Written by Mathew Naismith
There would probably be a few people who couldn’t see humour
being an important part of spirituality but it is otherwise in certain states
of awareness one can go literally insane. Reprogramming the human brain isn’t
an easy thing to do as we are set into routine behavioural patterns from the
day we are born so to take on another behavioural pattern isn’t going to be
simple & this is where we can lose our humour if we had one to lose in the
first place.
“The most wasted of
all days is one without laughter.”
― E.E. Cummings
Humour is a part of spirituality.
--- Zooey Deschanel
Everyone is so afraid of death, but the real sufis just
laugh: nothing tyrannizes their hearts. What strikes the oyster shell does not
damage the pearl.”
— Mevlana Rumi
Learn to laugh. Seriousness is a sin, and it is a disease.
Laughter has tremendous beauty, a lightness. It will bring lightness to you,
and it will give you wings to fly.
--- Osho
“Spirituality is the door to our salvation; humour is the
key to unlocking this door”
--- Love Mathew
“Humour allows us to laugh at ourselves & eventually through
this we will learn to laugh at the seriousness of the world”
--- Love Mathew
Humour is a fundamental important factor in spiritual
awareness, before one decides to become spiritually aware one must be aware
enough to know that humour is a far greater asset than anything else at that
moment which will allow for a much smoother transition from our taught
behavioural patterns from birth to spiritual awareness. We might think quietening
the mind to meditate, praying/chanting or studying up on various spiritual
techniques is more important but it’s not, humour is.
Seriousness is a part of the negative ego & we can become
quite serious while conducting ourselves in various spiritual techniques &
practices, this is why, at times, we can become quite confused. Our conscious minds
are focused on what we are doing but our subconscious mind is doing overtime because
it knows there is a flaw within what we are doing while being so serious &
that of course is acting out the negative ego through being so serious when we
are supposed to be controlling the ego. There are many things that the subconscious
mind picks up on that the conscious mind doesn’t & this is one of them
however eventually our conscious mind, through spiritual awareness, becomes
much more aware & of course aware of what we have been doing while being so
serious. This initial trauma, which can last some time, can be averted if in
the first place we used humour to unlock the spiritual door instead of seriousness.
Yes one has to be focused at times but just because we are focused doesn’t mean
we have to be serious as well.
There are many times I will smile at myself in taking things
so seriously, of course this doesn’t happen when I’m in a serious mood but
afterwards when I’ve loosened up again, at times I will smile to myself out of
the blue.