Showing posts with label self. Show all posts
Showing posts with label self. Show all posts

Monday, 1 April 2019

Attracting Truer People

Written by Mathew Naismith

Are negative people untrue where positive people are true? This would be like saying that people who have experienced and suffered extreme trauma are untrue people, while the people who have not suffered trauma are true people. All traumas have some kind of negative affect to them, this doesn't mean that all the people who have suffered from traumas are untrue, in actuality quite the opposite. You are simply being what the trauma has created. Even if you are still suffering from the trauma instead of learning from the trauma, you are still a true person in relation to the trauma experienced. An untrue person would simply try to make out that they are positive when in actuality they are still suffering. How many suicide victims seem happy but are in fact suffering big time. When you are untrue to yourself, you are untrue to everyone else.

Now, how many people are suffering in relation to what is going on in the world at present? This is while we seem positive only because we avoid the negatives as much as possible. So avoiding the negatives in the world to be positive will instantly make the negatives simply vanish? In all honesty, all this has created in past history is more of the same. In truth, being untrue to ourselves in this way simply encourages the very same negatives we are trying to avoid to flourish even more so, thus in turn creating an untrue reality.

People like me don't try to attract positive people, if you are suffering, show that you are suffering even if this seems to you or other people to be negative therefore of an untrue person. Be what you are suffering from but learn from this suffering instead of continuing to suffer from suffering. In other words learn from our present reality and stop suffering from this reality by ignoring the negatives to be or seem positive.

In all honesty, being positive or negative takes a huge amount of energy to obtain and sustain, especially in a critically judged negative reality. How many people are suffering even more so when we ignore the negatives to be positive? That is a huge waste of energy through simple neglect and abuse of energy. The trick in dealing with negatives to be positive, is to stop suffering from the negatives by seeing them as a negative to avoid to be positive. Instead, learn to not judge what is and isn't negative and positive, therefore, what is and isn't true or of a true person.

So what makes a true person? A person who is primarily honest with themselves. If you are suffering from trauma either collectively or individually, let it be what it actually is instead of what you desire it to be. Try to do this in the absence of positive and negative judgment. When you do this, start to learn from your experiences instead of suffering from your experiences. Simply being aware of this will certainly start you on the way of being of self-honesty, therefore a truer person to yourself and others around you.

So how do you attract people who are truer to themselves and others? Being in the presence of self-honesty, while in the absence of negatives and positives, will instantly have an affect on the people who are not of self-honesty around you. Self-dishonesty or being untrue cannot exist within the same immediate space as self-honesty, expressions of self-honesty simply disperses dishonesty thus allowing self-honesty, truer people, the space to flourish in. It is not that you are attracting truer people exactly; it is that you have more space in your life for self-honest people to flourish and express themselves freely in. See it as closing one door thus allowing another door to open. One door, one reality, has to close for another reality, another door, to open.                                    


"Who are the people that positive
people can help the most?

What people are often avoided the
most by positive people?

In all honesty,
how positive is this really?

Only in the absence of positives and
negatives can the neediest be attended to!!"

Friday, 15 February 2019

Surrendering Yourself to Honesty

Written by Mathew Naismith

When I look upon another person, all I see is a reflection of me either that be something I desire to be of or not. This is how people like me truly and honestly look upon ourselves. We don't just try to see the reflections of good, positive and right, we also see the reflections of bad, negative and wrong. In a reality of numerous expressions of variations, I would simply be lying to myself, that I am simply beautiful, peaceful and everything else I desire to lie to myself about. Yes, I wish/desire to be only of what is pure but where not and that is okay, I surrender myself to this honesty.

Spiritually, I can sit within the best of them, in peace, harmony and stillness; I could not think of any other state I would desire to stay in more, of course this is why I will never become enlightened within my present consciousness. Enlightenment isn't about peace, harmony and stillness, even though this is it's affects, enlightenment is about facing the truth in what you are therefore everything else is, not what you only desire to be of. I was going to say I just lost half my readers, when the avid readers of my posts and blog's today know exactly where I am coming from, for they too are honest within themselves. They would have to be to still be reading my posts and blog's.

I have found the hardest thing for people to do is be of self-honesty, even a slight mention or reflection of self-honesty repels and/or defiles a lot people it would seem. How dare people like me be honestly self-reflective, especially while expressing that everything and everybody is a reflection of me, all of us. If you can think of the worse person in the world you would not desire to be a reflection of, in all honesty, if you like it or not they are simply a reflection of you. So should I dishonestly sit within my own space and only observe in other people around me what I only desire to be of or observe?

In my time while growing up, our culture defiled homosexuality. Some of my so-called friends actually went out poofter bashing, they of course asked me to join them but even back then, while being conditioned to that culture of defilement, I simply refused.

Where is the (I) when negative is separated from positive because we desire not to be of the negative, only of the positive? Do we really think that this kind of defilement and separation is going to improve our present existence? Of course in my early days, my culture was about judging gay people as something negative and straight people as being positive. How many people today are judging their reality as being positive and all other realities they have disdain for as being negative?

