth. It is sad when you are left with no choice but cut off other family members because of someone else's bad behaviour. I feel for you

My Reply
I think the thing is, we are past being controlling and abusive but of course being controlling themselves, they want to force their own controlling ways onto us all the times.

We were actually born within their environment, it was controlling so any consciousness that isn't controlling in the same way, will of course feel out of tune with their environment. I don't want to change their environment, all I want to do is be allowed to be within my own environment, this of course is going to be hard to do within such a controlling environment. People like you and I are always going to have to ward off other consciousness's controlling ways, this is their environment after all, we are actually existing within their environment.  

My older brother sees himself as some kind of spiritual guru, he got upset with me because I was expressing personal family experiences, the thing is, we don't even own our own thoughts, therefore, how could we have actual personal experiences. My spiritual guru brother is obviously still into ownership. We don't own anything and that's a huge relief to me but to anyone into control and abuse, the thought of not even owning your own thoughts is psychologically catastrophic to them. It's like a drug addict, any hint of taking their comfort blanket away from them is psychologically catastrophic to them, this is why they so often lash out at anyone threatening their addictions and fixations.

You don't need to feel for me Gina, even though I do appreciate your kind loving thoughts. I've leant so much from my abusive controlling family. Unlike my siblings who are conditioned to abuse, abuse made me aware, I did not allow the abuse I've experienced to condition me to abuse.

Even though my mother was quite abusive in her life, she doesn't deserve being abused. My mother knew no other way to be, I understand that completely. Yes, like myself she could have rectified this but I think the life she chose wasn't conductive to this.

Keep well and Happy Gina, life is full of pitfalls but from this, comes light but only if we keep pulling ourselves out of these pits and don't become a part of the pit.

PS By the way, thanks,  I knew I had to write about my recent occurrences but I didn't know how to write it, our discussion is going to be a part of my post on my blog.  

We might look at my emotional reactions as being expressive of the ego, well of course it is, if I wasn't supposed to react in this way, I wouldn't have the realisation of being human. The realisation of being human goes in hand with being expressive of the ego, I'm not then going to judge this being one thing or another, it is what it is, the human realisation and experiences of ego.

The type and excessiveness of the ego we express, is determined in how we have allowed such a controlling abusive environment to condition ourselves. I was lucky enough to be born in a very controlling family environment, yes, I did say lucky because if it wasn't for this environment, there is no way I would be as aware as I am now of  this collective controlling abusive environment we all exist in.

I think it's important to create your own environment within this controlling abusive collective environment. Within this awareness, it's important to also to try not to control and change this collective environment for all this will do, like a drug addict, cause a reaction!!

Indeed, don't be fooled, control and abuse is addictive therefore it is wise and advisable not to outwardly change their own environment we are presently experiencing. Yes, we know, there is a better more constructive way to exist but they don't want this, they want to stay addicted to control and abuse and yes, they too have a right to do this especially within their own environment!!

We are the foreign matter or aliens within an environment that is alien to non- abusive and non-controlling consciousness's, this is obvious!!