Showing posts with label dharma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dharma. Show all posts

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

A Description of the True Collective

Written by Mathew Naismith

I have had to totally restructure this post; I even changed the title from “Life beyond Religion, Control and Concepts” to “A Description of the True Collective”. Because I have a lot coming into right now to do with these topics, I am going to break this post up into two parts. In the first part I am going to insert a link to another post of mine which will show a complete discussion I had with a particular person on Dharma and karma.

The second part of this post will look into why each separate ideological concept and belief system is an important part of the collective; I will also show why we shouldn’t have disdain for such ideological concepts and belief systems that are not of our own. The bigger picture tells the truth behind each and every ideological concept and belief system I feel.  

Part 1

In recent days I’ve had an interesting conversation with another person mainly about karma and Buddha-dharma, this conversation was brought about by my last post titled, Dharma, Karma, Misjudgements and Judgment.  I would like to share the hole conversation within this post but it’s a little to lengthy, I will however point out a couple of the points of the discussion which I found interesting as below

“We are coming towards the fading of the true Buddha-dharma and the beginning of false teachings”.

My response to this was as follow, “What I get out of the Buddha-dharma is ending is that old religious ideological concepts are coming to an end, we must all learn to let go of our fixation to the old ideological concepts to take on the new, this sounds like the push and pull effect but it’s not.” 

The response to this was as follow,” Finally, karma is a universal law. It doesn't end just because the Buddha-dharma ends. The Buddha talked about it to bring out consciousness towards it. To be aware of its workings.

Please do not misunderstand. The Buddha-dharma once perfected has no concepts. It's not an ideology, it's a way of life, a way to change our life to view phenomena differently. To reduce sufferings and finally to end sufferings. Any attachment to a concept or ideology is a barrier to achieving this clarity and wisdom.”

My reply to the above, “Indeed Bob, the understanding I have is Buddha-dharma isn’t of control or religion, once this state is accomplished, there is no need for control and religion. Like I stated, only the ignorant or less aware need religion therefore to be controlled, otherwise they can do harm onto themselves and others.”

The complete discussion if anyone is interested.

Part 2

This conversation lead to realising that the consciousness we have been living in is like a jigsaw puzzle, or more precisely puzzles. Each part of the jigsaw makes up the pig picture, the absolute truth of that particular consciousness, I should state that every jigsaw puzzle represents a type of consciousness experienced, in our case an ego driven consciousness primarily influenced by ego. Each piece of this jigsaw is worthy for without these pieces we don’t have a complete picture, it's important to realise that each piece represents an ideological concept and belief systems for example, Buddhism and science, which make up the bigger picture, the completed jigsaw.  

I will now insert part of a reply I gave to another person in relation to spiritually aware trying to totally separate themselves from religion, basically separating themselves from the bigger picture, the completed jigsaw puzzle.

Look at it like this, every ideological concept and belief is a part of a jigsaw, each piece fits within a certain part of this jigsaw, now this jigsaw, when finished, shows us the bigger picture, when a piece is missing, are we going to have the whole big picture?  No, this is because part of the picture is missing because we have disdain for such pieces of ideological concepts and beliefs and discarded it as not being a part of us. 


Now look at the completely finishes jigsaw again, every piece has its own place within the jigsaw, what is the obvious thing that sticks out other than the big picture and that every piece has its place in the bigger picture? It’s all interconnected isn’t it as if it’s a collective?

Now what does this completed jigsaw mean other than a collective, a collective what?  

Each piece represents a separate ideological concept and belief, a separate consciousness state, that is until the jigsaw is completed. Once completed, all these ideological concepts and beliefs become one consciousness or an absolute truth of that one now completed consciousness. 

Each jigsaw when completed shows us the bigger picture but what is this bigger picture? 

Each jigsaw represents a conscious state that is influenced by certain traits unique to that conscious state, that completed jigsaw. In our case it’s ego which created chaos. Basically the bigger picture in our case shows us a picture of ego and chaos which is made up of numerous jigsaw pieces showing various degrees of ego which makes up a complete jigsaw puzzle, the bigger picture. One must remember, each piece is connected to the other, there is no true separation of consciousness.         



Now when every ideological concept and belief systems is expressed and accepted as a piece of the pig picture, our jigsaw is completed as fig.1 shows but as fig. 2 shows, this completed jigsaw is in within another frame, this frame is but another jigsaw that needs to be completed, in other words our completed jigsaw made up of ideological concept and belief systems like Buddhism and science for example, become but one piece of a much bigger jigsaw as fig.2.

Fig.3 shows but anther much larger jigsaw puzzle that the puzzles shown in 1 and 2 are but one piece of when completed themselves, in other words when each jigsaw puzzle is finished, this whole puzzle becomes another piece within an even bigger jigsaw puzzle, an even bigger picture as Fig.3 shows. Each jigsaw puzzle represents a type of consciousness experienced and expressed, this ever expansive consciousness has no boundaries therefore is infinite within it’s expansiveness and experiences.         

So what is this denoting, saying?  

It’s saying that there is no true absolute truth for consciousness is for ever expanding, it’s infinite within it’s expansiveness, this however doesn’t mean that when a jigsaw is finished this isn’t absolute truth, the finished jigsaw becomes absolute truth for that type of consciousness, once all the pieces come together, truth in our ideological concept and belief systems become known.  Each piece of the jigsaw on their own can only speak of absolute truth within that ideological concept and belief systems, these ideological concept and belief systems on their own do not tell us absolute truth without the completion of the jigsaw, the bigger picture.