I am presently amused at how a number of westerners are jumping up a down about foreigners in their own country. There country is being invaded by undesirables. I find it amusing because it was acceptable for western countries to invade and defile other countries of the world, even under false pretences as recently observed, but how dare foreigners take over western countries in a far more passive way!! No, I don't like how disrespectful certain foreigners are towards a people who kindly opened their door up to them, but I am still amused at the reaction by westerners. How dishonest is their reactions?   

You see, this kind of self-honesty is not very acceptable in a culture that defiles other parts of itself. In all, if you are of self-honesty, expect to be defiled and try to surrender to this kind of defilement. Accept that the reflection of other selves will do this as they see self-honesty as a threat to their reality, a reality often created on the back of dishonesty. Can you understand their reactions like in relation to gay people and foreigners? People of self-honesty are indeed a huge threat to realities based on self-dishonesty.

As I often am, I reflect self-honesty, as in the above, quite often. As you could imagine this is often defiled. Do people of self-honesty put themselves up above other people not of self-honesty? Everyone and everything is a reflection of who you are, so if other people are of self-dishonesty, this is a reflection of you if you desire it to be or not. To be truly self-honest desires have no place. A true reflection of self-honesty is in the absence of desire, I certainly don't desire to be a reflection of self-dishonest people but in truth, I am. Try to remember this, just because everything around you is a reflection of you, doesn't mean you have to be expressive of that reflection. Did I go out poofter bashing? Am I amused at other westerns response to foreigners in their country? Just because you are aware of self-dishonesty, doesn't mean you have to be of self-dishonesty.

Thursday, 24 January 2019


Written by Mathew Naismith

Most often our past determines our future and most often our past, especially when related to trauma in some way, to something we desire to stay unaware of, isn't something we desire to be self-honest with. So what do we do? We only live within the present while saying the past and future are irrelevant or an illusion. This is while time is the predominant influence in our everyday life at present!! See how dishonest we can be to ourselves? Time of course represents a past, present and future, a state of union instead of separation, especially the separation of one energy source from another to escape facing our traumas personally and collectively.

It is common practice for a consciousness in trauma, either personally or collectively, to use every means possible to escape facing trauma. Of course to do this, we must turn away from being of self-honesty and become dishonest with ourselves, and of course everybody else.             

Extract: Throughout history, deception has been an effective survival strategy. Yet, like all primitive survival strategies, when deception becomes habitual and is not directly about survival, it prevents us from continuing growth. For each of us, to the degree that we are not real with ourselves or that we withhold important truths from others, we just cannot keep evolving.

I wrote the following reply to a query in relation to my last post, "Assisting a Consciousness in Trauma".  

Basically, what you are doing is guiding them instead of pushing them towards a goal.My father was trained to do this as a foreman. I tend to do this myself, my downfall is I also express self-honesty, it is funny how this psychologically freaks people out. Actually, when it does freak people out, their reactions tell me a lot about them. It is not that people react, it is how they react and what they react to. 

Our consciousness collectively isn't conditioned to being self-honest. How many of us don't look at what our own country/culture has done and is doing to others in the world, but we will point the finger at other cultures. Bringing a person out of the affects of trauma takes one to become gradually self-honest, not an easy thing to face, especially when we are conditioned to be self-dishonest with ourselves.

I have someone at present under my wing that is not good physically and mentally, the fits, blackouts and the scaring to the brain certainly don't help. I am slowly coaxing (guiding) them to be self-honest without causing more anxiety attacks.

This has done it, I am going to right up something about self-honesty. 

Spiritually, how dare I turn to science and psychology for the answers, this is while our minds are predominantly influenced psychology. On the other hand, how dare I turn to spirituality for the answers, even though science has proven a number of spiritual practices to be highly beneficial to us!! From atheism/materialism to spirituality/religion, dishonesty predominantly influences our lives, this is instead of self-honesty.

The article I have inserted is worth reading through, but only if you are a self-honest atheist/materialist or spiritual/religious, etc, person. If you are not into self-honesty, the article supplied will only represent a threat to your psyche and be promptly denounced in some way. Yes, by all means go into protective state of mind but do this honestly. All that dishonesty will create, either personally or collectively, is more of the same trauma, if not to you someone else.

Yes, I can get into a conscious state of timelessness, where there is no past or future, only the present moment, a state perceived by my ego to be of utter bliss.  At no time is this separate to time where a past and future exist. Of course when a consciousness experiences time, a past and future, trauma is sure to exist as time is of cycles and endless changes. Spirituality is about how you cope with the associated trauma in relation to time, not how you try to escape from time and times association with trauma. I could not think of a higher level of fear and self-deceptiveness, which spiritually is suppose to be not about, or am I simply being naive here?

A number of people might relate better to the following article. 

