Written by Mathew Naismith
A lot of spiritually aware & connected people are feeling
an uneasiness, is it due to the way this reality is going or is it to do with
our transition from one form of existing to another or is it both? I will endeavour
to answer this question, let’s first however look at this reality, is there something
wrong with it? Well no there can’t be because there is no true right or wrong when
looking from timelessness into time, what is is the creation of time of what
time has created, that’s all, however while living within time there is a wrong
& right & that is what we judge by, time created judgement to judge anything
of time by. So there isn’t anything
wrong or right about this reality unless we judge accordingly!!
Now let’s look at our transition from one form of existing
to another, is this what’s causing us this uneasiness at times? This again
comes back to time because there is no judgement within timelessness because time
created judgment, not timelessness, so this transition from one form of existence
to another can’t be blamed or judged to giving us this uneasiness we sometimes feel
so it comes down to both. Again it comes
down to judging it as both which again is only of time. In timelessness there
is no judgement so in fact nothing is really making us feel uneasy so what are
we feeling? We are feeling the attachments to time even when we think we are of
timelessness, these feelings are telling us we still have attachments to time.
Having attachments to time isn’t judged either as being lowly or unbecoming in
some way, it’s just of times creation remembering I believe time itself has
always existed as explained in previous posts.
So the conclusion/theory is the reason we feel an uneasiness
at times is because of all the above which is all of times creation, time has
created our uneasiness for without time there would be nothing to feel uneasy
about. How about if we just let go of our attachments to time, would this stop
this feeling of uneasiness at times? It is obvious it would but do most of us
really want or desire to do that?
Once we bring in desire or a wanting what does that pertain
too? The ego of course so to desire to be of timelessness is of the ego, a
wanting to be more aware is of the ego so no matter what we do in time it is of
the ego. It is actually more egotistical to desire to be of timelessness than
it is to be in a chaotic existence. If we looked at this in a human way what existence
would you choose, one that is beneficial to us or one that isn’t beneficial to
us. The ego will always choose what is going to be more beneficial which
includes a desire to be of timelessness.
This brings us back to the question, do most of us want to become
detached from the attachments of time & the answer is no because it would
seem most people are not truly egotistically driven even though they can be egotistical
in time. Is this wanting to be of time driven by the ego because once we are truly
of timelessness the ego no longer exists, the ego fears becoming null &
void? We really should be asking is it more egotistical to be at one with all &
all powerful than to be individually egotistical? The ego only looks at being
more than what it is, it sees itself in timelessness as the be & end all
even though it doesn’t exist, the ego still exists in the ego mind even once in
timelessness because it’s the one. Yes in timelessness the ego doesn’t
exist but the ego still thinks it does mainly because the ego can only reason
to the extent of time. The ego is very restricted by it’s fixations to time
however if one was of timelessness there is no such fixations. The paradox is one can’t be one without time,
when in timelessness there is no one but a oneness with all so one can’t be one
within timelessness!! As soon as we see ourselves or become aware of being one
or as individuals we are of the ego & as soon as we do this we are of the
creation of time. Desiring to be at one with all is of the ego & the more
we desire to escape from time the more egotistical we are; it’s one of the many
traps of the ego I believe.
Acceptance of what is which includes the acceptance of being
non-accepting at times as well will alleviate a lot of this uneasiness remembering
everything is of consciousness not just what we desire to be. This won’t alleviate
all our uneasiness however, what is happening is a lot of us are picking up on
what this reality is going to be like one day I believe not necessarily what it
should be like. Many people are saying it should be like this that or the
other, the emotions of time depicts what it’s going to be like so the more we
think this reality should be like this that or the other the more we are
creating an opposition which of course denotes conflicts. This reality isn’t supposed to be a certain
way but anyway the emotions of time make it. The awareness of our own immortality/timelessness
will allow a creation of time to be created without conflict, our ignorance of
timelessness has created within time what we have today which of course helps creates
some of our uneasiness.
My best advice is just let it flow through you & try not
to imagine or expect this reality or yourself
to be a certain way, just go with the flow of things without opposition. In my
last post I said the cover box of the jigsaw puzzle (bigger picture) is what
the bigger picture should look like when not fragmented however one shouldn’t
perceive what this bigger picture is until one can see it within it’s entirety
otherwise it will stay fragmented. So is this saying we shouldn’t imagine
fairies flying around us for example? We can imagine what we like within our
own dimension because it is another dimension, what happens is we initiate dimensional
link ups to other dimensions without interfering with this reality. While doing
this we shouldn’t expect at any time this reality being one thing or another for
the reason how many of us perceives a different reality to others? This is one
reason this reality is fragmented I believe, we all have our own idea of what
this reality should be like & this is where thinking in timelessness comes
into it. There are no expectations or judgement within timelessness, what will
be will be; it’s all accepted even when we are unaccepting.