Written by Mathew Naismith
I should firstly point out that this post is referring to dreams
when we are asleep, not of desiring to be a criminal in our conscious state of awareness.
Recently I have been having dreams of criminal activity of some
kind in my dreams, either I’m a criminal and/or others around are. This criminal activity always has some form of
accumulation of wealth being carried out; I’m usually the one who is carrying
the bag, so to speak, at some time in my dream. You would think this would have to be a really
bad insight which relates directly to me, in a way it is but not in the way you
would first think!!
Being involved with the accumulation of wealth by me relates
to me having fixations to material gain, and the criminal activity relates to
an incorrect course of action by me. Boy
this sounds awfully bad, it doesn’t say much about my character does it? The
funny thing is it’s not actually referring to my character but the way I am
treading my path, so does this mean I have a desire to go out and indulge in
criminal activity to obtain wealth of some kind?
No of course not, what it does mean is I’m still fixated to
the material world and I am being told, through my dreams, this isn’t the way I
should be going. Don’t get me wrong, I have no interest in gaining more wealth
as I have what I need, most likely more than I need, so what does the accumulation
of wealth in my dreams mean? It just
means I’m too fixated on the material world and that I need to focus more on being who I am and doing what I’m
supposed to be doing.
I also crossed the Sydney Harbour Bridge, in good repair,
which is an ached bridge, a very good omen. A brand new building was being
opened up to the public, buildings usually represents our life achievements or our
present state of consciousness, our present mentality either it be constructive
or destructive. So taking into consideration
of other aspects of the dream, the dream isn’t stating anything really bad but
a direction in the way I should go.
This direction I am being persuaded to go takes one to drop
all expectations of material wealth and especially gain, it’s telling me to
rely totally on the universal forces around me at present. This means I am to hold no value on the
material world as this will corrupt the rest of my journey; this is depicted in
my dreams by the criminal intent in such dreams. This seams easy to do but it’s
When I don’t judge materialism as being positive or negative,
it is hard for my human self (ego) to let go of such materialism, why drop something
which I don’t deem as being necessarily bad or good? This is the dilemma, my
ego doesn’t see a negative or a positive in a materialistic life style, it does
however see it’s destructive tendencies but is destruction judged as being negative
or positive by my ego? Again no, my ego
has actually created a paradox for itself, it’s a riddle, if destruction isn’t judged
as being negative or even positive, is there a problem with a materialistic
life style even though this kind of life style can be destructive but not
always necessarily destructive?
The point is, is a materialistic life style constructive? A controlling
ego would say yes but my ego says no, materialism doesn’t have to be destructive
but is it constructive? A house is of materialism which protects us and our
family from the elements; this is an example of constructive materialism so my
ego isn’t correct either. It’s a
continuing paradox brought on by any form of ego expressionism.
So how do we dispel such a paradox? It would seem, going by the
interpretation of my dream, I must stop listening to the ego period either it
be controlling or not, this is represented by the criminal activity within my dreams.
I must in my dreams drop all intentions
of becoming involved in any kind of accumulation of wealth within my
dreams. The accumulation of any kind of
wealth within my dreams says that I value materialistic life styles; the criminal
intent is saying this isn’t right for you to be this accepting of something that
is known to be destructive.
This overall seems to be saying that I must become wholly constructive
by accepting my release of such acceptance of destructiveness; basically it’s telling
me it’s time to move on, it’s time for all of us to move on in our acceptance
of destructiveness especially of our destructive mentalities and to relay on
the natural forces surrounding us……We are indeed the people’s servants!!