Showing posts with label CHOSEN PATH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CHOSEN PATH. Show all posts

Friday, 7 August 2015

Can We Truly Trust Our Soul??

Written by Mathew Naismith

As I wrote in my last post, the soul can also accrue conditions that need healing very much like the human self, this is due to the soul becoming too fixated to mortal existences.

Recently on a discussion board, I posted the following quote of mine,” A true spiritual path is a quietened path for only in our quietness can we observe!! Some people disagreed with this quote and stated a true spiritual path can only be followed if the soul is guiding us. My query with this is, what if this soul is as fixated to mortal existences as much as the human self through accrued conditions that stop a soul from following their souls chosen path?  The following was the reply I gave on this discussion.                          

A quietened path allows one to observe and become aware through such observations instead of just participating. The soul, through lack of observational skills, can become just as unobservant than the human self, this often leads to chaos.

This happens when the soul becomes just  as fixated to mortal existences than the human self, in this case, it’s advisable to follow the path of  your immortal self, in other words the spirit of the soul, there is a difference but only when the soul becomes fixated to mortal existences.

I’ve actually come across souls, that have no physical body or mind, who have such fixations that blind them to their truer existence and path.

Should we follow the guidance of a soul that is just as fixated to mortal existence than the human self?  This actually occurs and I think it’s something we need to be aware of .

Are we following our true path if the guidance of a soul is only fixated to mortal existences?  It would seem not, not in a lot of cases, this is because the soul can be tricked onto a path not of their own souls choosing but of other souls choosing. I’ve experienced this first and  I know it happens. This again is worth being aware of.

If our soul is no longer being the observer and the participator because of  accrued fixations, can we trust our souls to guide us on our chosen path?

It’s apparent to me we can be influenced to follow other souls paths other than our own even at the soul level, once the soul stops being the observer, it’s becomes less aware and vulnerable to other influences. We are the same at the human level, as soon as we loose direction, we make ourselves vulnerable to other influences which can lead us off our own chosen path.  War is a good example of this, how many people who go to war actually want to die for their country? To do this, they have left a previous existence, a previous path somewhat different to dying for one’s country.

The soul is only as good as it’s aware and it’s only as aware to the degree of observation, once this observation is hindered by fixations to mortal existences, it becomes less aware and more vulnerable to other influences.

I was myself extremely vulnerable when I lost direction at certain times in my life, this was all due to me becoming more of a  participator than an observer. At any time I could have been killed which would have drastically changed my chosen path. Because of my connection, I put myself in great peril. No chosen path is set in concrete, in other words, if we allow, our path can be altered by other influences around us but only if we are unaware.

Yes, some people paths will lead them to die for their country or a path  changed by other influences in other ways, this is inevitable, but not all paths are meant to go this way. The more vulnerable we make ourselves to the soul that is fixated to mortal existences and consequence accrued conditions, the more vulnerable we are to other influences that will try to change our chosen path.

If we are in ourselves, at the human level, being an observer as well as a participator, it’s unlikely your soul isn’t doing the same, in this case it’s worth being guided by your soul. If however we are just going along with everyone and only participating, it’s likely your soul is doing the same but not necessarily. Some souls choose to be the observer while allowing the human self only be a participator, this however leaves you open to vulnerabilities which may or may not be a part of your chosen path. In this case, the human self is unlikely to listen to the soul when the human self becomes too fixated to mortal existences.

By allowing your human self to become aware of being an observer, will allow one to become more in tune with their soul. Learning to become an observer can even change a soul fixated to mortal existences to also become once again an observer. Once a soul becomes an observer again, it can then be trusted to once again be our guide on our chosen path. I do think that is why we have (automatically) created so much chaos, our souls have become fixated and tainted by accrued conditions brought about by these fixations to mortal existences. Even if our souls weren’t tainted by these conditions, we are still not listening to our souls at the human level.  

I should also point out here, it’s worth becoming aware of beyond the soul to the spirit of the soul, the spirit of the soul being only of immortal existence (consciousness itself). This is due to the  spirit being unable to become fixated to anything of what is mortal, this includes any accrued conditions created by mortal existences, in other words the spirit is more purer within it’s consciousness. Could you imagine the kind of reality this would create, it’s very much a possibility!! 