What I am trying to relay here is that every ideological concept and belief is important to the bigger picture, to absolute truth, this means all ideological concepts and beliefs are important to the collective not just the ones that are personally and individually important to us. This of course can be hard to perceive until you start to perceive the bigger picture, the completed jigsaw puzzle within this consciousness.  

Sunday, 15 March 2015

Dharma, Karma, Misjudgements and Judgment

Written by Mathew Naismith

I’m going to try to put the following into perspective straight up, try to realise this is only my perspective  and shouldn’t be taken to heart.  

Karma = western hell + misjudgements + ignorance
Dharma = western heaven + judgment + awareness

This is basically stating that we can produce a heaven or hell on Earth or both simultaneously.  The following was my replies to certain other threads in relation to religion, spirituality, judgement and misjudgements but mainly to do if religion is viable or not, you might be a little surprised. 

G'day Lisa

"it is also a handy tool to control the masses"

I was just talking about this with a self-proclaimed atheist recently who believes in an afterlife, western religion in particular seems to be based on fear, this of course is to control the masses, can we just judge this as a bad thing though?

I think it’s a very good thing to control the masses if the masses are ignorant or unaware of their true nature for only in ignorance can we destroy. This kind of control based on fear stopped the masses from destroying themselves, however, as the dark ages proved, it can be used to be very destructive as well.

What does ignorance give us, unbiased or bias judgment? It of course gives us bias judgment (misjudgements), if we were to continually misjudge, we would indeed destroy ourselves. Control over this misjudgement saved us from ourselves to some extent.

Now the quote I made up, “For only in ignorance can we destroy”, is quite definable in that ignorance creates misjudgements and destruction, in actual fact only in awareness will we not destroy.

Basically what I am saying is religion, based on fear, is for the ignorant only for the ignorant need to be controlled to save them from themselves, the aware no longer need religion to control them by fear. Why are so many people pulling away from religion? I think it’s because we are becoming more aware.

G'day Rajendranath

Separating religion from spirituality is very hard to do especially when so many spiritually aware people use eastern religion to form their spirituality. The big difference between religion and spirituality is one is based on fear and the other one isn't or shouldn't be.

Let's look at karma which is an eastern concept, it's fear based but not quite to the same extent as going to hell but it's still based on fear. Spirituality itself isn't based on fear even though we have taken on the concept of karma within spirituality; we have the awareness that we could have to redeem ourselves in the next life if we don't practice in dharma.

You could define karma as living in ignorance and dharma as living in awareness, would we accumulate karma if we were truly aware? The answer is of course no so dharma is certainly in my mind in reference to awareness.  

Dharma is a religious concept practiced in Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Jainism, to practice in dharma is to be aware in my mind but of course you need to be aware to practice in dharma in the first place. What is one of the fundamental traits of dharma?  Unbiased judgment, this unbiased judgement quite automatically defuses (neutralises) bias judgments (misjudgements), in other words chaos and destruction.

You could also relate hell with karma and dharma with heaven; this to me wouldn’t be far from the truth, however not in the same context as when we die we go to hell. To me karma and dharma are saying heaven and hell can be created on Earth or even in the afterlife.

What I am saying is true spirituality is about dharma, an existence that is no longer based on fear but an awareness that no longer needs a fear based religion.    

I should point out that defining people ignorant or aware is determined by observation, being the observer, not judgement, is it a bad or good thing to be ignorant? It’s neither of course; it’s just another way to exist and experience consciousness.    

Monday, 2 December 2013

Repaying Karmic Debt

Written by Mathew Naismith

Who helps others repay their own debt?  If we are repaying our debt in this or the next life one cannot repay a debt without other people/souls assisting in this because usually a debt has occurred through other people/souls involvement in the first place.  For a scenario let’s say all of us became unconditional loving people, how would a debt be re-payed in this case? The problem is it wouldn’t because to repay a debt one needs others to either do the same onto them or chastise them in a way that they repay their debt, someone who’s unconditionally loving at the human level isn’t going to be able to help others in this way. You could also look at the people helping others repay their debt in this case as accumulating bad karma themselves thus adding to the collective debt however that’s not the case.

So in all people still paying their debt need others to help them repay their debt otherwise the cycle is just going to keep going on & on. This would seem it would take people/souls who aren’t unconditional loving to help with this however that really isn’t the case at all, why? What is more unconditionally loving, at the soul level, than to help others repay their debt even though at the human level this would mean not being unconditionally loving?  This is why when helping others repay their debt you yourself are not accumulating debt at the soul or human level unless you take on attachments of being wrong in some way.  One must be aware of this.

The reason I wrote this post up is recently I came across someone who is accumulating bad debt in this life, it’s pretty obvious she’s not helping to repay someone else’s debt because this lass has hurt a number of people for her own personal gain. Harassing disabled people until they leave their homes & most of their belongings isn’t what I would call accumulating dharma.

Anyway I stood back because realizing what was going on for the main fact I wasn’t called upon plus these people being hassled were making their own plans & thought they had everything under control. I soon stepped in realizing they were playing right into her hands. You can’t fraudulently hassle the average person out of their belongings & abode as this lass has done in the past as well but to behave in this manner towards people with disabilities isn’t tolerated at all. I soon contacted the appropriate authorities within the disability field of such mannerism towards these disabled people by able people & yes she will have to repay her karmic debt.  You would just have to think how many life times this soul has been doing this!!  The possibility of her going to jail is great because she was also fraudulent to the government while working as a supposed carer.  

In my human states of unconditional love I know I wouldn’t have acted because humanly it’s doesn’t feel unconditionally loving helping to send someone off to jail however at the soul level I wouldn’t be unconditionally loving towards the perpetrator & victims if I didn’t.