Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Simply Not Knowing

Written by Mathew Naismith

A lot of people are feeling overwhelmed to what is going on in the world, the problem is the more aware we become, the more aware we will become of man's inhumanities. As it's a dog eat dog world in the natural environment, it's also a dog eat dog world in man's environment, it's perfectly natural for man, human consciousness, to be like this.

Accept human consciousness for what it is, it's not perfect because it's not meant to be perfect or always humane. The natural environment that influences us is passive at times and other times impassive, this is the same as humans are humane at times and inhumane at other times.

Also, try not to judge an environment negative or positive to excess, it is what it is, accept this before being overwhelmed by an environment.

We always have a choice to either be passive and human to being impassive and inhuman, just because our environment influences us to be a certain way, doesn't mean we have to go down that path. Yes, at times our choice is taken away from us but this too is a natural part of this reality, we don't always have control over our choice as our choice is but one of many in a collective consciousness.

I am an advocate against abuse/bullying, the reality at present is inundated with abuse and bullying. I don't allow this to overwhelm me as I know they know not what they do, if they did, they wouldn't be abusive or bullying, they simply couldn't be.

How do you judge something negative when it really does not know what it's doing?  When you are in the know, you simply can't......             

PS. People like me still at times judge our environment harshly, this too is a part of the environment, it's also a part of the process of becoming aware!!    

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