Extract: The topic of brutal self-honesty is consciously looked upon as worthy of pursuing but the majority of people don’t have the emotional maturity to follow through with such a concept.
Brutal self-honesty requires hard, emotional labor. It requires the individual to engage with the following:

Ego Dissolution

The ego wants you to stay unconscious. It doesn’t want you to be brutally honest with yourself because that means that the ego must change and change is not what it wants —comfort is what the ego wants.

Saturday, 27 October 2018

Experiencing the Eternal Self

Written by Mathew Naismith

First of all, I humbly apologise to my readers who are unable to understand the English language as I am going to start this post off with a video that is in English. If you can understand the English language, please watch the video before reading on. If you can't understand the English language, I will explain, in my own words, what the video is about so you can translate the English language into you own language.     

The video is about experiencing no self, a state of consciousness that is not about the self separate from all other selves but about a state of the eternal self or divine self. The strange thing is, the eternal self isn't about the self at all as there is no self or even self awareness. The eternal self refers to the eternal being where all is as one and acts as one, even while experiencing a reality where everything has its own identity, its own self.

Yes, you can experience individuality while in a state of eternal being, make no mistake, we are all doing this right now, it's just most of us are unaware of this. We are unaware because our present consciousness is conditioned primarily to the self, individuality. How many people refer to the inner self or self awareness? Materialism or anything else that the ego in control feeds on is often of the self, of an individual identity, how else would the ego in control survive? I wrote a few years ago on a spiritual forum in how we don't even own our own personal thoughts, as usual this wasn't well received or accepted.

So why am I making reference to the eternal self? How else is the ego going to be able to comprehend anything if we don't refer to the self? The ego in control needs to relate to something to comprehend it and then understand it.

Any ego that is conditioned to the self or individuality in any sense, is a good indication that the ego is conditioned to individuality, a state of separate entities. I am self aware or I am of the inner self is still making reference to an individual entity, only because the ego in control can only comprehend this eternal state of being as self. The ego in control needs to start somewhere so it will naturally relate eternal being to the eternal self. It's important to allow the ego to go through this process. At no time have any kind of disdain for the ego in control, avoiding this will allow the process of enlightenment to happen naturally. Simply go with the flow and remember, the ego desires control and will try to control this process, try to avoid this by simply becoming aware of the egos controlling ways. Sadly, I have lost count in how many Western spiritually aware people make reference to taking control and empowerment.

I have at no time in my life have become spiritually aware, I have simply let go of the attachments of control. Yes, I have allowed myself to be controlled for to take control of being controlled is still control. What I have done is simply detached myself from control, even while being controlled myself. It's important to remember, it's our self that is being controlled, not our eternal being. The only way control can be implemented or exist is through the self as an individual entity. Yes, myself has become spiritually aware but not my eternal being for there is nothing to become aware of, only the self can experience a sense of becoming aware or enlightenment.

I, at one time, had a Reiki teacher say to me after my treatment with them, "You have experienced the lotus flower in this life." The lotus flower refers to detachments brought into being by the ego. I had to say no, not in what you would refer to in this life but what you would refer to in another life. The soul perspective is, it's all one life with different life experiences to be experienced. The ego refers to different life experiences to be experienced as lives lived separate to all other lives lived, however, the soul sees it as one life which is more eternal and limitless where the ego sees it as ephemeral and limited. In so-called past lives, I have had numerous experiences pertaining to the lotus flower. My soul simply sees life experiences as one life with no separation.

I know this is hard to truly comprehend but life as whole is not about the human self, it's about the eternal being which is often referred to as our truer being, or as the ego sees it, our truer self or inner self. Yes, it makes a difference once you start referring to the eternal self as the eternal being but remember, the ego has to start somewhere. Be patient   with the ego and try to go through the process of awareness without trying to take control of this process.

Yes, these are trying times to the self, they always have been throughout human history, but not to the eternal being. Your soul may want to stay unaware of the eternal being, I didn't even want to become aware of the things I am aware of as the self but my soul said otherwise, this is the way it is. If the soul says it wants to experience being controlling, that is the way it will be, accept this and move on for all is of the eternal being.    

One more thing, the eternal being isn't separate to the self; it's not a separate entity or state. The eternal being is everything in what it is and in how it is, this includes the perception of self and the self's ego and all the ego creates. Once you experience the eternal being, only then do you realise there is no ultimate state separate to all other states. All that is without exception is of the ultimate state, in actuality, consciousnesses, like experiencing human consciousness, can often be seen as an ultimate state for the eternal being. To be humble is to deny the ego control, especially while being controlled by the ego!! Not an easy phrase for the ego in control to understand, as I should know myself as I am what you are without question.   

The following might be a good read for some people, not that I have read it myself.            

Extract: Your Eternal Self ends by describing what our purpose seems to be in life, what true spirituality is, how people can grow spiritually to change themselves so they have love and bliss in their lives, how they can provide that loving legacy for their children's children, and what the research has shown about the world of the afterlife.