Saturday, 10 August 2013

True Wisdom, Not for Everyone

Written by Mathew Naismith

“One must be wise in ones knowing to gain wisdom”.  After reading how someone on Indigo Society was going through a tough time with the awareness process I stumbled across this quote I wrote up a while ago, I thought this quote says it all in a nut shell. One must be wise in our own & every bodies else’s knowing to be of wisdom, this isn’t saying we should be understanding of all just wise enough to accept other peoples understanding but also wise enough to help in their misunderstandings, this by far isn’t an easy life to lead while becoming spiritually aware.

I’ve inserted the said thread below with the associated link.

I have been in hard times with interpersonal issues and family issues, and a lifetime of misery. I asked God, universe, to show me what life is. Humble me lord I said, I am so tired. I know this sounds dramatic, and it is. But I said it, and I meant it. I prayed with every layer of my soul to see the humanity in all. To find rest, and dont get me wrong this search never ends. I prayed to be shown the value of life. Because frankly I did not use to value it whatsoever. I prayed for God to destroy me, make me new. I said GOD PLEASE I BEG YOU ERASE ME, I CANT DO IT ALONE. And I screamed inside. And then I started seeing floaters in my vision, and flashing lights. I have been paranoid alot of my life of a brain tumor. I matched alot of symptoms, and I told God I have hate in my heart for you for the possibility of this being true after everything else.

Basically I created my worst nightmare in my head, I made it true in my mind, and I accepted it on MOST levels although I was always afraid, and I felt the SENSE of death, its dread and its fear, infinity. And then I realized in my heart, life is a privilege, and it is so so sweet, and so so short. I should be thankful for the beautiful 19 years I have had here, and then I thanked God for my life. The pain, the good. just, life in all its forms. And I realized in my heart that Death is always there, it merely raises and lowers its head from time to time. Death is your constant companion. I am not sure if I even believe in reincarnation anymore, I don't think I believe anything. I dont know much of anything, I know how I feel, I know my thoughts. I know I am here, right now. I feel like a blank slate, a canvas. A canvas open for whatever paint life throws at me. And I know I have felt the power of universe and I bow to it without question. And this life long lone wolf, this predator I made myself has finally found a team. Team human, I am shedding this byproduct life of being told who I am. I felt compelled to share this so here it is, and as to do I have a brain tumor? I dont know, I went to the doctor and they dont think so, they think its my thyroid and they took blood. But I cant really know, I can only hope that I will continue to be allowed on this ride. Because this shit is out of all of our hands everyone. So thats it, Much love. Much respect. And thank everyday for showing itself to you.  
Written by ZIGMAN

My reply as follow:

G'day ZIGMAN......Becoming spiritually aware isn't an easy road to tread & neither should it be however if we live for the now the road we tread will seem a lot less bumpier. Becoming aware doesn't just entail us becoming aware of all the nice things but all the not so nice as well I'm afraid but once we get to a certain stage of awareness all the things we struggled through seem lame, " why was I struggling with such things"? It's the struggle that makes us aware & knowing which is very much like a spoilt child, if we spoil them what awareness do they have to a child who isn't spoilt? The unspoilt child is going to be far more aware & knowing the same with adult life. One other thing, to me there is no such thing as death, all it is is a change from one energy form to another, we are infinite within our soul....Love Mathew

It is extremely difficult to be wise within our knowledge while feeling so much of everything & that is why spiritual awareness is a difficult path to follow & at the end become wise within our knowing, not everyone makes it to true wisdom but of course we don’t have to either.  People of true wisdom once they reach a certain point of spiritual awareness are special because they have done the hard long hoe for us; it is not necessary for all of us or is it even possible for all of us to obtain such wisdom. Life is all about living within our chosen path, yes we have our own free will to do as we please at the soul level but once we leave our path we immediately affect other people paths as well not just our own because it’s all connected, I don’t think this is wise or just/moral thing to do as it affects to many other souls.

What we need to do is be content in just being wise enough to acknowledge true wisdom from others anything other than this can be of the negative ego which of course will again hinder & limit our awareness, this is why so many people are having a hard time of it, we are trying too hard to be something were not supposed to be.   Acceptance & contentment play a huge part in following a spiritual awareness path with relative ease, no spiritual path is easy but we do make it a lot harder than it should or could be at times.  

No one in their right mind would follow a path of true wisdom on purpose if they knew what was to follow with such endeavours unless that was their chosen path to begin with.